Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All Stars/Casshan/Combos

From SuperCombo Wiki



Video Notation Notes
AB2BCA Denko PunchBBQB FrienderAB2BCB Denko3C   sjc   j.B   j.B   j.C Stylish dog combo; the Friender link is very tight.
Video Notation Notes
AB2BC3C   sjc   j.B   j.B   j.C Basic air combo; can follow up with Brutal Axe.
Video Notation Notes
AB2BC3C   sjc   j.B   j.BC Drill Kick Basic air combo with Drill ender; this is for combos where hitstun scaling hasn't kicked in too far. If it has, you have to use j.C instead; this way is easier to hit with Brutal Axe anywhere on screen.
Video Notation Notes
AB2BCA DenkoBBQAB2BCB Denko2B3C   sjc   j.BC Drill KickBrutal Axe Standard BnB.
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AB2BCA KneeBBQAB2BC3C   sjc   j.B   j.B   j.C Megacrash safe string.
Video Notation Notes
Charged C DenkoM Dive KickBrutal Axe
Video Notation Notes
AB2BCM Denko PunchBBQH Friender   66   B2B3C   sjc   j.B   j.B   j.C Dog Combo. The link from BBQ to H Friender is a little tight, there may be screen lock shenanigans in place but I dunno.

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Capcom Characters

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