Marvel VS Capcom: Infinite/Hawkeye

From SuperCombo Wiki

Mvci logo.png


Mvci Hawkeye.png

Hawkeye, also known as Clint Barton, made a late appearance in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, but an impactful one nonetheless. Bringing a refreshing brand of zoning to the roster, he was a welcome addition. Now the former carnival performer from Iowa returns with a new set of acrobatic stunts to dazzle the competition. His showboat-y personality will surely enjoy having fewer squadmates to share the spotlight with.
In a nutshell
{{{1}}} From Mango4Tango, one of the best Hawkeyes:

- fLP is amazing

- slide can go under a ton of stuff, like even ice arrow and dante million stabs, so use it to punish a bunch of stuff

- basic neutral pattern for space stone is stHP(or fwdHP) back flip exploding arrow, then either do a falling triple arrow or space surge.

- the other player cant reflect your arrows if they hit super low to the ground (like back HP or exploding arrow when spaced correctly)

- when you counter switch and they cant tag to continue pressure, your best options are to back off, jHP, or either of the down down arrows (scatter shot and triple piercing)

- gimlet sucks because its mad slow, can be jumped, tagged, or double jumped post flash in most situations, but dont be afraid to gimlet punish because most players dont know how bad it is

- never ever ever ever ever triple arrow while on the ground, your main tools are exploding arrow, HP arrow, and laser arrow

- piercing bolt isnt nearly as good now because of the projectile change where it doesnt caust hitstun when it goes through stuff

- basic ground string that i do is fLP into stHK, if it hits i confirm, if it doesnt ill roll back into exploding arrow/laser arrow

- im 90% sure air dash characters can blow this up ^^^^ by pushblocking the first hit of stHK then jumping and dashing at you, but you can stuff them by reacting to it with a launcher

- if you're facing someone who doesnt really know how to deal with the string, after you do exploding arrow/laser arrow, 99% of the time you can dash fLP and do it again lol

- find out optimal combos that end with poison tip and/or use poison tip in the middle of it, never end combos with super. gimlet, super scatter shot, and counter switch are way too important

- his lvl 3 can hit hella high, so combo into it after launch



Players to Watch

Dual Kevin, Mango4Tango

Character Vitals

Double Jump:
Air Dash:
Air Dash/Jump count:
Misc Movement:

Move List

Unique Trait

Trick Shot: Hawkeye can flip and roll around the screen and cancel into a variety of arrows. Canceling Trick Shot into any of the attack buttons will give you a unique arrow that can make it difficult for the opponent to assault you.


Standing Light Punch
Mvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300 Mid 5 3 10 -2 -1
Hawkeye's fastest ground normal.
Standing Heavy Punch
Mvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500/1000/1450 (500 per arrow) Mid 10/18/43 23/26/29 10/9/6 -2/+1/-3 -7/-4/-8 Projectile
A unique normal that shoots projectiles. Frame data and damage numbers represent no charge/slight charge/full charge. Full charge shoots 3 arrows. Press 4HP or 6HP instead of 5HP to tilt his aim down and up, respectively. Can still be special-cancelled like a typical normal, allowing him to combine the various angles of this move with the angles his specials cover. From full screen, if your opponent tries to advancing guard reflect 4HP, nothing will happen, for some reason. This makes full screen 4HP the go-to to pester your opponent if you're worried about getting reflected.
Standing Light Kick
Mvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 Mid 8 5 18 -5 -8
Standing Heavy Kick
Mvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
350x2 Mid 9 3(14)3 26 -5 -10
Crouching Light Punch
Mvci down.pngMvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300 Mid 5 3 12 -4 -3
Tied with 5LP for fastest ground normal. However it has slightly more range horizontally than it.
Crouching Heavy Punch
Mvci down.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700 Mid 9 3 29 +22 -10 Launch
Crouching Light Kick
Mvci down.pngMvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 Low 7 4 16 -2 -5
Hawkeye's fastest low.
Crouching Heavy Kick
Mvci down.pngMvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700 Low 11 4 26 +48 -11 Hard Knockdown
Jumping Light Punch
j.Mvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300 High 6 5 10 - -
Hawkeye's fastest air normal.
Jumping Heavy Punch
j.Mvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
230x3 High 9 5 27 - -
Has the largest range of any of Hawkeye's air normals. Is less active than you'd think however.
Jumping Light Kick
j.Mvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 High 7 11 11 - -
Decent air to ground normal given its speed and hitbox. With specific spacing it can be used for crossups as well.
Jumping Heavy Kick
j.Mvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
700 High 12 3 26 - - Groundbounce Hardknockdown
Arrow Scratch
Mvci fwd.pngMvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 Mid 7 3 23 -5 -8
A midrange normal that hits both grounded and airborne opponents with an arcing swipe, filling a useful role in Hawkeye's juggle combos as well as being a decent starter for attempting abare when you're not sure if your opponent will be on the ground or in front of you (seeing as 3LK will only hit opponents on or extremely close to the ground).
Mvci df.pngMvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
600 Low 12 14 23 +41 -18 Hard Knockdown
A somewhat fast sliding low kick with good reach that knocks down. Doesn't travel quite as far or as fast as it did in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, but can still catch people off guard. Great way to start and extend combos.
Shock Value
Mvci fwd.pngMvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
225x3 Mid 13 14(2)13 4 +4 +5
An interesting mid-ranged projectile command normal that can be cancelled into specials. Not Hawkeye's most damaging command normal, but strangely builds disproportionately high amounts of meter for the damage it deals. Also inflicts a high amount of hitstun with its multiple hits, allowing you to combo into 214HK specials at midrange.
Bow Sweep
Mvci df.pngMvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
750 Low 13 3 22 +53 -6 Hard Knockdown
Thrust Shot
j.Mvci fwd.pngMvci lk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 8 3 20 - -


Mvci fwd.png or Mvci back.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
1000 Throw 3 1 - - -
Additional damage scales by 50%.
Air Throw
Mvci fwd.png or Mvci back.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
1000 Throw 3 1 - - -
Additional damage scales by 50%.
Mvci tag.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500 Mid 6 8 44 +33 +28
Hit/Block adv is dependent on when you Cancel.png your tag-in.


Quick Shot (Greyhound)
Mvci qcf.pngMvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300x3 (870) Mid 11/10 31/26 9/? -15/- -7/- Airok.png
Frame data is ground/air.

Hawkeye shoots three arrows quickly. This move is affected by gravity meaning if done in the air you will fall instead of being stalled and the three arrows will be shot at different areas of the screen. Vital part of Hawkeye's zoning patterns for its unique air properties.
Quick Shot (Spritzer)
Mvci qcf.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
1100 Mid 20/21 17/17 19/3 -8/- -11/- Airok.png
Frame data is ground/air.

Hawkeye shoots an electric arrow. This arrow cannot be reflected making it the superior choice for zoning over Greyhound on the ground.
Trick Maneuver
Mvci qcb.pngMvci lk.png or Mvci hk.png
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
Mvci lk.png - - - - 36 - -
Mvci hk.png - - - - 37 - -
Hawkeye deftly manuevers away from the opponent and prepares to fire one of four unique arrows only available as follow-ups to this move. The LK version is a backwards grounded roll, and causes the punch arrows to fire straight across the screen, and the kick arrows to fire at about midrange. The HK version is a backwards leap into the sky that fires the punch arrows to fire downwards from the sky at midrange, and the kick arrows at about 90% of the screen. You can do a falling j.236LP or j.236HP after you fire an arrow from this, or a j.HP if you're doing corner juggles instead. j.236LP is generally preferred as it provides more coverage. LK version is generally better for comboing and HK version is generally better at zoning.
Trick Shot (Violet Fizz)
Mvci lp.png

During Trick Maneuver

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
600 (arrow)
610 (poison)
Mid Projectile
Frame data is from LK/HK Trick Maneuver.
Poison deals 610 damage (unscaled) over 305 frames, 2 damage per frame.

Hawkeye shoots an arrow laced with poison at its tip. This causes damage over time to your opponent, though only in the form of red health, and therefore it can never kill. It is, however, unaffected by damage scaling in a combo, so as a combo goes on, its damage value increases disproportionately to the arrow itself.
Trick Shot (Icebreaker)
Mvci lk.png

During Trick Maneuver

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
1100 Mid Projectile
Frame data is from LK/HK Trick Maneuver.
Hawkeye shoots an icy arrow. This will freeze an opponent, allowing plenty of time for additional combo follow-ups.
Trick Shot (Jack Rose)
Mvci hp.png

During Trick Maneuver

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
1200 Mid Projectile
Frame data is from LK/HK Trick Maneuver.
An arrow with an explosive payload attached to it. This sits on screen for a few seconds, or until an opponent collides with it, at which point it explodes, causing a knockdown if it's the first or a very early hit in a combo. Vital part of Hawkeye's zoning game.
Trick Shot (Scorpion)
Mvci hk.png

During Trick Maneuver

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
500+200x5 (1400) Mid Projectile
Frame data is from LK/HK Trick Maneuver.
An arrow with a device that shoots a laser upwards upon striking the ground. This creates a hitbox that ascends vertically, closing off a pillar of the screen.
Ragtime Shot (Kamikaze)
Mvci down.pngMvci down.pngMvci lp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
150x10 (1395) Mid 19 - 37 Projectile
Hawkeye sets loose a volley of arrows upwards that rain down in front of him.
Ragtime Shot (Balalaika)
Mvci down.pngMvci down.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
300x9 (2310) Mid 22 - 43 Projectile
Hawkeye sets loose a volley of arrows upwards that rain down nearly full screen from him.


Mvci qcf.pngMvci lp.pngMvci hp.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
2500 Mid 11+2 (13 total) - 77/67 +36/- -43/- Airok.png
Frame data is listed as ground/air.
A fast hyper that snipes an opponent wherever they are with an arrow of light. Can take as long as 5 or 6 frames or even more to reach an opponent full screen, so despite how fast the start-up appears, if your opponent wasn't committed to any action, they can simply jump to avoid this hyper.
Kiss of Fire
Mvci qcf.pngMvci lk.pngMvci hk.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
650x7 (3445) Mid 12+10 (22 total) - 73 +122 +7 ~ +35 Projectile
This hyper fires a stream of arrows up which rain down from the sky in successively further and further reaches from you. These pull an opponent away from you and allow for an easy confirm into Gimlet on hit, and give you enough frame advantage to set up more zoning and traps on block.
Circus Act

Lvl 3
Mvci qcb.pngMvci lp.pngMvci hp.png

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Properties
5166 (20 hits) Mid 15+2 (17 total) 23 55 +79 -51 Invuln frames 1-52
Hawkeye jumps high into the air and then shoots an ice arrow at the ground. If hit by the arrow then a cinematic super will ensue. This move's awkward trajectory leaves a rather large deadzone right in front of Hawkeye, making it annoying to use as a reversal.






Partner Selection

Stone Selection


Nice get off me tool for him. It's Storm gives him more damage and some combo extensions.


Lets him do solo mixups off of arrows. Kinda bad though, much too slow. It's Storm lets you spam as many arrows as you want in quick succession, however his usual zoning pattern is still better than any ground ones done with cancels. Generally doesn't get as much off of the Storm as other zoners do.


A slow moving projectile for a character whose whole arsenal is fast ones is cool. It's Storm as well synergizes really well with his zoning patterns since he usually pressed some form of HP before doing his Trick Maneuvers meaning a fire pillar will shoot across the screen on the ground giving you control over basically the entire screen when combined with aerial Greyhound.


One of his best. Revival is a very good tool, his toolkit is very good to create mixups with Soul Storm negative edge stuff, and he appreciates the surge's armor breaking properties more than most due to HP arrows not breaking armor and his heavy normals being eh.


His other best. Drawing them into Exploding Arrows and other projectiles is nice, and them not being able to move much or tag in the box lets him create wild mixups or chip like mad if he's solo.


Really bad but the storm letting you use more Gimlet is cool.

Match ups

How to fight Hawkeye

Be mindful of when to reflect arrows and respect f.lp.

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