Marvel VS Capcom: Infinite/Monster Hunter

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Mvci logo.png

Monster Hunter

Monster hunter.png

The Monster Hunter is a bit of a unique type of character in this game's roster, not being a true character per se so much as a representative of a type of customizable blank-slate avatar you can play as in Capcom's creature-combatting Monster Hunter series. As such, she bears the duty of trying to representing a wide array of possibilities all in one package, as players in her home series can utilize a wide variety of weapons and armor that create significantly different playstyles and strategies. She puts one feature of her home series front and center, however: the big weapons needed for taking down big monsters.

In a nutshell
In Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite, Monster Hunter is an unusual beast of a middle-sized character who nonetheless packs absolutely enormous armored moves typically associated with big bodies that could make Hulk blush. Owing to her nature as a representative of Monster Hunter, she nonetheless also packs speedy attacks with her Dual Blades and approach options with her Dodge, as well as ranged attacks with her Bow that allow her to both have a long-range presence as well as set up setplay scenarios and tag opportunities.


Players to Watch

Character Vitals

Double Jump:
Air Dash:
Air Dash/Jump count:
Misc Movement:
Dodge/Demon Dodge

Move List

Unique Trait

Dodge: Monster Hunter has access to a roll that can be canceled out of normals on hit, block or even whiff! She can also cancel the recovery frames of her specials into dodge. Ending combos into Demolisher Demon Dance will power her up into Demon mode and make her Dodges even faster with more invincibility.


Standing Light Punch
Mvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300x2 (570) Mid 9 3(1)3 32 -15 -18
A multi-hitting sword attack with decent range.
Standing Heavy Punch
Mvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
800 Mid 21 3 59 -34 -39 Armored
Armor start up is extremely fast, however, it does not go through hypers. Can reaction armor with this button. Can whiff Cancel.png to other Armored.png attacks when armor activates.
Standing Light Kick
Mvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 Mid 10 3 33 -11 -16
Standing Heavy Kick
Mvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
4 hits (800) Mid 10 2(2)3(21)3(2)3 43 +2 -26 Knockdown
A multi-hitting sword attack that knocks the opponent up a bit.
Crouching Light Punch
Mvci down.pngMvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300x2 (570) Mid 8 3(2)3 33 -18 -20
A long range multi-hitting poke.
Crouching Heavy Punch
Mvci down.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
850 Mid 19 6 91 +2 -26 Armored Launch
Armor start up is extremely fast, however it does not go through hypers. Can reaction armor with this button. Can be whiff canceled from another heavy attack when armor activates.
Crouching Light Kick
Mvci down.pngMvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
550 Low 14 2 31 -9 -14
A long reaching spear that hits low.
Crouching Heavy Kick
Mvci down.pngMvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
850 Low 24 3 64 +15 -44 Armored Hardknockdown
A slow wind up attack that hits Low.png with armor, can be whiff canceled into Overhead Slash or Mvci down.pngMvci hp.png if armor activates.
Jumping Light Punch
j.Mvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
250x2 (475) High 11 2(4)3 22 - -
A multi-hitting attack where both of her hits are an overhead
Jumping Heavy Punch
j.Mvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
850 High 22 5 65 - - Armored
Jumping Light Kick
j.Mvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 High 9 3 21 - -
Jumping Heavy Kick
j.Mvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700 High 15 2 29 - - During Air Combo: Groundbounce Hardknockdown Aircombofinisher
A long reaching spear attack that hits below her, ends air combos

Command Normals

Circle Slash
Mvci fwd.pngMvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300+360 (660) High, Mid 24 2(3)3 33 -4 -9
Monster Hunter vaults herself forwards with a multi-hitting dagger attack. Can be chained from Mvci lp.png or Mvci down.pngMvci lp.png but it cannot be canceled into any other normal or special. It can, however, be cancelled into Hypers, Tag, and Storm.
Overhead Slash
Mvci fwd.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
900 Mid 31 10 93 -76 -81 Armored
Despite its name, it's not an overhead. Can be chained from Mvci hp.png or Mvci down.pngMvci hk.png and chains into Mvci down.pngMvci hp.png. Can be whiff canceled from any heavy armor attack into Mvci down.pngMvci hp.png when armor activates.
Lunging Strike
Mvci fwd.pngMvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300+400 (700) Mid 25 2(4)4 54 +23 -39 Hardknockdown
Monster Hunter flings forward with a multi-hitting attack that knocks down, chains from any of her basic normal attacks and chains into Mvci down.pngMvci hp.png
Jumping Shot
j.Mvci down.pngMvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700 Mid 19 - - Proj
A Downward.png arrow attack that is strong for zoning in the air, can be reflected.


Mvci fwd.png or Mvci back.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
1000 Throw 3 1 - - - Hardknockdown
Additional damage scales by 50%. Flings her opponent full screen, may be too difficult to combo afterwords.
Air Throw
Mvci fwd.png or Mvci back.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
3 hits (985) Throw 3 1 - - - Hardknockdown
Additional damage scales by 50%. Assaults her opponent mid air then puts them into a knockdown, may be too difficult to combo afterwords.
Mvci tag.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 Mid 6 8 44 +33 +28
Hit/Block adv is dependent on when you Cancel.png your tag-in.


Draw Slash
Mvci qcf.pngMvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci monhun 236p 1.png
Mvci monhun 236p-3.png.png
1500 Mid 34 5 75 26 -59 Armored Hard Knockdown
A heavy hitting attack with armor.
This move can connect early in a combo when cancelled from Mvci down.pngMvci hp.png on a standing or a low airborne opponent, but will consume Otg.png.
Can chain into Mvci lp.png or Mvci hp.png to activate a series of never ending Armored.png strikes, which hit Low, or chain into Mvci down.pngMvci lp.png or Mvci down.pngMvci hp.png for a launcher that can start a combo at the expense of Otg.png.
Draw Slash
Mvci qcf.pngMvci hp.png

(can be charged)

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci monhun 236p 1.png
Mvci monhun 236p-3.png.png
1600 or 3000 (perfect charge) Mid 57 (90)<- Charged (62)<-crtical charge 4 91 19 (76)<-Critical Charge -74 (-66)<-Critical Charge Armored Hardknockdown
A heavy hitting attack with armor that even goes through hypers. Can let go of charge during the flash to get Extra.png damage. Video reference showing the timing.
Can chain Mvci lp.png or Mvci hp.png to activate a series of never ending Armored.png strikes, the first follow up attack will hit Low
Mvci lk.pngMvci hk.png

(can be directed)

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
- - 40 (43)<- if canceled with light punch 0 (4)<- if canceled with light punch 0 (35)<- if canceled with light punch 0 (-13)<- if canceled with light punch 0 (-18)<- if canceled with light punch
A type of roll that Monster Hunter can use to Cancel.png out of normals on hit/block/whiff as well as Cancel.png out of the recovery frames of specials. Note: Like all direction-agnostic specials, this move auto-corrects by rolling towards your opponent unless directed.
Demon Dodge
During Demon Mode

Mvci lk.pngMvci hk.png

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
- - 1 (30)<- if canceled with light punch 21 (4)<- if canceled with light punch 16 (35)<- if canceled with light punch 0 (-13)<- if canceled with light punch 0 (-18)<-while cancel with light punch
After powering up into Demon Mode from Demolisher Demon Dance, her Dodge becomes Demon Dodge, which has increased invincibility and faster recovery. It also will pass through opponents even in the corner. The recovery frames of Demon Dodge can be canceled into a normal or special move. Each activation of Demon Dodge will drain a bit of her Demon meter.
Demon Flurry
Mvci qcb.pngMvci lp.png or Mvci hp.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci monhun 214p-1.png
Mvci monhun 214p-2.png
Mvci monhun 214p-3.png
Mvci lp.png 5 hits (870) Mid {15 (22) <-in the air low to the ground (18)<- in the air} 3(2)3(11)6(11)4 [2(5)2(9)2]<- low to the ground 59 (23)<_in the air low to the ground 25 (-1)<-Low to the ground -42(-6) <-low to the ground Airok.png Hardknockdown
Mvci hp.png 5 hits (960) Mid {23 (26)<-in the air low to the ground (22)<- in the air} 3(2)3(15)3(1)3(14)4 [3(6)3(8)3(11)3]<-low to the ground 64 (24)<-low to the ground 24 (17)<-low to the ground -47 (-8)<-low to the Ground Airok.png Hardknockdown
A multi-hitting sword attack. If you use Dodge at the end, you recover sooner and potentially can Otg.png into a combo.
Air Demon Flurry
j.Mvci qcb.pngMvci lp.png or Mvci hp.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
MVCI Monster Hunter j214LP hitboxes.png
MVCI Monster Hunter j214hp hitboxes.png
Mvci lp.png 3 hits (870) High (first hit only)
Mid (the rest)
18 2(5)2(9)2 0 0 0
Mvci hp.png 4 hits (960) High (first hit only)
Mid (the rest)
22 3(6)3(8)3(11)3 0 0 0 Hardknockdown
Mvci lp.png version is a Downward.png flurry of attacks with an overhead, grants enough frame advantage to follow up with a combo on the ground, airborne opponents will enter a Force Tech state where they can either neutral tech or up tech only.
Mvci hp.png version is a forward flurry of attacks with an overhead.
Demon Dance
During Demon Mode

Mvci qcb.pngMvci lp.png or Mvci hp.png

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci monhun 214p-1.png
Mvci monhun 214p-2.png
Mvci monhun 214p-3.png
Mvci lp.png 7 hits (1196) Mid 15 (20)<-low to the ground 3(2)3(12)3(1)3(11)4(1)4(16)4 [4(11)2(2)2(6)2]<-low to the ground 49 (24)<-low to the ground 40 (0)<-low to the Ground -31 (-5)<-low to the Ground Hardknockdown
Mvci hp.png 7 hits (1291) Mid 22 (24)<-low to the ground 3(2)3(14)3(1)3(15)4(1)4(19)4 [4(10)2(6)2(8)2(10)2]<-low to the ground 60 (24)<-low to the ground 40 (16)<-low to the ground -42 (-7)<-low to the ground Wallbounce Hardknockdown
A stronger version of Demon Flurry, if you use Demon Dodge at the end you have better recovery and potentially can Otg.png into a combo.
Air Demon Dance
During Demon Mode

j.Mvci qcb.pngMvci lp.png or Mvci hp.png

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
MVCI Monster Hunter j214LP hitboxes.png
MVCI Monster Hunter j214hp hitboxes.png
Mvci lp.png 5 hits (1017) High (first hit only)
Mid (the rest)
16 4(11)2(2)2(6)2 - - -
Mvci hp.png 6 hits (1206) High (first hit only)
Mid (the rest)
20 4(10)2(6)2(8)2(10)2 - - - Wallbounce
Mvci lp.png version is a Downward.png flurry of attacks with an overhead, grants enough frame advantage to follow up with a combo on the ground, airborne opponents will enter a Force Tech state where they can either neutral tech or up tech only.
Mvci hp.png version is a forward flurry of attacks with an overhead that ends in a wall bounce.
Arrow Strike
Mvci qcf.pngMvci lk.png

(can be charged)

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci monhun 236lk-1.png
Mvci monhun 236lk-2.png
1000 or 3 hits (1450) Mid 21 (61)<-if charged 54 (47)<-if charged 2 (9)<-if charged -3 (52)<-if charged 30 (-31)<-if charged Proj Knockdown
Holding Mvci lk.png will charge her arrows that spread out above and below the original arrow. You only need to hold charge until the flash, however you can hold down longer and it will activate itself after a time.
Arc Shot
Mvci qcf.pngMvci hk.png

(can be charged)

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci monhun 236hk-1.png
Mvci monhun 236hk-2.png
1000 on the way up, 5 hits (960) or 9 hits (1640) on the way down Mid 16 (56)<-if charged 47 0 64-69 59-65 Proj Hardknockdown (airborne opponents)
Monster Hunter shoots an arrow in the sky that comes back to the ground, the initial up arrow has a hitbox that can deal damage and possibly be worked into combos. Holding Mvci hk.png will charge her arrows which creates more projectiles that full screen. You only need to hold charge until the flash, however you can hold down longer and it will activate itself after a time. Uncharged arrows will travel about mid screen where as the full charge will travel full screen. Projectiles cannot be reflected.


Tartarus Stampede
Mvci qcf.pngMvci lp.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
4 hits (3290) Mid 19 5 105 32 -91 Hard Knockdown
Invuln frames 1-23
A cinematic hyper, can tag in a partner on start up and Otg.png into a combo. Has invincibility on start up.
Demolisher Demon Dance
Mvci qcb.pngMvci lp.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
20 hits (2863) Mid 16 (20)<-lower to the ground 115 (170)<-in the ground 17 (71)<-in the ground 55 (28)<-in the ground 0+1f land (-54)<-in the ground Airok.png
Tied to her Easy Hyper Combo input, after activating this attack she gains Demon Mode which powers up some of her moves. Good to know that even if this move is interrupted after the hyper flash, she will still gain Demon Mode. Demon Mode does not go away when she tags out, however after a tag-in she loses a tiny bit of meter but it does not drain idly while she is off the field. Can refresh Demon Mode timer by inputting another one of these supers. A nice super to tag into a partner to follow up with. When in Demon Mode, Monster Hunter gains:
  • A 5% damage bonus
  • Faster charge for H Draw Slash sweet spot
  • Improved Flurry and Dodge moves
Meteor Fall
Mvci qcf.pngMvci lk.pngMvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
800 on the way up, 200 per arrow on the way down Mid 17 73 0 136-139 130-135 Proj Hardknockdown air borne opponents only
A strong lock down super, hits full screen and puts the opponent into block stun for quite awhile making tag-in mix ups ideal.
Hunter's Pride

Lvl 3
Mvci qcb.pngMvci lk.pngMvci hk.png

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
7 hits (5475) Mid 18 5 150 12 -136 Invuln frames 1-22
Invincibility on start up, cannot follow up with a combo afterwards and will always place the opponent mid screen. Tagging in a partner on the same input will grant strong Oki advantage.




full charge Draw Slash confirm using dodge


Solo 7.2k double super combo


Partner Selection

Stone Selection







Match ups

How to fight Monster Hunter

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Monster Hunter
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