Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All Stars/Yatterman-2/Combos

From SuperCombo Wiki



Video Notation Notes
2ABCL Shield   [2B2CL ShieldSuper Passion x3]   BC3C   sjc   j.C Impractical corner loop.
Video Notation Notes
ThrowYatterstep C Good throw punish.
Video Notation Notes
2ABCL Shield   66   2ABCYatterstep ABBQ   66   A2B3C   sjc   j.B   j.BB Spin The Yatterstep can be replaced with B or C if you're feeling confident on the mixup.
Video Notation Notes
AB2BC   sjc   j.B   j.BYatterstep C The Yatterstep works as long as there isn't a screen fly.

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