JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Polnareff

From SuperCombo Wiki

Jean Pierre Polnareff (ジャン・ピエール・ポルナレフ Jan Piēru Porunarefu) is a core ally in Stardust Crusaders and appears with his stand, Silver Chariot. He fights along the Stardust Crusaders, heading for DIO in Egypt.

Polnareff is a charge character that dominates neutral in Stand ON with his excellent normals, and completely dictates the pace of a match in Stand OFF with Shooting Star, allowing him to constantly pressure the opponent from anywhere on screen, and force them into oppressive high/low mix with solid damage and corner carry. Offensively, Polnareff leans heavily on combo resets, ending early to go back into Shooting Star high/low mixups, as his Okizeme is basically nonexistent. Defensively, his fast, disjointed, and extremely non-committal Stand ON buttons, most notably S.4B, one of the best pokes in the entire game, makes it a struggle for any opponent to get in. At his core, Polnareff is a character that does nearly everything you could ask for, and can work for just about any playstyle, through his strong offensive and defensive buttons, and his unparalleled mixup potential. Just be wary of the fact that he cannot block while Shooting Star is out.

Difficulty: Easy/Average


Polnareff is a highly damaging rushdown character with infamous mixups and pressure, alongside a set of extremely strong Stand ON poking normals to keep his opponent in check.
Pros Cons
  • Incredible Mixups: Polnareff's suite of fantastic lows, unique Stand Out crouching normals and the overhead Shooting Star give him insane mixup potential
  • Strong Damage: Even though heavily affected by IPS, Polnareff's damage is fantastic, especially with his crucial and punishing resets that will not only reset IPS, but scaling as well.
  • Phenomenal Normals: In both Stand ON and Stand OFF, Polnareff's normals are great, with fast startup and large hitboxes, meaning he can switch between his suffocating offence, and fantastic defence, including some of the best anti-airs in the game.
  • Strong Meter Build: Polnareff's high meter build gives him lots of opportunities to spend it, namely Tandem as his other supers are comparatively lackluster
  • Shooting Star: One of the best moves in the game, giving Polnareff amazing mixups, damage, resets and corner pressure.
  • Great Offence: Even without Shooting Star, Polnareff can still approach the opponent very well with his great dashing lows and extremely powerful jump-ins.
  • IPS: Extending combos puts Polnareff at the mercy of the Infinite Prevention System, so he’ll tend to favor resetting into mixups over going for a little extra damage. Activates above 8 hits, it's crucial you try to avoid IPS at all costs
  • Crouching Hurtbox: Has a slightly taller crouching hurtbox than average due to his hair.
  • Weak Scrambles: Lacks "get off me" moves in Stand ON outside of Tandem (universal option among active stands)

Polnareff A.png

Stand: Active

Defense Value Stand OFF: 89

Defense Value Stand ON: 81

Stand Durability: 80

Roll Speed: 39

Wakeup Speed: 36

Prejump Stand OFF: 5

Prejump Stand ON: 4

Players To Watch [Western]

Color Nickname Country Platform Accounts Notes
BNOC Russia Fightcade 2 Fightcade: BNOC
HFTF Player
Arguable GOAT Polnareff; has rock solid fundamentals alongside great game knowledge. Syndrome level origin story but mr grander is mr incredible here
Status: Retired
FalcoFatalitY United Kingdom Fightcade 2 Fightcade: FalcoFatalitY, FaZe Perfect Cell, POL BNB MÁQUINA
Discord: allcapsfrfx
One of the few Pols that haven't been neutralised yet, will duck if you select Devo
maybe give this a watch wink wink
Status: Active/Sometimes
MassterDraWa Chile Fightcade 2 Fightcade: MassterDraWa
Discord: massterdrawa
SQ's illegitimate grandson from Chile, extremely stylish Polnareff. Masster of advanced Polnareff combos alongside superb neutral, probably makes some sick enchiladas.
Drawa in action
Status: Active
SploogieMcNoodle USA, West Coast Fightcade 2 Fightcade: SploogieMcNoodle
Discord: ???
Born to SS, forced to play Seth. Created the tutorial of all time. Provides great insight into how Pol was played back in 2017/18.
Status: Retired

Players to Watch [Japanese]

Color Nickname Country Platform Accounts Notes
SQ Japan Arcade Fightcade (rarely active): yukke
Twitter: @jojohftfsq
Consensus numero uno HFTF player, the best with many characters
Status: Active
Yoshida Japan Arcade Missing in action The GOAT.
Status: Retired
Kakky Japan Arcade Twitter: @kakky_jojo Proud father, his son will carry the torch of true neutral
Status: Active

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New Kakyoin
Vanilla Ice
Old Joseph
Black Polnareff
Hol Horse
Rubber Soul
Shadow Dio
Young Joseph