Soulcalibur VI/Kilik

From SuperCombo Wiki


Kilik is a patient, defensive mid-range poking character whose gameplay completely changes in Soul Charge. He pokes and harasses his opponents with a solid variety of moves across all ranges, and sports a great ringout game. In Soul Charge, he trades his calm demeanor for an aggressive, demonic transformation. His health constantly drains, and he gains access to new damaging attacks and a super that deals massive damage.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Great pokes
  • Huge damage in Soul Charge
  • Special evasive/defensive options with aGI stances
  • Weak okizeme
  • Weak damage outside of Soul Charge
  • High risk Soul Charge

Unique Mechanic


Kilik's Soul Charge harnesses his malfested power to allow him access to a high-risk, high-reward transformation. Unlike every other characters' Soul Charge, his does not drain the timer on the Soul Gauge; instead, it drains his health for as long as it is active. Once he reaches his last tick of health, the Soul Gauge timer will begin to tick down until it empties. He can end his Soul Charge early by using a unique Critical Edge (at no extra meter cost), or by Soul's Balm (8B+K), which simply ends his Soul Charge and gives him a small heal.

See Strategy for a full strategy breakdown.

SCVI Kilik Face.jpg
Ling-Sheng Su was a temple famous for its martial arts practices. The monks there took in Kilik, who was abandoned as a child, and raised him to be a proficient fighter. Although he never knew his true family, he looked up to Xianglian like a sister. Both orphans, they were rarely seen apart, and would train together constantly to the point where the bond between them was stronger than even that of siblings.

Key Moves


Sc A.pngSc A.png AA - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
12 10,10 -4 2 2 3%
Normal Hit Combo

Relatively short range but above average on block.

Sc A.pngSc A.pngSc A.png AAA - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc H.pngSc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
12 10,10,20 -8 KND KND 5%
Counter Hit Combo

Powerful but very difficult CH confirm.

Sc 6.pngSc A.png 6A - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 6,10 -6 4 STN 2%
Sc 6.pngSc A.pngSc A.png 6AA - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc H.pngSc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 6,10,24 0 KND KND 4%
Counter Hit Combo. Tech Crouch [11-27]
Sc 6.pngSc A.pngSc B.png 6AB - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc H.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 6,10,22 -16 LNC LNC 7%
Counter Hit Combo

6A is a great option to counter side step when Kilik is at advantage. Each string option combos on counter hit with the initial hit for good damage and a knockdown. The first hit performed on its own also grants a knockdown.

Sc 4.pngSc A.png 4A - Attack Level: Sc L.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 14 -14 -4 -4 1%
Sc LH.png 4th successful 4A in 1 round.

Surprisingly long range horizontal low. Grants a LH when the 4th 4A hits in a round.

Sc 33.pngSc 5.pngSc 66.pngSc 5.pngSc 99.pngSc A.png (3)_(6)_(9)A - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
26 20 -6 10 10 1%

Kilik's main horizontal mid attack. Slow but safe on block and quite rewarding on hit.


Sc B.pngSc B.png BB - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
14 16,16 -6 4 4 4%
Normal Hit Combo

Considered one of the best BBs in the game. Very strong into opponent RE due to quick recovery, he can step the RE attack of every RE. Retracks particularly well.

Sc B.pngSc B.pngSc B.png BBB - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
14 16,16,30 2 KND KND 15%
Sc BA.png

The 3rd hit is a break attack. On block, the 3rd hit will CH and opponent attempting an immediate backstep. It is also wide.

Sc b.pngSc 6.png b6 - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
20 26 -8 4 4 9%
Sc LH.png on -20 or more block punish. KND at long range CH

Has utility both as a LH for -20 moves and in neutral. CH at tip grants a CH knockdown allowing for a guaranteed followup.

WR Sc B.png B - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 20 -12 STN STN 9%
Tech Crouch [0-20]

Potenitally Kilik's strongest move. Very rewarding on hit and safe to most of the cast on block. Is both very evasive because it tech crouches all the way until after it impacts and it has a small backsway element as well. It also has a high tendency to retrack.

Sc 33.pngSc 5.pngSc 66.pngSc 5.pngSc 99.pngSc B.png (3)_(6)_(9)B - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 22 -6 6 KND 10%

Kilik's main mid counter hit tool.

Sc 22.pngSc 5.pngSc 88.pngSc B.png (2)_(8)B - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
20 28 -14 LNC LNC 9%
Tech Jump [29-50]

Powerful whiff punish tool with good ringout carry.


Sc k.pngSc B.png kB - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc L.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 15,15 -12 2 2 2%

Very unique low. The high impacting part of this move means that this move will beat an opponent attempting a jumping attack. Advantage on hit means Kilik can continue pressure.

Sc 1.pngSc K.pngSc B.png 1KB - Attack Level: Sc L.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 18,28 -16 0 KND 8%
Counter Hit Combo. Tech Crouch

Horizontal low with a string option. The string means that even when the low is blocked, the opponent has to worry about getting counter-hit by the second hit of the string and may not punish the first hit. If the 1KB scores a counter hit, the entire string will combo. The input window is generous, potentially allowing for counter hit confirms with practice.

Sc 22.pngSc 5.pngSc 88.pngSc k.pngSc B.png (2)_(8)kB - Attack Level: Sc L.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
26 22 -8 4 4 2%
Tech Crouch [13-33]

Uniquely powerful low offset in strength by its weird input. Very advantageous on hit and safe on block. Recovers quickly enough to step an RE attack if it impacts into the parry. Often hits stepping opponents to its strong side.

Sc 11.pngSc 5.pngSc 44.pngSc 5.pngSc 77.pngSc K.pngSc B.png (1)_(4)_(7)KB - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
30 20,30 - KND KND -
Shifts to attack throw on hit. 8 less damage without precise timing.

Very rewarding, but slow horizontal mid. Is very strong against opponents who take delayed options like stepping or as a callout to GI.


Sc 6.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.png 6A+B - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc H.pngSc H.pngSc H.pngSc H.pngSc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
20 10,6,6,8,8,10 -12 STN STN 8%
Normal Hit Combo

Very powerful horizontal combo starter. Unsafe on block but very rewarding on hit as a callout out to the opponent's side step or as a whiff punish.


Sc 2.pngSc 3.pngSc 6.png 236 - Attack Level:
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- - - - - -
Sc GI.png [3-14] GI vs Horizontal non kicks Sc SS.png

A very fast aGI with a long window. Successfully scoring a LH will discourage the opponent from performing horiontal attacks, thus allowing more freedom to set up Kilik's strong whiff punishment with sidestep.

MO Sc A.png A - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 18 -14 STN STN 1%
Sc LH.png after a successful GI

MO A will LH the opponent if the parry from the transition is successful. Even if MO A doesn't LH, it is still hit confirmable into a combo from either the string (MO A,B,K) or BP B.

MO Sc K.png K - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 15,20 2 KND KND 9%
Tech Jump [10-35]

Very useful move to perform out of monument when the opponent does not attack into the parry. The tech jump frames serve to mitigate the effectiveness of an opponent whiff punish who calls out MO. If the opponent does not react to MO, then the advantage on block from this move is useful for Kilik to continue offense. Although technically a vertical, MO K is very hard to step and heavily retracks.

SCVI Navigation

Controls & Notation
Seong Mi-na