< Soulcalibur VI | Groh
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Horizontal Attacks
Knight's Oath
A - Attack Level: gro-0
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
12 | 10 | -6 | 4 | 4 | 1.7% |
27F recovery, 39F total |
AA - Attack Level: gro-1
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
12 | 10,12 | -8 | 4 | 4 | 1.7% |
Normal Hit Combo, 31F recovery, 59F total |
AAA - Attack Level: gro-2
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
12 | 10,12,16 | -6 | 6 | 6 | 1.7% |
Knight's Vow
a6 - Attack Level: gro-3
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
22 | 22 | -2 | 10 | 10 | 4% |
Questing Fang
6A - Attack Level: gro-4
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 16 | -8 | 0 | 4 | 1.7% |
32F recovery, 48F total |
6AA - Attack Level: gro-5
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 16,22 | -8 | KND | KND | 1.7% |
Counter Hit Combo, 33F recovery, 85F total |
~ Avenger
6A6 - Attack Level: gro-6
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 16 | -4 | 4 | 8 | 1.7% |
28F recovery, 44F total. into AVN |
Cutting Truth
3A - Attack Level: gro-7
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 15 | -8 | 0 | 6 | 1.7% |
31F recovery, 47F total |
Gallant Slash
2A - Attack Level: gro-8
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
12 | 10 | -6 | 6 | 6 | 1.7% |
Saint Mia
1A - Attack Level: gro-9
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
26 | 20 | -16 | 4 | 4 | 4% |
Morgan's Treachery
1aB - Attack Level: gro-10
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
26 | 20 | -14 | -6 | -6 | 9% |
Sir Tristan's Charity
4A - Attack Level: gro-11
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
30 | 35 | -4 | 4 | 4 | 4% |
TS. 37F recovery, 67F total |
~ Avenger
4A6 - Attack Level: gro-12
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
30 | 35 | 3 | 11 | 11 | 4% |
TS. 30F recovery, 60F total. into AVN |
Kneeling Slash
FC A - Attack Level: gro-13
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
12 | 10 | -6 | 6 | 6 | 1.7% |
Ascending Slash
WR A - Attack Level: gro-14
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 22 | -12 | KND | KND | 1.7% |
31F recovery, 49F total |
~ Avenger
WR A6 - Attack Level: gro-15
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 22 | -8 | KND | KND | 1.7% |
27F recovery, 45F total. into AVN |
Vaulting Slash
7A - Attack Level: gro-16
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
24 | 26 | -6 | 6 | 6 | 1.7% |
Vaulting Slash
8_9A - Attack Level: gro-17
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
24 | 26 | -6 | KND | KND | 4% |
Penitent Slash
BT A - Attack Level: gro-18
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
14 | 12 | -8 | 2 | 2 | - |
27F recovery, 41F total |
Atoning Slash
BT 2A - Attack Level: gro-19
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
14 | 12 | -6 | 6 | 6 | - |
Vertical Attacks
Knight's Accolade
B - Attack Level: gro-20
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
14 | 14 | -8 | 2 | 2 | 2.8% |
i15 at tip range, 29F recovery, 43F total |
BB - Attack Level: gro-21
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
14 | 14,14 | -6 | 4 | 4 | 1.7% |
i15 at tip range, Normal Hit Combo, 31F recovery, 66F total |
BBB - Attack Level: gro-22
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
14 | 14,14,20 | -4 | KND | KND | 10.4% |
33F recovery, 105F total |
Darting Raven
6B - Attack Level: gro-23
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 12 | -10 | 0 | 0 | 2.8% |
31F recovery, 47F total |
6BB - Attack Level: gro-24
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 14,20 | -8 | 4 | 4 | 1.7% |
Normal Hit Combo. 37F recovery, 74F total |
~ Avenger
6BB6 - Attack Level: gro-25
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 14,20 | -4 | 8 | 8 | 1.7% |
Normal Hit Combo. 30F recovery, 67F total. into AVN |
Steel Judgment
3B - Attack Level: gro-26
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 24 | -12 | LNC | LNC | 8.8% |
i19 at tip, 37F recovery, 55F total |
Gallant Strike
2B - Attack Level: gro-27
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
14 | 14 | -10 | 2 | 2 | 2.8% |
Curse of Morgan
1B - Attack Level: gro-28
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
22 | 22 | -14 | 2 | 2 | 2.8% |
35F recovery, 57F total |
1BB - Attack Level: gro-29
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
22 | 22,28 | -14 | -6 | -6 | 6.6% |
Counter Hit Combo. 43F recovery, 100F total |
Benovolence Step
4B - Attack Level: gro-30
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
22 | 23 | -8 | 4 | 4 | 2.8% |
TS When hitting back turned opponent |
236B - Attack Level: gro-31
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 38 | -6 | KND | KND | 8.8% |
Kneeling Strike
FC B - Attack Level: gro-32
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
14 | 14 | -10 | 2 | 2 | 2.8% |
Ascending Thrust
WR B - Attack Level: gro-33
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
14 | 20 | -12 | 0 | 4 | 2.8% |
33F recovery, 47F total |
~ Avenger
WR B6 - Attack Level: gro-34
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
14 | 20 | -4 | 8 | 12 | 2.8% |
25F recovery, 39F total. into AVN |
Vaulting Strike
7B - Attack Level: gro-35
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
30 | 28 | -8 | 2 | 2 | 2.8% |
9B - Attack Level: gro-36
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
30 | 28 | -8 | KND | KND | 9% |
Penitent Strike
BT B - Attack Level: gro-37
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 16 | -8 | 2 | 2 | - |
27F recovery, 43F total |
Atoning Strike
BT 2B - Attack Level: gro-38
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 18 | -10 | 2 | 2 | - |
Kick Attacks
Noble Courage
K - Attack Level: gro-39
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
12 | 12 | -8 | 0 | 0 | 1.7% |
29F recovery, 41F total |
Lofty Faith
6K - Attack Level: gro-40
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 16 | -8 | 6 | 6 | 2.6% |
33F recovery, 49F total |
Rising Courage
3K - Attack Level: gro-41
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
14 | 14 | -4 | 6 | 10 | 2.6% |
27F recovery, 41F total |
Vigilant Courage
2K - Attack Level: gro-42
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 14 | -14 | -4 | -4 | 2.6% |
Chivalrous Courage
1K - Attack Level: gro-43
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
24 | 20 | -14 | 0 | KND | 1.7% |
35F recovery, 59F total. Tech Crouch |
Valiant Strike
4K - Attack Level: gro-44
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
22 | 24 | -10 | KND | KND | 4% |
33F recovery, 55F total |
Black Gambit
236K - Attack Level: gro-45
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 22,33 | -14 | KND | KND | 9% |
Tech Crouch[9-20]. Cost 1/2 of bar. No cost in soul charge. On hit, transforms to throw |
Kneeling Swipe
FC K - Attack Level: gro-46
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 14 | -14 | -4 | -4 | 1.7% |
Ascending Knee
WR K - Attack Level: gro-47
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
12 | 16 | -6 | 8 | 8 | 2.6% |
31F recovery, 43F total |
Vaulting Drive
9K - Attack Level: gro-48
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
22 | 20 | -8 | 4 | 4 | 2.6% |
Penitent Blow
BT K - Attack Level: gro-49
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
14 | 14 | -8 | 2 | 2 | 1% |
29F recovery, 43F total |
Atoning Swipe
BT 2K - Attack Level: gro-50
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 14 | -14 | -4 | -4 | 2% |
Multi Attacks
Scarlet Sleeve
A+B - Attack Level: gro-51
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
38 | 42 | 4 | LNC | LNC | 15.4% |
. on impact counter |
A+B6 - Attack Level: gro-52
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
38 | 42 | 9 | LNC | LNC | 15.4% |
32F recovery, 70F total. . into AVN |
Brocéliande's Splendor
6A+B - Attack Level: gro-53
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
24 | 16,16 | -14 | KND | STN | 5.4% |
Normal Hit Combo. on counter-hit or run counter |
6A+B6 - Attack Level: gro-54
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
24 | 16,16 | -6 | KND | STN | 5.4% |
Normal Hit Combo. . into AVN |
Hidden Tomb
3A+B - Attack Level: gro-55
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
20 | 20 | -14 | -2 | -2 | 1.7% |
Dolorous Stroke
2A+B - Attack Level: gro-56
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
46 | 35 | 4 | KND | KND | 9% |
39F recovery, 85F total. |
War of Benwick
4A+B - Attack Level: gro-57
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
34 | 35 | -8 | LNC | LNC | 15% |
39F recovery, 73F total. Tech Crouch |
Sir Gareth's Zest
8A+B - Attack Level: gro-58
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
24 | 25,26 | -24 | LNC | LNC | 14.4% |
Normal Hit Combo, 48F recovery, 90F total. Tech Jump |
8A+B6 - Attack Level: gro-59
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
24 | 25,26 | -22 | LNC | LNC | 14.4% |
Normal Hit Combo, 46F recovery, 88F total. into AVN. Tech Jump |
Battle Of Bedegraine
6B+K - Attack Level: gro-60
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
26 | 22,22 | -8 | LNC | LNC | 14% |
28F recovery, 62F total. into AVN. Tech Crouch |
Gallatin Eclipse
2B+K - Attack Level: gro-61
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
60 | 60 | - | KND | KND | - |
UA, 46F recovery, 106F total |
Morgan's Deception
4B+K - Attack Level: gro-62
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
26 | 28 | -6 | 0 | 0 | 9% |
if you used a soul charge in the previous round |
8B+K - Attack Level: gro-63
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
36 | 35 | -6 | KND | KND | 9% |
Merlin's Counsel
BT B+K - Attack Level: gro-64
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 20 | -12 | STN | STN | 9% |
Camlann's Lament
A+G - Attack Level: gro-65
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 55 | - | KND | KND | - |
Lohengrin's Courage
4A+G - Attack Level: gro-66
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 55 | - | KND | KND | - |
Nimue's Embrace
LEFT SIDE THROW A+G - Attack Level: gro-67
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 60 | - | KND | KND | - |
Sire Balin's Swords
RIGHT SIDE THROW A+G - Attack Level: gro-68
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 60 | - | KND | KND | - |
Astolat's Echo
BACK THROW A+G - Attack Level: gro-69
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 65 | - | KND | KND | - |
Run Attacks
Sir Lancelot's Fervor
(3)_(6)_(9)A - Attack Level: gro-70
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 16 | -8 | 0 | 0 | 4% |
33F recovery, 51F total |
(3)_(6)_(9)AA - Attack Level: gro-71
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 16,18 | -12 | 4 | KND | 1.7% |
Normal Hit Combo. 39F recovery, 80F total |
Sir Lancelot's Might
(3)_(6)_(9)AB - Attack Level: gro-72
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 16,14,8 | -14 | KND | KND | 2.8% |
Bertilak the Headless
(2)_(8)A - Attack Level: gro-73
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
22 | 28 | -2 | KND | KND | 4% |
32F recovery, 54F total |
(2)_(8)(A) - Attack Level: gro-74
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
42 | 40 | 4 | STN | STN | 9% |
Morgause's Mischief
(1)_(4)_(7)A - Attack Level: gro-75
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
30 | 30 | 0 | 8 | 8 | 4% |
[7-19] vs verticals upon hit after successful guard impact |
Sir Gawain's Charge
(3)_(6)_(9)B - Attack Level: gro-76
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
22 | 18 | -10 | -2 | -2 | 9% |
(3)_(6)_(9)BB - Attack Level: gro-77
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
22 | 18,25 | -8 | KND | KND | 6.6% |
Normal Hit Combo. TS. 37F recovery, 87F total |
(3)_(6)_(9)BbG - Attack Level: gro-78
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
22 | 18 | -25 | -6 | -6 | 9% |
into AVN |
Sable Grief
(2)_(8)B - Attack Level: gro-79
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
22 | 40 | -16 | KND | KND | 9% |
39F recovery, 61F total versus whiffed "medium" and "strong" verticals |
Troubadour's Elegy
(2)_(8)bA - Attack Level: gro-80
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 24 | -4 | 8 | 8 | 1.7% |
King Pellinore's Delight
(1)_(4)_(7)B - Attack Level: gro-81
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
28 | 36 | 2 | KND | KND | 14.4% |
Intrepid Adventure
(3)_(6)_(9)K - Attack Level: gro-82
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
24 | 16 | -12 | LNC | LNC | 9% |
42F recovery, 66F total. Tech Crouch. Tech Jump |
Chivalrous Courage
(2)_(8)K - Attack Level: gro-83
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
24 | 20 | -14 | 0 | KND | 1.7% |
35F recovery, 59F total. Tech Crouch |
Faith's Reprisal
(1)_(4)_(7)K - Attack Level: gro-84
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
28 | 30 | -12 | STN | STN | 9% |
Tech Jump[10-28]. Tech Crouch[29-RC]. versus whiffed light attacks |
Sir Bors's Scream
(1)_(4)_(7)kA - Attack Level: gro-85
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
26 | 18,24 | -12 | 2 | 2 | 5.4% |
Sir Tristan's Triumph
(2)_(8)_(3)_(6)_(9)A+B - Attack Level: gro-86
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
22 | 20,32 | -12 | KND | KND | 15.8% |
Normal Hit Combo. Jails on block, 44F recovery, 85F total. Tech Jump. |
Sir Garlon's Wile
(3)_(6)_(9)B+K - Attack Level: gro-87
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 16,16 | -14 | 0 | 0 | 9% |
Normal Hit Combo. 36F recovery, 64F total |
~ Avenger
(3)_(6)_(9)B+K6 - Attack Level: gro-88
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 16,16 | -4 | 10 | 10 | 9% |
Normal Hit Combo. 27F recovery, 55F total. into AVN |
Sir Percival's Gratitude
(2)_(8)_(1)_(4)_(7)B+K - Attack Level: gro-89
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 20,16 | -14 | KND | KND | 10.4% |
Normal Hit Combo. 35F recovery, 69F total. Tech Jump. |
Dauntless Slide
RUN K - Attack Level: gro-90
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
20 | 26 | -22 | KND | KND | 9% |
39F recovery, 59F total. Tech Jump. Tech Crouch |
B+K - Attack Level: gro-91
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
- | - | - | - | - | - |
19F total. |
Endless Quest
AVN A - Attack Level: gro-92
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
24 | 9,9,9,11 | -20 | KND | KND | 7.8% |
Normal Hit Combo. versus opponent recovering from a guard break |
AVN (A) - Attack Level: gro-93
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
33 | 12,12,12,12 | -8 | KND | KND | 15.8% |
Nameless Blade ~ Avenger
AVN B - Attack Level: gro-94
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
12 | 10,10 | -13 | 3 | 3 | 4% |
Normal Hit Combo. 34F recovery, 56F total. into AVN |
Nameless Blade
AVN BB - Attack Level: gro-95
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
12 | 10,10,10,15 | -6 | 6 | 6 | 3% |
Sir Galahad's Chosen
AVN BK - Attack Level: gro-96
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
12 | 10,10,22 | -12 | 2 | STN | 5% |
AVN B(K) - Attack Level: gro-97
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
12 | 10,10,36 | 0 | KND | KND | 5% |
Sacred Verse ~ Avenger
AVN K - Attack Level: gro-98
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 14 | -12 | -4 | -4 | 1.7% |
34F recovery. into AVN |
Sacred Verse
AVN KA - Attack Level: gro-99
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 14,16 | -6 | 0 | 4 | 1.7% |
~ Avenger
AVN K6 - Attack Level: gro-100
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 14 | -16 | -6 | -6 | 1.7% |
Arondight's Roar
AVN A+B - Attack Level: gro-101
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
20 | 16 | -16 | KND | KND | 4% |
35F recovery, 55F total. |
Sir Galahad's Bravery
AVN B+K - Attack Level: gro-102
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
28 | 20,20 | 2 | KND | KND | 14% |
. on impact counter |
Avenger Side Step
AVN 2_8 - Attack Level: gro-103
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
- | - | - | - | - | - |
TS. Autoevade [ H M L ] |
Reversal Edge Attacks
Glory's End
B+G - Attack Level: gro-104
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
46 | 40 | -8 | - | - | - |
KND vs airborne. [6-30] |
+ (B)+(G) - Attack Level: gro-105
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
66 | 50 | 8 | - | - | - |
[6-50] |
Path to Avalon ~ Avenger
B6 - Attack Level: gro-106
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
- | 21,6,7 | - | STN | STN | - |
. into AVN. |
Gauge Attacks
Chevalier Mal Fet
A+B+K - Attack Level: gro-107
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 80 | -16 | KND | KND | 10% |
Soul Charge
4A+B+K - Attack Level: gro-108
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
6 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 8 | - |
invincible since i4. Pushback happens at i6. When used on yellow health, resotres health and guard gauges. |
Swords United
236A+B+K - Attack Level: gro-109
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 39 | -6 | 2 | 2 | 9% |
When used on yellow health, resotres health (even on guard) |
236A+B+K6 - Attack Level: gro-110
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 39 | 2 | 10 | 10 | 9% |
into AVN. When used on yellow health, resotres health (even on guard) |
Questing Fang ~ Steed of the Night
SC 6AA6 - Attack Level: gro-111
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 17,24 | -10 | KND | KND | 1.7% |
into Steed of the Night |
Morgan's Treachery
SC 1aB6 - Attack Level: gro-112
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
26 | 29 | -10 | 2 | 2 | 9% |
into AVN |
Guilt Seeker
SC 1AK - Attack Level: gro-113
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
26 | 22,44 | -22 | KND | KND | 12% |
. in post-GI |
Calamitous Judgment
SC 3BB - Attack Level: gro-114
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 26,16,14,22 | -8 | KND | KND | 22% |
Curse of Morgan ~ Steed of the Night
SC 1BB6 - Attack Level: gro-115
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
22 | 24,30 | -9 | -1 | -1 | 6.6% |
Counter Hit Combo. into Steed of the Night |
Benovlence Step ~ Steed of the Night
SC 4B6 - Attack Level: gro-116
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
22 | 23 | 6 | - | - | 2.8% |
. into Steed of the Night |
Camelot's Ruse
SC 236B - Attack Level: gro-117
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
18 | 76 | -6 | KND | KND | 8.8% |
SC 2A+B - Attack Level: gro-118
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
38 | 49 | 4 | KND | KND | 9% |
39F recovery, 77F total |
War Of Benwick
SC 4A+B6 - Attack Level: gro-119
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
34 | 38 | -6 | LNC | LNC | 15% |
Tech Crouch. into Steed of the Night |
Morgan's Deception
SC 4B+K6 - Attack Level: gro-120
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
28 | 30 | -6 | 0 | 0 | 9% |
into Steed of the Night |
Steed of the Night
SC AVN 6 - Attack Level: gro-121
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
- | - | - | - | - | - |
into AVN |
Cover of Darkness
SC AVN 4 - Attack Level: gro-122
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
- | - | - | - | - | - |
Teleport behind on F13. |
Demon King Slayer
SC AVN 6A - Attack Level: gro-123
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
33 | 22,44 | 4 | KND | KND | 14% |
Normal Hit Combo. 36F recovery, 79F total. |
SC AVN 4A - Attack Level: gro-124
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
33 | 22,44 | 4 | KND | KND | 14% |
Normal Hit Combo. 36F recovery, 79F total. |
Kill Order
SC AVN BKB - Attack Level: gro-125
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
12 | 11,24,24 | -7 | KND | KND | 5% |
Calamity's Collapse
SC AVN 6B - Attack Level: gro-126
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
38 | 22,22,33 | -8 | KND | KND | 24% |
SC AVN 4B - Attack Level: gro-127
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
38 | 22,22,33 | -8 | KND | KND | 24% |
Grim Verse
SC AVN KAK - Attack Level: gro-128
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
16 | 15,17,38 | -2 | KND | KND | 10% |
Destructive Order
SC AVN 6K - Attack Level: gro-129
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
31 | 38 | -2 | KND | KND | 14.6% |
33F recovery, 64F total. Tech Jump |
SC AVN 4K - Attack Level: gro-130
| |||||
Impact | Damage | Block | Hit | Counter | Guard Burst |
39 | 38 | -2 | KND | KND | 14.6% |
Tech Jump |