JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Hol Horse

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Hol Horse (ホル・ホース Horu Hōsu) is a side villain in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders. He is an assassin hired by DIO, and wields The Emperor, a Stand that has an appearance of a revolver and fires guided bullets. Paired together with his partner J. Geil (J・ガイル Jei Gairu) and his stand The Hanged Man, the two make an unstoppable duo.

Hol Horse is a zoning oriented character, with several projectile attacks at his disposal. Although he is quite limited up close, his gameplan relies heavily on creating hard to block or unblockable mixups and chipping down the opponent's health with his multi-hit attacks.

Hol1HOL HORSE IDLE B PALETTE.gifIntruder alert! Red Spy in base! A red spy is in the base? S PALETTE IDLE HOL HORSE.gif Holstart
Pros Cons
  • Extremely strong okizeme that builds a lot of meter
  • Great supers
  • Decent Zoning and Frametraps
  • Great damage and even a ToD if he gets the right hit
  • Fast run and roll speeds
  • Highest stand Off defense in the game
  • Is a passive stand character
  • Somewhat reliant on meter in neutral
  • Very low damage from most hits, often skewing interactions in favor of the opponent
  • Has to play around his opponent in order to get a meaningful hit
  • Punishable grab and a weaker guard cancel
  • Gets countered heavily by Stand ON characters due to his reliance on knockdowns and their immunity to chip
  • Lacks a consistent way to open up his opponent
Hol Horse

Hol Horse A.png

Stand: Passive

Defense Value: 78 (1st) (Very Good)

Roll Speed: 25 (1st) (Very Good)

Wakeup Speed: 36 (9th) (Average)

Prejump: 4 (6th) (Good)

Notable Players

Color Nickname Country Platform Accounts Notes
HOL HORSE IDLE B PALETTE.gif Tex Western South Korea Fightcade 2 Twitter: @tex_western
Fightcade: Tex western
CEOtaku 2022 champion.
"Hey guys did you know that when you hit hanged man j guile hol to fire and hol says aye aye sir just thought that was coll thank"

Status: Active

Intruder alert! Red Spy in base! A red spy is in the base? Lamar Davis USA, Midwest Fightcade 2 Twitter: @LamarConquest
Fightcade: Lamar Davis
A very knowledgeable Hol.
Status: Active
Hol-idle-and-taunt.gif Mr. Buisness Russia Fightcade 2 Twitter: @GrishaGT500
Fightcade: Mr. Buisness
Has a very consistent active-defensive playstyle.
Status: Active
Hol-idle-and-taunt.gif Puzzle3301 USA, West Coast Fightcade 2 Twitter: @PuzzleHFTF
Fightcade: puzzle3301
Puts a great emphasis on hit and run. Mostly plays Hoingo nowadays.
Status: Active
S PALETTE IDLE HOL HORSE.gif Hatemani Israel Fightcade 2 Twitter: @hate_many
Fightcade: Hatemani
Focuses a lot on the basics and fundamentals. Very defensive.
Status: Retired
Hol-idle-and-taunt.gif SploogieMcNoodle USA, West Coast Fightcade 2 Twitter: @Splooogie
Fightcade: SploogieMcNoodle
Ahead of his time. Has great pressure.
Status: Retired

Game Navigation

System Info
In-depth System Info
New Kakyoin
Vanilla Ice
Old Joseph
Black Polnareff
Hol Horse
Rubber Soul
Shadow Dio
Young Joseph