Marvel vs Capcom 2/Storm

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Storm, born Ororo Munroe, is a character from the X-Men series by Marvel. She is a mutant born with the ability to control and manipulate the weather at her will. Growing up as an orphaned thief on the streets of Cairo, Egypt, she would use her newfound abilities to aid local farmers as a teenager during droughts by summoning rain and eventually help protect the world from various threats alongside the X-Men.


Storm is quite possibly the most versatile of all the Marvel characters in the game. She can be played both aggressively and defensively, possessing a variety of ways to close in on opponents. Her combo attacks, both ground and air, are potent and inflict solid damage, especially when chained into her Ice Storm Hyper Combo as well as possessing decent priority. Storm can easily keep opponents at bay with her Whirlwind and Typhoon attacks and her ability to fly helps to keep her out of harm's way.

A lack of any major weaknesses makes Storm a top 2 character in every tier list, with most choosing her as the definitive best character in MvC 2, due to her ability to excel at everything from solo play to team support.


Storm is a jack of all trades, master of all.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Strong mobility: 8-way Air Dash, Float, Lightning Attack, Fly mode, wavedash. Storm has a wealth of options for movement that allow her to control space and stay unpredictable.
  • Meter build: Flying off the screen and using her air options allows fairly safe space to whiff moves for meter. Storm can build a full bar of meter off of one super jump when combined with float and lightning attacks.
  • Air dominance: Storm wins most air-to-air interactions thanks to big, fast hitboxes and mobility.
  • DHC Potential: Hail Storm is the safest super in the game to DHC into, while also doing decent chip on block. Lightning storm DHCs into almost anything, allowing for devastatingly high damage combos.
  • Strong Offense and Defense: Combining her strong mobility, buttons, and DHCs gives both high potential for Offense and Runaway at Storm's convenience.
  • Good Assists: All of Storm's assists are useful. Projectile goes full-screen move and never loses projectile clashes. Expansion is strong for lockdown and combos. Variety can make zoning traps.
  • Winning matchups: Effective against many top-tier shells like Strider/Doom, and one of the few characters capable of shutting down Cable. That's how good her tools are
  • Low health: Storm takes slightly more damage than normal.

Character Summary

Special Moves

Horizontal Typhoon
  • Qcf.png + K.png Airok.png
Vertical Typhoon
  • Hcb.png + K.png Airok.png
Lightning Sphere
  • Qcb.png + P.png Air.png
Lightning Attack (8-way Dash attack)
  • Lk.png+Hp.png and Any Direction Airok.png
  • Qcb.png+Lk.pngHk.png Airok.png
Super Moves

Lightning Storm
  • Hcf.png + Lp.pngHp.png Airok.png
Hail Storm
  • Qcb.png + Lp.pngHp.png
Assist Moves

Type α - Projectile Type
  • Assist: Hk.pngTyphoon
  • Counter: Hk.pngTyphoon
  • Combination: Lightning Storm
Type β - Expansion Type
  • Assist: Lightning attack
  • Counter: Lightning attack
  • Combination: Lightning Storm
Type γ - Variety Type
  • Assist: Lk.pngVertical typhoon
  • Counter: Lk.pngVertical typhoon
  • Combination: Hail Storm
MVC2 Storm art.png


First row: LP, HP, A1. Second row: LK, HK, A2.


Moves List

She is considered top tier for a reason↓

Normal Moves

Light Punch
MVC2 Storm 5LP.png
yes, your light punch is a poke
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 4 2 6 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Chain, Special, Super, SJ - - -

Storm will throw out a quick jab with a bit of lightning on it, not much added range by it.
Good for a combo starter.

Medium Punch
MVC2 Storm 5MP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
7 7 4 14 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Chain, Special, Super - - -

Storm’s cross, general combo filler

Heavy Punch
MVC2 Storm 5HP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
13 11 12 10 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Chain, Special, Super, SJ - - -

Storm will do an open palm thrust with both hands
this move has very, very nice range thanks to the lightning that comes from her palms and goes a pretty lengthy distance in front of her.

Light Kick
MVC2 Storm 5LK.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 5 3 8 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
OTG Chain, Special, Super, SJ - - -

Storm throws out a little kick towards her opponents shin and knee area (Or their head if it’s Kobun)
can OTG someone and then be linked to her Hk.png and launch them into another combo.

Medium Kick
MVC2 Storm 5MK.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
7 8 4 13 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Special, Super - - -

Storm throws out her left hand at her opponents waist and then generates a whirlwind from her hand
you can link this to a Hk.png for air comboing.

Heavy Kick
MVC2 Storm 5HK.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
13 11 8 16 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Launcher, Otg Special, Super, SJ - - -

our main launcher, she does a high kick and generate a large tornado
this move has nice range and probably the most favored way to start an air combo.

Crouching Light Punch
MVC2 Storm 2LP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 4 3 7 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Chain, Special, Super - - -

5Lp.png but crouching

Crouching Medium Punch
MVC2 Storm 2MP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
7 7 6 16 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Chain, Special, Super - - -

Storm brings her fist overhead and then slam it down to her opponent
great move alone but can’t say much because you can’t use middle punches or kicks freely in this game.

Crouching Heavy Punch
MVC2 Storm 2HP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
13 11 5 16 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Launcher Special, Super, SJ - - -

One of Storm’s launchers, it’s a lightning uppercut.
no real added range on this attack because she throws her fist upwards, but could make a decent anti air if you need one and don’t have time to call for an assist.

Crouching Light Kick
MVC2 Storm 2LK.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- 6 5 14 L
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Chain, Special, Super, SJ - - -

Storm slides one leg at her opponent and strikes their ankles.

Crouching Medium Kick
MVC2 Storm 2MK.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
7 7 6 30 L
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Chain, Special, Super, SJ cancellable 22-42 - - -

Storm raises herself on one hand and strike both legs out to sweep her opponent, with wind coming from her feet
this will make them fall and if you are fast enough, cancel into the lightning storm
be careful is they roll though.

Crouching Heavy Kick
MVC2 Storm 2HK.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
13 9 4 24 L
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Otg, Launcher Special, Super, SJ - - -

Another one of Storm’s launchers, it’s just like her standing roundhouse but crouching, and she doesn’t kick as high, nor is the tornado nearly as large as it was before. it's wider but will knock either Storm or her opponent back just a little making it a bit harder to jump after them and combo.

Air Light Punch
MVC2 Storm J.LP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- 6 14 8 H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Chain, Special, Super - - -

Storm throws her jab out at a slightly downward angle.
An air combo filler, and all it’s good for

Air Medium Punch
MVC2 Storm J.MP down.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- 9 5 24 H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Special, Super - - -

Storm will bring one hand behind her head and swing the other
pretty good range but nothing notable

Jumping Heavy Punch
MVC2 Storm J.HP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- 12 5 32 H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Flying screen Special, Super - - -

Think of it as Magneto’s Fierce punch, but this one is lightning attached.
This is probably Storm's best air attack.

Air Light Kick
MVC2 Storm J.LK.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- 6 12 8 H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Chain, Special, Super - - -

Quick, long active frames, and good reach make this a useful move to stick out while floating around. Also a frequent flyer in combos.

Air Medium Kick
MVC2 Storm J.MK.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- 11 5 16 H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
None Special, Super - - -

Guile’s summersault kick in reverse.

Air Heavy Kick
MVC2 Storm J.HK.png
MVC2 Storm J.HK 2.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- 12 6 18 H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Flying Screen Special, Super - - -

Storm does a little back flip in air and leaves a trail of wind as her feet
a nice air-to-air attack if they’re above or in front of you.
the kick is a gust that becomes about the size of Sentinal.
it does good damage and has great range

Special Moves

Qcf.png + K.png
MVC2 Storm 236k.png
MVC2 Storm 236k proj.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Airok.png Chain, Special, SJ, Super - - -

Storm summons a typhoon, which is her main projectile. Can do up to 4 hits .
Will bypass and ignore other projectiles
This is one of the best projectiles in the game since it can’t be canceled, not even by a hyper combo.
it’s slow to come out and recover, but it’s wide so it can be a little hard to jump over if it isn’t timed right
basically Storm will throw her hands towards the ground and shout "Typhoon!" and then send a get the screen to herself onent, this can be used to stop dash ins, hyper combos, projectiles, and getting through Doom’s rockets and canceling Spiral’s swords in the sword dance trap.

Vertical Typhoon
Hcb.png + K.png
MVC2 Storm 236k.png
MVC2 Storm 41236k proj.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Airok.png Chain, Special, SJ, Super - - -

She sends out the tornado shaped wind out from under the opponent all the way up the screen in a vertical motion, doing up to 6 hits.
This move is a great move to use against those pesky Cable players.
useless on the most part unless done in runaway or countering runaway, those are the only time this move is done since it's quite slow, easy to see coming and can actually be walked away from.

Lightning sphere
Qcb.png + J.P.png
MVC2 Storm 214p.png
MVC2 Storm 214p proj.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Airok.png Chain, Special, SJ, Super - - -

Can only be preformed in air. She sends out an electricly charged sphere across the screen.
Lp.png version goes diagonally down while Hp.png version flies horizontaly across the screen.
They both do the same amount of damage so it just depends on which direction you want it to go.

Lightning Attack
MVC2 Storm LA.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Airok.png Chain, Special, SJ, Super - - -

Storm launches at her opponent with a hand full of lightning, very similar to Wolverine's Drill Claw.
This can be done in any direction and also performed in the air. From the ground she cannot angle it downwards though.
This plays a big part in both combos and running away.
This attack can be done three times in a row, but must be pressed again before it stops completely, the third time you do this the move will no longer be hyper-cancelable so make sure to cancel it on thefirst, or second one.

Fly mode
MVC2 Storm fly.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
N/A - - - HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Airok.png Chain, Special, SJ, Super - - -

enters Fly mode
Storm’s flight isn't as useful as the others
She flies pretty quick, but to start it she has to hop into the air and spin around once slowly before she actually begins to fly

Super Moves

Lightning storm
Hcf.png + Lp.pngHp.png
MVC2 Storm lstorm.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Airok.png Chain, Special, SJ, Super - - -

Great super.
does nice chip damage, can be comboed into fairly easily, can be DHC’ed perfectly
Storm will Spin around quickly and yell “Lightning Storm!” and lightning bolts will fill the entire screen.

Hail storm
Qcb.png + Lp.pngHp.png
MVC2 Storm hail.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Chain, Special, SJ, Super - - -

Iconic MvC super
Storm will take her sweet time raising from the ground and to the edge of the screen behind her, then summons raining pieces of ice on her opponent, this super is almost inescapable unless you are directly under Storm since that’s the only place the hail doesn’t hit
this move has literally 0 recovery so it is the safest Hyper combo to DHC to in the entire game.
Widely used since even on block it deals absurd chip damage

Assist Moves

Cross-Over Combination
Alpha Counter
Lightning Storm
Storm appears behind and throws out a horizontal typhoon that hits multiple times, ignoring other projectiles. Strong tool for controlling the ground to apply pressure or allow a mixup. This is a good default assist to use because it is very straightforward and flexible.
Beta.png Lightning attack
Lightning Storm
Lightning attack
Storm does a single, horizontal Lightning attack and then does a long pose where she finishes. If she hits with this, the opponent will be launched in the air, but will be able to block on the way down.
Storm is very exposed after the attack, so it is safest to apply this strings or combos.
Gamma.png Lk.pngVertical typhoon
Hail Storm
Lk.pngVertical typhoon
Storm summons a vertical typhoon. This is a very slow assist but it applies a very heavy amount of blockstun, making it a strong trap setup.
Doing a THC starting with Storm will have the startup of Hail Storm.

The Basics

Beginner Overviews

Advanced Overviews

Storm guide by The Fireboy

Game Navigation

Characters (Marvel)
Doctor Doom
Iron Man
Omega Red
Silver Samurai
Wolverine - Claw
Characters (Capcom)
Captain Commando
Mega Man
Ruby Heart
Tron Bonne
Characters (Updating)
Characters (Old Pages)
Captain America
War Machine
Wolverine - Bone