Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All Stars/Alex/Strategy

From SuperCombo Wiki

The Basics

The basic easy mode strategy is to j.C while calling an assist, makes alex safe and you don't have to think much.

BUT, if you want a less brain dead approach, you're going to have to be lame. Hold back, eat the projectiles, when you see an opening, let loose a B or C elbow slash or an IAD j.B. If the slash connects, you can baroque and combo with anything including a launching. If the j.B hits you can 5B into launcher.

Even better if they block you can just jump up and grab em for having the audacity of being in your range.

On all hits you should be buffering an elbow slash whenever possible, the charge time for alex is insanely low, even just [1]C is enough for a slash or stomp to be ready to go.

Knee Drop and Powerbomb are unblockable so if anyone is in your air space feel free to let loose, if you have BBQ, Knee smash is 100% safe and can be thrown with no regard to anything.

Advanced Strategy

Okay you made it this far, here's the deal. Zero is gonna be flying away from you, Frank is gonna be tossing zombies, and Saki will be in her corner in the sky and there is nothing you can do about that. Here's the flowchart

As mentioned above, eat projectiles, any special attack builds red life, so you can elbow slash, and bbq into a block to close the distance. If anyone jumps for any reason, knee smash will scare them into either staying low or maintaining distance. If they maintain distance, keep up the slashes and repeat.

However if they stay low, it's your turn. You can keep doing YOLO elbows if you wish, it's not a bad strat at all. If hit, you BBQ or partner to combo, if blocked, you do the same except now you're in their face. Even on trade you have red life to keep pressuring them.

If you are in their face, 2B 5C is a quick can opener. The 2B forces low, and the 5C is the overhead, however if they are anticipating the 5C, you can [1]C instead. you know what, even if they block the 5C, do the [1]C anyway, and even if they block that, you can stomp that or go back to yolo slashes as mentioned above.

If you aren't really in their face, you can YOLO slash some more, or IAD j.B, j.B will either beat or trade most air to air interactions and if they are grounded, it will hit them at a little under max normal jump height, if timed right you can get a rather ambiguous crossup. If the j.B is blocked air to air you can toss out another j.B, then shorthop and power bomb em for again threatening your territory. If the j.B gets hit with an advancing guard you can knee smash which will ignore their plea for mercy or you can BBQ which pretends the advancing guard never existed and actually keeps them suspended in midair so you can IAD powerbomb them helplessly.

Looking for mobility? Alex doesn't have it, EXCEPT for his VAR boost. By jumping and doing an IAD --> then j.C --> then performing a VAR, Alex will violently move in the direction that he IAD'd in. So you may see some Alex players at full screen perform super jump j.C baits.

Last is meter management which is already important in TvC but extra important for Alex, a single burst will undo all your hard work. If you're good at burst baits this isn't an issue, but other wise you need to be keeping your opponent at near or under 1.3 meter while managing your red life, use your partner to help close the gap, as long as Alex has around ~8% BBQ, he can do some decent damage.

Or do what everyone else does and hold Alex on Anchor so you can kill them off a single VAR powerbomb

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