At a low level, a simple rushdown of fp, c.hp, Sublimation, repeat will flummox people. Throw in Doom-B chip and you've got a great scrub-killing team.
Tour de Magie can be used to DHC in. It won't fully connect that way, but it will knock them up and allow you to, c.hp (launcher), air combo into Flan Mer.
Advanced Strategy
Fun Stuff
Ghost Glitch
Call a Ghost but immediately snap it out using Assist 2. You can guarantee the snapback comes out instead of an assist by holding down A2. You do not need to use meter to do this. The visuals will leave the screen but it'll still count as an on-screen projectile. This means that your opponent can never back-dash, as holding back will leave them blocking the hidden ghost. They can also suki cancel now at all times. The glitch (invisible frozen ghost) will go away if you use the Ghost super, and will also time out after about 20 game seconds.
Broken Schwarzaile
Perform a Scharzaile, press and hold Taunt, and then give it a direction and press LP. Weird stuff happens, up to and including freezing the system.
Fixed for the Xbox 360 and 360 rerelease.