Mortal Kombat X is the sequel to Mortal Kombat 9 and prequel to Mortal Kombat 11, all made by Netherrealm Studios
This wiki is still under constant developement. You can help build it by joining the Supercombo Discord server, registering as a wiki editor and then adding missing info to this wiki
See the "Systems FAQ" further down and our Starter's Guide for general info about the game, if you're completely new to MKX, make sure to check out the "Basics", "Offense" and "Defense" sections of the "Systems FAQ"
If you are on mobile, it is recommended you navigate this wiki in Desktop Mode
After a visual update to the website, the wikitables used in this wiki have become too big to view normally, it is recommended to zoom out to 80% if you're on pc, if you're on your phone you will need to scroll sideways to see wikitables collumns that are partially faded out, the editor working on this wiki is looking for ways to mitigate this issue
Systems FAQ
BasicsMovement/Canceling |
Attack Attributes |
Misc |