Joystick Notation
.- up (u) | up-back (u/b) - 7 8 9 - up-forward (u/f) back (b) - 4 5 6 - forward (f) down-back (d/b) - 1 2 3 - down-forward (d/f) | `- down (d)
Note: These numbers can be easily referenced by looking at your keyboard numpad. Think of it as a joystick/controller that is facing to the right. "5" is used to signify "neutral".
Motion Abbreviations
qcf - 236 - Quarter circle forward/Hadouken/Fireball motion - In one smooth motion move to down -> down-forward -> forward.
qcf - 214 - Quarter circle backward - In one smooth motion move to down -> down-back -> back.
hcf - 41236 - Half circle forward - In one smooth motion move to back -> down-back -> down -> down-forward -> forward.
hcb - 63214 - Half circle backward - In one smooth motion move to forward -> down-forward -> down -> down-back -> back.
dp - 623 - Dragon Punch motion - In one smooth motion move to forward -> down -> down-forward.
rdp - 421 - Reverse Dragon Punch motion - In one smooth motion move to back -> down -> down-back.
Charge - Hold the given direction (usually back/down) for around 1 second, before moving to the next command (usually forward or up a button).
tk - 2369 - Tiger Knee Motion - qcf, then move to up-forward.
Attack Notation
A - LP - Light Punch
B - LK - Light Kick
C - HP - Hard Punch
D - HK - Hard Kick
CD - Blow back attack, press C and D simultaneously.
P - Any punch
K - Any kick
Other common abbreviations
j. - Jump/jumping - Press up-back, up, or up-forward.
sj. - Super-jump - Tap down, down-back, or down-forward, then quickly press up-back or up-forward.
sh. - Short hop - Lightly tap up-back, up, or up-forward.
hh. - Hyper hop - Tap down, down-back, or down-forward, then quickly and lightly tap up-back or up-forward.
cl. - Close, as in a close normal attack.
cr. - Crouching, as in a crouching normal attack.
st. - Standing, as in a far standing normal attack.