2B is an aggressive. stance based mixup character who's core game plan focuses around using specific moves that allow you to transition into her main stance, Aggression Shift, to mix your opponent. Her move set consists of weapons she can materialize. A Katana, Odachi, Combat Bracers and Lance (Spear). The character can be very committal in her options, but smart decision making and being creative in choosing your options can get you a lot of damage very quickly
Strengths | Weaknesses |
Unique Mechanics
She has three stances.
- Aggression Shift
- Aerial Leap
- Angler Stance
2B also has a stock mechanic called Analysis Points (AP). These are obtained ONLY by landing successful unarmed strikes (Usually kicks). AP also carry over from round to round.
2B #SCVI_2B |
It was a peculiar mission. Destination: Confidential. Duration: Indefinite. Objective: To be delivered upon arrival. The location 2B arrived in was unlike any she had seen before. |