Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike/Sean

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Sean is a young, prideful amateur martial artist from Brazil. He idolizes Ken, eventually becoming Ken's student and seeking to prove his worth as a fighter. Sean first appears in Street Fighter III: New Generation.

Sean is perhaps the most efficient definition of an underrated character in the history of fighting games. In the 2nd version of Street Fighter III, 2nd Impact, he was pretty much totally broken, doing tons of damage off of his lengthy combo strings. In response to this, Capcom did the responsible thing and made him an original character, as opposed to a black Ken in a yellow gi.

Well, they did it a little too well.

Other than being extremely hard to use and situational because of his hit-box placement and frame advantage (Dragon Smash's hit-box is located over his head), 3s makes Sean much more of a defensive counter character. When you play as him you have to understand that he does have a lot of good points, such as his MP-HK target combo, Cl.HK/Shoto normals, EX Tornado, and his supers. He trades pretty well if used properly with the right SA's against the right match-ups. He also has an assortment of AAs to choose from.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Tricky moves that can be annoying for unexperienced opponent to understand
  • Good Health and stun for a defensive style character
  • Still has some decent pokes and anti airs, inherently as a shoto
  • Deals higher than average damage per single hit
  • Good forward and back dash
  • Good selection of supers
  • Has the most powerful cancel-able normal in the game (Cl.HK)
  • Has the strongest back throw of the shotos
  • Has more cancel frames on some of his normals than the other shotos
  • Relatively serviceable throw game
  • Underwhelming combo ability, hard to guarantee a knockdown or good damage
  • Worst DP in the game
  • Requires deep understanding of the game's mechanics (more so than other characters)
  • Linear and predictable offensive presence, limited tech and few tools
  • Many moves are unsafe or - on block
  • No reliable reversal without meter (depends on the match-up)
  • Over-reliance on parries
  • Specials leave him crouching on recovery
  • Some of his normals start-up/recover slower and/or do less damage than the other shotos
  • Has a bit of trouble building meter (there are ways around this)
  • Less advantage on Jump-ins than the other shotos
3S Sean Art.png
Life Points 1120
Stun Points 64
Super Art Stock/Size
SA1 3/72
SA2 2/96
SA3 1/120
Ground Movement
Forward Dash duration/distance 13 (17)
Back Dash duration/distance 15 (54px)
Back Jump duration 41(4+36+1)
Neutral Jump duration 37(4+32+1)
Forward Jump duration 38(4+33+1)
Back Super Jump duration 52(7+44+1)
Neutral Super Jump duration 52(7+44+1)
Forward Super Jump duration 52(7+44+1)
Wake up
Wake up duration 77
Quick rise duration 50


3S Frame Data Glossary

How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for. Consecutive sets of active frames on a multi-hit move are separated by an asterisk (ex: 3*5). If there is a gap between sets of active frames, the gap is denoted by a number in parentheses (ex: 2(4)2)


Attack level is L for low attacks (must be blocked crouching), H is for High attacks (which can be blocked high or low) and M for overhead (must be blocked standing). T is for throw attacks (which cannot be blocked).

Cancel options

Available cancel options.

  • "ch": Chain cancel (into itself or another light attack), refer to description for options.
  • "self": Self-only chain cancel. Much more restrictive than a standard chain cancel.
  • "tc": Target combo, refer to description for options. Successive attacks in a target combo may warrant their own move entry.
  • "dash": Grounded dashes.
  • "sj": Super jump.
  • "sp": Special move.
  • "su": Super Art.

Attack damage on hit in life points. Notation may denote multi-hit or "sweet spot" damage values on certain frames.


These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will end before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish. D refers to knockdown on hit.

"Cr. Hit" is an additional frame advantage value denoting if the advantage on hit changes when the defender is being hit while crouching.

Kara Range

Almost all normal attacks can be canceled into a special or a multi-button command within three frames of startup. During that time, some attacks will shift position forward or backward and affect the reach of the special or command accordingly. This is denoted in pixels of range. There are a handful of moves in the game that can be kara-canceled after this initial window and will be denoted as a late kara-cancel.


A combo that is performed by inputting the second move after the first move has completely recovered (as opposed to cancelling the first move's animation). In 3S, the final frame of a move's hitstun allows a character to block a normal or special move, as well as some projectile supers. Therefore, an attack's frame advantage must be 2 frames greater than the followup move's startup in order to link. Ex: a +6 normal can link into a 4f normal/special, or a 5f super.


This field will show a value of A if the attack can be parried standing or crouching, H if it must be parried standing or L if it must be parried crouching.


How many frames it takes for a move to finish after it's been active.


How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or has a hitbox. 3S uses classic startup notation, which does not include the first active frame. A move with 3 startup becomes active on frame 4.


Amount of stun added to the opponent's stun bar on hit.

Throw range

Range in pixels from the center of the character to the center of the opponent which allows a grab to connect.

Frame Data

Standing Normals

Stand LP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
3 2 5 +5 +5
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
3 3 - A +5
  • Cancel options: Self SP SU
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Block: 1, Hit: 2
  • Opponent meter gain: Block/Hit: 0
    • Has the distinction of being Sean's most positive and fastest normal, making St. LP x Hadou Burst/Hyper Tornado a real punish in some situations
    • Duck-able by everyone except Hugo, Dudley and occasionally Urien and Q
    • Can link into Cl. 5MP on block for a true frame trap up close against half the cast
    • St. LP makes it so where he can get 3 lights into super on characters like Q unlike the other shotos
    • Cr. LK x St. LP (whiff) is -1 on block/hit
5MP (cl)
Close MP
Mp.png (cl)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 5 10 +1 +2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
16 9 - H 0
  • Cancel options: SP SU TC
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
    • One of the most important normals in his arsenal, might even be the best
    • Relatively fast Swiss army knife normal that might arguably be in the same realm as Ken's
    • Juggle counter of "3" meaning any air reset off this is TDK
    • As a tick, leaves you in range for Cr. MK and Cl. HK
    • Cancel this into tackle or wheel kick up close to add a few extra dimensions to your pressure
    • Even though its 0 on block, most still respect it like its positive anyways
    • Starter for his target combo (MP-HK)

Hit and block advantage per active frame:

Active frame On Block On Hit Crouch Hit
1st to 3rd 0 +1 +2
4th +1 +2 +3
5th +2 +3 +4

Max range Cl. MP
5MP (far)
Far MP
Mp.png (far)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 4 13 +1 +2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
14 11 - H 0
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
    • Un-cancellable unlike Ryu and Gouki's and can't link super normally unlike Ken's
    • Used as a poking tool in neutral mainly as its active for a decent amount of time and can beat quite a bit of normals
    • Can link super when in conjunction with basketball setups
5HP (cl)
Close HP
Hp.png (cl)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 5 15 -2 0
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 13 - H -4
  • Cancel options: SP SU TC
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
    • Shares the same recognition range as Gouki's
    • Used more when tacking on stun in combos over Cl. HK
    • 13F confirm window into super
    • 13F window to TC into F+HP
    • Has high priority throughout its active frames also making it one of his strongest AA's
    • Less push-back on block than the other shotos

Hit and block advantage per active frame:

Active frame On Block On Hit Crouch Hit
1st -4 -2 0
2nd -3 -1 +1
3rd -2 0 +2
4th -1 +1 +3
5th 0 +2 +4
Max range Cl. HP

5HP (far)
Far HP
Hp.png (far)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
9 4 19 -5 -3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 10 - H -7
  • 12 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
    • Called "Rookie Hook"
    • Amongst the longest reaching in his tool kit
    • Solid at max range but be careful against short crouchers as they can low profile it through various means
    • Suffers from the quirk of building meter like a medium attack rather than a heavy
    • Can be used to SGGK in tick throw situations
    • Easy to Kara back-throw using this
    • Has a slight juggle counter of "3"

Hit and block advantage per active frame:

Active frame On Block On Hit Crouch Hit
1st -7 -5 -3
2nd -6 -4 -2
3rd -5 -3 -1
4th -4 -2 0

Stand LK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 4 7 +2 +2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
5 3 - A +2
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Block: 1, Hit: 2
  • Opponent meter gain: Block/Hit: 0
    • The plus and fast version of St. MK
    • Can chain into this normal but not after it
    • Cr. LP is generally better all-around although St. LK has a better down-ward hitbox which is helpful in certain situations
    • Can link SA2 after in close proximity
Stand MK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 4 15 -1 0
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
16 5 - A -2
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
    • Known as "Kensei kick" or "Stanky leg"
    • The negative and slower version of St. LK but deals higher damage
    • The hurt-box on this normal is the size of a country
    • Sean's lower sprite retracting on the 2nd frame and its speed allows him to directly counter-poke and whiff punish lows in neutral when he's not able to move back quick enough
    • Since its active for decent bit of time, sometimes this normal will hit later making it less negative or even plus situationally
    • High and low parry-able which means no spam

Hit and block advantage per active frame:

Active frame On Block On Hit Crouch Hit
1st to 2nd -2 -1 0
3rd -1 0 +1
4th 0 +1 +2

5HK (cl)
Close HK
Hk.png (cl)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 5 10 +4 +6
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
25 11 - H +2
  • Cancel options: SP SU
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
    • The Emperor's Knee
    • Easily one of the best normals in the entire game and a definite standout amongst his normals
    • A few of these land crouching and they'll wonder if Sean is truly bottom-tier or not
    • Has a massive range recognition, even more than Cl. HP
    • 15f cancel window into specials/super
    • Cl. HK in conjunction with Cr. MK and walk up Kara throw allows him to somewhat mimic Chun's wakeup pressure once he has his super
    • Can SGGK off this normal up close
    • One of the main wake-up abare normals once you get the timing down but be careful cause your opponent can shimmy out of range in which you'll get far HK instead and die

Hit and block advantage per active frame:

Active frame On Block On Hit Crouch Hit
1st to 2nd +2 +4 +6
3rd +3 +5 +7
4th +4 +6 +8
5th +5 +7 +9

Max range Cl. HK
5HK (far)
Far HK
Hk.png (far)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 4 26 -7 -5
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 11 - H -9
  • 8 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
    • Slight usage in Kara UOH's in setups/spacings that leave you closer rather than further
    • Same meter build quirk as Far HP
    • Strong priority against jump normals/dive-kicks that come at an angle like Urien J. HK
    • At max range, this is only punishable by very very few things in the game due to enormous push-back on block
    • Has slight juggle potential at "3"

Trivia: This is why the normal is called "Masters kick"

Command Normals

Sean Pachiki
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
21 7 25 -4 -2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
22 13 - H -6
  • 14 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 18, Block: 8.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
    • One of the slowest overheads in the game
    • Strong priority hitboxes for 8 active frames for some reason
    • The stronger your opponent is, the harder it will be to hit them with this. Even after Cl. HP
      • There are gimmicks that can be done in the chance it does hit but don't expect this to work consistently
    • Main usage is for Kara's (Throw, UOH's, etc.)
Rolling Sobat
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
15 5 18 D D
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
16 9 - H -5
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
    • For opponents named Hugo and Q
    • Airborne on the 6th frame which can be used to abare on wake-up for the throw invincibility
    • Sees usage against twins dive-kicking considering its his longest reaching normal though it requires finesse
    • Gets safer on block the later it hits but at the cost of the advantage gained and damage dealt
    • Same meter build quirk as Far HK/HP
    • The best quality of this normal is that it leads to TDK if it hits

Hit and block advantage per active frame:

Active frame On Block On Hit Crouch Hit
1st and 3rd -5 +12 +12
2nd -4 +13 +13
4th -4 +11 +11
5th -3 +12 +12


Crouching Normals

Crouch LP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 3 5 +3 +3
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
3 3 - A +3
  • Cancel options: Self SP SU
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Block: 1, Hit: 2
  • Opponent meter gain: Block/Hit: 0
    • Great button to tick with
    • Commonly used in crouch teching and frame trapping into Cl. HK/Cr. MK
    • Cr. LK x Cr. LP and Cr. LP x Cr. LK are very clutch confirms to have at the ready
    • Less push-back than Cr. LK but more than St. LP
    • High and low parryable

Hit and block advantage per active frame:

Active frame On Block On Hit Crouch Hit
1st and 2nd +3 +3 +3
3rd +4 +4 +4

Crouch MP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 4 7 +4 +5
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
14 7 - A +3
  • Cancel options: SP SU
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
    • Low Emperor
    • Great hitbox with a frame worth of strong priority that will beat quite a bit of things
    • Main meter-builder on whiff
    • Sets up dashes, Cr. MK, walk up Cl. HK, you name it
    • Has usage in crouch tech situations which you can confirm SA1 and 3 if it hits
    • Has DED potential (just be careful cause its easy to get a DP instead of super if inputs aren't clean)
    • Like Cr. LP, its high/low parry-able

Hit and block advantage per active frame:

Active frame On Block On Hit Crouch Hit
1st and 2nd +3 +4 +5
3rd +4 +5 +6
4th +5 +6 +7

Crouch HP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 5 17 -7 -5
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 13 - A -9
  • Cancel options: SP SU
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
    • Strong priority initially with it tapering off later in its active frames
    • Useful as an AA but it has to hit the 1st active frame to be able to cancel
    • Like Far HK, max range Cr. HP is difficult for a portion of the cast to punish due to enormous pushback on block
    • Has DED potential

Hit and block advantage per active frame:

Active frame On Block On Hit Crouch Hit
1st -9 -7 -5
2nd -8 -6 -4
3rd -7 -5 -3
4th -6 -4 -2
5th -5 -3 -1

Crouch LK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 3 7 +1 +1
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
3 3 - L +1
  • Cancel options: Self SP SU
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Block: 1, Hit: 2
  • Opponent meter gain: Block/Hit: 0
    • 1 of 2 lows that Sean can confirm from
    • Decent tick into options
    • Same startup as Cl. HK means that there is no "block the slower high or low" for your opponent to exploit
    • Cr. LK into Cl. HK frame-trap is very strong when combined with Cr. LK delayed/step forward Cr. LK x 2 and Cr. LK tick kara throw

Hit and block advantage per active frame:

Active frame On Block On Hit Crouch Hit
1st and 2nd +1 +1 +1
3rd +2 +2 +2

Crouch MK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 5 17 -3 -2
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
15 3 - L -4
  • Cancel options: SP SU
  • 13 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.

  • The 2nd of his low confirms
  • 13 frame cancel window
  • Shortest reaching Shoto Cr. MK
  • The frame data is a composite of
    • Ken's recovery, frame data and cancel window
    • Ryu's start-up
  • Only LP/MP/EX DP and super can confirm off Cr. MK
  • EX Tornado won't work at max range Cr. MK unless its Hugo
  • Useful when doing Kara DP's after SA2 and Kara back-throw's for a little more range than Far HP

Crouch HK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
8 5 26 KND KND
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 3 - L -16
  • 13 kara range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
    • One of the worst sweeps in the game
    • Shortest reaching shoto sweep
    • Has to be done at max range all the time or a great deal of the cast will kill you for using it
    • Another one of his meter-builders on block
    • Interchangeable with Cr. MK in regards to Kara's

Hit and block advantage per active frame:

Active frame On Block On Hit Crouch Hit
1st through 3rd -16 KND KND
3rd through 5th -13 KND KND


Jumping Normals

Jump LP (Neutral)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7 7 - H -
Jump LP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 - - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
8 7 - H -
Jump MP (Neutral)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 5 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
16 11 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Jump MP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 5 - -2 to +10 -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
16 9 - H -2 to +10
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
    • Same hitbox size as J. HP but is located mainly above his arm instead of below
    • One of his main A2A's considering how active it is and how fast it is
    • Has a weird quirk with how it hits the opponent; It hits them like an actual overhead as opposed to a normal high placed attack on their sprite
Jump HP (Neutral)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 3 - -4 to +10 -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
23 15 - H -4 to +10
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
    • Has the distinction of dealing the most stun of any of Sean's normals
    • Strong as an air-to-air with great horizontal hitboxes
    • Can lead to TDK when done later in the jump
    • Timing it to hit vs shorter characters is difficult
    • Won't hit any character not named Hugo crouching
Jump HP
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 4 - -4 to +10 -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
23 13 - H -4 to +10
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
    • One of the main jump in normals you'll be using when doing a jump in combo
    • Strong down-ward hitboxes that is beneath his arm
    • Can be used as an A2A but Sean has better normals suited for that purpose
    • Has to hit really late in the jump in order to link Cr. MK or Sweep
Jump LK (Neutral)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 19 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
8 7 - H -
Jump LK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 10 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
8 5 - H -
Jump MK (Neutral)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 6 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
16 9 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Jump MK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 6 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
16 9 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
Jump HK (Neutral)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 5 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
23 13 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
Jump HK
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
6 4 - - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
19 13 - H -
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 10.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.

Target Combos

5MP (cl) - 5HK
Target Combo
Mp.png (cl) - Hk.png
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
4 5 10 -1 0
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
24 10 - H -2
  • Self meter gain: Hit: 12, Block: 7.
  • Opponent meter gain: Hit: 2, Block: 0.
    • Swiss army knife TC
    • 17f cancel window which serves as a quick and simple confirm for Sean
    • Dash under AA TC is fun
    • Pushback on block is dependent on how late the HK is cancelled into
    • Leads to TDK if you catch them jumping in the corner
    • No delaying vs characters like Makoto or its death for you
  • Possible to link SA3 on crouchers when you delay the HK but its difficult to set up properly because it requires proper distancing
    • Oro, Urien, Alex, Ibuki, 12, Dudley, Q, Elena (cornered)


Seoi Nage
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 1 21 KND KND
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 10 - - -
  • 20 throw range
    • Decent damage
    • Extra stun from taunts can be tacked on making it stun harder (up to 14 stun from 10)
    • When Kara'ed, gives Sean another 3f option other than St. LP which is really important in many situations
Tomoe Nage
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 1 21 KND KND
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
24 4 - - -
  • 20 throw range
    • If done mid-screen, the opponent is immediately cornered after chase down
    • Does damage similar to a Cl. HK while more or less guaranteeing a taunt setup depending on character
    • Another of Sean's main damage sources
    • Please don't throw your opponent out of the corner unless it will kill

Universal Overhead

Straight Hit
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
15 8 7 -1 to +7 0 to +8
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
7 3 - H -6 to 0
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 1.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
    • Standard UOH
    • Can be used to hop over troubling lows in neutral and in some cases confirm SA3 (against a character like Chun)
    • Kara makes UOH go around the range of a max range sweep
    • Yes it is possible to link SA1 from a UOH but you need at least a +4 or 5 one just to be safe
    • Meaty UOH into Cl. HK is ridiculous damage
    • Don't land crouching as it adds a frame of recovery (instead of -5 on block you'll be -6) so down parry instead and just walk forward
    • Juggle counter of "1" for some reason so if it hits them out of the air, its a free TDK


Ball Throw
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
31 - 19 +5 +5
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
1 - - H +5
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 4, Hit: 11, Block: 7.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
    • SHOOT!
    • This might be the most versatile taunt in the game
    • Increases Stun by 12.5% up to 37.5% max with 3 Taunts
    • Ball is active for around 22-24(?) frames after it leaves his hand
    • Has an insane juggle counter of "1" which allows Sean to combo DP if they mess up trying to escape or let it reset them into TDK
    • Enables higher meter-gain than normal and meter-less confirms into Dragon Smash
    • Can be thrown in various ways and timings (example: Ball hits meaty/Sean hits after or Ball thrown/Sean hits meaty, etc.)
    • The only way he can combo into EX Wheel or EX Tackle
    • Taunt -> St. LP -> ball hit is extremely positive on hit/block/parry
    • Lastly, it does chip damage

The ball itself has a few special quirks to it:

  1. No push-back on block immediately after recovery
  2. The taunt's stun boost is coded where if Sean hits before the ball hits, his taunt bonus doesn't go away (he's the only character this is the case for)
  3. Extends hit-stun of things and allows combos that aren't normally possible

Special Moves

Sean Roll
LP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 19 7 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - - -
  • The fastest variation of roll
  • Strangely enough, Roll causes proximity guard
  • Recovers faster than jumping which will guarantee a punish on command grabs if you read the situation correctly
  • Can setup ambiguous "which-side" mixups on their wakeup with this and even fake ones as well
  • Sean's hurtbox is low to the ground which allows him to evade things in the same vein as 12's forward walk
  • Roll is considered crouching so be careful
  • Not throw invincible until frame 3 normally but consider the following:
    • 6 frames of wake-up throw invincibility
    • HJC cancelling
    • Throw tech inputs hidden in specials

MP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 29 7 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - - -
  • Occasional usage in punish situations, corner escapes and Denjin counter-play
  • MP Roll into super works because some people will try to throw Sean once he recovers from what they thought was LP Roll only to get punished as a result
HP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 43 7 - -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
- - - - -
  • Sean rolls for what feels like an eternity
  • Will definitely ensure you get under denjin if they delay it for awhile
Book of Sean: Chapter 1, Verse 1
Ryuubi Kyaku
LK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
25 8 15 -5 to 0 -5 to 0
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 19 - H -5 to 0
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 21, Block: 15.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 6, Block: 0.
    • Another one of the game's slowest overheads that's even slower than the frame data shows cause it normally hits around 32 frames
    • The variation that you'll likely use the most considering it gets safer at max range and its easy to kara into from F+HP. This gives it a good bit of range which further dissuades using the other variations
    • The bane of 12's existence
    • Insane amount of stun for just a single hit
    • Can be annoying for your opponent to punish when they block it cause they don't know that it can be made safe on block from reversals
    • Knocks down on air hit which grants the same knockdown as a Dragon Smash (albeit a little less advantage)
    • Although it can be seen coming a mile away, if your opponent is panicking to get away from you then this has a much higher chance of hitting
    • Whiffing this occasionally at range can hit your opponent over-extending just to hit you (think like how Yun uses his shoulder in neutral)
    • Builds the most meter of any of Sean's specials making this another necessary gambit of his
    • If this is parried, remember to not land crouch blocking or else you'll eat more damage
MK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
25 8 15 -5 to 0 -5 to 0
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 19 - H -5 to 0
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 21, Block: 15.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 6, Block: 0.
    • Used less over the LK version
    • Can cross-up in special instances like if Sean is able to cross over the opponent in the corner (example: Dudley)
HK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
25 8 15 -5 to 0 -5 to 0
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
21 19 - H -5 to 0
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 21, Block: 15.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 6, Block: 0.
    • Covers a large portion of the screen and with a kara almost the full screen
    • Jump back HK into HK Wheel kick is a well known verse of the Sean Bible™
    • Same concept of crossing up with MK wheel applies to the HK version as well
EX Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
25 8 15 -1 to 0 -1 to 0
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
32 19 - H -1 to 0
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
    • Off the ground a bit faster than regular versions but for some reason still hits at the same timing while Sean glows yellow
    • On the 6th frame, the lower feet portion of his sprite disappears allowing him to call out delayed lows on wake-up and in neutral
    • Has a homing property that can be manipulated during corpse-hop QS or AA situations to make it hit left or right
    • Taunt into EX Wheel is another prominent verse of the Sean Bible
Tornado Kick
LK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
11 4 21 -5 -5 (forces stand)

-3 If first hit whiffs

Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
16 9 - H -7
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 19, Block: 13.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
    • Character defining special
    • Nearly un-useable except in few situations
    • Land point blank so the opponent can "usually" punish you with something fast and heavy
    • Can manipulate this variation only to land outside of throw range which can lead to Seananigans with conditioning involved
    • Has usage as a pseudo "hop" and when its kara'ed it goes a surprising amount of distance
    • Frame kill on long knockdowns
    • If the 2nd hit AA's, it will launch into a decent juggle for Sean when the opponent is cornered
    • Chip kills
MK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
14 8 21 -4 -4 (forces stand)

-2 If first hit whiffs

Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
24 12 - H -6
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 20, Block: 14.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
    • Slightly better frame data than LK version
    • The most consistent variation of Tornado
    • Can get away using this a decent bit of the time but lets not against a character like Ken
    • Chip kills
HK Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
16 13 21 -4 -4 (forces stand)

-2 If first hit whiffs

Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
26 15 - H -6
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 3, Hit: 21, Block: 15.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 4, Block: 0.
    • Can only combo into this on crouching opponents from Cl. HP and Cl. HK
    • Only a few extra damage, stun and meter gain more than MK Tornado but with a higher chance of whiffing
    • Landing J. HP x Cl. HK x HK Tornado on a crouching opponent is well worth the damage you may receive in retaliation
    • Chip kills
EX Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
9 11 17 -1 -1 (forces stand)

+1 If first hit whiffs

Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
28 19 - H -3
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
    • The only truly use-able version of Tornado
    • Confirm-able off of Cl. HP and Cl. HK
    • If you have enough meter, 2 confirms into this will be the end for your opponent
    • Much safer than the LK version but you are still point blank which means you'll eat a throw at minimum on block
    • Sean is -1 but he cannot throw after recovering due to the game's throw invincibility post hit-stun so he is forced to defensively tech
    • EX Tornado into EX Dragon/SA2 is a main staple gimmick in the arsenal
    • Delay crouch tech/stand tech and parry/guard jump are your friends post-EX tornado
    • And but of course, chip kills
Sean Tackle
LP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
18 2 28 KND -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
30 16 - L -14
  • 34 throw range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 11, Block: 0
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2 , Block: 0.
    • A secondary movement option
    • Covers over half the distance of his forward dash
    • Think of this more along the lines of a moving sweep rather than command grab
      • Funnily enough, tackle is actually safer on block than his normal sweep
    • Max range Tackle on block is annoying for some of the cast to punish meter-less (like Dudley)
    • Cl. HK/Cl. HP x LP Tackle Dash is at the forefront of the Sean bible
      • Holding it for the tackle rather than faking it will turn the string into a frame trap that will catch mashing from those who don't respect it
      • Sean is in a forced crouching recovery state anyways so there isn't any harm in sometimes letting the tackle rock to see what happens
      • Doing EX DP/SA2 after the command dash is reserved mainly for the "slow to react" and "slow to tech"
    • Has use in some parry punish situations vs un-cancellable normals
    • Frame kill usage on long-ish knockdowns
    • Boot scoot underneath Gouki's/Ibuki's air projectiles up close
    • AA Cl. MP x LP Tackle Dash is TDK
    • Cl. HP x LP Tackle Dash as an AA is good when they're right above your head so you get to slide underneath them
    • Corpse hop on QS potential
    • There is no walking out of this if they're in range, they all have proximity guard while its active
MP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
22 2 28 KND -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
30 16 - L -14
  • 34 throw range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 11, Block: 0
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2 , Block: 0.
    • Covers slightly more distance than his forward dash
    • More suited for sliding underneath air projectiles in neutral
    • Cl. HP x MP Tackle Dash can set up left/rights from an AA
    • Corpse hop on QS potential
    • Use in frame kills on knockdown
HP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
26 2 28 KND -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
30 16 - L -14
  • 34 throw range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 11, Block: 0
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2 , Block: 0.
    • Covers a little over half the screen
    • Same usage in neutral as the MP version
    • Same corpse hop on QS potential
    • Frame kill on longer knockdowns
EX Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
28 2 28 KND -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
40 25 - L -14
  • 34 throw range
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
    • Covers full screen and fast
    • No easy taunts for you Q
    • Parry punish vs Necro long normals
    • Taunt into EX Tackle is chapter 2, verse 2 of the Sean Bible
    • EX Tackle Dash will corpse hop where the other variations of tackle and forward dash can't
    • Sickest animation
Dragon Smash
LP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
5 6 36 KND -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
23 11 - A -24
  • Cancel options: SU
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
    • Fastest version and the best one outside of EX
    • All horizontal, no vertical hitbox
    • None of these are inherently throw invincible but LP Dragon is fast enough to inherit the throw invincibility on wake-up when its a reversal
    • 3 frames above the shoulder invincibility
    • If the later active frames anti-air, Sean is able to follow up
    • Very favorable to force trades with this as Sean can follow up when resources are available
    • After landing LP Dragon (and somewhat other variations), Sean is able to corpse hop a lot of the cast with dashing forward
    • Crouching forced recovery
MP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
7 6 36 KND -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
23 11 - A -30
  • Cancel options: SU
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
    • The most un-reliable version of the DP's
    • 2 frames above the shoulder invincibility
    • This is the slowest DP that can be confirmed meter-less in close proximity
    • Crouching forced recovery
HP Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
9 9 42 KND -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
23 11 - A -34
  • Cancel options: SU
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: 2, Hit: 11, Block: 6.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 2, Block: 0.
    • A 10f DP without invincibility
    • Much more consistent than MP in combos
    • 2 frames above the shoulder invincibility
    • Crouching forced recovery
EX Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
8 12 42 KND -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
31 17 - A -37
  • Cancel options: SU
  • Self meter gain: Whiff: -40, Hit: -40, Block: -40.
  • Opponent meter gain: Whiff: 0, Hit: 0, Block: 0.
    • 2 hitter quitter
    • 8 frames of complete invincibility + 1 frame above the shoulder invincibility
      • Getting thrown out of this on wake-up is very common due to the normalized delay timing that players use
    • Massive horizontal range. It can hit from where a max range Far MP would hit
    • Can confirm from Cr. MK and from surprisingly far away
    • Vulnerable to late timed UOH's as they'll sail right over the EX as it moves forward
    • Cr. LK x EX Dragon doesn't combo but is a true string on block which can set up decent chip scenarios
    • Crouching forced recovery


Super Arts

236236P (SA1)
Hadou Burst
Qcf.pngQcf.png+P.png (SA1)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 - 61 KND -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
39 9 - H -29
  • Sean's very own hadouken
  • 2nd shortest meter length in the game
  • 1 frame of complete invincibility on start-up
  • AA Cl. MP x SA1 is a true combo and an important one
  • Gets an extra 5% damage when it hits crouching so Cl. HK x SA1 on a down parry guesser is taking off around 45%
  • Beats 1-hit projectiles, cancels out 2-hit projectiles and takes off 3 hits from multi-hitting projectiles (like Yagyou)
  • Max range Cr. HP x SA1 on block is annoying to punish for some characters like Gouki and Remy
  • Can confirm into from the important normals
  • Useable in juggle/trade combos for respectable damage
  • SA1 makes trading with him threatening as double sa1 is the same damage as a raw SA3
  • Run up the EX's, he gets 5 of them at max meter
  • Takes time to travel which means it can't punish things you'd think it'd be able to
  • Stop trying to throw this out raw like Gouki sa1 it is not that kind of super
  • Triple Hadou burst is possible vs Urien and Oro

For more in-depth information, see:  SA1 breakdown
236236P (SA2)
Shoryuu Cannon
Qcf.pngQcf.png+P.png (SA2)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
1 36 36 KND -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
38 - - A -43
  • Dragon punch super
  • 10 frames of complete invincibility
  • 2 moderate length bars which means 2 good touches can kill your opponent
  • 4 EX's in total
  • Double SA2 in the corner and various other resets to apply pressure or knockdowns to get damage
  • Using this means being content with having to constantly get in to get big damage
  • Let's your opponent know be mindful of their jumps as any cancellable button into SA2 will hit as an AA if it hits properly
  • Fewer confirms than the other 2 supers
  • There are bunches of set-ups possible after landing SA2 (left/rights, taunt, roll, etc)
  • No close range denjin setups allowed
  • Only super for chipping out

For more in-depth information, see: SA2 breakdown Part 1 and  Part 2
236236P (SA3)
Hyper Tornado
Qcf.pngQcf.png+P.png (SA3)
Startup Active Recovery Hit Cr. Hit
2 14 53 KND -
Damage Stun Guard Parry Block
76 10 - A -31
  • Rush-Ranbu super
  • 12 frames of complete invincibility + 4 frames of throw invincibility
    • The invincibility goes away once he starts hitting
  • No projectiles in the mid-range, no big whiffs, and no truly unsafe moves allowed
  • Can lead to taunt setups against certain characters
  • Confirms off of the important buttons like SA1
  • Only 3 EX's which means weigh your options carefully
  • When it trades with a projectile, you're plus enough usually to link a sweep after
  • Forced crouching recovery

 For more in-depth information, see: SA3 breakdown

3S Navigation
