The King of Fighters '98/Vice

From SuperCombo Wiki


Vice is a drug warlord from Miami Vice, which is what the fictional city of Miami is based upon. She has a super fast speed boat called the Knight Runner Batmoboat that is also capable of deep-sea diving. She is constantly in conflict with Don Johnson and Phillip Michael Thomas as they battle the War on Drugs.


Snka.gif Snkb.gif Snkc.gif Snkd.gif
Vice98 colorA.png Vice98 colorB.png Vice98 colorC.png Vice98 colorD.png

Gameplay Overview

Vice is a mix of close-range mixups and guessing games with her throws, with some nice long pokes and specials such as standing C and her arm whips. She is lacking a really good anti-air, so you must be comfortable/patient on defense (or just blow a CD counter). She doesn't have much in the way of high/low games because of her slow jump, though. Like many mid tier characters, shes requires a little experience with her move properties to be effective. Still, she doesn't require much in the way of execution and is an OK choice for a beginner.

In-depth Analysis


Frames Advantage Cancel Block Hitbox Notes
Standing Close
Snka.gif 2/3/9 0/-2 C HL
Vice98 stA.png
Identical to far A
Snkb.gif 2/3/11 -2/-4 C HL
Vice98 clB.png
Good cancelable move to combo from a jump-in. Since her jump is slow, hitting an earlier jump-in can he hard, and close B is faster than close C/D, so it's a good alternative.
Snkc.gif 6/4/21 -5/-7 C HL
Vice98 clC.png
Fast, cancelable. Good, but not really any reason to use over close D.
Snkd.gif 4/3(9)6/14 0/-2 -/C HL/HL
Vice98 clD1.png
Vice98 clD2.png
Main hard hit combo tool. Faster than close C and cancelable on the 2nd hit, so hit-confirming and comboing is easy.
Standing Far
Snka.gif 2/3/9 0/-2 C HL
Vice98 stA.png
Fast, good anti-air vs short hop. Cancelable, too
Snkb.gif 3/2(4)3/11 -2/-4 C/- HL/HL
Vice98 stB1.png
Vice98 stB2.png
First hit is cancelable. It's a bit slow but it's one of Vice's main footsie tools from mid range to poke with. Buffer with 214A to catch extended hurtboxes.
Snkc.gif 9/4/17 -1/-3 - HL
Vice98 stC.png
Fantastic long-range mid poke. Kind of like a more damaging version of Standing A but has more recovery in return for better damage output. Could hit most of the cast on crouch, whiffing on those with the smaller crouching hurtboxes such as Iori.
Snkd.gif 9/4/20 -4/-6 - HL
Vice98 stD.png
Not a bad early anti-air for the 45-degree angle.
Snkc.gif+Snkd.gif 17/5/27 KD/-10 S HL
Vice98 stCD.png
Kind of a slower, shorter range, but cancelable Standing C. Nice to cancel into Deicide (hcf + K) from range.
Snka.gif 3/3/9 0/-2 C HL
Vice98 crA.png
Fast, cancelable, nice hitbox.
Snkb.gif 5/3/8 +1/-1 C L
Vice98 crB.png
Good range and cancelable unlike most cr.Bs.
Snkc.gif 4/2+4/26 -12/-14 C (1st part) HL
Vice98 crC1.png
Vice98 crC2.png
Anti-air poke, though it can get beat by a lot of stuff if you don't time it right. Mostly because the part before her arm extends doesn't hit high at all, so you have to do it early. The first part is also cancelable and pretty fast, at least.
Snkd.gif 8/5/25 KD/-12 C L
Vice98 crD.png
Nice cancelable sweep. Whiff cancel into hcf + K or hcb f + P for safety and meter (buffer b db + D qcf + K or f df d db + D b f + P).
Snka.gif 6/10 -/- S H
Vice98 jA.png
Snkb.gif 4/9 -/- - H
Vice98 jB.png
Best in-close jump-in. Vice should not be in the air for pressuring much due to her slow jump, but this is the move to use as a meaty jump-in, etc.
Snkc.gif 7/4 -/- S H
Vice98 jC.png
Cancellable into Ravenous (air qcb + K), but otherwise lacking.
Snkd.gif 6/5 -/- - H
Vice98 jD.png
OK air-to-air.
Snkc.gif+Snkd.gif 8/5 KD/- S HL
Vice98 jCD.png
Super fast air CD, on par in speed with Lucky's. Great air-to-air from a super jump.
Command Normals

f + Snka.gif

14/5/21 -6/-8 - H
Vice98 fA.png
Moderately fast overhead when done alone. Faster, comboable, and non-overhead when chained. Standard stuff, really.
f + Snka.gif
14/5/21 -6/-8 S HL
Special Moves

qcb + Snka.gif

8/4/27 HL
Vice98 qcbP.png
Mayhem~Misanthrope (qcb + P > qcf + P)

Combos from lights, but not safe on block so be sure to hit-confirm. The followup has to be immediately as the shoulder hits.

qcb + Snkc.gif 13/4/29 HL
> qcf + Punch.gif 13/13/37 HL
Vice98 qcbPqcfP.png
qcb + Snkb.gif 10/6*3+1*3/17 HL
Vice98 qcbB1.png
Vice98 qcbB2.png
Outrage/Ravenous (qcb + K / air qcb + K)

B version on the ground stays in place, while the D version jumps forward before the kicks. Air versions are the same either way. Ground version isn't that useful, but the air version is good for jumping up/back and stalling or forward when you want to chip for the kill. Jumping C can cancel into it as well, but I'd recommend just doing the move stright out from a jump.

qcb + Snkd.gif 26/6*3+1*3/20 HL
Vice98 qcbD1.png
Vice98 qcbD2.png
air qcb + Snkb.gif 9/-/15 HL
Vice98 jqcbK1.png
Vice98 jqcbK2.png
air qcb + Snkd.gif 9/-/18 HL

hcf + Snkb.gif

15/3/25 HL
Vice98 hcfK.png
Decide (hcf + K)

Her entire arm is invincible. B version combos from hard hits, and D is slower. This is a great poking tool from range, but just be aware of jumps. Good move to make them fall into after an anti-air st.A or something. Another good tactic is to use the D version as a delayed cancel as a anti-mash block string in case they try something. For example, you can close D. If it hits, combo into Gore Fest (hcb f + P). If it gets blocked, mixup doing nothing/sticking out a cr.A after or canceling into hcf + D. If they try to stick out anything after blocking the close D, they get grabbed. Leaves the opponent in an un-rollable back turned state on wakeup. You can enter in MAX mode before the opponent lands and you'll still get the damage bonus.

hcf + Snkd.gif 21/3/30 HL

hcb f + Punch.gif

0/1/29 Grab
Vice98 hcbfP.png
Gore Fest (hcb f + P)

Instant command throw. Leaves the opponent in an un-rollable back turned state on wakeup, and it is her best choice for wakeup pressure since you stay close to them.

hcf + Punch.gif

6/1/25 Grab
Vice98 hcfP.png
Blackened~Misanthrope (hcf + P > qcf + P)

Slower but invincible command throw. Backwards facing knockdown without the followup, forwards facing with. Unlike O.Yashiro's, this does not have any hit-able frames whatsoever, it will blow through anything. Use it as a reversal, to catch sloppy jump-in > ground attacks, or as a grab option on your opponent's wakeup. With the followup it does 9 more damage than Gore Fest (1 damage less without), but it doesn't combo off of most hits (only very close lights) and the opponent gets up facing forward. It is possible to whiff the followup with a delayed cancel, so don't delay it.

> qcf + Punch.gif 13/13/37 HL
Vice98 qcbPqcfP.png

hcb hcb + Kick.gif

0/1/41 Grab Negative Gain (hcb hcb + K)

Instant super throw. Use as max damage combo, off an empty short hop, etc. You know how these things work. MAX version does more damage.

hcb hcb + Kick.gif
0/1/41 Grab

qcf qcf + Snka.gif

1+18+11+2/32 Grab Withering Surface (qcf qcf + P)

A version goes about 2 character spaces, C version goes almost full screen. This is obviously to jump over/through fireballs. Both version completely jump over ground fireballs, but they both have full invincibility on startup, so you can also use them against fast mid/high height fireballs as long as you perform it late (so the fireball is close to you). The MAX version always goes far and fast, and is completely invincible.

qcf qcf + Snkc.gif

1+12+9+2/34 Grab
qcf qcf + Punch.gif
1+15+6+2/38 Grab

Normal Throws

  • b or f + C - Breakable, forward knockdown, face forward, rollable.

  • b or f + D - Breakable, reverse knockdown, back turned, un-rollable.

D throw preferred by far. It doesn't have the blue grab 'effect' and gives you full back turned wakeups.

Fastest Attacks

  • 0F: C throw; D throw; hcb f + P; (S)DM hcb hcb + K
  • 1F: -
  • 2F: cl.A; cl.B; st.A
  • 3F: st.B; cr.A
  • 4F: cl.D; cr.C
  • 5F: cr.B
  • 6F: cl.C; hcf + P
  • 7F: -
  • 8F: cr.D; qcb + A
  • 9F: st.C; st.D
  • 10F: qcb + B


  • Best jump-ins:
    • j.B
    • j.D (Out of j.B range.)

  • cl.D (2 hits) / cr.C >
    • (S)DM Negative Gain (hcb hcb + K)
    • f + A > B Deicide (hcf + B) (Point blank.)
    • Gore Fest (hcb f + P)
    • C Mayhem > Misanthrope (qcb + C > qcf + P)
    • B Deicide (hcf + B)

  • Out Of close range: cr.C > hcf + B

  • (cr.A / cr.B) x 3 >
    • A Mayhem > Misanthrope (qcb + A > qcf + P)

  • (cr.A / cr.B) x 2 >
    • (S)DM Negative Gain (hcb hcb + K)
    • Gore Fest (hcb f + P)
    • A Mayhem > Misanthrope (qcb + A > qcf + P)

  • cl.B / cr.B / cr.A >
    • (S)DM Negative Gain (hcb hcb + K)
    • Blackened > Misanthrope (hcf + P > qcf + P) (Point blank.)
    • Gore Fest (hcb f + P)
    • A Mayhem > Misanthrope (qcb + A > qcf + P)

  • Simple buffers:


For the third and fourth combos you can use any combination of cr.A or cr.B, as they are both chainable and cancelable (you just can't go from cr.A to cr.B). Personally I think cr.B, cr.A > whatever is easiest (and cr.A has more range than cr.B). The last weak attack may be replaced by st.B (1 hit) / cl.B / st.A / cl.A.

Mayhem (qcb + P) is not safe on block, so make sure to hit-check.

Strategy Corner

  • MAX: cl.D > Hcb.png F.png + P

deals less damage (~ 3/4 cl.C) than

  • cl.D > DM Hcb.png Hcb.png + K

Keep this in mind, when you need to decide whether to trigger MAX or keep meter for a DM.


Game Navigation

Gameplay Overview
Normal Characters
Blue Mary
Heavy D!
EX Characters
EX Andy
EX Billy
EX Joe
EX Kyo
EX Mai
Orochi Chris
Orochi Shermie
Orochi Yashiro
EX Robert
EX Ryo
EX Terry
EX Yuri
Omega Rugal