Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All Stars/Modding

From SuperCombo Wiki

Texture Replacements

Green Screen Pack

A pack of mods to help hide elements or just green screen the stage

Texture Mod Description Download Link Credit
Green Screen Textures for Training Mode Hides most elements in the training stage, ideal for video editing. Download Jaaaames
Invisible HUD Removes health bars, character portraits, meters, and other HUD elements for a cleaner display. Download Jaaaames
Invisible Damage Numbers Hides damage numbers, hit counts, and other combo details for a minimal look. Download Jaaaames
Invisible Combo Words Hides in-fight text such as "Tatsunical," "Baroque," "Cross Over," "Advanced Guard," etc. Download Jaaaames

HD Texture Pack (Version 0.7)

Item Details
Original Source Reddit Post
Credit President Magikarp
Overview The HD Texture Pack. This texture pack is safe to use during netplay and offers significant visual improvements to character models, stages, and more.
Version 0.7 Updates
  • HD fight portraits have been added for all characters except PTX-40A and Lightan.
  • Updated static effect on KO'd characters and unavailable assists.
  • Low-resolution textures remain for some in-fight elements.
Item Details
Current Version Version 0.7
Known Issues
  • Saki's fight portrait for 1P assist is low-resolution.
  • Batsu's fight portraits need improvement.
  • Nearly all characters with four costumes do not have high-resolution textures for color 4.
  • In-fight text for SNAPBACK is low-resolution.
  • Arcade mode ending artwork for every character except Chun-Li is not finished.
How to Install
  1. Download the texture pack from the link below.
  2. Move the .zip file to My Documents\Dolphin Emulator\ResourcePacks.
  3. In Dolphin, go to Tools > Resource Pack Manager, select the texture pack from the list, and click Install.
  4. Go to Graphics > Advanced, and check Load Custom Textures.
  5. If your system has 8 GB or more of RAM, enable Prefetch Custom Textures to reduce stuttering.
Download Download HD Texture Pack


Scene Before After
Loading Screen TVC-Loading-Screen-Before.webp TvC-Loading-After.webp
Daigo Temple (Cherry Blossom) TvC-CherryBlossom-Before.webp TvC-CherryBlossom-After.webp

Custom Texture Pack by KBeast

Playstation Button Icons by Lucky Star

Media Fire Link

Do it yourself by DoctorSc1ence

Custom Music Setup Guide

Source: GitHub Repository for Custom Music Setup

Credit: Keits for asking the hard questions, MGF for making the code, Pops for salvaging it from the internet dumpster and Frankensteining it back to life.

Step 1: Download the necessary files Inside the provided zip file in the GitHub page above, you'll find two folders: Riivolution and Tutorial 2nd.
Step 2: Setting up the Riivolution folder
  • Navigate to your PC's Documents folder.
  • Follow this path: Documents\Dolphin Emulator\Load.
  • Place the contents of the zip file's Riivolution folder inside Load.

The path should look like this: Documents\Dolphin Emulator\Load\Riivolution.

Folder Structure Example
├── config (Folder)
├── boot.elf
├── icon.png
├── meta.xml
├── readme.txt
└── TVCUAS.xml
Step 3: Setting up Music
  • Navigate to the Tutorial 2nd folder.
  • Open BCSM-GUIv1.5, then run BCSM-GUI.exe.
  • Add your .mp3 file, queue it, and convert it to .brstm.
  • Move the .brstm file from Tutorial 2nd\BCSM-GUIv1.5\library to the brstm folder.
Running the Start.bat Script
  • Return to the Tutorial 2nd folder and run Start.bat.
  • Enter the name of the .brstm file you created (e.g., fort for fort.brstm).
  • The script will ask which stage to replace. For example, replacing the training stage will generate stage_17.ssd.
  • Move the .ssd and bgm.srt files to Documents\Dolphin Emulator\Load\TVCUAS.
Step 4: Starting the Game
  1. Open Dolphin, right-click on the TvC game, and choose Start with Riivolution patches.
  2. Open Riivolution XML, then open TvCUAS.xml.
  3. Ensure that custom music is enabled.
  4. Start the game.
  5. If done correctly, you will have custom music playing.


Why is my sound clipping, static-like, or sounding slow? The bgm.srt file may be out of sync with the playlist. Replace it with the latest .srt generated during the start.bat process.
Why are my .brstm files making a horrible scratching sound? If your .brstm files are under 50KB, they cannot hold any data. Ensure the length variable is set correctly in the file properties during the conversion process.
How do I loop a track?
  • Use Audacity to find and set loop points:
  • Highlight the portion of the track you want to loop.
  • Check the sample points at the bottom of the Audacity window.
  • Set loop points using the sample numbers and export the looped track.
  • Convert it to .brstm using BCSM-GUI, which will recognize the loop points.
ERROR: Cannot open tmp/C12R.dsp for reading! Generate an empty folder called "tmp" in the same directory as BCSM-GUI.exe.

Baroque Edition Mod

Feature Details
Mod Title Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars - Baroque Edition!
Overview Baroque Edition is a fan mod that gives every character a total of 4 assists. This mod was created "For Fun" and is not intended for serious competition. Different assists are selected by choosing different costume colors, allowing new combinations and potentially creating better, more broken synergies between characters.
Source Baroque Edition Mod Document by Jaaaames
Creator and the main person to thank for this mod ......once again, Jaaaames

Assist Selection (Gamecube Controller)

Button Costume Assist
Light 1 1
Heavy 2 2
Medium 3 3
Partner 4 4


Limitation Details
Character Duplication Due to the game's programming, you cannot have two of the same character in a match with different assists. The assist for a character is determined by load order, meaning the first instance of the character will overwrite others with different assists.
Load Order
  1. 1P Point
  2. 2P Point
  3. 1P Anchor
  4. 2P Anchor
Example 1 If Ryu with Assist 3 is on 1P Point and Ryu with Assist 4 is on 2P Point, both will have Assist 3 due to 1P Point loading first.
Example 2 If Ryu with Assist 4 is on 2P Point and Ryu with Assist 1 is on 1P Anchor, both will have Assist 4 due to 2P Point loading first.

Other Inclusions

Feature Details
Stage Burning Wasteland replaced with Ark of Yamato.
Music Japanese Training Stage music.
  • All costumes wear helmets.
  • Light Ammo changed to Wallbounce + Hits Low.
  • Costumes 3 & 4 are Lilith.
  • Costume 2: Hitstun slightly increased on Heavy Hadangeki for better assist functionality.
  • Made faster (possibly too fast for Lightan).

Known Limitations

Known Limitation Description
Character Duplication No support for two of the same character with different assists.
Balance Issues Some new assists may not be balanced and can lead to unblockable setups or introduce high/low hitting moves, armor, wallbounces, etc.

How to Patch the Game

Step Instructions
Step 1: Requirements
  1. Your ISO/WBFS of Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars and Dolphin.
  2. Wiimms Iso Tool (Download Wiimms Iso Tool). Use the Cygwin (Windows) version.
  3. Baroque Edition files + Wiimms ISO Scripts (Download here).
Step 2: Install Wiimms Iso Tool Run the installer as Administrator. Restart your computer if necessary.
Step 3: Extract Baroque Edition files Extract the files and scripts into a new folder.
Step 4: Place your TvC ISO/WBFS Copy your TvC ISO or WBFS file into the same folder.
Step 5: Run Extract ISO/WBFS Run the script depending on the file format (ISO/WBFS) you have. It will extract the game files into a folder titled: workdir.tmp.
Step 6: Move Baroque Edition Files Move the "files" folder from the Baroque Edition files into the workdir.tmp folder, replacing any existing files.
Step 7: Compile the ISO/WBFS Run Compile ISO/WBFS depending on your desired file type (WBFS is recommended due to smaller file size). The new file will be in a folder titled new-image.
Step 8: Rename and move the file Rename the file for easier identification, then move it to your Dolphin game folder.
Step 9: Load a save file Download a save file with all characters and costumes unlocked from GameFAQs.

Known Issues

Issue Details
Ryu and Chun-Li Slide after their assists.
Post-Assist Behavior Some characters don't taunt after assists due to being airborne post-assist.
Morrigan Assist 4 Lacks spikes.
Assist Recovery A few assists recover faster than normal.
Cinematic Assists May behave erratically but will reset after the match.

Eddienput 2.0 Guide - Tatsunoko vs Capcom

Item Details
Last Updated 2024.02.09
Overview Eddienput (pronounced "edd-input") is a programmable virtual controller aimed at enhancing training mode for all fighting games on PC. This guide explains how to set up Eddienput for Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars.
Source Eddienput Guide Document by Jaaaames
Documentation Eddienput Documentation
Download Eddienput v2.0 Beta Download Eddienput v2.0 Beta
YouTube Trailer Eddienput 2.0 Trailer

Eddienput Setup

Step Instructions
Step 1: Download the necessary files Download and extract Eddienput_2.0.zip. Place the necessary files in the appropriate directories.
Step 2: Download Dolphin Controller Profile Download the Dolphin Controller Profile. Place the .ini file in USER > Documents > Dolphin Emulator > Config > Profiles > GCPAD.
Step 3: Download TvC Button Config File Download the tvc.json file. Place it in the configs folder of your extracted Eddienput folder.
Step 4: Download the Test Script Download the test script. Save this file wherever you can easily find it.

Testing Setup

Step Instructions
Step 1 Open Dolphin and load Tatsunoko vs Capcom.
Step 2 Open Eddienput.exe (this creates a virtual Xinput controller).
Step 3 In Dolphin, go to Controllers, set Port 2 as a Standard Controller, and configure it.
Step 4 In the profile section, load the Eddienput profile.
Step 5 Set P2’s controls to the default settings in TvC. If necessary, temporarily configure Port 2 to your main controller to adjust settings.
Step 6 In Training Mode, select your team and opponents. Set Dummy Action to Player, and in Player Settings, enable Free Baroque.
Step 7 In Eddienput, select Recording File and load the tvc_test.txt script.
Step 8 Return to TvC and press F3. The dummy should perform the input sequence: A, B, C, 2A, 2B, 2C, P (Wavedashing).

Script Writing and Playback

Item Details
Script Example
# TvC Test file for Eddienput

L W60 M W60 H W60 2+L W60 2+M W60 2+H W60 P W60

loop 10
6 W1 9 W6 6 W1 9 W6 4 W1 7 W6 4 W1 7

Configuring Notation The tvc.json file contains notation for both ABCP and LMHP commands. You can modify the tvc.json file to add your own custom macros.

Recording and Playback

Step Instructions
Step 1: Recording Make sure your Xinput controller is plugged in before opening Eddienput. Your controller should appear as XInput/0/Gamepad and Eddienput as XInput/1/Gamepad.
Step 2: Open Eddienput.exe Check that it displays "XInput controller detected! Recording is enabled."
Step 3: Recording Select the Recording Configuration File and load the rec_tvc.json file from your extracted Eddienput folder.
Step 4: In TvC Go to Training Mode, set up your team and opponents, and start recording by pressing F10. Perform your desired actions and press Select (Back on Xbox controllers) to stop the recording.
Step 5: Playback Your recording will be saved as recording.txt in the playbacks folder of Eddienput.

Frame Data Tool

Item Details
Developer Labrys
Tool Source Frame Data Tool on GitHub
Overview The Frame Data Tool for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom provides live frame data directly from Dolphin and is designed to help with analyzing the game in real-time.


Feature Description
Live Frame Data Provides live frame data during gameplay.
Compatibility Can be used while running Dolphin alongside TvC.


Step Instructions
Step 1 Open Dolphin and load Tatsunoko vs Capcom.
Step 2 Download the tool from GitHub and open it. Follow the on-screen instructions for further configuration.
Step 3: Notes This tool was built for an older version of Dolphin, and it has not been updated since 2020. There is no guarantee of compatibility with newer versions of Dolphin.

Note: As this tool has not been updated since 2020, it may not be fully supported or compatible with the latest versions of Dolphin.

Hex-Editing (Animation/Hitboxes)

Massive Credit to Jaaaames, who compiled this originally here Note: This data is based on observations and is still under review.

Animation Start

The animation starts at the beginning of a physical attack. The typical structure looks as follows:

04 01 60 00 00 00 01 E8 3F 00 00 00 00 00 01 XX 01 3C 00 00 00 00 16 10

Animation Types
Attack Type Animation Code
Standard 01 00 01 3C
Light Attack 01 01 01 3C
Medium Attack 01 02 01 3C
Heavy Attack 01 03 01 3C
Crouching Light Attack TBD

Directional Input Alters Attack Button

Commands can be modified with directional inputs, similar to command normals.

(04 01 60 00 00 00 45 FC 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 01)

Seen with Roll's attack, which starts at 04 03 60. More research is needed to understand this pattern.

Pointer to Alternate Attacks

Some attacks point to alternate versions depending on the direction:

Attack Pointers
Attack Points To
Medium Attack Forward Medium
Heavy Attack Crouching Heavy
Crouching Heavy Launcher

Meter Gain

Players gain meter by simply pressing an attack button, regardless of whether it hits or whiffs. Meter gain is most likely proportional to the attack's damage:

34 04 00 20 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 36 43 00 20 00 00 00 36 43 00 20 00 00 00 XX 00 00 00 04

Meter Gain by Attack Type
Attack Type Meter Gain Value
Light Attack 32
Medium Attack 64
Heavy Attack 96
Special Attack C8

Animation Speed

The speed at which the attack animation plays can be modified, usually in special moves with different speeds based on light, medium, or heavy versions.

04 01 02 3F 00 00 01 XX 01 3C 00 00 00 00 YY YY 33 35 20 3F 00 00 00 ZZ

Animation Speed Modifiers
Speed Type Modifier Value
Normal Speed 64
Faster ZZ > 64
Slower ZZ < 64

Active Frames

The active frames determine the time window during which the attack can deal damage. Here's the pattern to track active frames:

20 35 01 20 3F 00 00 00 XX 00 00 00 3F 00 00 00 YY 07 01 60


  • XX is the start of the active frame
  • YY is the end
Active Frame Examples
Example Active Start (XX) Active End (YY) Total Active Frames
Example 1 05 06 2 frames
Example 2 07 07 1 frame

Attack Damage

The damage is encoded in hexadecimal and varies based on attack strength. Here's the typical structure:

35 10 20 3F 00 XX XX XX 00 00 00 3F 00 00 00 YY

Attack Damage by Strength
Attack Type Damage Value (XX)
Light 04
Medium 08
Heavy 0C

Attack Properties

These values determine how an attack is blocked or its hit properties. Here are some common properties:

04 01 60 00 00 00 02 40 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 XX

Attack Properties
Attack Property Value
Unblockable 04
Mid, Light Hit 09
Mid, Heavy Hit 0C
Low, Heavy Hit 24

Hitbox Properties

The hitbox size and position are defined within the following format:

FF FF FF FE 35 0D 20 3F 00 00 00 X1 00 00 00 3F

Where X1 and X2 determine hitbox size and location. For example, Frank's 5A move contains two hitboxes.

Knockback Distance

Defines how far the opponent is launched after getting hit:

35 XX XX 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 BD 23 D7 0A 3D 75 C2 8F

Knockback Types
Knockback Type Knockback Value
Vertical Knockback 07 37
Horizontal Knockback 09 00

Game Navigation


Capcom Characters

Tatsunoko Characters
