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(Drill Arm) A B 2B 6B Arm Switch Forward Shield 5B 3C sjc j.B j.6B Machine Gun Sweep | Combo confirm from Drill Arm; you can switch to any arm but shield has the wall bounce setup. |
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(Fist starter) A B 2B 3C sjc j.B 6B Switch to Shield j.B 6B Drill Switch 5B 3B Shield Switch A B 3C sjc Machine Gun Sweep | Example of weapon switching mid combo; there are many iterations you can perform, but this one is fairly straightforward. |
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(Fist Starter) A B 2B 6B Drill Switch A B 3B Shield Switch A B 3C sjc j.B 6B B 3C sjc j.6B Machine Gun Sweep | His basic BnB; meter efficient, saves baroque, easy to do; definitely pull it as a route if you're starting off. |
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(Fist) B 2B 6B Drill Switch A B 3B Fist Switch 5B 2B 6B Drill Switch 5B 3B Shield Switch A B Max Power Drill Uppercut | Dirty mixup with Volnutt; if you switch drill 3B extremely early, you can remain same side by doing 5B which pushes Volnutt's hitbox forward, letting you start a combo over; do what you will with this. |
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A B 2B 6B BBQ IAD j.B j.B Shield Switch j.B j.B 6B Drill Switch 5B 3B Shield Switch A B 3C sjc j.6B Machine Gun Sweep | Low BBQ combo to take advantage of BBQ boost; Volnutt is very efficient on not needing BBQ for most of his combos, but if you have stock and the opponent has no burst, get that damage in. |
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A B 2B 6B Max Power Shining Laser Machine Gun Sweep | In the event that you waste your meter using this super, here is a follow up; I apologize for your loss. |
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A B 2B 6B Weapon Switch Drill IAD j.B j.B 3B Weapon Switch Shield j.B j.B 6B Weapon Switch Drill 66 5B 3B Weapon Switch Fist 9 6B Weapon Switch Forward | Quick little box crossup; toss an assist in there and you got a nice little mixup going. |
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A B 2B 6B Weapon Switch Drill IAD j.B j.B 3B Weapon Switch Fist j.B j.B 3B Forward Weapon Switch | Same as above but a little faster; if you want some variety in your overhead crossups. |
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A B 2B 6B Weapon Switch Drill 5B 3B Weapon Switch Fist 5B [2A x ??] | Requires a little hesitancy from your opponent, but this takes advantage of TvC's vacuum effect to give Volnutt an infinite. If you combine it with the condor glitch, then it's a true infinite barring megacrash. The first few 2As have to be staggered or your opponent will be too far for it to connect but that's not entirely bad as that just means your infinite combo is now an infinite blockstring. |