Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo/Dhalsim

From SuperCombo Wiki
Dhalsim's portrait in Super Turbo


Competitive Overview

Dhalsim cannot be played at a competitive level if you don't know all of his anti-air options in every match. He requires really strenuous training that you have to do in order to net consistent wins. If you don't do it, you'll get crushed without a doubt.

Sim is not a common top tier character. You can't just learn two or three cheap tricks and go for cheesy wins. Of course, Sim can be very cheesy, but you won't win consistently relying on it.

You have to learn, you have to meditate, and then destroy. If you want to main Sim in order to do well in tournaments, you'll need to be analytical in your overall strategy, how you handle specific matchups, and having multiple plans to deal with both good and bad situations. He is such a deep character that you'll never be fully satisfied of your level with him. There is a lot of ways you can play with him, but even when you got your style, you have to have ultra-solid fundamentals, which is knowing everything about countering the moves in every matches.

That said, Dhalsim is a great character to compete with. Claw is his only really unfavorable match, and if you have good reactions and fundamentals, then you'll do great without a doubt.

All in all, what you need is: Discipline, learning, humility, reactions, reflection, and dedication. Being good with Sim doesn't usually happen quickly. Theoretically, Dhalsim is the best character of the game, because he can counter everything if done at the right time and the right spacing. But this skill demands incredibly great concentration and knowledge. If you make one mistake against any character, even a minor mistake, that can reasonably lend to a round loss.

Strengths & Weaknesses


  • Very good throw range and tick throw setups
  • Awesome super. It does high damage, juggles airborne opponents, is safe on block, and is invulnerable for almost half it's animation
  • His limbs reach very far which give him a very good zoning game
  • Some of his close ground normal moves have very fast start-up and recovery, and good range.
  • Fantastic frame trap setups
  • Great air mobility with his drills
  • Has a lot of reliable anti-air options


  • Poor reversal options:
    • He cannot perform a super on the reversal frame
    • His teleport, even if successful, has quite a lot of recovery, and many characters can punish it on reaction
  • The lowest stun resistance in the game
  • Low priority on his long range pokes, allowing the opponent to use invincible or high priority moves to snuff them
  • Floaty jump speeds and a short jump arc
  • Limited blockstring sequences

New & Old Versions Comparison

To select O.Dhalsim, choose Dhalsim and then press ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ Jab or Fierce. Pressing Short simultaneously with the punch button will give you the alternate color.

Here is the list of differences:

  • Obvious stuff: O.Dhalsim can not tech throws, does not have the Yoga Blast and Super;
  • O.Dhalsim Close Normals behave normally, while for N.Dhalsim they are activated by blocking while pressing the button. N.Dhalsim also received 3 new close crouching normals (that were missing for O.Dhalsim and/or to keep things consistent): Fierce, Short, and Roundhouse;
  • O.Dhalsim has some differences in some of his normals:
    • Far Standing Jab can be special canceled;
    • Close Standing Fierce first hit can be special canceled;
    • Far Standing Short can be special canceled;
    • Far Standing Forward can be special canceled (!);
    • Neutral Jumping Jab has new animation and properties;
    • Diagonal Jumping Strong has new animation and properties;
  • O.Dhalsim only have the Forward Drill Kick, which is actually activated with Roundhouse;
  • O.Dhalsim's teleport has a 1 frame longer startup, a different animation and it does not have a pushbox during the small period of time where Dhalsim's sprites are invisible and he is actually teleporting (i.e. shifting his position);

N.Dhalsim is often regarded as the second-best character in the game (excluding Akuma who is plain broken). O.Dhalsim isn't as good as his new counterpart, but he is very competitive and can be used against most characters without many problems.

Color Options

Jab Strong Fierce Start Old
Dhalsim-lp.gif Dhalsim-mp.gif Dhalsim-hp.gif Dhalsim-start.gif Dhalsim-old1.gif
Dhalsim-lk.gif Dhalsim-mk.gif Dhalsim-hk.gif Dhalsim-hold.gif Dhalsim-old2.gif
Short Forward Roundhouse Hold Old Alternative


Video Overview

Moves Analysis

Disclaimer: To better understand the diagrams, read this.

Normal Moves

Ground Normals

  • Close Standing Jab: (←/↖ + Jab)
Damage 14[0] Dhalsim stcljab1.png Dhalsim stcljab2.png Dhalsim stcljab3.png Dhalsim stcljab4.png
Stun 0~5
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes / No
Super Cancel Yes / Yes
Frame Advantage -1 / +2
Frame Count 2 3 6 5
Simplified 1 + 2 9 5

The low startup and good hitbox make this one of Dhalsim's best general use antiairs. Certain characters can nullify this with their jump normals, but most cannot. Utilize this to either catch an opponent's landing far away or to smack someone who's jumping right on top of you. The speed of this normal means that you can hit people for reactively jumping over Yoga Fire, and even predicitively doing so over a limb normal.

  • Far Standing Jab:
Damage 12[0] Dhalsim stfarjab1.png Dhalsim stfarjab2&4.png Dhalsim stfarjab3.png Dhalsim stfarjab2&4.png
Stun 0~5
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Super Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +2
Frame Count 2 3 6 5
Simplified 1 + 5 6 5

Often outclassed by db.LP with worse frame data and damage, though the extra range and the height can allow Dhalsim to antiair a far landing.

  • Close Crouching Jab: (↙ + Jab)
Damage 14[1] Dhalsim crcljab1&3 crclstrng1&3 crclfrc1&3.png Dhalsim crcljab2.png Dhalsim crcljab1&3 crclstrng1&3 crclfrc1&3.png
Stun 0~5
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Super Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +4
Frame Count 2 4 5
Simplified 1 + 2 4 5

Beats out many advancing moves such as Honda's Headbutt, Boxer's dashes, or Dictator's Psycho Crusher and Scissor Kicks. Furthermore, is generally Dhalsim's best antiair when the opponent is landing far away vs characters with fast jumps like Blanka.

  • Far Crouching Jab:
Damage 12[0] Dhalsim crfarjab1 crfarstrng1 crfarfrc1.png Dhalsim crfarjab2&6 crfarstrng2&6 crfarfrc2&6.png Dhalsim crfarjab3&5 crfarstrng3&5 crfarfrc3&5.png Dhalsim crfarjab4.png Dhalsim crfarjab3&5 crfarstrng3&5 crfarfrc3&5.png Dhalsim crfarjab2&6 crfarstrng2&6 crfarfrc2&6.png
Stun 0~5
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Super Cancel No
Frame Advantage -2
Frame Count 2 3 3 6 4 5
Simplified 1 + 8 6 9

Mostly outclassed by far crouch mp, but this does less pushback, so can be ok if you need them at a specific range. This is best utilized vs Guile, where being pushed back too far allows Guile room to zone Dhalsim unless he finds a way back in.

  • Close Standing Strong: (←/↖ + Strong)
Damage 18[1] Dhalsim stclstrng1&5.png Dhalsim stclstrng2.png Dhalsim stclstrng3.png Dhalsim stclstrng4.png Dhalsim stclstrng1&5.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes / No
Super Cancel Yes / Yes
Frame Advantage +4 / +7
Frame Count 2 3 6 4 1
Simplified 1 + 2 9 5

Best as an antiair in closer range. Low horizontal range makes this a poor antiair otherwise. Can be OS'd with MP throw to beat jump outs or mashing. Crucial in matches like Claw or Chun Li where catching jumps can be difficult without this button.

  • Far Standing Strong:
Damage 16[1] Dhalsim stfarstrng1&7 stfarfrc1.png Dhalsim stfarstrng2&6 stfarfrc2&6.png Dhalsim stfarstrng3.png Dhalsim stfarstrng4.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Super Cancel No
Frame Advantage -1 / +3
Frame Count 3 4 4 6
Simplified 1 + 7 10
Dhalsim stfarstrng5.png Dhalsim stfarstrng2&6 stfarfrc2&6.png Dhalsim stfarstrng1&7 stfarfrc1.png
Frame Count 4 4 1
Simplified 9

Better range than cr.MP, as well as better frame data makes it a better poke in matchups where the low profile of crouching punches is not needed. In particular, this button is great vs Dictator to punish Psyco Crusher or snuff out Scissor Kicks. Furthermore, can act as a late antiair when all other options will fail.

  • Close Crouching Strong: (↙ + Strong)
Damage 18[1] Dhalsim crcljab1&3 crclstrng1&3 crclfrc1&3.png Dhalsim crclstrng2 crclfrc2.png Dhalsim crcljab1&3 crclstrng1&3 crclfrc1&3.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Super Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +6
Frame Count 3 5 7
Simplified 1 + 3 5 7

Less priority than close crouch lp, but more reach, can still be good to keep them out, as it has fast startup.

  • Far Crouching Strong:
Damage 16[0] Dhalsim crfarjab1 crfarstrng1 crfarfrc1.png Dhalsim crfarjab2&6 crfarstrng2&6 crfarfrc2&6.png Dhalsim crfarjab3&5 crfarstrng3&5 crfarfrc3&5.png Dhalsim crfarstrng4.png Dhalsim crfarjab3&5 crfarstrng3&5 crfarfrc3&5.png Dhalsim crfarjab2&6 crfarstrng2&6 crfarfrc2&6.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Super Cancel No
Frame Advantage +3
Frame Count 2 3 3 6 4 5
Simplified 1 + 8 6 9

This is a good low poke to pressure and punish with. It gives good frames upon landing, and forces them to block low. Gives Guile and DJ a lot of problems as it can safely punish their fireballs, you can even block them if you get up as the move ends.

  • Close Standing Fierce: (←/↖ + Fierce)
Damage 22[1] + 22[1] Dhalsim stclfrc1.png Dhalsim stclfrc2&6.png Dhalsim stclfrc3.png Dhalsim stclfrc4.png Dhalsim stclfrc5.png Dhalsim stclfrc2&6.png
Stun 10~16 + 10~16
Stun Timer 80 + 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Super Cancel Yes / No
Frame Advantage -6 / -3(-4)
Frame Count 2 3 3 8 10 7
Simplified 1 + 5 3 8 17

When it's available, does massive damage and dizzy. Can be combo'd into from a crossup slide or drill. However, as this input is tied to a throw, this is often only available in combos or as a meaty. When this hits, though, the opponent is able to be stunned by a single drill for a short period of time.

  • Far Standing Fierce:
Damage 20[1] Dhalsim stfarstrng1&7 stfarfrc1.png Dhalsim stfarstrng2&6 stfarfrc2&6.png Dhalsim stfarfrc3.png Dhalsim stfarfrc4.png
Stun 10~16
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Super Cancel No
Frame Advantage -7 / -3
Frame Count 3 4 4 6
Simplified 1 + 7 10
Dhalsim stfarfrc5.png Dhalsim stfarstrng2&6 stfarfrc2&6.png Dhalsim stfarfrc7.png
Frame Count 10 8 1
Simplified 19

Unsafe on whiff, but Dhalsim's highest range normal and has great punishing power against moves that push back a lot like Cammy's super or Blanka balls. Goes under High Tiger Shots. Very good antiair to catch Boxer's landings as he jumps over Yoga Fire.

  • Close Crouching Fierce: (↙ + Fierce)
Damage 18[1] Dhalsim crcljab1&3 crclstrng1&3 crclfrc1&3.png Dhalsim crclstrng2 crclfrc2.png Dhalsim crcljab1&3 crclstrng1&3 crclfrc1&3.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Super Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +0
Frame Count 5 8 10
Simplified 1 + 5 8 10

Has no reason to be used over cr.MP, as this has the same damage, hit and blockstun, and pushback but worse framedata.

  • Far Crouching Fierce:
Damage 20[2] Dhalsim crfarjab1 crfarstrng1 crfarfrc1.png Dhalsim crfarjab2&6 crfarstrng2&6 crfarfrc2&6.png Dhalsim crfarjab3&5 crfarstrng3&5 crfarfrc3&5.png Dhalsim crfarfrc4.png Dhalsim crfarjab3&5 crfarstrng3&5 crfarfrc3&5.png Dhalsim crfarjab2&6 crfarstrng2&6 crfarfrc2&6.png
Stun 10~16
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Super Cancel No
Frame Advantage -3
Frame Count 3 4 4 6 10 9
Simplified 1 + 11 6 19

Better damage than other crouching punches, so often better if it can be used on reaction or on a read. This is also the best normal for trading with fireballs that cannot be hit by st.HK, such as Kikouken. The long recovery also makes outright avoiding fireballs Dhalsim's crouching punch low profiles like Sonic Booms much easier. However, due to its long recovery, it can be more easily jumped.

  • Close Standing Short:
Damage 14[0] Dhalsim stclshrt1&3 stfarshrt1&6 stclfrwrd1&3 stfarfrwrd1&5.png Dhalsim stclshrt2.png Dhalsim stclshrt1&3 stfarshrt1&6 stclfrwrd1&3 stfarfrwrd1&5.png
Stun 0~5
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Super Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +0
Frame Count 3 8 5
Simplified 1 + 3 8 5

Jumps that can't be caught by Dhalsim's jabs, like Chun Li's and Claw's, are most reliably beaten by this normal from afar.

  • Far Standing Short: (→/↗ + Short)
Damage 12[1] Dhalsim stclshrt1&3 stfarshrt1&6 stclfrwrd1&3 stfarfrwrd1&5.png Dhalsim stfarshrt2&4.png Dhalsim stfarshrt3.png Dhalsim stfarshrt2&4.png Dhalsim stfarshrt5.png Dhalsim stclshrt1&3 stfarshrt1&6 stclfrwrd1&3 stfarfrwrd1&5.png
Stun 0~5
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Super Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage -4
Frame Count 2 3 8 4 4 1
Simplified 1 + 5 8 9

Can be ok for checking some moves like chicken wing and scissor kicks, but usually far mk is a better move to use.

  • Close Crouching Short: (↙ + Short)
Damage 14[2] Dhalsim crclshrt1&3.png Dhalsim crclshrt2.png Dhalsim crclshrt1&3.png
Stun 0~5
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Super Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +0
Frame Count 2 8 5
Simplified 1 + 2 8 5

The pushback of a light is nice to have. By the hitbox, has the same range as db.LP, but characters with wider lower hurtboxes like Chun Li will get hit with this from further away. Otherwise, often outclassed by db.LP due to this move's inferior priority and frame advantage.

  • Far Crouching Short:
Damage 12[1] Dhalsim crfarshrt1 crfarfrwrd1 crfarrh1.png Dhalsim crfarshrt2.png Dhalsim crfarshrt3.png Dhalsim crfarshrt4 crclfrwrd1&3 crfarfrwrd4 crclrh1&3 crfarrh5.png
Stun 0~5
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Super Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage -6
Frame Count 1 1 14 5
Simplified 1 + 2 14 5

The low pushback means that this is Dhalsim's best slide for ticking into throw, and also allows him to continue his ticks with another light if done meaty. Good meaty in general as it low profiles some characters' reversals such as Claw's. Can cross up after MP throw against certain characters if done in the corner, and can cross up against Chun Li mid screen after MP throw.

  • Close Standing Forward: (←/↖ + Forward)
Damage 18[0] Dhalsim stclshrt1&3 stfarshrt1&6 stclfrwrd1&3 stfarfrwrd1&5.png Dhalsim stclfrwrd2.png Dhalsim stclshrt1&3 stfarshrt1&6 stclfrwrd1&3 stfarfrwrd1&5.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Super Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +5
Frame Count 3 8 5
Simplified 1 + 3 8 5

Ok as a trade anti air, comes out pretty fast.

  • Far Standing Forward:
Damage 16[1] Dhalsim stclshrt1&3 stfarshrt1&6 stclfrwrd1&3 stfarfrwrd1&5.png Dhalsim stfarfrwrd2.png Dhalsim stfarfrwrd3.png Dhalsim stfarfrwrd4.png Dhalsim stclshrt1&3 stfarshrt1&6 stclfrwrd1&3 stfarfrwrd1&5.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Super Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +1
Frame Count 2 3 8 4 5
Simplified 1 + 5 8 9

Good poke that pre-emptively antiairs many jumps. Very difficult to punish on reaction for the opponent, so Dhalsim can throw this out very liberally. Snuffs many non-fireball attacks such as Tatsus. Furthermore, can be used to punish Honda's super, which cannot be punished on block otherwise. Can be crouched, but this often doesn't matter. Some characters can dodge this very well like Chun Li or Blanka, though.

  • Close Crouching Forward: (↙ + Forward)
Damage 18[2] Dhalsim crfarshrt4 crclfrwrd1&3 crfarfrwrd4 crclrh1&3 crfarrh5.png Dhalsim crclfrwrd2 crclrh2.png Dhalsim crfarshrt4 crclfrwrd1&3 crfarfrwrd4 crclrh1&3 crfarrh5.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Super Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +5
Frame Count 1 8 5
Simplified 1 + 1 8 5

Probably the best anti-ticking normal in the game due to the 2-frame startup. Mash on this to deter tick or walk-up throws.

  • Far Crouching Forward:
Damage 16[1] Dhalsim crfarshrt1 crfarfrwrd1 crfarrh1.png Dhalsim crfarfrwrd2 crfarrh2&4.png Dhalsim crfarfrwrd3.png Dhalsim crfarshrt4 crclfrwrd1&3 crfarfrwrd4 crclrh1&3 crfarrh5.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Super Cancel No
Frame Advantage -1
Frame Count 3 4 16 5
Simplified 1 + 7 16 5

Very good as an antiair slide. In matchups like Deejay, Shotos, or Sagat, this can be used as an antiair that combos into b.HP for a stun. At worst, this will set up for a tick throw, or avoid the jump normal and give you a throw. This can also be used to cross up certain characters after an MP throw in the corner, as well as Chun Li and Claw mid screen. This is also the best anti-fireball slide in situations where heavy slide will not reach the opponent.

  • Close Standing Roundhouse: (←/↖ + Roundhouse)
Damage 22[1] Dhalsim stclrh1&7.png Dhalsim stclrh2&6.png Dhalsim stclrh3&5.png Dhalsim stclrh4.png Dhalsim stclrh3&5.png Dhalsim stclrh2&6.png Dhalsim stclrh1&7.png
Stun 10~16
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Super Cancel No
Frame Advantage +6
Frame Count 3 3 2 8 3 4 1
Simplified 1 + 8 8 8

Underrated move, has great priority, it will beat a lot of attacks clean. You can do it as a meaty from far, and a lot of characters reversals will whiff or lose.

  • Far Standing Roundhouse:
Damage 20[1] Dhalsim stfarrh1.png Dhalsim stfarrh2.png Dhalsim stfarrh3.png Dhalsim stfarrh4.png Dhalsim stfarrh5.png
Stun 10~16
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Super Cancel No
Frame Advantage -3
Frame Count 1 2 3 4 6
Simplified 1 + 10 6
Dhalsim stfarrh6.png Dhalsim stfarrh7.png Dhalsim stfarrh8.png
Frame Count 10 8 1
Simplified 19

Better by the hitbox than st.MK, but slower on frames. This can be used in a similar fashion to st.MK, though this is generally more useful in matchups like vs Shotos where it trades vs fireballs, making this a great fireball punish if Dhalsim is in the lead. Furthermore, this punishes moves that Dhalsim's other buttons would fail to, such as T. Hawk's dive.

  • Close Crouching Roundhouse: (↙ + Roundhouse)
Damage 20[2] Dhalsim crfarshrt4 crclfrwrd1&3 crfarfrwrd4 crclrh1&3 crfarrh5.png Dhalsim crclfrwrd2 crclrh2.png Dhalsim crfarshrt4 crclfrwrd1&3 crfarfrwrd4 crclrh1&3 crfarrh5.png
Stun 10~16
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Super Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +5
Frame Count 3 10 7
Simplified 1 + 3 10 7

A lot like close crouch mk, but slower. This is the only crouch heavy kick that does not knock down. Can work as an anti air in some matchups if done from far away.

  • Far Crouching Roundhouse:
Damage 20[2] Dhalsim crfarshrt1 crfarfrwrd1 crfarrh1.png Dhalsim crfarfrwrd2 crfarrh2&4.png Dhalsim crfarrh3.png Dhalsim crfarfrwrd2 crfarrh2&4.png Dhalsim crfarshrt4 crclfrwrd1&3 crfarfrwrd4 crclrh1&3 crfarrh5.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 130
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Super Cancel No
Frame Advantage -17
Frame Count 3 4 18 20 1
Simplified 1 + 7 18 21

When in range, the most useful move to use against fireballs barring Low Tiger Shots, as this gives a knockdown and does not trade. As the opponent sticks their hurtbox out, this can punish fireballs from much further than one may think. In the corner, this can cross up certain characters after an MP throw. It can cross up Shotos, Chun Li, and Claw from anywhere on the screen after an MP throw.

Aerial Normals

  • Neutral Jumping Jab:
Damage 14[1] Dhalsim njjab1.png Dhalsim njjab2.png Dhalsim njjab3.png Dhalsim njjab4.png Dhalsim njjab5.png Dhalsim njjab6 djjab1&5 njstrng1&5 djstrng7 njfrc1&5 djfrc1&5.png
Stun 1~7(-2)
Stun Timer 40

Frame Count 2 3 3 4 16
Simplified 12 16

Not much use, poor range and pretty slow.

  • Diagonal Jumping Jab:
Damage 14[1] Dhalsim njjab6 djjab1&5 njstrng1&5 djstrng7 njfrc1&5 djfrc1&5.png Dhalsim djjab2 njstrng2 njfrc2 djfrc2.png Dhalsim djjab3.png Dhalsim djjab4 njstrng4 njfrc4 djfrc4.png Dhalsim njjab6 djjab1&5 njstrng1&5 djstrng7 njfrc1&5 djfrc1&5.png
Stun 1~7(-2)
Stun Timer 40

Frame Count 3 4 16 4
Simplified 7 16

Jump hp is much better to use, however this can hit in spaces where j hp could whiff.

  • Neutral Jumping Strong:
Damage 18[1] Dhalsim njjab6 djjab1&5 njstrng1&5 djstrng7 njfrc1&5 djfrc1&5.png Dhalsim djjab2 njstrng2 njfrc2 djfrc2.png Dhalsim njstrng3.png Dhalsim djjab4 njstrng4 njfrc4 djfrc4.png Dhalsim njjab6 djjab1&5 njstrng1&5 djstrng7 njfrc1&5 djfrc1&5.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 50(+10)

Frame Count 3 4 10 4
Simplified 7 10

Jump hp is flat out better, though this might hit in spaces where j hp would whiff.

  • Diagonal Jumping Strong:
Damage 18[1] Dhalsim djstrng1.png Dhalsim djstrng2.png Dhalsim djstrng3.png Dhalsim djstrng4.png Dhalsim djstrng5.png Dhalsim djstrng6.png Dhalsim njjab6 djjab1&5 njstrng1&5 djstrng7 njfrc1&5 djfrc1&5.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 50(+10)

Frame Count 2 3 3 4 10 4
Simplified 12 10

Ok range and angle, but the projected startup vulnerability is awful. Probably best to stick to j hk for controlling this space.

  • Neutral/Diagonal Jumping Fierce:
Damage 24[2] Dhalsim njjab6 djjab1&5 njstrng1&5 djstrng7 njfrc1&5 djfrc1&5.png Dhalsim djjab2 njstrng2 njfrc2 djfrc2.png Dhalsim njfrc3 djfrc3.png Dhalsim djjab4 njstrng4 njfrc4 djfrc4.png Dhalsim njjab6 djjab1&5 njstrng1&5 djstrng7 njfrc1&5 djfrc1&5.png
Stun 11~17(-1)
Stun Timer 60(+20)

Frame Count 3 4 4 4
Simplified 7 4

A great air-to-ground and air-to-air normal if close, and amazing after a back jump. Against characters like Blanka or Chun Li, this is sometimes Dhalsim's best antiair. Can catch things like Lariat fairly reliably.

  • Neutral/Diagonal Jumping Short:
Damage 14[1] Dhalsim njshrt1&5 djshrt1&5 njfrwrd1&5 djfrwrd1&5.png Dhalsim njshrt2 djshrt2 njfrwrd2 djfrwrd2.png Dhalsim njshrt3 djshrt3.png Dhalsim njshrt4 djshrt4 njfrwrd4 djfrwrd4.png Dhalsim njshrt1&5 djshrt1&5 njfrwrd1&5 djfrwrd1&5.png
Stun 1~7(-2)
Stun Timer 40

Frame Count 4 6 18 4
Simplified 10 18

Jump mk is just flat out better, though this has a little more active frames.

  • Neutral/Diagonal Jumping Forward:
Damage 18[1] Dhalsim njshrt1&5 djshrt1&5 njfrwrd1&5 djfrwrd1&5.png Dhalsim njshrt2 djshrt2 njfrwrd2 djfrwrd2.png Dhalsim njfrwrd3 djfrwrd3.png Dhalsim njshrt4 djshrt4 njfrwrd4 djfrwrd4.png Dhalsim njshrt1&5 djshrt1&5 njfrwrd1&5 djfrwrd1&5.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 50(+10)

Frame Count 4 6 12 4
Simplified 10 12

A great air-to-ground and air-to-air normal when afar. When jumping first, Dhalsim can effectively hit many characters if they jump when he would otherwise struggle to antiair without a read. This is particularly useful against Blanka.

  • Neutral/Diagonal Jumping Roundhouse:
Damage 24[2] Dhalsim njrh1 djrh1.png Dhalsim njrh2 djrh2.png Dhalsim njrh3 djrh3.png Dhalsim njrh4 djrh4.png Dhalsim njrh5 djrh5.png Dhalsim njrh6 djrh6.png Dhalsim njrh7 djrh7.png Dhalsim njrh8 djrh8.png
Stun 11~17(-1)
Stun Timer 60(+20)

Frame Count 1 2 3 4 6 4 3
Simplified 10 6

Very good air-to-air. Dhalsim can use this to beat out basically any jump on a read. This is very useful against characters like Chun Li who have air normals Dhalsim can struggle with. This can also catch air movement from characters like Claw or Dictator.

Command Normals

It should be noted that all of his drills can hit low, and in some cases must be blocked low. They don't hit overhead like air normals, so it's usually best to crouch block drills. However, do keep in mind that blocking drills high will make them less advantageous.

  • Drill Zutsuki a.k.a. Mummy Drill: (On air, ↙/↓/↘ + Fierce)
Damage 18[4] Dhalsim mummy1.png Dhalsim mummy2anm.gif Dhalsim mummy3 drill3.png
Stun 10~16
Stun Timer 80

Frame Count 6 7

Good anti-fireball vs Shotos, and also great to catch the opponent attempting to jump out from the corner. This is also a good air to air due to its angle.

  • Drill Kicks: (On air, ↙/↓/↘ + K)
  • Short Version:
Damage 18[4] Dhalsim drill1.png Dhalsim drill2shrtanm.gif Dhalsim mummy3 drill3.png
Stun 10~16
Stun Timer 80

Frame Count 6 7

Primarily useful to punish Low Tiger Shots. Otherwise, good air to air by the hitbox and speed, as well as good to quickly punish fireballs when the opponent is at low health. This is often unsafe on hit if it does not kill or does not hit very low on the opponent.

  • Forward Version:
Damage 18[4] Dhalsim drill1.png Dhalsim drill2frwrdanm.gif Dhalsim mummy3 drill3.png
Stun 10~16
Stun Timer 80

Frame Count 6 7

Great as a mid range punishing tool or to antiair from a jump back. Jumping back and using Forward Drill is very reliable against characters who would otherwise stomp Dhalsim from the air. Nice to beat lows and continue pressure when Roundhouse Drill won't work.

  • Roundhouse Version:
Damage 18[4] Dhalsim drill1.png Dhalsim drill2rhanm.gif Dhalsim mummy3 drill3.png
Stun 10~16
Stun Timer 80

Frame Count 6 7

Good to gain space quickly from a jump, or to punish grounded attacks from close. Dhalsim can avoid many fireballs or other grounded attacks with this and continue pressure. This is also great to use after an MP throw to safejump vs many characters.


Dhalsim can throw using Strong and Fierce. The direction of the joystick determines the direction the enemy gets thrown at.

  • Grabs Throwboxes:
Hold Throw Dhalsim throwb.png Dhalsim throw.png Dhalsim throwf.png
Damage 26 + 4*n Damage 34
Set amount of hits 6 Stun 7~13
Holds do no stun Stun Timer 100
Range (from axis) 64 (from throwable box) 29
  • Yoga Smash a.k.a. Noogie: (←/↖/↗/→ + Strong)

Dhalsim's Hold. This is his most damaging grab. It may be a good idea to try cheap out and loop this, depending on the opponent's reversal options and grab range. Against Dictator for example, it's possible to make it safe by spacing it out of his throw range, unless he has his super meter full, of course. Against Honda, you can followup with a Yoga Flame which he is pretty much forced to block.

  • Yoga Throw: (←/↖/↗/→ + Fierce)

Dhalsim's Throw. It actually does a little more damage than most normal throws, a lot less than Chun's Strong throw though. Go for this throw when you want to keep a confortable distance from your oppponent or when you want to finish a round (the extra damage helps on this).

Special Moves

  • Yoga Fire: (↓↘→ P)

Detailed Input: (↓ [7~14f] ↘ [7~14f] → [10/9/7f] Jab/Strong/Fierce)

  • Startup:
Dhalsim fire1.png Dhalsim fire2.png Dhalsim fire3.png Dhalsim fire4.png
Frame Count 2 2 7 1
Simplified 12
  • Active:
  • Jab Version:
Damage 17[2] Dhalsim fire5.png Dhalsim fire6jab.png Dhalsim fire7jab.png Dhalsim fire8jab.png Dhalsim fire9jab.png
Stun 9~15
Stun Timer 100
Super Meter 3

Frame Count 1 1 3 6 9...
Simplified 40
  • Strong Version:
Damage 18[2] Dhalsim fire5.png Dhalsim fire6strng.png Dhalsim fire7strng.png Dhalsim fire8strng.png Dhalsim fire9strng.png
Stun 9~15
Stun Timer 100
Super Meter 3

Frame Count 1 1 3 6 9...
Simplified 40
  • Fierce Version:
Damage 20[3] Dhalsim fire5.png Dhalsim fire6frc.png Dhalsim fire7frc.png Dhalsim fire8frc.png Dhalsim fire9frc.png
Stun 9~15
Stun Timer 100
Super Meter 3

Frame Count 1 1 3 6 9...
Simplified 40

Average frames in terms of startup and recovery. Small hitbox means that Tatsus will blow straight through this, and Dhalsim sticking his head out makes him vulnerable. LP Yoga Fire is often the best one to go for, as it covers space for a very long time, and Dhalsim's long limbs allow him to actually combo off of it at certain ranges. However, MP and HP Yoga Fire cause a knockdown, and their extra speed is crucial in forcing the opponent to mix up how they approach. HP Yoga Fire is particularly useful against characters with dashing specials, like Honda or Boxer, as those can trade with LP Yoga Fire favorably, but will lose to HP Yoga Fire due to its extra speed.

  • Yoga Flame: (←↙↓↘→ P)

Detailed Input: (← [7~14f] ↙ [7~14f] ↓ [7~14f] ↘ [7~14f] → [10/9/7f] Jab/Strong/Fierce)

  • Startup:
Dhalsim flame1.png Dhalsim flame2.png Dhalsim flame3.png Dhalsim flame4.png Dhalsim flame5.png Dhalsim flame6.png Dhalsim flame7.png
Frame Count (Jab) 2 2 3 2 2 1 1
Simplified (Jab) 13... (21)
Frame Count (Strong) 2 2 3 2 3 1 1
Simplified (Strong) 14... (22)
Frame Count (Fierce) 2 2 4 2 4 1 1
Simplified (Fierce) 16... (24)
Dhalsim flame8.png Dhalsim flame9.png Dhalsim flame10.png Dhalsim flame11.png Dhalsim flame12.png
Frame Count 1 2 1 3 1
Simplified (Jab) ...8 (21)
Simplified (Strong) ...8 (22)
Simplified (Fierce) ...8 (24)
  • Active:
  • Jab Version:
Damage 28[7] Dhalsim flame13.png Dhalsim flame14&16.png Dhalsim flame15.png Dhalsim flame14&16.png
Stun 9~15
Stun Timer 100
Frame Advantage +16
Super Meter 8
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified 8 (32)
Dhalsim flame17.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame19.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified 8... (32)
Dhalsim flame21&27jab 21&27&33strng 21&27&33frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame23jab 23&29strng 23&29&35frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified ...8... (32)
Dhalsim flame25jab 25&31strng 25&31&37frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame21&27jab 21&27&33strng 21&27&33frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified ...8 (32)
  • Strong Version:
Damage 28[5] / 32[5] Dhalsim flame13.png Dhalsim flame14&16.png Dhalsim flame15.png Dhalsim flame14&16.png
Stun 9~15
Stun Timer 100
Frame Advantage +16
Super Meter 8
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified 8 (48)
Dhalsim flame17.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame19.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified 8... (48)
Dhalsim flame21&27jab 21&27&33strng 21&27&33frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame23jab 23&29strng 23&29&35frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified ...8... (48)
Dhalsim flame25jab 25&31strng 25&31&37frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame21&27jab 21&27&33strng 21&27&33frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified ...8... (48)
Dhalsim flame23jab 23&29strng 23&29&35frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame25jab 25&31strng 25&31&37frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified ...8... (48)
Dhalsim flame21&27jab 21&27&33strng 21&27&33frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame35strng 41frc.png Dhalsim flame36strng 40&42frc.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified ...4 (48) 4 (48)

NOTE: The higher damage value is for the last 4 active frames where the hitbox is bigger.

  • Fierce Version:
Damage 32[5] Dhalsim flame13.png Dhalsim flame14&16.png Dhalsim flame15.png Dhalsim flame14&16.png
Stun 9~15
Stun Timer 100
Frame Advantage +16
Super Meter 8
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified 8 (63)
Dhalsim flame17.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame19.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified 8... (63)
Dhalsim flame21&27jab 21&27&33strng 21&27&33frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame23jab 23&29strng 23&29&35frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified ...8... (63)
Dhalsim flame25jab 25&31strng 25&31&37frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame21&27jab 21&27&33strng 21&27&33frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified ...8... (63)
Dhalsim flame23jab 23&29strng 23&29&35frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame25jab 25&31strng 25&31&37frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified ...8... (63)
Dhalsim flame21&27jab 21&27&33strng 21&27&33frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame23jab 23&29strng 23&29&35frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified ...8... (63)
Dhalsim flame25jab 25&31strng 25&31&37frc.png Dhalsim flame18to28jab 18to34strng 18to38frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame39frc.png Dhalsim flame36strng 40&42frc.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified ...4 (63) 4... (63)
Dhalsim flame35strng 41frc.png Dhalsim flame36strng 40&42frc.png Dhalsim flame43frc.png
Frame Count 3 1 3
Simplified ...7 (63)
  • Recovery:
Dhalsim flame30to38jab 38to46strng 44to54frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame29jab 37strng 45frc.png Dhalsim flame30to38jab 38to46strng 44to54frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame31jab 39strng 47frc.png Dhalsim flame30to38jab 38to46strng 44to54frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame33jab 41strng 49frc.png
Frame Count (Jab) 3 1 3 1 3
Simplified (Jab) 11... (19)
Frame Count (Strong) 3 1 3 1 3
Simplified (Strong) 11... (19)
Frame Count (Fierce) 1 3 1 3 1 3
Simplified (Fierce) 12... (20)
Dhalsim flame30to38jab 38to46strng 44to54frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame35jab 43strng 51frc.png Dhalsim flame30to38jab 38to46strng 44to54frc pairsonly.png Dhalsim flame37jab 45strng 53frc.png Dhalsim flame30to38jab 38to46strng 44to54frc pairsonly.png
Frame Count 1 3 1 1 2
Simplified (Jab) ...8 (19)
Simplified (Strong) ...8 (19)
Simplified (Fierce) ...8 (20)

Mostly useful after a knockdown to force the opponent to block. Do keep in mind that some reversals, like Boxer's headbutt, don't care about this and will smack your extended head anyway. Against fireball matches, the recovery on this move allows Dhalsim to more easily take space than if he were to use Yoga Fire. Can be used as an occasional from afar antiair with its long-lasting hitbox, though this often trades. This is also extremely potent on a read against forward-moving specials like Boxer's dashes. High startup makes it difficult to use, and it's death if you miss it, though.

  • Yoga Blast: (←↙↓↘→ K)

Detailed Input: (← [7~14f] ↙ [7~14f] ↓ [7~14f] ↘ [7~14f] → [10/9/7f] Short/Forward/Roundhouse)

  • Startup:
Dhalsim blast1.png Dhalsim blast2.png Dhalsim blast3.png Dhalsim blast4.png
Frame Count (Short) 6 4 3 1
Simplified (Short) 14
Frame Count (Forward) 8 4 3 1
Simplified (Forward) 16
Frame Count (Rh) 10 4 4 1
Simplified (Rh) 19
  • Active:
  • Short Version:
Damage 18[7] Dhalsim blast5.png Dhalsim blast6shrt.png Dhalsim blast7.png Dhalsim blast8&11.png Dhalsim blast9.png Dhalsim blast10.png Dhalsim blast8&11.png
Stun 9~15
Stun Timer 100
Super Meter 8

Frame Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Simplified 7 (17)
Dhalsim blast12shrt 12&19frwrd 19rh.png Dhalsim blast13shrt 13&21frwrd 13&21&27rh.png Dhalsim blast14&17&20shrt 14&17&20&23frwrd 14&17&20&23&26rh.png Dhalsim blast15shrt 15&22frwrd 15&22&28rh.png Dhalsim blast16&19shrt 16&24frwrd 16&24rh.png
Frame Count 1 1 1 1 1
Simplified 5... (17)
Dhalsim blast14&17&20shrt 14&17&20&23frwrd 14&17&20&23&26rh.png Dhalsim blast18&21shrt 18frwrd 18&25rh.png Dhalsim blast16&19shrt 16&24frwrd 16&24rh.png Dhalsim blast14&17&20shrt 14&17&20&23frwrd 14&17&20&23&26rh.png Dhalsim blast18&21shrt 18frwrd 18&25rh.png
Frame Count 1 1 1 1 1
Simplified ...5 (17)
  • Forward Version:
Damage 20[7] / 20[5] Dhalsim blast5.png Dhalsim blast6.png Dhalsim blast7.png Dhalsim blast8&11.png Dhalsim blast9.png Dhalsim blast10.png Dhalsim blast8&11.png
Stun 9~15
Stun Timer 100
Super Meter 8

Frame Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Simplified 7 (22)
Dhalsim blast12shrt 12&19frwrd 19rh.png Dhalsim blast13shrt 13&21frwrd 13&21&27rh.png Dhalsim blast14&17&20shrt 14&17&20&23frwrd 14&17&20&23&26rh.png Dhalsim blast15shrt 15&22frwrd 15&22&28rh.png Dhalsim blast16&19shrt 16&24frwrd 16&24rh.png
Frame Count 1 1 1 1 1
Simplified 5... (22)
Dhalsim blast14&17&20shrt 14&17&20&23frwrd 14&17&20&23&26rh.png Dhalsim blast18&21shrt 18frwrd 18&25rh.png Dhalsim blast12shrt 12&19frwrd 19rh.png Dhalsim blast14&17&20shrt 14&17&20&23frwrd 14&17&20&23&26rh.png Dhalsim blast13shrt 13&21frwrd 13&21&27rh.png
Frame Count 1 1 1 1 1
Simplified ...5... (22)
Dhalsim blast15shrt 15&22frwrd 15&22&28rh.png Dhalsim blast14&17&20shrt 14&17&20&23frwrd 14&17&20&23&26rh.png Dhalsim blast16&19shrt 16&24frwrd 16&24rh.png Dhalsim blast25frwrd 31rh.png Dhalsim blast26frwrd 29rh.png
Frame Count 1 1 1 1 1
Simplified ...3 (22) 2 (22)
  • Roundhouse Version:
Damage 22[7] / 22[5] Dhalsim blast5.png Dhalsim blast6.png Dhalsim blast7.png Dhalsim blast8&11.png Dhalsim blast9.png Dhalsim blast10.png Dhalsim blast8&11.png Dhalsim blast12rh.png
Stun 9~15
Stun Timer 100
Super Meter 8

Frame Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Simplified 8 (27)
Dhalsim blast13shrt 13&21frwrd 13&21&27rh.png Dhalsim blast14&17&20shrt 14&17&20&23frwrd 14&17&20&23&26rh.png Dhalsim blast15shrt 15&22frwrd 15&22&28rh.png Dhalsim blast16&19shrt 16&24frwrd 16&24rh.png
Frame Count 1 1 1 1
Simplified 4... (27)
Dhalsim blast14&17&20shrt 14&17&20&23frwrd 14&17&20&23&26rh.png Dhalsim blast18&21shrt 18frwrd 18&25rh.png Dhalsim blast12shrt 12&19frwrd 19rh.png Dhalsim blast14&17&20shrt 14&17&20&23frwrd 14&17&20&23&26rh.png Dhalsim blast13shrt 13&21frwrd 13&21&27rh.png
Frame Count 1 1 1 1 1
Simplified ...5... (27)
Dhalsim blast15shrt 15&22frwrd 15&22&28rh.png Dhalsim blast14&17&20shrt 14&17&20&23frwrd 14&17&20&23&26rh.png Dhalsim blast16&19shrt 16&24frwrd 16&24rh.png Dhalsim blast18&21shrt 18frwrd 18&25rh.png Dhalsim blast14&17&20shrt 14&17&20&23frwrd 14&17&20&23&26rh.png
Frame Count 1 1 1 1 1
Simplified ...5... (27)
Dhalsim blast13shrt 13&21frwrd 13&21&27rh.png Dhalsim blast15shrt 15&22frwrd 15&22&28rh.png Dhalsim blast26frwrd 29rh.png Dhalsim blast30rh.png Dhalsim blast25frwrd 31rh.png
Frame Count 1 1 1 1 1
Simplified ...2 (27) 3 (27)

NOTE: The second damage value for the Forward and Roundhouse versions are for the last active 2/3 frames where the hitbox is fatter.

  • Recovery:
  • Short Version:
Dhalsim blast22shrt 27&30frwrd 33&36rh.png Dhalsim blast23&26&29shrt 29&32&34frwrd 32&35&38&40rh.png Dhalsim blast24&27shrt 28&31frwrd 34&37rh.png Dhalsim blast25&28shrt 33frwrd 39rh.png Dhalsim blast23&26&29shrt 29&32&34frwrd 32&35&38&40rh.png Dhalsim blast24&27shrt 28&31frwrd 34&37rh.png Dhalsim blast25&28shrt 33frwrd 39rh.png Dhalsim blast23&26&29shrt 29&32&34frwrd 32&35&38&40rh.png
Frame Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
Simplified 9
  • Forward Version:
Dhalsim blast22shrt 27&30frwrd 33&36rh.png Dhalsim blast24&27shrt 28&31frwrd 34&37rh.png Dhalsim blast23&26&29shrt 29&32&34frwrd 32&35&38&40rh.png Dhalsim blast22shrt 27&30frwrd 33&36rh.png Dhalsim blast24&27shrt 28&31frwrd 34&37rh.png Dhalsim blast23&26&29shrt 29&32&34frwrd 32&35&38&40rh.png Dhalsim blast25&28shrt 33frwrd 39rh.png Dhalsim blast23&26&29shrt 29&32&34frwrd 32&35&38&40rh.png
Frame Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
Simplified 9
  • Roundhouse Version:
Dhalsim blast23&26&29shrt 29&32&34frwrd 32&35&38&40rh.png Dhalsim blast22shrt 27&30frwrd 33&36rh.png Dhalsim blast24&27shrt 28&31frwrd 34&37rh.png Dhalsim blast23&26&29shrt 29&32&34frwrd 32&35&38&40rh.png Dhalsim blast22shrt 27&30frwrd 33&36rh.png Dhalsim blast24&27shrt 28&31frwrd 34&37rh.png Dhalsim blast23&26&29shrt 29&32&34frwrd 32&35&38&40rh.png Dhalsim blast25&28shrt 33frwrd 39rh.png Dhalsim blast23&26&29shrt 29&32&34frwrd 32&35&38&40rh.png
Frame Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
Simplified 10

Dhalsim's best antiair by the hitbox, but its long motion and startup make it nearly impossible to use on reaction. Using this on a read is sometimes Dhalsim's only good way of preventing an opponent's jump in matchups such as Chun Li, Blanka, or Cammy. This is also Dhalsim's best way of dealing with Claw's, or Dictator's air movement. If you have time after something like an antiair, this can be used to build some meter.

  • Yoga Teleport: (→↓↘/←↓↙ 3P/3K)

Detailed Input: (→/← [7~14f] ↓ [7~14f] ↘/↙ [7~14f] 3P/3K)

  • Before Teleporting:
Super Meter 8 Dhalsim teleport1.png Dhalsim teleport2.png Dhalsim teleport3&33.png Dhalsim teleport4&32.png Dhalsim teleport5&31.png Dhalsim teleport6&13anm.gif Dhalsim teleport7&12anm.gif Dhalsim teleport8&11anm.gif Dhalsim teleport6to18pairsonly 19&21 24to30pairsonly.png

Frame Count 2 3 3 2 2 4 4 4 13
Simplified 37
  • After Teleporting:
Dhalsim teleport6to18pairsonly 19&21 24to30pairsonly.png Dhalsim teleport8&11anm.gif Dhalsim teleport7&12anm.gif Dhalsim teleport6&13anm.gif Dhalsim teleport5&31.png Dhalsim teleport4&32.png Dhalsim teleport3&33.png Dhalsim teleport34.png
Frame Count 8 3 4 4 2 2 3 3
Simplified 26 3

Dhalsim's only true invincible reversal. Though it often still gets you punished. Vs chip kill attempts, or command grab ticks, this is your only option.

There are four versions for this special move: backwards kick, backwards punch, forward kick and forward punch. Backwards motions (←↓↙ as P1) leave you on the same side you are, while forward ones switch sides. Kick versions have you reapper relatively far from the enemy, while punch versions leave you closer. As with several special moves, it is hard to tell what happens after you are crossed up, as special moves in SF2 are known to go either side, even after several frames the side switching occurred.

This move has idiosyncrasies when used as a reversal. In particular, the last version you have used in the same round is selected as the reversal, with the initial value being backwards kick (←↓↙ 3K as P1). This means the character will reappear in the same side, as far as possible to not cause the screen to scroll, with the often inconvenient side effect of reappearing in the same spot in case you are cornered. You may try to use the prefered version of the move at least once per round in case you need to escape corners.

Super move

  • Yoga Inferno: (←↙↓↘←↙↓↘→ P)

Detailed Input: (← [15~22f] ↙ [15~22f] ↓ [15~22f] ↘ [15~22f] ← [15~22f] ↙ [15~22f] ↓ [15~22f] ↘ [15~22f] → [3f] P)

Damage 18[1] * 5 Dhalsim super1.png Dhalsim super2&4.png Dhalsim super3&5.png Dhalsim super2&4.png Dhalsim super3&5.png Dhalsim super6.png Dhalsim super7.png
Stun 0~4 * 5
Stun Timer 20 * 5
Frame Advantage +10

Frame Count 1 + [1...] [...2...] [...4...] [...2...] [...19 (28)] + 3 1 1
Simplified 6
Dhalsim super8.png Dhalsim super9.png Dhalsim super10.png Dhalsim super11.png Dhalsim super12.png
Frame Count 1 2 1 3 1
Simplified 8... (28)
Dhalsim super13.png Dhalsim super14&16.png Dhalsim super15.png Dhalsim super14&16.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified ...8... (28)
Dhalsim super17.png Dhalsim super18&20&22.png Dhalsim super19.png Dhalsim super18&20&22.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified ...8... (28)
Dhalsim super21.png Dhalsim super18&20&22.png Dhalsim super23&29&35.png Dhalsim super24to38 pairsonly.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified ...4 (28) 4... (32)
Dhalsim super25&31&37.png Dhalsim super24to38 pairsonly.png Dhalsim super27&33.png Dhalsim super24to38 pairsonly.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified ...8... (32)
Dhalsim super23&29&35.png Dhalsim super24to38 pairsonly.png Dhalsim super25&31&37.png Dhalsim super24to38 pairsonly.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified ...8... (32)
Dhalsim super27&33.png Dhalsim super24to38 pairsonly.png Dhalsim super23&29&35.png Dhalsim super24to38 pairsonly.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified ...8... (32)
Dhalsim super25&31&37.png Dhalsim super24to38 pairsonly.png Dhalsim super39.png Dhalsim super40&42.png
Frame Count 3 1 3 1
Simplified ...4 (32) 4... (11)
Dhalsim super41.png Dhalsim super40&42.png Dhalsim super43.png
Frame Count 3 1 3
Simplified ...7 (11)
Dhalsim super44to54 pairsonly.png Dhalsim super45.png Dhalsim super44to54 pairsonly.png Dhalsim super47.png Dhalsim super44to54 pairsonly.png Dhalsim super49.png
Frame Count 1 3 1 3 1 3
Simplified 12... (20)
Dhalsim super44to54 pairsonly.png Dhalsim super51.png Dhalsim super44to54 pairsonly.png Dhalsim super53.png Dhalsim super44to54 pairsonly.png
Frame Count 1 3 1 1 2
Simplified ...8 (20)

Great to chip out an opponent who's nearly dead because of how many times it hits, and its invincibility preventing reversals. The invincibility also makes this a very potent antiair. With super stocked, Dhalsim does not have to worry about being at certain ranges against characters who can very potently avoid his normal antiairs. Do keep in mind this cannot be used as a reversal, though.

When somehow being punished, Dhalsim's super move has a retaliation hitbox inside his hurtboxes that can hit your limbs or any extended hurtbox that comes in contact with it.

Misc Animations

Jump Animations

  • Neutral Jump:
Dhalsim bj1&9 nj1&9 fj1&9.png Dhalsim bj2 nj2 fj2.png Dhalsim nj3&7.png Dhalsim nj4&6.png Dhalsim nj5.png Dhalsim nj4&6.png Dhalsim nj3&7.png Dhalsim nj8.png Dhalsim bj1&9 nj1&9 fj1&9.png
Frame Count 1 1 15 8 8 15 17 1 7*
Simplified 1 1 63 1 7*
  • Back Jump:
Dhalsim bj1&9 nj1&9 fj1&9.png Dhalsim bj2 nj2 fj2.png Dhalsim bj3&7 fj3&7.png Dhalsim bj4 fj6.png Dhalsim bj5 fj5.png Dhalsim bj6.png Dhalsim bj3&7 fj3&7.png Dhalsim bj8 fj8.png Dhalsim bj1&9 nj1&9 fj1&9.png
Frame Count 1 1 15 8 8 8 25 1 7*
Simplified 1 1 64 1 7*
  • Forward Jump:
Dhalsim bj1&9 nj1&9 fj1&9.png Dhalsim bj2 nj2 fj2.png Dhalsim bj3&7 fj3&7.png Dhalsim fj4.png Dhalsim bj5 fj5.png Dhalsim bj4 fj6.png Dhalsim bj3&7 fj3&7.png Dhalsim bj8 fj8.png Dhalsim bj1&9 nj1&9 fj1&9.png
Frame Count 1 1 15 8 8 8 24 1 7*
Simplified 1 1 63 1 7*

Even though it may not look like, Dhalsim actually has the fastest prejump speed on the game (tied with Dictator and O.Sagat). On the other hand he has the overall longest jump duration on the game.

The landing recovery has a special property which allows it to be canceled into certain actions. At the first landing frame, you can perform throws (including command throws), and on the second landing frame, you can start another jump, attack with a normal or special move, or block. Blocking not being until the second landing frame, as well as hitbox-hurtbox interactions having priority over throwbox-throw hurtbox is why sweeps work as anti airs in this game.
Things are different when jumping over your opponent, however. In that situation it's possible to walk back/forward, to jump again or to even block on the first landing frame! Strangely, if a throw is timed on the first landing frame of a jump that crosses over, a throwbox will never come out, even though that input will result in a normal coming out 2 frames later (like it normally would). Anyway, being able to block on the first landing frame can help a little bit on some safe jump crossup setups, or maybe in other situations as well if your character has a huge jump arc.

The Basics

Repeated LP Yoga Flame

If you corner your opponent and get a knockdown, there is a very potent trick you can use. Move into mid-range and do LP Yoga Flames, many characters have a difficult time with this... M Bison especially. If he doesn't have a super, and Dhalsim player doesn't make an execution mistake, there's no escape. Against shotos or somebody with an uppercut style move, do a couple of reps, bait an uppercut, and then do a HP Yoga Flame on their way down.


There's a variant of the Yoga Flame trap that can be used against intermediate Honda players. If you have Honda in the corner, and he's knocked down, you'll want to stand a little bit past the far side of the clock timer This is your marker for positioning. You can repeatedly do LP Yoga Flame over and over again for some healthy chip damage and meter building.

Honda's primary method of getting out of this is either a neutral jump MK, or performing a LP Hundred-Hand Slap (HHS) to hit Sim between repetitions. If they favor the neutral jump, you can use the MP Yoga Flame instead, as it lasts longer, and can catch them as they land. If they're aware of using LP HHS to escape it, you can either attempt the trap in order to gain some meter and do chip, or resort to basic zoning practices to keep him locked down in the corner. If properly spaced, Honda cannot use headbutt, buttslam, or super to escape this trap.

-- eltrouble, 2013

Advanced Strategy

Crossup Slides

After MP throw, Dhalsim can cross up a large amount of the cast with one of his slides. This depends on matchup and position, so make sure to look up who it works on here: In order to properly utilize this technique, here are a few footnotes in order to execute it. - After MP throw ends, walk forward and use a given strength of slide. - If it is blocked normally, you did it too early. If you missed, you did it too late or did so on a character who cannot be hit. After a crossup slide, you will either get a knockdown from an HK slide, or a combo/tick throw from LK or MK slides. After LK and MK slides, your damage optimal combo is to simply go into b.HP. This may stun, but if it does not, then you reset to neutral with the knowledge that your next hit will. This only crosses up their block, not any reversal input.

48 Killing Arts of Yoga

I'm keeping this here because it's kind of funny, but this is taking too much space and this is a wiki. I should probably just remove this section tbh. --SCL



Dhalsim has very limited combo options, but here's a few of his most practical ones


  • cr.MK ~ cr. MK
  • cr.MP ~ cr. MP
  • Yoga Fire ~ st.HP
  • LK slide x Yoga Inferno Super


  • Late j.FP ~ st.FP
  • Late j.RH ~ st.forward


  • Yoga Fire ~ Yoga Flame
  • Yoga Fire ~ Yoga Inferno Super
  • b.MK ~ cr.MK
  • b.HK ~ cr.MK
  • b.HK ~ MK slide
  • MK slide ~ Yoga Inferno Super
  • MK slide ~ LK slide x Yoga Inferno Super
  • HP Mummy Drill ~ LK slide x Yoga Inferno Super (Only works on opponents with wide hurt boxes, or as a deep meaty drill)
  • Crossup HK drill ~ LK slide x Yoga Inferno Super
  • Cross Under MK slide ~ b.MP
  • Cross Under MK slide ~ b.HP
  • Cross Under MK slide ~ LK slide x Yoga Inferno Super


Matchups classified with this diagram in mind. For the old characters I guessed the positions.


Serious Advantage Match-ups

Vs. Blanka:

  • 8 - 2

Space yourself. The second he lands hit standing strong, then either standing fierce immediately. Most of the time he will he will try to jump right away but won't be able to get it off if you time the fierce right. If you can't just through out st. RH. Do this until he starts hesitating to jump and then you are free to throw fireballs every so often to push him back even more. Once he backs you into the corner teleport your ass out and rinse repeat. You will annoy the shit out of every Blanka online. This strat will even rush down Hyper Blanka for free =D


Vs. Dee Jay:

  • 8 - 2

As long as Deejay can't go for a crossup, this should be very favourable for Sim. None of his jump ins hit deep, so slides, and low punches all cover you for anti air. You can slide and cr punch under his fireballs just like vs Guile. When you get in, you can set up a tick into fierce throw for a good OS, usually either lk slide, or safejump drill, into forward+fierce. If he does upkicks you will go under with forward hp, and can punish him, lk sobat is risky and often loses, and Sim has much more throw range than Deejay. His only way out that's reliable is super.

Vs. Guile:

  • 8.5 - 1.5

In short: keep Guile in cr.MP range. Dhalsim's crouching punches will punish Guile's booms while only forcing him to block. However, due to pushback both of the normal hitting and blocking the Sonic Boom, Dhalsim may find himself just outside of range. Here, Guile is able to throw out an LP Sonic Boom and force an approach that he could potentially punish. This is why at times, cr.LP is best due to its low pushback. cr.HP can sometimes outright dodge Sonic Booms due to the extra hitstop and recovery. When available, sliding is often better than crouching punches, as they leave Dhalsim closer, and in the case of HK slide, lead to a knockdown. Dhalsim should not jump unless it is needed to get around a Sonic Boom, as this makes him vulnerable to Flash Kick.

When Guile is cornered, it is often best to simply sit down and react to a Sonic Boom, rather than attempt to continue pressuring him. Using drill pressure is extremely risky due to Flash Kick, and attempting to preemptively use a normal can also get Dhalsim hit with a sweep. If he has a lead, you may need to go for a throw or chip with Yoga Fires, though.

When knocked down, Dhalsim has to simply block it out. Guile can't pressure Dhalsim forever due to pushback, and Dhalsim's throw range being larger means that, unless Guile has a read, he can't really throw Dhalsim. Guile j.LK crosses up, and LP booms allow Guile to get tick throws, but there is otherwise nothing notable about Guile's pressure.

When at fullscreen against Guile, MK slide and HK drill are Dhalsim's main options to get around booms. MK slide allows you to go right under a boom, though this is extremely difficult against LP booms. HK drill to jump a boom and go over it for space is a bit more reliable, but it can be snuffed by a Guile using an air-to-air j.HK against you. In this case, you can actually air-to-air guile here with a j.HK of your own.

Vs. Ken:

  • 7.5 - 2.5

Vs. O. Ken:

Vs. Ryu:

  • 7 - 3

Vs. O. Ryu:

Vs. Sagat:

  • 9 - 1

Vs. O. Sagat:

  • 7 - 3

Vs. Zangief:

  • 7.5 - 2.5

Advantage Match-ups

Vs. Cammy:

  • 6.5 - 3.5

Vs. E. Honda:

  • 6 - 4

Well obviously your first objective is to just keep him away. Use your fireballs wisely, mixing up slow, medium and fast fireballs, and try to make him land on them. If Honda does his flash kick move over the fireball, I like hitting him on the way down with standing roundhouse or you can use standing fierce, but that can be trickier because if you mistime it he will hit your arms clean. Timings a little easier with roundhouse. If he jumps over the fireball, it kind of depends on which attack he uses. If he uses the forward kick splash or short kick butt, it hits down, so you can either use standing kicks or jump back and fierce in the air. Jump back fierce in the air should hit it clean, but standing kicks might trade. If you don't want to trade, just wait till he lands then hit him with low strong, standing fierce to push him back into the corner for more fireballs. Any other jump attack, try to him hit him low with low strong or low fierce followed up by a standing fierce or a fierce fireball to push him away.

Sliding against Honda as an anti air is highly unadvisable unless you see him jumping with Fierce or Jab, I think roundhouse too, but Honda's jump forward splash will hit the slide clean and then he can combo off of that so, the slide as anti-air is a high risk maneuver against Honda.

If timed correctly, Dhalsim's drill can cleanly beat Honda's headbutt. If you're drilling from full screen away make sure to use the short drill. However, for the most part, you should not be drilling from full screen because you want to keep him away.

Also Dhalsim has a really good cornertrap against Honda. If you knock him down in the corner, with the proper spacing you can keep doing jab yoga flames on him, over and over. I saw Gian do this in that 3 on 3 video and it works quite well.

I think Dhalsim's biggest problem with Honda is if Honda gets in a range where he can continue to do his flash kick maneuver. If you see it coming way ahead of time you can do the upwards yoga flame. But if you don't have time for that your best bet is to teleport out. Once again creating a good amount of distance between you two. Another tactic you might try is to short or forward slide out, but this gets tricky. Honda's flash kick maneuver has some weird cross up properties which can get you walking, sliding or blocking the wrong way.

--Footsy bebop

Honda is so goddam annoying for Sim. It's a match you have to struggle until second 40 to win it, and Honda can just blow your face up in 10 secs. St. MK can beat most honda's far jumps, but change your strategy when he gets closer. Best anti-airs are st. back jab, which beats nearly every jump MK/HK (Hondas do them a lot), cr. back jab, for same moves, plus it works against belly flop and ass smash (you know, jump+down lk for honda). These two normals are such a pain for sim : you can slide EVERY jump ins BUT these two. Same stuff for sim's (limbs) : it gets hit by these two normals, but beats every other jump ins. Something else you have to consider :jump (straight or back) + HK/HP : these will punish cleanly every jump ins, even belly flop, BUT you have to time it well for two reasons : 1/ it may trade (not in your favor) depending on the distance you are 2/ It is difficult to do on reaction, you have to have very good reflexes and cold blood. If you manage to get really above honda while you two are jumping, in general, sim will beat cleanly honda's jumps (use then HP version ; HK is somewhat more for a far jump). Trade happens more it seems when you are at his same level or lower. You can punish far buttslam (when he avoids yoga fire) with st. hk, but again, time it well, at the end, the landing of the buttslam. You can also, as stated just above, punish with a jumping HP/HK (when honda is in air, top of his jump). Harder though. A good thing to do is waiting the HK Buttslam to land and doing instantly a Back Standing Fierce, for a double fierce hit, which gets honda near of a dizzy. It will make hondas thinking twice before spamming buttslams also. Against Buttslams that will hit just on top of your head, there is a great tool which is Standing MP, at the apex of the buttslam. It hits it clean, and you have to follow with a yoga flame when honda gets back on the ground. If honda manage to get just on top of your head, well, your basically dead. You can try trading with st. MP, it is the best option. cr. back HK is a nice anti air also. It beats every jump-ins, but you have to space it well.


Vs. Fei Long:

  • 6.5 - 3.5

Dhalsim objective will be keep away Fei Long with normals and Fire spamming, more of the specials are easily punishable , but main weakness will be in Teleport and Jump in combat, Jab and Fierce Fire trade spam its the far combat option along with Far standing Forward against the Chicken Wing, Yoga Blast its useful for this match but Short one can be a good Super meter builder, Yoga Infner its your main and best counter for Rekka Kens that are the main approach and trade hit Fei's tool.

Anyway Far Normals are the main tools of the trade for win this match up, specials are more like the entry of the Yoga's plate.


  • 6.5 - 3.5

Dhalsim's main objective is to get a MP throw. Dictator has no good way of dealing with Dhalsim's pressure, but his air movement allows him to get around Dhalsim's fullscreen zoning. Keeping to a mid range style will force Dictator to make guesses that are out of his favor, and eventually lead to you getting a throw. Once you get an MP throw, Dictator does not have any way out, unless he has super. He will either get outranged, or if he uses Psycho Crusher, get hit with a st.MP. When cornered, using a combination of HP and MK drills, as well as db.MK keeps Dhalsim in as much as possible. HP drill is also great against Dictator's air movement. Otherwise, Dictator struggles to deal with slide antiairs, and db.LP beats or trades with all of his air normals when spaced further out, and b.LP beats Dictator's air normals when he's a bit closer.

Dhalsim cannot directly deal with Dictator's air stomp, he will simply either have to use b.LP or db.LP to catch a followup j.HP followup, or chase Dictator if he runs away.

Vs. T. Hawk:

  • 6.5 - 3.5

Vs. O. T. Hawk:

Fair Match-ups

Vs. Balrog (boxer):

  • 5.5 - 4.5

Here is a bit to add for the match vs Boxer.

To start the match you have to set the tone right away. I would recomend you dont even pick your character but let time run out on the character select screen so that your opponent knows what is in store for him. Ahh nothing like prematch strats.

Starting off the round it is wise to cr.strong. If boxer blocks you can put him at the right range right away. If he head butts you will recover and be able to him before he lands and then a fierce FB will force him to block again. At this point he is in your range. It should be just outside your rage.

When you have boxer in your range DO NOT wiff to many moves. Most medium/hard wiffed moves will let boxer rushsweep you and then even if you block it he is in on you. At this range it is best to use FB's and st/'s that are blocked.

Be careful not to toss too many fireballs as a good boxer will strait jump one and then get in on you. after you get him at this range mix up your FB speeds. Toss a Jab and if he straight jumps its you can hit him with a few limbs. If he does the < or > fp/mp you can st.fp him. If he does a RH on the way down you can wait and hit him with rh/mk just before he hits the ground. Again be carefull not to get reckless with FB's at this point keep your calm and hold him down with mk/mp.

When boxer does get in, and he will, you need to watch a few things. If he should jump from far to hit you do a then you can cancel into jab/strong FB to force him to block and get him back in your range. Back+Jab is an excelent move when boxer is in close on you. Some boxers love to just jump on your head when you are in the corner. If you are not comfortable teleporting you can b.jab him out of the air if you do it early. In this sittuation it is better to do a teleport, the 623KKK will take you the furthest away.

You will now need to know how to deal with close blocked/whiffed buffalos. After boxer buffalos you can do a few things. If it is whiffed and he is close I recommend you cr.jab x Jab FB. This will force him to block and then anticipate your next move. You can cr.strong and push him out but if you anticipate another buffalo just mk him and get him back to your range again. If you block the buffalo will hit him but it may not be wise to xx FB. If the boxer is smart they will buffalo again and hit you and then he is in. you should cr.mkx2 to push him out and then set the pace of the match again.

Oh and remember the Fierce FB is your friend. From full screen there isn't any thing he can do to punish you for throwing them. If you play an opponent that likes to use the 1,2,3,4's you will hit him out of them and knock him down. Even if he does a normal rush and trades with you he will be knocked back to the far side of the screen and you are back in controll with more pokes.

When boxer gets super BLOCK!! I can not stress this enough. It will and has turned the whole game because of one bad slide or FB. If you are keeping him at your max range your game will not change to much. He can not super through FB's at full scree. But from 3/4 screed stop tossing them and do not xx FB when he has super he will go through the FB with it every time if they are good. Keep it simple and wait for him to burn his super.

Thanks to Gian for showing me the light and making me want to play sim.

It is my opinion that this match is in favor of sim 60/40 and maybe even 70/30 if boxer doesn't have super.


Vs. Chun-Li:

  • 5 - 5

If she's rushing you down with st.Strong from the right distance, there's nothing that I know of that Sim can do to beat it cleanly except super. You need patience (keep in mind that blocking her st.Strong is not hurting you), and if she comes within your throw range, throw her. Don't try any normals, because they will all get beaten cleanly if she's rushing correctly (leaving just enough room for you to do a move, but not enough room for that move to hit). If she's not doing it correctly (leaving a big gap between Strongs), you can use close cr.Forward or close cr.RH canceled into Yoga Fire.


This only works on Vega and Chun li: after performing a Yoga Noogie, you take one step forward and do a forward slide... the slide crosses them up and then you just hit b + fierce for headbutt (instant Dizzy always). After that just rinse repeat ;-)

One good trick that most Dhalsim players have forgotten is this: If she jumps at you with forward and isn't over your head, you can jump back. Wait until last second and clean counter her with foward drill. Doesn't matter what she jumps up with, it will hit everytime cause you are completely over her head. I forget to use it at times to, cause most the time Chun-Li is just turtling like a whore until she gets Super.


Vs. Dhalsim (self):

Disadvantage Match-ups

Vs. Vega (claw):

  • 3.5 - 6.5

Vega on sim can be annoying, but honestly his only aresnal is after he knocks you down and goes for wall dive cross up (which can be teleported out of or a very 50/50 block). He will most likely be jumping away from u so just slowly follow him into the corner. Any wall dive attempt can be countered with jump back rh or u can teleport if your timing is a little slow. If he jumps at you, trade hits with back short then you are in. Start the slide/drill noogie throw game and Vega is done. Its insanely hard for him to get out of. His only option is to wake up with flip kick but the slide goes under it so u end up throwing him again.

Takes a bit to get used to the match, but sim has a pretty big advantage on him --- It all depends on the situation and position dhalsim is compared to when vega goes off the wall. Sim has all kinds of ways to counter vega clean, it's just all about recognizing your position and executing the right move. If you have Vega traped in corner and he happens to go off wall, best thing is upward flame. I use to do back strong at last second if i was right under him, or karate chop st. jab, but do to this past evo and Tokido having the luck of the gods to BARELY get over my strong...iv changed my tactic. If you are about mid screen and he goes off the wall, jump back rh or jump straight up and close strong work excellent. The slide technique is mainly saved for when dirty vega's try to cross you up with the claw but its always risky...cause sometimes you will get hit. All in all, if you truely wanna be safe and not risk anything...just teleport and reset the situation...vega cant do anything and you are free to reposition yourself and get back to locking claw down =P


Serious Disadvantage Match-ups


Game Navigation

Controls and Notation
New Characters
Dee Jay
E. Honda
Fei Long
M. Bison
T. Hawk
Old Characters
O. Balrog
O. Blanka
O. Cammy
O. Chun-Li
O. Dee Jay
O. Dhalsim
O. E. Honda
O. Fei Long
O. Guile
O. Ken
O. M. Bison
O. Ryu
O. Sagat
O. T. Hawk
O. Vega
O. Zangief