Move list
Normal Moves
Close Standing Normals
- Close A
- Close B
- Close C
- Close D:
Far Standing Normals
- Far A
- Far B
- Far C
- Far D
Standing Blowback
- st.CD –
Crouching Normals
- Crouch(ing) A
- Crouch(ing) B
- Crouch(ing) C
- Crouch(ing) D
Jumping Normals
- Jump(ing) A
- j.A –
- Jump(ing) B
- j.B –
- Jump(ing) C
- j.C –
- Jump(ing) D
- j.D –
- Jump(ing) Blowback
- j.CD –
Normal Throws
- - (throw) f./b. + C
- - (throw) f./b. + D
Command Normals
- f + A (Overhead (1) if not cancelled into.)
- df + B (Low.)
Special Moves
- hcf + P (Counterwire (last hit).) [11-18%]
- Mash P
- dp + A [9%]
- dp + C (Reflect projectiles.) [12%]
- qcb + P (May charge.)
- f + K (Same move as qcf + K.)
- b + K (Same move as qcb + K.)
- b + P (C: Reflect projectiles.)
- f + P
- Any special.
- (b) f + P [A: 9%] [C: 11%]
- qcf + K
- qcf + K
- b + P (Same move as qcb + P.)
- f + A
- Any special.
- f + C (Counterwire (2).)
Desperation Moves
- close, qcf qcf + P (Overhead (1).) [20%]
Contrary to popular belief, this move is not a 'proximity unblockable' and may actually be blocked - only high blocked as it is an overhead; it cannot be done if opponent is already in block stun, but other than that, as long as you are close, it can be done independent from the opponent status - laying on the floor, air recovering, jumping, knocked down, etc...)
- qcb hcf + P [22%]
- qcb hcf + AC [27%]
- f hcf + AC (May OTG. Counterwire (last hit).) [42%]
- cl.C (2) > [9%]
- f + A (2) > [11%]
- (S)DM qcb hcf + P/AC [33%/38%] {1/3 stocks}
- DM qcf qcf + P [31%] {1 stock}
- HSDM f hcf + AC (OTG. Close to the corner.) [58%] {+3 stocks}
- HSDM f hcf + ,AC [53%] {3 stocks}
- hcf + P > mash P [22-29%]
- dp + A [19%]
- f + A (1) > dp + C [22%]
- >>> DM qcf qcf + P... [42%] {2 stock}
- (b) f + A, [18%]
- dp + C (Corner) [29%]
- >>> DM qcf qcf + P... [49%] {2 stock}
- DM qcf qcf + P (Corner) ... [38%] {1 stock}
- df + B [18%]
- f + A (2) > [11%]
You may replace cl.C (2) for: cl.D (+0%) or cr.C (+~1%).
- st.C (2)
- (b) f + A, ...
- cr.B x 2 > [9%]
- f + A ...
- dp + A
- hcf + P ...
- DM qcf qcf + P ...
- dp + A [9%]
- DM qcf qcf + P (Corner. Very close.) [29%] {1 stock}