Marvel VS Capcom: Infinite/Thanos

From SuperCombo Wiki

Mvci logo.png


Mvci Thanos.png

One of the most iconic Marvel villains from both film and comics alike, Thanos is a godlike being boasting a vast array of abilities; telekinesis, teleportation, energy projection, as well as superhuman strength and intelligence, and even an inability to die of hunger or old age. While this all makes Thanos a potent foe for the various comic heroes he clashes with, he is perhaps most famous for the storylines where he seeks the powerful cosmic artifact known as the Infinity Gauntlet, leading to him wiping out half of all life in the universe in an attempt to bring balance to it once he gets his hands on the Infinity Stones that power the Infinity Gauntlet.
In a nutshell
The Mad Titan is a heavy-hitting character with projectiles, armored overheads, a projectile counter, air dashes and a teleport; a shockingly versatile toolkit for an archetype so usually built around limitations. Thanos can keep opponents guessing with his offense, and create mix ups with a tracking teleport that not even characters at super jump height can avoid. He also does heavy damage and is a great character to pair with anyone who struggles in that category. His projectile counter is also a strong way to stop zoners, with a huge hitbox that hits nearly full screen. Pick Thanos if you want a character who'll live long, hit hard, and can still manuever around the screen and open opponents up.


Players to Watch


Character Vitals

Double Jump:
Air Dash:
Air Dash/Jump count:
Misc Movement:

Move List

Unique Trait

Hand of a God: Thanos has a wide array of attacks, but his strength is derived primarily from his punch command normals, which allow him to extend his combos past their limit and grant huge damage. Many of his advanced combos will take advantage of these attacks, some of which have deceptively long range.


Standing Light Punch
Mvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
400 Mid 5 4 14 -7 -6
Thanos' fastest normal.
Standing Heavy Punch
Mvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
800 Mid 10 3 27 -6 -11
Moves Thanos forward while attacking.
Standing Light Kick
Mvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300x2 (570) Mid 9 6 29 -14 -17
Moves Thanos forward while attacking.
Standing Heavy Kick
Mvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
400x2 (800) Mid 15 2(3)2 40 -18 -23
Crouching Light Punch
Mvci down.pngMvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
400 Mid 6 4 14 -7 -6
Thanos' second fastest grounded normal.
Crouching Heavy Punch
Mvci down.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
800 Mid 13 3 26 6/21 -10 Launch
Crouching Light Kick
Mvci down.pngMvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300x2 (570) Low 9 5 33 -18 -21
Thanos' fastest low and furthest reaching low.
Crouching Heavy Kick
Mvci down.pngMvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300x3 (870) Low, Mid, Mid 15 11 31 22/52 -15 Hard Knockdown
Thano's other low. Has more range than 2LK overall, however the later hits are mids, not lows. Is Thanos' second furthest reaching normal.
Jumping Light Punch
j.Mvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
400 High 5 6 21 - -
Thanos' fastest air normal.
Jumping Heavy Punch
j.Mvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
800 High 9 4 33 - -
Jumping Light Kick
j.Mvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300x2 (570) High, Mid 11 7 34 - -
Has further horizontal range than J.HK making it a better air-to-air.
Jumping Heavy Kick
j.Mvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
400x2 (800) High, Mid 14 8 30 - - Groundbounce
Has further vertical range than J.LK making it a better air-to-ground than it.
Hand Bomb
Mvci fwd.pngMvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700 Mid 10 11 20 -7 -12 Wallbounce
Has deceptively long range.
Insolence Crusher
Mvci fwd.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
900 High 25 3 33 39/78 -15 Ground Bounce
Sliding Knockdown
No Cancel
Thanos's fastest grounded overhead.
Titan's Gaze
Mvci fwd.pngMvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
208x3 (603) ~ 336x3 (974) Mid 17 20 19 36/66 -3 Projectile
Hard Knockdown
Second set of frame data is for Power Stone

Thanos shoots eye lasers towards the ground. They deal more damage the closer Thanos is to the opponent when they're hit. Thanos' furthest reaching normal.
Palm Breaker
j.Mvci fwd.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
800 Mid 15 8 22 - - Wallbounce
Essential combo starter. The main piece in Thanos' infamous Palm Breaker loops.


Mvci fwd.png or Mvci back.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
1000 Throw 3 1
Additional damage scales by 50%.
Air Throw
Mvci fwd.png or Mvci back.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
1000 Throw 3 1
Additional damage scales by 50%.
Mvci tag.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 Mid 6 8 44 +33 +28
Hit/Block adv is dependent on when you Cancel.png your tag-in.


Titan Charge
Mvci qcf.pngMvci lp.png or Mvci hp.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lp.png 1600 Mid 18 7 19 41/71 -6 Armored
Mvci hp.png 800+1300 (1970) High 33 3 31 37/67 -21 Armored
Ground Bounce
Second set of frame data is for Power Stone.
Both versions have one hit of armor.

LP version sends you forward with an armored punch that knocks enemies backwards.

HP version sends you forward with an armored overhead attack that groundbounces.
Insurrection's End
Mvci hcb.pngMvci lp.png or Mvci hp.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lp.png 1600 Throw 9 3 33 24/54 24/54 Command Grab
Mvci hp.png 1900 Throw 19 2 36 10/40 10/40 Command Grab
Ground Bounce
Both versions have decent range, however the HP version moves forward a bit before grabbing, letting it grab from further away than the LP version. The HP version can also be comboed after.
Titan's Shield
Mvci qcb.pngMvci lk.png or Mvci hk.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lk.png 250x3 ~ 250x5 (750 ~ 1200) Mid 20 24 0 33 34
Mvci hk.png - - 19 2 36 - - Counter
Wall Bounce
LK shield damage decreases as it travels. LK shield minimum damage requires more than a full screen's worth of travel. Can be used in neutral to approach with.

HK shield is a counter that counters both projectiles, and mids and highs. When hit during the parry frames you will perform a nearly full screen that bounces the opponent off the wall. Lows and throws will beat the counter however.
Emperor's Stance
Mvci qcf.pngMvci lk.png or Mvci hk.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lk.png 1000 Mid 19 6 38 92/122 -13 Crumple
Mvci hk.png 1100 Mid 20 5 29 48/78 -3
LK version crumples grounded enemies and HK version stuns airborne opponents and whiffs on grounded ones.
Titan's Deceit
Mvci down.pngMvci down.pngMvci lp.png or Mvci hp.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lp.png - - 17 14 16 - - Invul Frames 6-35
Mvci hp.png - - 16 19 3 - - Invul Frames 6-34
LP version places you right behind the opponent on the ground, HP version places you right behind the opponent in the air. The LP version can steal the corner from the opponent. Can be used to get around zoning.


Final Judgement
Mvci qcf.pngMvci lp.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700+50x40 ~ 700+100x44 (2040 ~ 3630) Mid 22 100 57 19 -40 Projectile
Hard Knockdown
Thanos shoots lasers diagonally up and forwards. Does less damage the further the opponent is from Thanos.
Sovereign Decree
j.Mvci qcf.pngMvci lp.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
800x5+1900 ~ 800x12+1900 (4150 ~ 6204) Mid 11 25 28 37/67 -29 Hard Knockdown
Thanos gathers energy into his hand and then swings in a wide arc around him. Preferred combo ender and one of the most damaging level 1 hypers in the game. Does more damage the higher up you start it from.
Cosmic Fall
Lvl 3

Mvci qcb.pngMvci lp.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
5940 (6 hits) Mid 16 10 55 16 -46 Hard Knockdown
Invul Frames 1-25
Hits with a tiny hitbox and then goes into a cinematic super.






Partner Selection


Dormammu provides lockdown for Thanos with his Stalking Flare super and zoning specials. LK shield can also be used to lockdown for Dormammu to use his teleports for mixups. Both are generally pretty high damage characters so naturally putting them together means you get a ton of damage out of your comboes.


Arthur's zoning specials can be used for lockdown for Thanos. Thanos also benefits from a lot of the same stones as Arthur and most importantly he makes up for Arthur's lack of damage in comboes with his amazing solo damage. This is a combination that some high level Arthur players use to dominate with.

Stone Selection


Gives him one more wall bouncing tool, but most importantly the Infinity Storm cranks up Thanos' damage and lets him wall bounce as many times as he wants for a ton of damage.


The time stone can be used to go through projectiles and essentially get a second air dash for use in neutral. Can also help Thanos with escaping disadvantage. During storm hee can cancel LK shield into his teleports which is a good option as well as canceling his other moves into teleport to chase down opponents if it whiffed. Plus even if he doesn't many options to cancel into on his own the cooldown reduction on Active Switching means that he can instead switch into his partner instead in instances where he can't cancel into specials like when he's in the air. The preferred stone for Thanos/Arthur teams.


Doesn't get much use out of it since his LK shield does what this does but just better in basically every way. He does like the screen control the Storm gives him though, however that's something basically every character appreciates from this stone. Wouldn't recommend.


Reaches far and can let you heal a lot of HP when combined with a super from a partner that has a lot of active frames. Bringing back his partner is also obviously good, and LK shield is both a good projectile generally and also just laggy enough to be decent for de-syncing you and your partner. And his teleport is a great way to sandwich the opponent between you and your teammate in Soul Storm.


Can be used to draw opponents into LK shield or closer to Thanos so he can run his gameplan. Putting them in a box with the Infinity Storm is also good for him since it means they can't run away once he's onto them, and it means they can't back dash away to avoid his command grabs.


Just don't use this, EVER! He already has a command grab and it's a bajillion times better than this one so for all that is holy don't use this. Use anything but this, for the love of god this thing is useless. He enjoys the Infinity Storm just as much as any other character but the Surge is just so bad (especially for Thanos) that using this stone is a complete and total no-go.

Match ups

How to fight Thanos

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