Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo/FAQ

From SuperCombo Wiki


What does the roster look like?

The Characters

Super Street Fighter II X/Turbo allows you to choose among 16 readily available characters. Two of these are the original playable characters from Street Fighter: Ryu, the game's protagonist, who is a Japanese karate practitioner, and his friend Ken, another karate practitioner, who used to be a clone but since CE earned a few distinct special and normal moves. Their gameplay revolves around their special projectiles, the Hadouken, and their (originally) invincible anti-air move, the Shoryuken. Street Fighter II allowed 6 more characters to be used, which were E. Honda, a sumo practitioner with very damaging attacks, but poor mobility; Chun Li, a Wushu practitioner with fast attacks and movement, and particularly good aerial attacks; Blanka, a savage half man half monster fighter from Brazil with electrical powers; Zangief, a Russian wrestler with slow speed but very damaging long-range throws; Guile, a US military worked in hand-to-hand combat; and Dhalsim, a yoga practitioner from India who can breath fire and stretch his limbs to attack from a distance. The four bosses from the original game are also available: US Balrog/Japanese M. Bison, a former heavy weight boxing champion; US Vega/Japanese Balrog, a Spanish torero that fights with a hand claw; Sagat, the boss from the original Street Fighter, a Muay Thai champion that can summon fast projectiles; and US M. Bison/Japanese Vega, a fast fighter with special powers and dangerous combos. Four more characters had been added in SSF2 and are still available in ST/X: Fei Long, a Bruce Lee clone with great speed and combos; Dee Jay, a Jamaican musician and fighter; T. Hawk, an American indian versed in wrestling; and Cammy, a British special force agent with fast attacks and walking speed. All these characters have distinct abilities and weaknesses, providing a different experience when you either use them of face them.

The readily available version of the characters can be obtained by simply moving the cursor to the specific character and pressing any button. Each of the buttons will give a different color, including the Start button, being that an additional color can be obtained by holding any attack button. These characters have a move set which was reviewed by the time the game was released. However, the versions from the previous game, SSF2, were still available through the use of a code. These versions are called "ld versions", or "super versions". Note that "super" comes from the name of the previous game and not any special property these characters may possess. In fact, most super versions are worse than the reviewed, Super Turbo/X versions of the character.

How can I select the Old versions of characters?

Old Characters

  • To choose the old version of a character, first choose that character, then immediately input the corresponding code. Each of the codes consists of four directions (combinations of Up, Down, Left, or Right) followed by Jab or Fierce. In order to get the 2P color, enter the code with Jab+Short or Fierce+Short.
  • There is actually a pattern with the old character codes. For Ryu through Guile, the code is the inverse for the character below. For example, Ryu's code is RRRL, and Ken's is LLLR. This pattern is followed until you get to the four new challengers (Hawk, Fei, Cammy, Dee Jay). Instead of having top/bottom inverses, they have adjacent (left/right) inverses. The top/bottom inverses begin again with the bosses.

SSF2 character codes

O.Sagat, O.Ken, and O.Hawk are the only old characters that are clearly better than their new counterparts. Despite losing their Super moves, and the ability to soften throws, they all gain more than enough to compensate for those loses.

O.Sagat is generally considered to be one of the best characters in the game. His Tiger Shots can zone opponents effectively from full screen for entire rounds without them having a chance at getting in. He can throw a slow then fast Tiger Shot, and they both must be blocked and will do chip damage, and there is no in-between frame for the opponent to avoid the second shot. And he can throw Tiger Shots in such a way, by changing his patterns, that jumping at him will only get you smacked out of the air by a Tiger Uppercut. O.Sagat is a ferocious pure zoning character.

O.Ken, while losing his knee-bash, Super, and jumping medium kick for very deceptive cross-ups, gains better fireballs, diagonal jumping Roundhouse cross-up and dragon punches that are invincible until they reach their respective apex. Ken's invincible dragon punches give him one of the strongest close range option selects in the game (the auto mix-up aka the shoto mix-up). And O.Ken's Jab dragon punch is basically a universal tool for everything from footsies to anti-air. There are not many attacks at close range, that when started on the same frame as O.Ken's Jab dragon punch, that can beat or even trade with it. O.Ken's sweep also has significantly better priority than N.Ken's.

O.Hawk has better normals almost across the board, all of his Jabs are better, his low Roundhouse is much faster to sweep opponents, his low Strong doesn't have a stray hit-box, and his splash has a hit-box that is almost twice as large as N.Hawk's splash. The splash allows him to cross people up with lethal damage and dizzy potential. O.Hawk also has better dragon punches, and combined with his better normals, more than makes up for his loss of a Super throw and the ability to soften throws.

O.Honda is closely competitive compared to his N.Character counterpart, some say that he's not as good overall, others argue that O.Honda is better than his N.Counterpart. O.Honda loses his command throw/ochio, HHS that advance forward, his Super, and the ability to soften throws. He gains much better normals, HHS that can be steered right and left, and HHS that recover very quickly. O.Honda's crouching Fierce punch knocks down, and all of his far standing kicks knock down which works wonders in footsies. O.Honda's HHS recover quickly enough that you can use them to tick into O.Honda's throws and holds very easily.

O.Ryu is a similar case, is usually classed as the same, slightly above, or slightly less powerful than his new counterpart depending on the player you ask. Similar to old Ken, he has a fully invincible srk during the startup and active frames, as well having more active frames in general. His blue fireballs have a frame less startup and recovery (this sounds pretty small but it is quite big), making him a powerful zoner. His mk and hk tatsu travel forwards at a faster speed, making them better vs Guile and Dhalsims fireballs, and he also has the same buffs to his kick normals as old Ken. The air tatsu is also a useful tool in a couple of matchups as it can be set up to land as an unblockable half the time, while still being safe if blocked. He loses his overhead, juggle j mp, rush punch, and super. But despite all this, old Ryu is still a strong character if used well, and in a lot of situations is better than N.Ryu.

O.Chun, O.Boxer, O.Guile, O.Fei, and O.Dhalsim, all have enough advantages that they can be worth considering, and still be considered competitive, though not nearly as much as their N.Character counterparts. All of them have had success at competitive levels though it has been extremely limited. While none of these characters are on the same level as their better halves they aren't completely absent from competitive play either.

O.Cammy, O.Blanka, O.DJ, O.Dictator, and O.Claw are not really competitive at all compared to their N.Characters. Basically the only time you will see these characters being used is in casual play for fun. Some Japanese tournaments have a rule where you get two slots to choose characters with, but no duplicates are allowed. So sometimes you'll see a Blanka player choose N.Blanka and O.Blanka with his slots, rather than have his secondary be a different character.

--NKI 17:16, 11 April 2006 (CDT) --VirtuaFighterFour April 2010

The Japanese typically use the letter S (for the "Super" in SSFII) instead of O to designate the use of an "old" character. If you're watching a video that's actually from Hyper SFII/SFII:AE, you might also see W (for World Warrior, the original SFII), C or D (for Champion Edition, or "Dash" in Japan), H or T (for Hyper Fighting, or "Turbo" in Japan), and X (for SSFIIX:GMC, aka ST "new").

Old Character Codes

Akuma Akuma - Code: (60 frames (roughly 1 sec) on each character) Ryu or Ken, Hawk, Guile, Cammy, Ryu or Ken, Start, then you have 30f (roughly a half of asecond) to input all 3 punches simultaneously. They must be pressed on exactly the same frame (like a Lariat). You can mash 3P to increase your chances.

Balrog (Boxer) Balrog (Boxer) - Old character code: →←←→ (O. Balrog) Guile Guile - Old character code: ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ (O. Guile)
Blanka Blanka - Old character code: →←←← (O. Blanka) Ken Ken - Old character code: ←←←→ (O. Ken)
Cammy Cammy - Old character code: ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ (O. Cammy) Mike Bison (Dictator) M. Bison (Dictator) - Old character code: ↓ ↑ ↑ ↓ (O. M. Bison)
Chun Li Chun-Li - Old character code: ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑ (O. Chun-Li) Ryu Ryu - Old character code: →→→← (O. Ryu)
Dee Jay Dee Jay - Old character code: ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ (O. Dee Jay) Sagat Sagat - Old character code: ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ (O. Sagat)
Dhalsim Dhalsim - Old character code: ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ (O. Dhalsim) Thunder Hawk T. Hawk - Old character code: →→←← (O. T. Hawk)
Edmond Honda E. Honda - Old character code: ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ (O. E. Honda) Vega (Claw) Vega (Claw) - Old character code: ←→→← (O. Vega)
Fei Long Fei Long - Old character code: ←←→→ (O. Fei Long) Zangief Zangief - Old character code: ←→→→ (O. Zangief)

To select the Old version of a character, first pick the character as you normally would. Once you do that, the game will give you 90f (roughly 1,5 seconds) to do the respective code above, followed by either Jab or Fierce. Pressing Short simultaneously with the punch button will give you the alternate color.

--NKI 17:16, 11 April 2006 (CDT)

How do I pick Akuma in this game?

Akuma is playable as a secret character. To choose him, input the following code at the character selection screen:

  • Start with the character selection cursor over Ryu or Ken. Wait atleast 60 frames (roughly 1 second);
    • NOTE: you can move from Ryu to Ken and vice versa during that small period of time
  • Move the cursor to T.Hawk. Wait in the same way (60f);
  • Then move the cursor to Guile. Wait a short while again (60f);
  • After that, move to Cammy. Wait (60f);
  • Finally, move the cursor back to Ryu or Ken. Wait one last time (60f);
    • NOTE: you can move from Ryu to Ken and vice versa during that small period of time
  • At this point, you may optionally move the cursor to any character. There's no real reason to take this unnecessary step unless you're afraid you might get the code wrong and want to choose a specific backup character in such a case;
  • Now press start (the cursor can be on any character), and then very quickly after pressing start (you have up to 30f - roughly half a second), press all 3 punch buttons simultaneously. They must be pressed on the same frame (like a Lariat) so it's possible to miss it. Mash the three punches to increase your chance of success.

Since Akuma is considered an overwhelmingly-strong character, he's banned in virtually every tournament. Choosing him outside of tournaments may also be frowned upon if the games are being played with any kind of seriousness. Playing as him should be done for entertainment value only.

--Raisin (May 6, 2007)

What speed does everyone play on?

In USA, Turbo 2. In Japan, Turbo 3. The Japanese speed settings were Turbo 0-3, while the American version changed it to Turbo 1-4. They're the same speed setting, just different because of localization.

What does the tier list look like?

There is no clear, definitive, universally agreed upon tier list for ST. Even a game as old as ST, that came out in March of 1994, is still evolving. New, or updated, tier lists have appeared in Japanese magazine Arcadia as recently as November of 2008. Below are three tier lists. The first tier list is from the February 2008 issue of Arcadia magazine that ranked (some of) the characters in different tiers based on player consensus and then was finalized by Gian (a top Japanese Dhalsim player). The characters are arbitrarily lumped together in the first tier list (meaning they are not listed in order within the tiers). The second tier list is a diagram, a match specific chart, that ranked every N.Character in a ten point scale across the 15 different character matches. The third list is an individually ranked matchup chart done by various players mostly from the United States.

Arcadia February 2008 Tier List:

SSS Rank:
- extremely powerful, cannot be dizzied, red fireball can lock characters down in the corner infinitely, is usually banned in every tournament

S Rank:
O.Sagat, Dhalsim, Boxer, Claw, Chun

A Rank:
Ryu, Dee Jay, Guile, O.Ken, Dictator, O.Hawk

B Rank:
N.Ken, N.Honda, Fei-Long, N.Sagat

C Rank:
Zangief, Cammy, Blanka, N.Hawk

The second list is ordered from top to bottom based on the ten point scale. All of the characters are N.Character versions in this list. The name next to each character is the player who was responsible for assigning the overall number of points to that character. The full diagram, with more information about how this list was formed, is available at Nohoho's blog.

Arcadia November 2008 Chart

Dhalsim (Gian)+27
Boxer (Tsuji)+19
Claw (ARG)+18
Ryu (Gotoh)+15
Chun-Li (Nuki) +13.5
Guile (Muteki)+9
Dee Jay (yaya)+5
Dictator (Taira)-5
E.Honda (Kusumondo)-5.5
Sagat (yaya)-5.5
Ken (Aniken)-7.5
Fei-Long (Yuubou)-7.5
Zangief (Gunze)-16
Blanka (Komoda) -18.5
Cammy (Nakamura)-18.5
T.Hawk (K)-22.5

The third list is far too large to put in the SRK Wiki. Follow the link to Nohoho's blog to see the full chart, plus an explanation how the chart was formed, as well as some discussions in the comments sections.

A fourth tier list, composed for ratio based tournaments at Kohatsu (a Japanese arcade), has all 32 characters, both old and new, grouped into four tiers. The characters are not ordered within the tiers. This list was composed in the fall of 2010 and differs from the Arcadia 2008 tier list.

Ratio 4:
Claw, Dhalsim, Chun-Li, Boxer, O.Sagat

Ratio 3:
Ryu, Guile, Dee Jay, O.Ryu, O.Ken, O.Chun, O.Dhalsim

Ratio 2:
Ken, Dictator, Honda, Zangief, Fei-Long, O.Fei, O.Box, O.Honda, O.Hawk, O.Guile, O.Claw

Ratio 1.5:
Sagat, Cammy, Blanka, T.Hawk, O.Cammy, O.Blanka, O.DJ, O.Dic, O.Gief

Gian and T.Akiba gathered a new list after SBO 2011. Thanks Nohoho for the information.

Tier 1:
Dhalsim, Claw, Boxer, O.Sagat

Tier 2:
Chun-Li, Dee Jay, Ryu

Tier 3:
Guile, O.T.Hawk, Dictator, Honda, Ken, Sagat, Fei-Long

Tier 4:
T.Hawk, Blanka, Cammy, Zangief

This features Dee Jay being promoted to the second highest tier, while Guile and Ken are below. We assume O.Cammy, O.Blanka and O.Dictator are in tier 4 or below.

Super Turbo is more about matchups than definitive tiers. Every N.Character is competitive and several O.Characters are competitive as well (though not all of them). There is no character that is completely excluded from tournament level play because they aren't effectively competitive. While Dhalsim and O.Sagat are clearly better overall than Cammy and N.Hawk, the top tier characters are still beatable, and the low tier characters are still capable of winning. That being said, the odds of seeing Dhalsim and O.Sagat in the later rounds of a tournament, are noticeably higher than seeing a T.Hawk, Blanka, or Cammy player make their way to the finals. But unlike many other fighting games, the lowest tiered characters in ST still make appearances in tournament finals, no one character is completely shutout. In retrospect it is truly amazing to see how ST has evolved into a more balanced game than Capcom ever imagined.

Akuma however is banned in basically every tournament, because he is far too powerful, and dominates the entire cast unfairly. Capcom designed him as a secret boss character for a reason. His air fireball is next to impossible to deal with for most of the cast. His red fireball can be used to infinitely lock any opponent in blockstun in the corner for a perfect, inescapable blockstring, complete with chip damage. And his normals and special moves also have ridiculously high priority hit boxes. It is extremely rare to see a tournament allow Akuma to be used.

How can I play online with other people?

There are many options.

HDR Classic Mode can be played on Xbox 360 XBL or PS3 PSN.

Super Street Fighter 2X can be played online on Fightcade which supports Windows, MacOS and Linux operating systems. Other less popular options are RedGGPO and YzKof.

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection has online available for ST/2X. This is available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. The PS4 and PC versions have fairly active online communities in North America and Japan. For the PC version, there is a patch developed by players that makes ST/2X run a little better online.

What about getting a good training mode?

Fightcade comes with a built-in training mode actively developed by community members (peon2, Asunaro, pof) which is the most advanced and feature packed training mode available for SSF2X. It has support for multi-slot recording/playback, input viewer, hitbox viewer, stage selector, auto-block, auto-reversal, missions (for practicing specific setups for every character), etc. The source code for Fightcade's training mode can be found here.

30th anniversary has a training mode for ST/2X on all releases. It's a pretty basic training mode, though has some known weird glitches, like the dummy randomly falling down after combos, and the Guile handcuff glitch from world warrior somehow returning in training mode. It is the first official release of an SF2 training mode using the "record/playback" feature that most modern fighting games use. This makes testing some things out very easy. Unfortunately it lacks the hitbox/hurtbox viewer that HDR and emulators have.

Dreamcast ST and Xbox 360/PS3 HDR classic mode provide a training mode. Alternatively, you can run emulators with save states / cheats. A pre-configured MAME training mode with hitbox display can be found here

XSPR also wrote a comprehensive lesson driven training mode here

Pof wrote a training mode cheat for MAME that fixes most of the glitches from older training modes, it can be found as a bundle with the emulator and cheat files integrated (ROMs need to be added).

Jedpossum also wrote a training mode that can be patched directly into the JP rom. This one is useful to convert a CPS2 board to training mode by swapping the 03 and 04 EPROMs. The patched training ROM can be played online on Fightcade too, to practice with a training partner.

What are all the different game versions for?

CPS2 (arcade)

  • This the original release of Super Turbo.
  • What follows is a list of ports and differences from the original arcade version.


  • The size of the screen is slightly off (it's a little too narrow), making the character sizes appear to be slightly too thin. There is no evidence to show that this affects gameplay in any way.
  • The Dreamcast version occasionally suffers from 1 frame of input lag (possibly more if you're using a PSX->DC controller converter), though this is undetectable by most players.
  • During "Round 1/2/3, FIGHT!", the game suffers from noticeable slowdown, regardless of the speed setting. In the arcade version, if you start counting from the moment the background becomes visible until the moment your can control your characters, the elapsed time is almost exactly two seconds. In the Dreamcast version, it's almost exactly 3 seconds. This means you must slightly alter the timing of your opening attack.
  • In the arcade version, O.Chun can not control the strength of her reversal fireball. (The game "stores" the strength that you previously did.) This was corrected in the Dreamcast version. Strangely, T.Hawk and O.Dictator suffer from similar problems with reversal uppercut and reversal Devil's Reverse, respectively. There is a DIP switch to correct O.Dictator's, but T.Hawk's remains in tact.
  • By default, there are a few other slight gameplay differences as well (such as Dhalsim/Ken/Sagat being able to reversal super), but aside from the above mentioned reversal glitches for Chun and Hawk, all of the tested and known differences can be corrected using the in-game DIP switches.

Playstation 2 (Hyper Street Fighter II Anniversary Edition, only the ST characters will be addressed)

  • This version has not been thoroughly tested, but the known differences are:
  • O.Sagat's Tiger Shots have been toned down considerably
  • Ken, Dhalsim, and Sagat can do reversal supers (which they can not in the arcade version)
  • Due to an error in porting, Claw's wall dive (ST versions only) must be performed Charge D, K, U (pressing Kick before Up, instead of the normal order)
  • If an ST character is facing a non-ST character, the ST character can not tech the throws (in ST, New characters can tech Old characters' throws)
  • Holding start when selecting Super Turbo or Super seems to allow access to the original arcade versions of each character.

Xbox (Hyper Street Fighter II Anniversary Edition, only the ST characters will be addressed)

  • No information is documented at this time.

Playstation 1

  • Known differences in the PS1 version:
  • if the opponent blocks Dictator's Fierce Psycho Crusher mid-screen, Dic lands right next to the opponent
  • Ken, Dhalsim, and Sagat can do reversal supers (which they can not in the arcade version)
  • there is a slight delay between "Round 1, Fight!" and when you can actually move (speculation, untested)
  • Chun Li falls extremely slowly after her medium upkicks (Short and RH are correct, though)
  • Guile regains CPS1 chains
  • only two buttons are required for three-button moves (ex: Zangief can do a lariat by hitting only Jab Strong or Strong Fierce or Jab Fierce)
  • inputs must be done more quickly (speculation, untested)
  • comboing into Ryu's super is exceptionally difficult
  • tapping two buttons one right after the other counts as hitting them simultaneously
  • when a character has zero life left, it takes two blocked specials to kill him/her
  • characters don't seem to get dizzy as easily (speculation, untested)

Sega Saturn

  • The Saturn version's characters appear to be too big because the screen is stretched. Again, this technically shouldn't change anything in the game, but no thorough testing has been done. One other notable difference is that Guile regained his CPS1 chains. This version is not thoroughly tested, and most likely contains more differences.

Playstation 2 / Xbox: Capcom Classics Collection Volume 2

  • The custom code used in this version fixes many inaccuracies found in other common emulators such as MAME and Kawaks.
  • This version was emulated from the original arcade ROM's, unlike any other version.
  • Some stages are known to cause slowdown or speed changes.
  • Sometimes sound effects are known to play at random times, especially the ones for special moves.
  • "time warps" where the game will suddenly "jump forward in time" by about 5 to 10 frames.
  • There have been many claims of input lag from a large number of arcade players, these claims were later verified in the test seen here.
  • Every once in a while, buttons will spontaneously remap themselves, even in the middle of a match.

Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3: Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix

  • Super Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix. A changed version of the traditional ST game with new graphics, 1080p native resolutions, re-balanced gameplay, online functionality, training mode, versus mode, and arcade mode.
  • Also has a Classic mode, which is the Dreamcast port of ST. The Xbox 360 version has 1.5-2.5 added frames of input delay over the arcade version, with the PS3 version having additional 3.5 frames of input delay.


  • The most glaring problem with the 3D0 version is that the Old characters are completely missing. It also has lots of missing animation. For example, all of Zangief's ducking punches are the same animation in the 3D0 version.

Other known differences :

  • All characters get CPS1 chains
  • Gouki/Akuma's Red Fireball has lesser recovery and can throw another fireball again at the 2nd hit !


  • The PC version initially contained bugs such as moves being missing, however there are two patches available that fix most of the major bugs in this version.

Game Boy Advance

  • The character sizes and animations are totally different. Way too many differences to try to list.
  • Potential to crash the game (forever) if Akuma is fought.

Nintendo Switch (Ultra Street Fighter 2)

  • Basically a slightly adjusted version of ST, speculated to be based on HSF2 due to some similarities in the characters, and objects on Ryu stage etc.
  • Game speed is slower, speculated to be 1.35x faster than turbo 1 on Japanese ST.
  • Throws can now be fully teched, works similar to 3s throw techs, done with the same input as throw softening, window now seems tighter.
  • Slight reduction in throw damage.
  • No "old" versions of characters.
  • Stage speed variation is gone, all stages are the same speed.
  • Breakable stage objects are purely visual, no longer have an effect on falling characters after holds and throw softens in the corner.
  • Damage and dizzy variation on attacks are now gone, a move will always do the same damage/stun value.
  • Evil Ryu and Violent Ken added as playable characters.
  • Gouki has a super like in HDR, though he's based on the ST version of Gouki.
  • All characters except Gouki, Evil Ryu, and Violent Ken, all have the same dizzy rate (30, 34 after one dizzy).
  • Special moves and supers seem to be slightly easier to get to work.
  • Ken, Sagat, and Dhalsim can now properly reversal super.
  • Oicho, Honda and Chun's supers, and Claw's flip kicks can no longer be stored.
  • Claw will climb the wall on Spain stage if he does a walldive.
  • Claw cannot juggle after hk flip kick anymore.
  • Claw loses his claw for the whole round if it comes off (like old Claw).
  • Ryu's red fireball is now half circle back+punch.
  • Cammy's hooligan throw is now half circle forward+punch.
  • Cammy's backfist/back knuckle is now half circle back+punch.
  • Fei's chicken wing is now half circle forward+kick.
  • Dhalsim's flame and up flame are now half circle back+punch/kick.
  • Sagat's tiger knee is srk motion+kick.
  • Zangief's green hand is now srk motion+punch.
  • Due to the changes with dizzy rates and set damage/stun, Zangief's neutral jump> up+fierce headbutt will always dizzy the first time it hits in a round.
  • Dictator's fierce psycho crusher seems to always hit twice, and he lands very close to them instead of passing through.
  • Guile has his CPS1 sonic boom voice clip.
  • Gouki's red fireball is now half circle back+punch.

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC)

  • Essentially a direct port of the arcade version.
  • No known differences at this time...

Capcom Arcade Stadium (PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC)

  • Another port of the arcade version.
  • The design of the flag seen when highlighting Fei Long was changed from the Flag of Hong Kong SAR to the flag of the People's Republic of China.
  • The Rising Sun seen on E. Honda's stage was removed.
    • As of a November 7, 2022 patch, the design of the stage was changed again to resemble the version seen in Street Fighter V.

Street Fighter 6 (PS4, PS5, Xbox Series, PC)

  • Coming soon. Confirmed to be playable within the game's Battle Hub during specific periods of time.

--hagure 22:02, 24 November 2007 (UTC)
--NKI 21:40, 26 May 2008 (UTC)

Regional Differences

Please note that the Japanese arcade version is not the same as the American arcade version:

American Version
Japanese Version
Secret character = Akuma Secret character = Gouki
Boxer character = Balrog Boxer character = M.Bison
Claw character = Vega Claw character = Balrog
Dictator character = M.Bison Dictator character = Vega
Speeds are listed as Turbo 0, Turbo 1, Turbo 2, and Turbo 3. Speeds are listed as Turbo 1, Turbo 2, Turbo 3, and Turbo 4.
Zangief's jump straight up up Fierce has no special properties. Zangief's jump straight up up Fierce is practically a guaranteed dizzy.
Can put the game on Free Play. Has no Free Play option.
No dialogue before you fight Akuma/Gouki. Has a short dialogue before you fight Akuma/Gouki.
Akuma/Gouki has no endings. Akuma/Gouki has two endings (depending on who you fought as the last boss).
CPS1 characters have 1 winquote, the New Challengers have 2, Akuma has none. Every character has a variety of winquotes.
No extra text during the continue screen. Shows tips and tricks during the continue screen.

There is also supposedly-a-bug in the WORLD version only, which allows O.Zangief to grab and SPD/Suplex the opponent from any range.


  • In the arcade version, Dhalsim, Sagat, and Ken can not do reversal supers. If they successfully time a reversal super, they will simply get the last special move they did.
  • After getting up from being knocked down, you are unthrowable for 13 frames.
  • Old characters have the exact same walking speed as new characters.
  • Not all characters get dizzied at the same rate. In order from easiest to dizzy to hardest to dizzy:
  • Sim, Claw
  • Guile, Cammy Dee Jay
  • Boxer, Blanka, Chun, Honda, Fei, Ken, Dictator, Ryu, Sagat, Hawk, Zangief
  • Blanka's stage is the widest, and Claw's stage is the shortest.
  • Boxer's Strong throw has more range than his Fierce throw, even though they're the same throw.
  • After being knocked down, different characters get up at different speeds.

Some additional details on miscellany can be found in T.Akiba's game data:

--NKI 14:59, 7 January 2007 (UTC)

The Yoga Book Series

The Yoga Book Series consists of two books released in Japan that contain frame data, hit boxes for every move in the game, in addition to tons of strategies, tricks, glitches, oddities, and a wealth of other information.

The first book is called The Yoga Book Hyper and it was released in 2005. Included with the book was an excellent best-of-the-best tournament DVD featuring Japan's best 16 players, hand-picked by Daigo Umehara. In addition to the tourney, the DVD also features ST casuals, AE casuals, and a CD of remixed Street Fighter tracks.

The second book is called The Yoga Book Super and it was created and handed as a gift to the participants of the Kakerugo tournament in 2017 in Tokyo.

Top players were involved in the making of both books. Yoga Book Hyper focuses on the new character versions of the game whereas Yoga Book Super does it on the old versions.

Help, I can't read Japanese!!

Once you know what the numbers and different colored boxes mean, you don't really need to know Japanese in order to get a lot out of the book. You can view a translation of the diagram names here.

The only parts that really require Japanese are the strategy section and the interviews. For the strategy parts there is a project launched by the LaDose.Net guys in Lyon (France) where they are translating both books into English and French.

Where Can I Buy It?

The Yoga Book Hyper was available at some point on the INH's website and the Play-Asia store. It's currently out of print.

Ammendments/Corrections in the Yoga Book Hyper

When dealing with such a massive amount of information, there are bound to be some typos and mistakes. Here is a list of the mistakes that have been caught. Most of them are very trivial, but for the sake of correctness, here is the translation:

On the DVD staff list, there is a name spelled incorrectly. 北条大吾 小島慎治 should be 北条大悟 小島真志.

On page 23, Guile's Short color is shown as yellow/gold, but it should be red.

On pages 38 and 54, the hit boxes for Zangief's and T.Hawks splashes (jumping down Fierce) are incorrect. Please see official corrections page for images.

On page 70, the name of Zangief's move is incorrectly listed as "Quick Double Lariat", when it should be "High Speed Lariat".

On page 81, the amount of meter gained for Boxer's TAP's are all listed as 7 dots. It should be:

  • Level 1: 7 dots
  • Level 2: 8 dots
  • Level 3: 9 dots
  • Level 4: 10 dots
  • Level 5: 12 dots
  • Level 6: 16 dots
  • Level 7: 20 dots
  • Final: 32 dots

On page 156, under A7(3), Dee Jay's move is listed as "far Fierce", when it should be "far st.Fierce".

On page 164, under Claw's "Other: One Point Technique" section, the "Flying Barcelona Attack" is incorrectly listed as "Barcelona Attack".

On page 175, under "Moves that can juggle up to 3 times", it only lists Claw's Forward and RH flip kicks, when it should list all three (Short, Forward, and RH).

On page 185, under X-MANIA Gaiden Player Introduction, kusumondo's tournament history lists him as the winner of X-MANIA 2000, but he actually got 2nd.

On page 192, under the Daigo Umehara SPECIAL INTERVIEW, the photo cuts off a line of text. It should read ウメちゃんのストリートファイターIIX(以下:X)での強さも再認識できました。

--NKI 14:47, 7 January 2007 (UTC)

SSF2T's Wiki Diagram Conventions

I'm writing this because the diagrams are starting to be not very obvious. To keep the information consistent, compact and well presentable, I'm adopting some simple conventions. If you didn't really got what some stuff in the diagrams actually meant, this topic will clear all your doubts.

  • Move name: Each move will be presented with his official and his most common name, if there's one.
  • Input data: The special input will be presented, if it's not a normal move (exceptions: some N.Dhalsim moves, which require directions to be activated). All motions are listed under the assumption that the character is facing right. Also, for special and super moves a detailed information about the input will be available. Inputs in ST work in a very simple and straightforward way: there's a set max time (in frames) per input which may differ from move to move. Usually, the time to input the P/K button are usualy longer for light versions and shorter for heavy versions. Supers are always the same regarding the strength of the button pressed. Example: (↓ [7~11f] ↘) means that after ↓ is detected, you can delay the next input (↘) up till 7 frames minimum. The window is random though, the minimum value is 7, the maximum is 11 (on that example). Delaying more than 7 but less than 11 means you may miss the move due to randomness. Delaying it even more will result in the move not coming out.

NOTE: Diagrams may be separated into smaller parts. The reason for this is simple, not everyone uses the same monitor resolution. I designed the diagrams display right in 1280x1024. Since the standard nowadays are wide screen monitors, 1280 pixels of width is fine. When needed, I'll try to divide the diagrams into startup, active, and recovery parts.

  • Damage data: For special moves, unless the damage between strengths are different, there will be only one cell for this value. Moves that do more than 1 hit will be presented as a sum of values. Moves with more than one active part with different damage potential but that do only one hit will have its values separated by a /. The number inside square brackets indicates which Random Damage Table the move uses. For more info on how the damage is calculated and all that, read this. Underlined damage values are not affected by random damage nor character specific damage reduction; that's the case for normal throws as well some special throws (Zangief's Suplex first part, Zangief's Super first and second parts, T.Hawk's Typhoon and T.Hawk's Super first part, Claw's Wall Dive Throw, Claw's Super first and second parts and Cammy's Hooligan Throws).
  • Stun data: Don't confuse this with hit and block stuns. This is actually related to the Dizzy potential of a move. The Stun Timer is by how much frames the total stun will be stored before getting erased. This is decremented at every frame by 1 (if there's no frameskip). The Stun amount or just Stun is how much stun points the move can afflict on the opponent. This value will always vary from -3 to +3, with 0 being the most common value. This may also be divided by a + or / in the appropriate cases (moves that does 2 or more hits or moves that do different stun depending on the part it hits). When receiving an attack, both stun timer and stun amount of that move are added to their respective counters. If the Stun amount meter goes over 30 points (this may vary a bit) the opponent will fall Dizzy. If the Stun Timer goes to 0, the Stun amount is also erased. The link above gives further explanations on this as well. Values inside parentheses are modifiers for when a move hits an airbone opponent (this usually appears on aerial normals).
  • Cancels data: If a move has one of the cancel properties, it will be said here. If a move has multiple active parts, but not all of them can be canceled, the info will be divided, respecting the order of the active parts. An asterisk denotes that Old version of that character can cancel that normal but SSF2's version can't. In HSF2, the Old versions are "hidden", to choose the ST's Old version instead of SSF2's version, hold start while choosing the character version, if done right you'll hear a different sound.
  • Frame advantage: This does not apply to knockdowns since each character has his own wake up speeds, this is for block/hitstun only. Hit and block stuns are at most cases the same. If a move has more than one active part but there's only one value present, then that value is from the last active part of the move, with the move doing the maximum quantity of hits. Understand that these values are from non-meaty timed normals (i.e. the opponent was hit from the attack on the first active frame), so if a move is meaty timed it will of course give a better frame advantage. A very good example for this is Dictator's slide, in which it can be made safe if it hits on the last active frames, but will otherwise be a very unsafe move. Also, moves with more than one hitting part will have 1 less frame of advantage if more than one active part actually hits, but only if it results in a combo. In the cases where both frame data are available, the combo case will be presented inside parentheses. A example for this situation is T.Hawk's Crouching Fierce: if the opponent is close enough for the move to hit twice, T.Hawk will be left at 3 frames of advantage, but if the opponent is far enough and only the second active part will hit, then T.Hawk will be left at 4 frames of advantage.
  • Hitboxes: Blue boxes represent the vulnerable areas, a.k.a. hurtboxes. Those are the areas your character can be hit. Red boxes are the hitting areas, a.k.a. hitboxes. Those cause a hit or a blocked attack if they overlap with the enemy's hurtboxes. Green boxes are just for preventing one character from walking through the other (i.e. they never overlap), known as pushboxes. Orange and Cyan boxes are projectiles hitting and vulnerable areas, respectively. Yellow boxes are throwboxes. White/black boxes are the throwable boxes, if a throwbox overlaps with a throwable box, one of the characters gets grabbed and either thrown or attacked while being held. If the throwable box is white, it means that the character is in a grounded state and can only be thrown by ground throws (exceptions: Vega's Wall Dive Throws and Cammy's Hooligan Throws). If it is black, it's the opposite (can only be thrown by aerial throws).
  • Holds damage data: If the throw is actually a hold (it does multiple hits), the set amount of hits will also be presented (i.e. if both players don't mash, how much hits will it do).
  • Throw range data: It's separated in two values: the actual range, from the characters axis, and the "practical" range. That second value is counted from the throwable box edge, giving the perfect notion for the throw range matchups.
  • Frame data: There's two rows for it: the first is a more detailed one, with frames per animation, and the second is a more summed one which is separated by startup, active parts and recovery. Ground normals take one extra frame to enter their start-up, which is the reason for the additional frame on the 'Simplified' row. Numbers in parentheses are just a resume, because It wasn't possible to group the entire startup/active part/recovery in a single row (i.e. that would demand a too big page width). Numbers inside square brackets are super's freeze frames. Numbers in curly brackets means that during that time, the character is actually in the opposite state in relation to what his throwable box says (e.g. if the throwable box says that the character is in the ground (i.e. it's white colored), 5 + {2} means that during the last 2 frames he is actually considered in the air and as a consequence he will be invulnerable to ground throws). This was done to simplify things, since different versions of the same move may differ on the air/ground state. So, instead of complicating the diagrams even more with different hitbox images, I created that convention.

After all that stuff is presented, some comments on the usefulness and role of the move may be available.


Any other useful ST links I can use?

--Ernest 22:10, 22 August 2013 (UTC)

--NKI 14:46, 7 January 2007 (UTC)

--Janus Gemini

--Blitzfu 15:00, 15 October 2011 (UTC)

  • FightCade by Pof, to play ST online. Based on the discontinued GGPO. (Discord Server)
  • Challonge (in-browser tournament organizer)
  • EVO (annual national fighting game tournament) by SRK staff including Tom Cannon and Tony Cannon (Inkblot and Ponder), Joey Cuellar (Mr.Wizard), James Chen (jchensor) and others
  • Grandmasterchallenge Discord for ST discussion.

Game Navigation

Controls and Notation
New Characters
Dee Jay
E. Honda
Fei Long
M. Bison
T. Hawk
Old Characters
O. Balrog
O. Blanka
O. Cammy
O. Chun-Li
O. Dee Jay
O. Dhalsim
O. E. Honda
O. Fei Long
O. Guile
O. Ken
O. M. Bison
O. Ryu
O. Sagat
O. T. Hawk
O. Vega
O. Zangief