JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future/Mariah

From SuperCombo Wiki
MariahA Idle.gif

Mariah (マライア Maraia, also known as Mahrahia) is a minor antagonist and one of the only two female characters in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future.

She is one of the Egypt 9 Glory Gods and controls the Stand called Bastet, which has the ability to turn anyone into a living magnet just by making them touch the Stand itself.

By many considered to be the worst character in the game, by new players considered to be undefeatable and absolutely broken, Mariah's gameplay is unlike that of all other characters in the game. She is a Passive Stand character which mostly focuses on ranged combat and trapping opponents with her tricky moves. Mariah fights by throwing knives, cutting power lines and using kitchen utensils and other metallic objects she has in her 'collection'. Her signature Outlet special lets her level up these projectiles, giving her potent zoning and stylish setplay.

It's no secret that Mariah's toolkit is pretty awful. Her combos off of pokes are basically nonexistent, her defense is weak, her normals are very specific, and she really needs to level up to do about anything. Even her zoning is extremely flawed against experienced opponents, especially Active and Weapon stands, who can almost completely invalidate it. She has to put in a lot of effort to do what just about any other character can do much easier. If you're willing to put in the effort, though, Mariah can be a very fun character with lots of cool setups.

HFTF Mariah ColorA.gifHFTF Mariah ColorB.gifHFTF Mariah ColorC.gifHFTF Mariah ColorS.gifHFTF Mariah ColorStart.gif

Color Palettes
Pros Cons
  • Screen Control: Mariah has many tools which lock down certain areas of the screen, forcing opponents to adjust their gameplans. Especially notable is her Outlet, which is a constant hitbox that easily denies approaches.
  • Chip: 236x, 623x, and 236AA all do very high chip damage, especially at higher levels. Blocking without a stand against her can be very scary.
  • Setplay: If Mariah can get a knockdown at a high level, she has very scary mixups, resets, and even unblockables. Her damage isn’t too bad in these setups, either.
  • OK Normals: Mariah’s normals have decent range and her pokes are fairly fast.
  • Anti-Airs: Mariah has alright anti air options, with most of them having good range and a high success rate.
  • Strong Supers: Mariah's supers do very good damage at high levels and can even loop into themselves, giving her good cashout options.
  • Passive Stand: Loses an extra moveset, double jump, chip negation, tandem, and the other upsides of Active Stands.
  • Bad Defense: Mariah has low health, a slow prejump, a guard cancel that doesn't knock down, and a very short ranged reversal super. Getting opponents off of her can be a pain.
  • Horrible Combos: Mariah is the only character in the game who can’t combo a normal into a special against a grounded opponent without some prior setup. She gets no damage off her best pokes, and her basic confirms do awful damage.
  • Specific Normals: All of Mariah’s normals are very thin, making them weak to either low profile or jump-ins. They also have a lot of recovery, and since all of Mariah’s cancels are super slow, whiffing them is a death sentence.
  • Mediocre Projectiles: 236x is agonizingly slow and punishable, 214x is also slow and has limited range, and 623x can easily be destroyed by stand attacks if used in neutral.
  • Can’t Fight Stands: None of Mariah’s normals have the Stand property, making it extremely hard for her to get stand crashes, and also not letting her cut Kak’s nets or other Mariah’s wires.
  • Gets Turtled: Mariah has almost nothing to threaten Active Stands with, and her leveling mechanic requires the opponent to approach her, making her extremely weak to turtling.
  • Leveling Mechanic: Mariah needs levels to even attempt to apply her strengths, and leveling up can be challenging in many matchups. She also levels down if she gets grabbed, so staying high level can be challenging too.
  • Gimmicky: Most of Mariah’s best features are only effective against inexperienced players. Mariah gets torn to shreds by opponents who know the matchup.

Mariah A.png

Stand: Passive

Defense Value: 84 (5th) (Good)

Roll Speed: 33 (7th) (Average)

Wakeup Speed: 37 (13th) (Average)

Prejump: 6 (18th) (Bad)

Notable Players

Color Nickname Country Platform Accounts Notes
HFTF Mariah ColorS.gif PotatoBoih Poland Fightcade 2 Twitter: @potato_boih_sfw
Fightcade: potatoboih
The original Low Tier God. Also plays Midler and Hol Horse.
Status: Retired
HFTF Mariah ColorStart.gif VagueText USA Fightcade 2 Discord: VagueText #8301
Fightcade: VagueText
Combo monster and owner of ONS.
Status: Active
HFTF Mariah ColorC.gif Dvolters Brazil Fightcade 2 Fightcade: Dvolters The 236x believer. Also plays flyshop.
Status: Active

Game Navigation

System Info
In-depth System Info
New Kakyoin
Vanilla Ice
Old Joseph
Black Polnareff
Hol Horse
Rubber Soul
Shadow Dio
Young Joseph