Choi aka Stuart little is a war criminal and deserves to be punished at the highest extent of the law. A list of his crimes can be found here
Gameplay Overview
Be annoying.
In-depth Analysis
Normal Throws
- b or f + C -
- b or f + D -
Normal Moves
- Standing A -
- Standing B -
- Close C -
- Crouching A - Cancel into super
Crouching B - Use this to combo into cr.A so you can cancel into super
- Crouching C -
- Jumping C - Use this
Command Normals
- f + B - sometimes do this
- f + A -
Other Normal Moves
- Jump: Choi is able to triangle jump.
Special Moves
- Shissou Hishou Zan ((b) f + P) - Choi dashes to right in front of the opponent, and finishes the job with his claws. It leaves you excessively open, making it extremely hard to use.
- Senpuu Hien Sashi ((b) f + K) - Mechanism is the same as that from Hishō Kūretsuzan; see description there.
- any direction + P/K (up to three times)
- Tatsumaki Shippuu Zan ((d) u + P) - Either version is useful for combos and countering.
- Hishou Kuuretsu Zan ((d) ub/u/uf + K, hold K to attack) - Do a lot of this, If you perform the command to the ub or u directions, he will head for the edge of the screen behind him; otherwise (uf), he will head for the edge of the screen behind the opponent; he then (if you are still holding the button) triangle jumps diagonally downward for the weak version or horizontally for the strong version. It’s generally okay to use this just to get to the edge of the screen quickly.
- any direction + P/K (up to three times)
- Kaiten Hien Zan (qcb + P > P / air qcf + K) - Choi rolls up and spins, thereby slashing the opponent multiple times. It has nearly full-body invincibility on startup. After it hits or is blocked, the weak version jumps forward, and the strong version jumps backward. During this jump-off, it is now possible to cancel into Hishōkyaku, but just like later KOF’s, it can’t be done immediately (i.e., no combo); it becomes possible at the apex of his jump. Although Hishōkyaku has been weakened, it is generally a good follow-up (because otherwise you’re just floating there...).
- Hishou Kyaku (air qcf + K) - Do this sometimes and sometimes from canceling j.C
Desperation Moves
- Shin! Chouzetsu T. Shinkuu Zan (hcb hcb + P) -
- Hou'ou Kyaku (qcf hcb + K) - Do this a lot from hit confirms
Fastest Attacks
- 0F: C throw; D throw
- 1F: -
- 2F: (S)DM qcf hcb + K
- 3F: cl.A; cl.B; st.A; cr.A; cr.B; (d) u + P
- 4F: -
- 5F: st.B
- 6F: cl.D; st.D; cl.D
- 7F: cl.C
- 8F: cr.C
- 9F: -
- 10F: st.C
- Best jump-ins:
- j.C (Can crossup.)
- cr.B / cr.A, cr.A >
- (S)DM B Hōōkyaku (qcf hcb + B)
- C Tatsumaki Shippūzan ((d) u + C) (Out of MAX)
- cr.B / cr.A x 2, st.B > (S)DM B Hōōkyaku (qcf hcb + B) (On MAX just in corner.)
- cl.C / cr.C >
- Toorima Geri (f + B),
- st.B > (S)DM B Hōōkyaku (qcf hcb + B) (Corner)
- (S)DM B Hōōkyaku (qcf hcb + B)
- st.A
- (S)DM B Hōōkyaku (qcf hcb + B)
- C Tatsumaki Shippūzan ((d) u + C)
- Toorima Geri (f + B),
- Toorima Geri (f + B),
- st.B > (S)DM B Hōōkyaku (qcf hcb + B)
- (S)DM B Hōōkyaku (qcf hcb + B)
- st.A
- j.C > qcf + B
- Mid air hit: Hishō Kūretsuzan ((d) u + K) / Senpū Hien Shitotsu ((b) f + K) > Hōkō Tenkan (any direction + P/K) x 3, [junggler]
- Nidanzan (f + A) (1 hit) >
- (S)DM B Hōōkyaku (qcf hcb + B)
- C Tatsumaki Shippūzan ((d) u + C)
- Simple buffers
- cr.B, cl.A / st.B / cl.B > (S)DM qcf hcb + B
- cr.B, qcf + A/B > hcb + B (As cr.B is not cancelable, qcf + A/B will chain into a normal attack.)
- cr.B, cl.A / st.B / cl.B > (S)DM qcf hcb + B
Strategy Corner
- MAX: cr.C > (d) + C
deals less damage (~ cl.C out of corner; ~ 1/2 cl.C in the corner) than
- cr.B, cr.A > + B
Keep this in mind, when you need to decide whether to trigger MAX or keep meter for a DM.