It's done by pressing A+D, or B+D at the same time. It can't be blocked, but you'll need to be close to the opponent to hit with it. Some characters can combo after certain grabs.
Throw Escape
It's done by pressing A+D, or B+D at the same time as well, but right after your opponent grabs you(It's like on 3S). You need to press the same button combination in order to escape.
Yay, movement! This game has some really good movement potential. This one is done bby pressing 66(Forward twice), and you can hold the button to continue running. If you stop holding the button, your character will be on a "braking" animation, which you can(And should) cancel with 4(Backwards), or 1/2/3(To make the character crouch), or with any normal move, or with any special move. Running is a great way to approach/rush in.
Running Jump
It's done by pressing 8 or 9 while running(7 won't work, you can't Running Jump backwards). Even though 8 neutral jumps, you'll get a forward jump(Makes sense, because momentum exists).
It's done by pressing 44(Backwards twice). Mostly used to run away. It's possible to cancel the first frames of a backdash, which you can use to trick your opponent(It's pretty situational).
A pretty regular thing on fighting games. You can press and hold 4 to make your character block any high/mid moves, but that would make your character vulnerable to low moves(Like a sweep, for example), or 1, to make your character block any low/mid moves, but that would make your character vulnerable to any high move(Like a jumping attack). Note that you can't block in the air.
Super Jump
If you played KoF/3S/MvC you'll be used to this one. It's done by pressing 1/2/3, then 7/8/9. That makes your character jump a little higher, and faster. The first input won't matter that much(You just need to crouch first), but the second one will. 7 will make your character Super Jump backwards. 8 will make your character do a Neutral Super Jump(Strange name). 9 will make your character Super Jump forward. The animation looks like the Running jump, but it makes the character jump higher than with a Super Jump.
Universal Overhead
This one is for the 3S players. It's done by pressing 2A+B. That is a way to force your opponent to block high, and it's possible to combo after it(At least, it's easier than in 3S). Some characters have better ones than others.
Back Escape and Jump
It's not a Backwards Running Jump, but it's what we have. This one is done by pressing 4A+B. Your character will roll backwards, then jump forward after it. After the jump, you can do any air normal/special move.
Pursuit Attack
If you played Darkstalkers 2/3, you'll be already used to this one. It's done by pressing 2/8 + Any button while your opponent is knocked down. Your character will attack the fallen opponent somehow. Won't do a lot of damage, but I think any damage counts(You can use it to kill, for example).
It's done by pressing C+D. Taunts are a great thing to make anyone salty, especially in this game, because taunts give you meter(A lot of meter). For even more disrespect, it does 1 damage, so you can win the round with a Taunt as well.
Instant/Recovery Roll
For the KoF players. It's done by pressing 4/6A+B after being knocked down, and before you hit the floor. 4 will make your character roll backwards, 6 will make your character roll forward.
Delayed Roll
It's pretty similiar to a Darkstalkers mechanic. You can hold 4/6 while you're knocked down, and your character will roll to that side, but with some delay(I'm sure no one would guess that by the name). This can be used to run away from the corner, or from the opponent(Remember to mix the two rolls, to trick any opponent). Not rolling can be another option too, and can be the best one for mind games.
Using the Super Meter
You can build the Super Meter by using special moves, touching your opponent with attacks, taunting, and getting hit by your opponent.
It is possible to have 9 stocks of meter(But that will never happen, you'll need at least 2/3 for the most part).
The following are maneuvers that require super meter stocks:
Guard Burst
KoF players will just love this one. It's done by pressing C+D while in blockstun, and it requires 1 stock to do. it will push the opponent away if it successfully connects and do a little damage as well. It can be baited so be careful when using it.
Shadow Attack Launcher (SAL)
It's done by by doing the input 236B+C. It requires 1 stock to do, and the attack needs to connect if you want to make it work. It will launch the opponent, or wall bounce it. After it, you can combo with whatever you want, and you'll see a juggle counter above your super meter(On the character pages, you'll see some options on the combos section, which you can refer too as examples). It is invincible on startup so it works as a reversal on wakeup.
Shadow Attack Rush (SAR)
It's like the above, but it's done with the input 214B+C. It requires 1 stock, and it won't go away even if blocked. Each character has one of their own. If you played Darkstalkers 3, you can see this as a Dark Force. Some characters are better with the Launcher version, and some characters are better with the Rush version.
Stagger Grab (SG)
It's done by doing the input 41236A+B. You'll need one stock to do it, but it's an unblockable move(As it is a grab), but you'll need to be close if you want to hit it(If it misses, you'll be wasting meter). If it hits, it won't do any damage, but your opponent will be wide open for you to do ANYTHING to him(That means, it won't do any damage, but it will lead you to the damage). It is invincible frame 1 so it can also be used as a reversal. Combos starting with a Stagger Grab receive a 30% damage bonus.
Super Moves
Those are character specific. You'll see Super Moves on the character sections, and they require one stock only(Are there any Supers that require more than one stock in this game? I don't know).
Video overview of the game's universal mechanics