Tira is a unique character who constantly switches between two separate "moods", different movesets with varying strengths and weaknesses. She brings unpredictability to the table with her random chance to change moods on certain attacks.
Strengths | Weaknesses |
Unique Mechanic
Tira has two "moods", Jolly Side and Gloomy Side, which function as two distinct movesets. She starts the battle in Jolly Side and can switch moods throughout the battle by a variety of means:
• Using attacks that have a percentage chance (or are guaranteed) to moodswing
• Reaching 30% and 5% health
Once she moodswings a total of 9 times (indicated by her moodswing counter on the UI), Gloomy will be permanently upgraded to Gloomy Coda, in which she gains access to all of her attacks and string extensions that are usually locked behind Soul Charge, netting her a significant power-up.
See Strategy for a full breakdown.
Tira #SCVI_TIR |
Europe is home to a group of assassins called the Bird of Passage, who operate in the shadows. One of its members was Tira, who was raised from a baby in the art of murder. Not many could match her skill. However, when the Evil Seed event occurred while she was on a mission, the group's leader was driven insane, which led to the organization's dissolution. As a result, Tira was left without anywhere to go, and lacking direction. Though she was taken in by a family, her "normal" life did not last long—such mundanity could never have been enough for her. Tira flew into a rage over a trivial matter, killing every last one of her new family, and then set off on a journey to claim as many lives as she could. |
Key Moves