
From SuperCombo Wiki

Jotaro Combos

Beginner Combos

Stand OFF 236S ConfirmHow Jotaro gets his knockdowns Basic

5A, 6B xx 236S xx s.214B > 214A
Very simple confirm into Jotaro's rekkas ending in a knockdown. Absolute must-know combo for any aspiring Jotaro as it allows him to put the opponent in an unreactable 50/50 via Star Finger. Note that nearly any Stand OFF normal may be used instead of the 5A, 6B link, but it's best to learn this link early as it's the gateway to Jotaro's more optimal combos.

Stand ON Rekka ConfirmHow to turn Jotaro's strong Stand ON normals into a knockdown Basic

d.s.5A, s.5AAB xx s.214B > 214A
Not only is d.s.5A extremely fast, but it's also consistently rewarding on hit thanks to reliably comboing into s.214B > 214A.
d.s.5A, s.5A is a link you'll need to practice to hit consistently, but it's fairly lenient and well worth the effort.

Core Combos

Basic Stand ON !SC ComboThe reason it's so scary to play Stand ON vs. Jotaro Basic

d.s.5A, s.5AAB xx s.214B !SC, (...)
Makes people wince when it lands. A lot of characters benefit from playing in Stand ON, but Jotaro's titanic Stand Damage makes Stand Crashing a breeze. Always be wary of your opponent's Stand Gauge, as adjusting your routing to cause a !SC makes it very easy to deal a ton of damage. It's ideal to !SC with s.214B, as it moves Jotaro right up to the opponent's face and recovers fast enough to follow up, usually with a d.s.5C xx 214S.
  • In a pinch, you can consider following through with this string even on block, as fully depleting the opponent's Stand Gauge while they're blocking gives you even more time to kill them with a combo of your choosing. However, s.214X is fairly unsafe on block, so weigh the risks carefully.

Stand OFF BnBWhere the real damage comes from Intermediate

(...) 5A, 6B xx 214B, hh.C, 5A, 6B ...
Stylish and damaging - what else could you ask for? This is a bit of a step up compared to basic confirms into 236S, but this extension improves Jotaro's corner carry and does far more damage. There's a few tricky bits here:
  • You may find it's easier to negative edge 6B xx 214B like so: 6[B] xx 214]B[.
  • It's vital that you hyperhop before doing j.C. You may find that sometimes a regular jump will suffice, but this is very inconsistent so it's better to always hyperhop.

The two main ways you'll follow up on this extension is by canceling into 236S to end the combo or extend it further using Tandem (214S). Both of these require Star Platinum to have disappeared after recovering from 214B, so adjust your timing accordingly.

As useful as this combo part is, using it more than once in the same combo can be unreliable as IPS can force it to drop.

Miscellaneous Combos

The BBC LinkNo BBC = Anger Advanced

... d.2B~236AA, 6B (236AA hits)
A very unique, stylish and situationally optimal combo part. Normally, canceling Stand OFF normals that use your stand works as expected, i.e. the normal is canceled into the special/super/whatever else. However, certain normals have an unusual property that allows the Stand User to cancel into a different action while the Stand continues attacking.

This combo abuses the fact that d.2B has this property by canceling its startup into 236AA to reduce Jotaro's recovery while Star Platinum continues the attack. Because of this stagger, it's possible to link into 6B before 236AA actually hits.

  • The primary way to combo into this is by ending Tandem strings with s.5AB xx s.623X. Forcing a !SC on the last hit gives you far more time, but isn't necessary.
  • There's several input shortcuts to help with the unusual cancel:
    • 661B [ABC] ~ 236]ABC[
    • [A] 661[ABC] ~ 236]ABC[
    • 6612B[AC] ~ 36]AC[

Stand OFF Combos
Position Notation Damage Details
pos not dmg Click to Toggle

S-Bullet 50/50Matchup-defining setup Intermediate

Okizeme (Knockdown) meaty 5S(416) > (d.)5C / 2C
Character specific, but very strong against the characters it works on. Abuses the fact that S-Bullet spawns behind the opponent if Hoingo is in point-blank range, allowing certain patterns to cross up. In this setup, the bullet's trajectory allows it to hit either sameside or crossup depending on if it's delayed or not, making it incredibly ambiguous.
Character Chart
Character Sameside Crossup
text-middle Jotaro Yes PB
text-middle Dio Yes Yes
text-middle Shadow Dio Yes Yes
text-middle Alessi No Yes
text-middle Old Joseph Yes Yes
text-middle Young Joseph Yes Yes
text-middle Vanilla Ice Yes (5C) Yes (5C)
text-middle Devo Yes No

pos not dmg Click to Toggle

S-Bullet 50/50Matchup-defining setup Intermediate

Okizeme (Knockdown) meaty 5S(416) > (d.)5C / 2C
Character specific, but very strong against the characters it works on. Abuses the fact that S-Bullet spawns behind the opponent if Hoingo is in point-blank range, allowing certain patterns to cross up. In this setup, the bullet's trajectory allows it to hit either sameside or crossup depending on if it's delayed or not, making it incredibly ambiguous.
Character Chart
Character Sameside Crossup
text-middle Jotaro Yes PB
text-middle Dio Yes Yes
text-middle Shadow Dio Yes Yes
text-middle Alessi No Yes
text-middle Old Joseph Yes Yes
text-middle Young Joseph Yes Yes
text-middle Vanilla Ice Yes (5C) Yes (5C)
text-middle Devo Yes No

pos not dmg Click to Toggle

S-Bullet 50/50Matchup-defining setup Intermediate

Okizeme (Knockdown) meaty 5S(416) > (d.)5C / 2C
Character specific, but very strong against the characters it works on. Abuses the fact that S-Bullet spawns behind the opponent if Hoingo is in point-blank range, allowing certain patterns to cross up. In this setup, the bullet's trajectory allows it to hit either sameside or crossup depending on if it's delayed or not, making it incredibly ambiguous.
Character Chart
Character Sameside Crossup
text-middle Jotaro Yes PB
text-middle Dio Yes Yes
text-middle Shadow Dio Yes Yes
text-middle Alessi No Yes
text-middle Old Joseph Yes Yes
text-middle Young Joseph Yes Yes
text-middle Vanilla Ice Yes (5C) Yes (5C)
text-middle Devo Yes No