Marvel VS Capcom: Infinite/Ryu

From SuperCombo Wiki

Mvci logo.png


The protagonist and iconic Shotokan karateka of the Street Fighter series, the series that would itself eventually lead to the creation of the Marvel-based Capcom fighting games, returns in his latest crossover game appearance. His diligent training and never-ending journey for strength have granted him a few new tricks up his sleeve this time, too. With no other 'shotos' around to step on his toes, perhaps this will be his chance to truly shine?


In Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite, Ryu is a well-rounded character with the staple fundamental fighting game tools that form the basis of the genre, as ever. He has the ability to zone with his classic Hadouken and new Sen Hadouken beam, he can approach and extend combos with his Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (now sporting two separate modes in the air), he can make just about any combo lead to the corner with his Jodan Sokuto Geri (aka "Donkey Kick"), and for characters with vertically-oriented combo options, with this game's new tagging mechanics, his invincible Shoryuken can even lead to combos on a tag!

Strengths Weaknesses
  • WIP: WIP
  • WIP: WIP.

Players to Watch

Character Vitals

Double Jump:
Air Dash:
Air Dash/Jump count:
Misc Movement:

Move List

Unique Trait

Dark Hadou: Suppressing the Dark Hadou only lasts so long; once Ryu reaches below 30% health, it's unleashed, granting his level 3 increased damage and a slightly altered animation.


Standing Light Punch
Mvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300 Mid 5 3 7 +1 +3
Can chain into itself and 2LP.
Standing Heavy Punch
Mvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700 Mid 11 3 21 0 -4
Standing Light Kick
Mvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 Mid 8 2 21 -5 -7
Standing Heavy Kick
Mvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700 Mid 12 6 17 +1 -3
Crouching Light Punch
Mvci down.pngMvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300 Mid 5 2 14 -5 -3
Can chain into itself and 5LP.
Crouching Heavy Punch
Mvci down.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700 Mid 10 5 21 +24 -6 Launch
Crouching Light Kick
Mvci down.pngMvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 Low 8 4 15 -1 -4
Crouching Heavy Kick
Mvci down.pngMvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700 Low 10 4 33 +41 -18 Knockdown
Jumping Light Punch
j.Mvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300 High 5 10 5 - -
Jumping Heavy Punch
j.Mvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700 High 9 5 17 - -
Jumping Light Kick
j.Mvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 High 7 7 17 - -
Can cross up, though jumping heavy kick is better-suited for this purpose.
Jumping Heavy Kick
j.Mvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700 High 8 6 17 - - Ground Bounce & Hard Knockdown (vs. airborne only)
Can cross up.

Command Normals

Seiken Tsuki
Mvci lp.png > Mvci fwd.pngMvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 Mid 5 1(5)6 16 -4 -6
A straight-punching command normal that can only be used after connecting a standing or crouching light punch. Does not have enough hitstun to combo into Jodan.
Hiza Geri
Mvci lp.pngorMvci lk.png > Mvci fwd.pngMvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 Mid 5
Ryu's classic close standing medium kick from Street Fighter 4 and earlier that can only be used after his standing light punch, crouching light punch, or standing light kick. Has enough hitstun to combo into Jodan.
Collarbone Breaker
Mvci fwd.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
2x300 (600) High 24 4(0)4 20 0 -4
Can only be cancelled into Tag, Hypers, and Infinity Stone Storm. Without any of these follow-ups, it leads to nothing, not even further offensive momentum; not only are you 0 on hit, but it also pushes back far enough away if the animation completes without interruption that you aren't even in range for your light attacks to connect (or throws either, by extension).
Aerial Hiza Geri
j.Mvci down.pngMvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 High 8 11 7 - -
Can cross up, though jumping heavy kick is better-suited for this purpose. The low blockstun can be used for tick throw (either normal throw or Mind Stone surge) set-ups, though.
Sukui Tsuki
j.Mvci fwd.pngMvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
2x250 (475) High 10 8 11 - -
Aerial Mawashi Geri
j.Mvci fwd.pngMvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700 High 8 6 17 - -


Mvci fwd.png or Mvci back.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
1000 Throw 3 1 - - -
Additional damage scales by 50%.
Air Throw
Mvci fwd.png or Mvci back.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
1000 Throw 3 1 - - -
Additional damage scales by 50%.
Mvci tag.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 Mid 6 8 44 +33 +28
Hit/Block adv is dependent on when you Cancel.png your tag-in.


Mvci qcf.pngMvci lp.png or Mvci hp.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lp.png 1000 Mid 7 - 42 -14 -18 Airok.png
Mvci hp.png 1000 Mid 11 - 43 -15 -19 Airok.png
Ryu throws a blue fireball. Light hadoken travels slowly, Heavy hadoken travels quickly. Can be reflected by perfect advancing guard. Gains significantly more hitstun on a counter hit vs. an airborne opponent, and if they touch the ground during that hitstun, they enter a brief soft knockdown state. Like all fireballs, it is not subject to the same damage falloff phenomenon that Sen Hadouken and Shinku Hadouken suffer from; regular ol' Hadouken does full damage no matter how long it's traveled for.
Sen Hadoken
Mvci qcf.png hold Mvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
5x125 (599) ~ 9x250 (1975) Mid 30-ish to 93 21 24 +8 -7 Airok.png
Ryu throws out a normal version of his beam super that can't be reflected. Charge can be held much longer than is necessary, but doing so doesn't increase the damage. Damage falls off at distance. Can be dash cancelled in either directions after the input has been held for a while. As a counter hit, from long range, it causes a brief hard knockdown vs. a grounded opponent that gives you just enough time to hit confirm into Shinku Hadouken.
Mvci dp.pngMvci lp.png or Mvci hp.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lp.png 1200 Mid 4 14 34 +2 -28 Invuln frames 1-13
Mvci hp.png 1500 Mid 5 22 57 -14 -55 Invuln frames 1-14
Ryu does a rising uppercut coated in blue Hadou energy that acts as an invulnerable reversal. Risky. You can follow up with a down-angled air Shinku Hadoken to make you safe vs. grounded blocking opponents, plus a tag out opportunity for one meter.

You can also tag out on hit in order to combo off of it. You can superjump forward to combo off the L shoryu from anywhere, but H shoryu will require specialized high-reaching options (such as X's Rising Fire), and even then only in the corner, as it sends opponents both very high up vertically as well as very far horizontally. Though this latter trait is a boon for it as a defensive tool, as it allows you to reset the situation.

Jodan Sokuto Geri
Mvci qcf.pngMvci lk.png or Mvci hk.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lk.png 1000 Mid 17 12 22 +35 -14 Wall Bounce
Soft Knockdown
Mvci hk.png 1000 Mid 20 12 34 +69 -26 Wall Bounce
Hard Knockdown
The L version blows them away at a low height, the H version at a tall height. This will result in them going over your head and behind you when you use the H version vs. a cornered opponent. Generally, if you are in or near the corner, the L version is the best to use, else further away you should use H.
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
Mvci qcb.pngMvci lk.png or Mvci hk.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lk.png 200+800 (1000) Mid 4 1(8)3 25 +91 -8 Hard Knockdown
Mvci hk.png 400x3 (1160) Mid 13 3(9)3(9)3 25 +25 -8 Soft Knockdown
The first hit of the LK version only occurs at extreme close range. Early in a combo, it's possible to dash up and OTG to continue a combo after the knockdown from the LK version. The HK version can be used vs. a blocking opponent combined with a tag out to induce a small lockdown situation.
Aerial Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Forward)
j.Mvci qcb.pngMvci lk.png or Mvci hk.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lk.png 800 Mid 7 3 30 - - Hard Knockdown
Mvci hk.png 400x3 (1160) Mid 7 3(9)3(9)3 30 - -
Unlike in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Ryu can now perform air actions after recovering. Though, by the time you recover, you would have to have started it from the apex of a super jump, and you won't have long to act.
Aerial Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Down)
j.Mvci qcf.pngMvci lk.png or Mvci hk.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lk.png 1100x2 (2090) Mid 7 3(3)3(3)2 15 - - Hard Knockdown
Mvci hk.png 400x3 (1160) Mid 7 3(3)3(3)3(3)3(3)3 2 - -
The LK version is capable of crossing up grounded opponents, though it's very narrow and difficult to do, and generally not worth going for. It can also be tough to hit grounded small characters with this even standing, but big characters can be hit by it easily. The HK version pops grounded opponents up into the air a small distance.


Shinku Hadoken
Mvci qcf.pngMvci lp.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
72x28 (1547) ~ 145x32 (3400) Mid 13/13 66/67 47/67 +23 -29 Airok.png
Hard Knockdown
Frame data is listed as ground/air.
Damage decreases as distance to opponent increases. Can hold up while on the ground to aim it upwards, can hold down while in the air to aim it downwards. The downwards version in the air propels Ryu higher in the air over the course of the animation. 3400 damage is only possible against a cornered opponent, as mid-screen (or utilizing the up/down versions), the opponent is pushed further away from you, inducing damage fall-off.
Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
Mvci qcb.pngMvci lk.pngMvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
240x17+1000 (3644) Mid 12 109 31 +54 -23 Invuln frames 1-12
Hard Knockdown
Invulnerability only lasts until the flash. Extremely unsafe on block. The knockdown is fairly lengthy, allowing easy tagging for OTG pick ups from your partner.
Shin Shoryuken
Mvci qcf.pngMvci lk.pngMvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
5440 (4 hits)
6490 (4 hits) (Dark Hadou)
Mid 16 41 41 +49/43
(regular/Dark Hadou)
-39 Invuln frames 1-24
Hard Knockdown
A highly invincible, highly damaging level 3 hyper. When your HP reaches the Danger! threshold, Ryu contains the Dark Hadou, changing the cinematic and granting additional damage but a slightly reduced advantage after the knockdown.






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