How to select this Game
In SFZ:FG (NTSC/J) Beat Street Fighter Zero, Zero 2, Zero 2 Arrange, Zero 2 Alpha, Zero 2 Alpha Arrange, Zero 3, Zero 3 Arrange and Super Gem Fighter's Mini Mix (Pocket Fighter). This only has to be done once. The fastest way to do this is to use the lowest setting for the CPU and the highest setting for damage while setting the number of rounds to 1.
Hold down "Select" and choose Street Fighter Zero in the game select screen.
In SFAA (NTSC/U) Beat Street Fighter Alpha 3 on any settings to unlock Street Fighter Alpha 3 Arrange (Secret Game 1). Then beat all available games on any setting, in any order (including Alpha 3 Arrange) to unlock Hyper Street Fighter Alpha.
Hold down "Select" and choose Street Fighter Alpha in the game select screen.
Joystick Notation
- F - Forward - Tilt stick forward/towards the opponent. (X-axis)
- B - Backward/Back - Tilt stick backward/away from the opponent. (X-axis)
- U - Up - Tilt stick upwards. (Y-axis)
- D - Down - Tilt stick downwards. (Y-axis)
- QCF - Quarter circle forward/Hadouken/Fireball - Tilt stick downwards, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
- QCB - Quarter circle backward - Tilt stick downwards, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
- HCF - Half circle forward - Tilt stick backwards, then to downwards and backward, then to downward, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
- HCB - Half circle backward - Tilt stick forwards, then to downwards and forward, then to downward, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
- DP - Dragon punch - Tilt stick forwards, then to downward, then to downward and forward.
- 360/FC - Full circle - Complete a full rotation of the stick.
- 720 - N/A - Complete a 720 degree rotation of the stick.
- Charge - Hold a tilt - Hold the stick in either B or D (Depending) then move to F or U respectively.
X-axis functions can be used interchangeably with Y-axis functions and vice versa. X-axis functions cannot be used in conjunction with another X-axis function and vice versa.
Six Button Notation
Expressed in the form: Notation - Move - (PS2 Default Map)
- LP - Weak/Light/Low/Jab Punch - (Square)
- MP - Medium/Middle/Strong Punch - (Triangle)
- HP - Heavy/Hard/High/Fierce Punch - (R1)
- P - Any punch (Square/Triangle/R1)
- LK - Weak/Light/Low/short Kick - (X)
- MK - Medium/Middle/Strong Kick - (Circle)
- HK - Heavy/Hard/High/Roundhouse Kick - (R2)
- K = Any kick - (C/Circle/R2)
Occasionally people may use "Notation" and "Move" interchangeably.
- +: Used between two other pieces of notation to signify that they should be performed at the same time. i.e. "X" + "Y", "X" should be performed at the same time as "Y".
e.g. F + MP
- -> (Sometimes > or ,): Indicates the next part of a sequence. i.e. "X" -> "Y" -> "Z", After "X" is performed, "Y" should follow, then "Z".
e.g. MP Shoryuken -> HP Shoryuken
- xx (Sometimes x): Used between two other pieces of notation to signify that the first should be cancelled (Interrupted earlier than it would finish otherwise) into the second. i.e. "X" xx "Y", "X" should be cancelled into "Y". Moves can be cancelled from in ascending manner in this way: Normals > Specials > Supers.
e.g. MP, HP xx Super
- ~: Indicates that the preceding action should link (immediately follow with) into the next action. i.e. "X" ~ "Y", "X" should be followed immediately by "Y"
e.g. LK ~ MP ~ HP
- /: Used to show when two or more options are available at that point in a sequence, invariably to show that they both produce similar if not identical results.
State Modifiers
- s. - The following move should be performed in the standing position (neutral in the Y-axis). i.e. s."X", perform "X" whilst standing.
- c. - The following move should be performed in the crouched position (held down in the Y-axis). i.e. c."X", perform "X" whilst crouching.
- j. - The following move should be performed in the "in the air" position (After having held up in the Y-axis). i.e. j."X", perform "X" whilst in the air.
Miscellaneous Notation
Game Mechanics
This section of the article refers to the new Mechanics in HSFA ONLY. There is information regarding the former releases from the series at the following links:
The New ISMs
Green S-Ism
To select Green S-Ism select SFA3, highlight Normal mode (green), hold start and press left or right, select with any button.
Green S-Ism gives your character access to ground and air Chains, Push Block and Alpha Counter. While in this mode your character will have their A-Ism move set. It is speculated that this is in reference to the Darkstalkers engine as it has great similarities.
Ground and Air Chains
- The chains seem to follow that of MvC2 and go in the Magic Series order of Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce and Roundhouse, although they aren't as easy to cancel and have pretty strict timing, more so than SFA. It appears you can only chain in the recovery of your initial attack, so learning the timing is necessary.
Push Block
- To perform the defensive manoeuvre known as Push Block hit forward and all three punch buttons while you are in block stun. If performed properly your character will get covered by a round shield and your opponent will be sent skidding across the screen.
Alpha Counter
- Alpha Counters referred to in this particular ISM are performed slightly differently than normal, and are performed with a regular Dragon Punch motion with three punches for high or three kicks for low while in block stun.
Blue S-Ism
To select Blue S-Ism select SFA3, highlight Mazi mode (blue), hold start and press left or right, select with any button.
Blue S-Ism gives gives your character access to Super Cancelling and Parrying. While in this mode your character will have their X-Ism move set. It is speculated that this is in reference to Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike as it has great similarities.
Super Cancelling
- Super Cancelling is the name for the ability to cancel a Special move into a Super move allowing it to combo. You can also cancel mid screen to either increase range or for crazy mix-ups, so there's quite a variety for it's uses. For more information on super cancelling see... ????
- Parrying is the ability to avoid your opponents attack and counter accordingly. To Parry press forward at the moment of impact attack for high attacks and down at the moment of impact for low attacks. The time you have to Parry is speculated to be somewhere between CvS2 and 3S, no-one's quite sure yet. It seems you can't attack instantly like in 3rd Strike, but only in the recovery of your opponents move.
Pink S-Ism
To select Pink S-Ism select SFA3, highlight Saikyo mode (Pink), hold start and press left or right, select with any button.
Pink S-Ism allows the original Street Fighter 2 cast, Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Dhalsim, Zangeif, E. Honda, Blanka, Guile, Vega (Claw), Balrog (Boxer), Sagat and M. Bison (Dictator) to take form of their Championship Edition counterparts. This means high damage, no Supers. No other characters can select this Ism.
Red S-Ism
To select Red S-Ism select SFA3, highlight Classic mode (Red), hold start and press left or right, select with any button.
Red S-Ism changes certain characters move sets to resemble those from the vs series. The currently found character changes are:
- Vega/M.Bison - Shin Bison
- Guy - Teleport - D, D + button
- Ken
- Vs animation on Hadouken and Shoryuken
- Big aerial Hadouken - QCF + P in air
- Akuma
- Vs animation on Hadouken and Shoryuken
- Big Super Hadouken, aerial and ground
- Sakura
- Vs animation on Hadouken
- Vs anti air Hadouken - QCB + P
- Vs aerial Hadouken - QCF + P in air
- Teleport - DP + PPP/KKK
- Shun Goku Satsu - LP, LP, Forward, LK, HP
- Ryu - Shin Shoryuken - QCF, QCF + K
- Evil Ryu
- Vs animation on Hadouken
- Big aerial Hadouken - QCF + P in air
- Dive Kick - Apex of jump press D + MK
- Dan - Vs animation on normal and super Gadoken
- Charlie - Vs aerial flash kick - QCF + K in air
- Dhalsim
- Vs animation on Yoga Fire, Yoga Flame and Yoga Breath
- Aerial fireball - QCF + P in air
It is too early for the time being for a tier list to have formed.
- Work your opponent into the corner. This is a bad position for anyone to be in, in any game, and you should learn to exploit the benefits it gives you.
- Make sure that you understand which form your opponent will be taking. This is especially important in a game with this many character variations.
- Always stay sharp for slow moves. If you see one of these, be ready to alpha counter if you block it. (Or indeed, just punish if it whiffs)
The Characters
There are a lot of different variations possible for various characters in HSFA. Rather than produce duplicate information, these links will lead you to strategy pages for the respective character according to which version of the character you are using. These pages may (for the SFA 1-3) series be found through the appropriate strategy page for that game. The link within separate parenthesis at the end refers to the specific page dealing with the new ISM versions of that characters.
You should also note that progress formatting will only apply to the Hyper article for that character, as the housing game article for the other links will already have included the progress formatting for those links.
List Form
Adon (Alpha 1, Alpha 2 [Gold], Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Akuma (Alpha 1, Alpha 2 [Gold], Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Balrog (Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Birdie (Alpha 1, Alpha 2 [Gold], Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Blanka (Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Cammy (Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Charlie (Alpha 1, Alpha 2 [Gold], Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Chun-Li (Alpha 1, Alpha 2 [Gold], Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Cody (Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Dan (Alpha 1, Alpha 2 [Gold], Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Dee-Jay (Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Dhalsim (Alpha 2 [Gold], Alpha 3) (Hyper)
E. Honda (Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Evil Ryu (Alpha 2 [Gold], Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Fei-Long (Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Gen (Alpha 2 [Gold], Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Guile (Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Guy (Alpha 1, Alpha 2 [Gold], Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Juli (Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Juni (Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Karin (Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Ken (Alpha 1, Alpha 2 [Gold], Alpha 3) (Hyper)
M. Bison (Alpha 1, Alpha 2 [Gold] , Alpha 3) (Hyper)
R. Mika (Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Rolento (Alpha 2 [Gold], Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Rose (Alpha 1, Alpha 2 [Gold], Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Ryu (Alpha 1, Alpha 2 [Gold], Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Sagat (Alpha 1, Alpha 2 [Gold], Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Sakura (Alpha 2 [Gold], Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Sodom (Alpha 1, Alpha 2 [Gold], Alpha 3) (Hyper)
T. Hawk (Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Vega (Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Zangief (Alpha 2 [Gold], Alpha 3) (Hyper)
Tabular Form
Alpha 1?
Alpha 2 [Gold]?
Alpha 3? |
Hyper? |
Typically, for most tournaments, the Pink ISM (or CE-ISM) is banned, as it gives several characters infinites, and makes them far too over powered on the whole. The extent of the broken-ness is such that it is not worth selecting any other ISM than Pink ISM if you are intending on competing.
Characters |
Adon - Akuma - Birdie - Charlie - Chun-Li - Dan - Guy - Ken - M.Bison - Rose - Ryu - Sagat - Sodom |
Characters |
Adon - Akuma - Birdie - Charlie - Chun-Li - Dan - Dhalsim - Evil Ryu - Gen - Guy - Ken - M.Bison - Rolento - Rose - Ryu - Sagat - Sakura - Sodom - Zangief |
Characters |
Adon - Akuma - Balrog - Birdie - Blanka - Cammy - Charlie - Chun-Li - Dee-Jay - Cody - Dan - Dhalsim - Eagle - E.Honda - Evil Ryu - Fei-Long - Gen - Guile - Guy - Ingrid - Juli - Juni - Karin - Ken - Maki - M.Bison - R.Mika - Rolento - Rose - Ryu - Sagat - Sakura - Sodom - T. Hawk - Vega - Yun - Zangief |
Characters |
Adon - Akuma - Balrog - Birdie - Blanka - Cammy - Charlie - Chun-Li - Dee-Jay - Cody - Dan - Dhalsim - E.Honda - Evil Ryu - Fei-Long - Gen - Guile - Guy - Juli - Juni - Karin - Ken - M.Bison - R.Mika - Rolento - Rose - Ryu - Sagat - Sakura - Sodom - T. Hawk - Vega - Zangief |