< Marvel vs Capcom 2 | Jill
General Tactics
Jill is quick and annoying. You can throw out dogs and crows to harrass. You will want to pressure with her c.hk slide. If you get the knockdown, you can OTG them into an air combo potentially into super. If they roll the knockdown, you can call a LK Zombie to grab them once their roll finishes.
If a grab zombie ends up getting knocked down, it will prevent opponents from being able to dash in.
Team positioning
Definitely Jill's best position, she needs team support and provides the most usefulness on point.
Jill can be okay here as a DHC choice.
Jill doesn't offer anything special as the last character.
Picking Teammates
Look for assists that can cover ground level to allow Jill to dash in, allow for neutral control, and setups for guaranteed Flame Zombie sequences.