Marvel VS Capcom: Infinite/Firebrand

From SuperCombo Wiki

Mvci logo.png


Firebrand began life in the Capcom universe as an irritating obstacle in Arthur's quests in the Ghosts 'n' Goblins series, before eventually receiving his own game series in Gargoyle's Quest, where he is the protagonist who seeks to save the Demon Realm from peril, with no humans in sight. Whereas Ghosts 'n' Goblins is more straightforward run-'n'-gun platforming, the Gargoyle's Quest series tends to take a slower-paced, more exploratory nature, with slightly more emphasis on storytelling and acquiring permanent upgrades over the course of an adventure. Firebrand brings a few of those upgrades, such as spinning Tornado projectiles and the ability to cling to walls, to the world of Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite.



Strengths Weaknesses
  • Air Mobility: WIP
  • WIP: WIP.

Players to Watch

Apologyman, Angelic

Character Vitals

Double Jump:
Air Dash:
Air Dash/Jump count:
Misc Movement:
Hell Dive & Wall Cling

Move List

Unique Trait

Chaos Tide: Firebrand is the only one in the game who has two level 3 hypers; Chaos Tide summons another Firebrand that will do your bidding depending on the buttons pressed while he's around. Utilizing a second Red Arremer, Firebrand can create unique lockdown sequences and self-made mix-ups with his newfound partner's help.


Standing Light Punch
Mvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300 Mid 6 2 12 -2 -1
Chainable into itself and 2LP. Has more range than 2LP.
Standing Heavy Punch
Mvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300+400 (700) Mid 11 3(7)4 26 -5 -10
Standing Light Kick
Mvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
400 Mid 5 3 12 -2 -7
Standing Heavy Kick
Mvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700 Mid 14 6 47 -26 -31
Crouching Light Punch
Mvci down.pngMvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300 Mid 5 3 12 -4 -3
Chainable into itself and 5LP.
Crouching Heavy Punch
Mvci down.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700 Mid 12 6 28 20 -13 Launch
Crouching Light Kick
Mvci down.pngMvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
400 Low 6 5 30 -12 -16
Crouching Heavy Kick
Mvci down.pngMvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700 Low 10 12 24 42 -17
Jumping Light Punch
j.Mvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300 High 6 5 22 - -
Jumping Heavy Punch
j.Mvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700 High 11 5 32 - -
Jumping Light Kick
j.Mvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
400 High 9 6 21 - -
Jumping Heavy Kick
j.Mvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300+400 High 10 3(6)3 33 - - Groundbounce Hardknockdown

Command Normals

Demonic Knife
Mvci fwd.pngMvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 Mid 8 4 26 -11 -14
Firebrand takes a significant step forward while making a claw swipe.
Twin Fang
Mvci df.pngMvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 Mid 9 7 15 +2 -3
Devil's Claw
j.Mvci down.pngMvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700 High 19 23 - -
Firebrand dives nearly straight down (at a slight slant) for a divekick. If he makes contact with an opponent, he bounces off of them and enters flight.


Mvci fwd.png or Mvci back.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
1000 (2 hits) Throw 3 1 - - -
Additional damage scales by 50%.
Air Throw
Mvci fwd.png or Mvci back.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
1000 (2 hits) Throw 3 1 - - -
Additional damage scales by 50%.
Mvci tag.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 Mid 6 8 44 +33 +28
Hit/Block adv is dependent on when you Cancel.png your tag-in.


Hell Spitfire
Mvci qcf.pngMvci lp.png or Mvci hp.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lp.png 900 Mid 16/17 - 33/31 -9 -8 Airok.png
Mvci hp.png 900 Mid 17/17 - 31/31 -7 -6 Airok.png
Frame data is listed as ground/air.

Firebrand shoots a fireball. The LP version always fires straight ahead. On the ground, the HP version fires at a 45° angle up-forward, while in the air, the HP version fires at a 45° angle down-forward.
Hell Spitfire
Mvci qcf.pngMvci lk.png or Mvci hk.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lk.png 400x3 (1160)
100x5 (500)
Mid 26/27 - 40/28 +17 +4 Airok.png
Mvci hk.png 400x3 (1160)
100x5 (500)
Mid 25/26 - 36/31 +22 -11 Airok.png
Frame data is listed as ground/air. First set of damage is for the fireball itself, second set is for the burning 'carpet' upon contact with the ground.

Firebrand spits a fireball in a parabolic arc that lands on the ground, turning into a tall flame that advances along the ground.
Mvci down.pngMvci down.pngMvci lp.png or Mvci hp.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lp.png 200x3 (600) Mid 16 - 31 +28 +3 Projectile
Mvci hp.png 200x3+150x6 (1395) Mid +45 +11 Projectile
Firebrand spawns a tornado in front of him. The LP version places a smaller one close to him, the HP version places the LP one, then he spawns another that combines with it that ends up slightly further away. You can shoot a Hell Spitfire at this in order to spawn a Fire Tornado (name unofficial).
Fire Tornado
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
800 Mid - - - - Hard Knockdown
What you get when you shoot a Hell Spitfire at a Tornado.
Hell's Elevator
Mvci qcb.pngMvci lp.png or Mvci hp.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lp.png - - - -
Mvci hp.png - - - -
Hell's Elevator
Mvci qcb.pngMvci lk.png or Mvci hk.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lk.png - - - -
Mvci hk.png - - - -
Hell Dive
j.Mvci qcb.pngMvci lp.png or Mvci hp.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lp.png - - - -
Mvci hp.png - - - -
Hell Dive
j.Mvci qcb.pngMvci lk.png or Mvci hk.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lk.png - - - -
Mvci hk.png - - - -
Demon Missile
Mvci dp.pngMvci lp.png or Mvci hp.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lp.png 900 Mid 16/16 22/22 20/8 +57 -3 Airok.png
Mvci hp.png 1000 Mid 21/16 22/22 20/9 +63 -23 Airok.png
Frame data is listed as ground/air.
Demon Missile
Mvci dp.pngMvci lk.png or Mvci hk.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lk.png 800/1300 Mid 16/23
24 (all versions) - +93/+146 -1/-1 Airok.png
Mvci hk.png 1300 (2 hits) ~ 1480 (12 hits)
1300 (2 hits) ~ 1410 (12 hits)
Mid 14/14 14/20 30/- +86 -25 Airok.png
Wall Bounce
Frame data is listed as ground/air. LK version includes data for uncharged/charged versions. HK version lists damage as ground/air, and increases the further Firebrand is from the corner upon snatching the opponent up.
Wall Cling
j.Mvci back.pngMvci back.png

(while near a wall)

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
- - - - - - -
Firebrand clings to the wall. Press LP/HP/LK to go into Hell Spitfire (the version corresponding to the button), and press HK to drop back to the ground.
Hell Spitfire
During Wall Cling

Mvci lp.png or Mvci hp.png

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lp.png 900 Mid 22 - 7 - - Projectile
Mvci hp.png 900 Mid 25 - 1 - - Projectile
Has the same angles as the standalone air version.
Hell Spitfire
During Wall Cling

Mvci lk.png

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
400x3 (1160)
100x5 (500)
Mid 35 - 1 - - Projectile
First set of damage is for the fireball itself, second set is for the burning 'carpet' upon contact with the ground.
During Wall Cling

Mvci hk.png

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
- - 4 - - - -
Firebrand simply drops to the floor from the wall. Cannot act on the way down, and cannot be cancelled into anything except Tag; not even Infinity Storm or hypers.


Dark Fire
Mvci qcf.pngMvci lp.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
250*17(3250) Mid 17 35 53 47 -41 Airok.png; Invincible frames 13-14 ground version, frame 13 air version
Luminous Body
Mvci down.pngMvci down.pngMvci lp.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
- - 14 - - Airok.png, Invincible frames 1-12
Speed-up install.
Chaos Tide
Mvci down.pngMvci down.pngMvci lk.pngMvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
- - 34 - - Invincible frames 1-34
Install. Press LP/LK to make the minion perform the corresponding version of Hell Spitfire, press HP/HK to make the minion perform the corresponding version of Demon Missile.
Red Blaze
Mvci qcf.pngMvci lk.pngMvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
5069 (18 hits) Mid 14 23 75 +17 -75
Travels full screen.






Partner Selection

Stone Selection







Match ups

How to fight Firebrand

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Monster Hunter
Marvel Characters
Black Panther
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Iron Man
Rocket Raccoon
Winter Soldier