Basic Abilites
Standing Block Hold b when attacked
Crouching Block Hold db when attacked
Mid-Air Block Hold b / db when attacked while in air
GP Protection Block Block an attack just before it hits
Semi-automatic Block (Unsure of how this works)
Alpha Counter Block, f + same P + K (not in X-ISM)
Throw Press PP (all characters) or KK (some characters). Can be done in the air too.
Tech. Hit (Throw Escape) Perform a throw as you are thrown (air)
Air Recoveries ...(see below)
...Neutral Breakfall Press PP when knocked into the air
...Front Breakfall Press f + PP when knocked into the air
...Back Breakfall Press b + PP when knocked into the air
Ground Recovery Press KK when knocked to the floor
Roll Behind Recovery Hold f during Ground Recovery
Original Combo Press same strength P + K in V-ISM
Taunt Press (b / f) + Start
Counter Hit Hit someone while they make an attack
Guard Crush Make your foe block attacks repeatedly
Dizzy Hit your opponent repeatedly
Dizzy Recovery Tap P / K and wiggle pad when dizzy
Hold Damage Increase As above, but use when you perform a hold
Hold Damage Decrease As above, but use when you're in a hold
Damage Reduction Press in any dir. + P / K when you are damaged (repeat during multi-hit moves)
Quick Reference
Ability | X-ISM | A/Z-ISM | V-ISM |
Air Blocking | No | Yes | Yes |
Air Recovery | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Ground Recovery | No | Yes | Yes |
Taunts | Only Dan | Yes | Yes |
Guard Power Rating | High | Varies | Varies |
SC/OC Gauge Speed | Slow | Normal | Fast |
Levels Available | 1 | 3 | 2 (50% / 100%) |
Alpha Counter Cost | n/a | 1 SC + 1 GP | 50% OC + 1 GP |
Damage Rating | x1.2* | x1.0 | x0.8 |
Defense Rating | x0.8 | x1.0 | x1.0 |
+ Air blocking.
+ Both ground and air recoveries.
+ Alpha Counters (these cost 1 level of the SC gauge and 1 notch of the Guard Power gauge).
+ Taunting (once per round only, excluding Dan).
+ SC gauge charges up faster than in X-ISM.
+ Access to all Super Combos (excluding Dhalsim).
- Damage per hit is average (less than in X-ISM and more than in V-ISM).
- Guard Power gauge size depends on character (certain characters are easier to Guard Crush).
+ Air blocking
+ Both ground and air recoveries.
+ Alpha Counters (these cost 50% of a full Original Combo gauge and 1 notch of the Guard Power gauge).
+ Taunting (once per round only, excluding Dan).
+ Determine which range of attacks the character uses (far or close), by leaving the controller neutral or holding it forward/back when a Punch or Kick is pressed (does not apply to the button used to grab nor generally apply to all characters).
+ OC gauge charges very quickly.
+ Can only use Custom Combos instead of Super Combos.
- Damage per hit is lower than in any other mode (0.8x modifier).
- It costs half an OC gauge to use an Alpha Counter.
+ Longer Guard Power gauge length (so it's harder to get Guard Crushed).
+ All attacks (excluding Super Combos) do more damage (1.2x modifier).
- No air block.
- No ground recovery roll.
- No Alpha Counters.
- No taunting (except for Dan).
- X-ISM characters have access to only one predetermined, Level 3 Super Combo.
- Characters take slightly more damage from attacks (blocked or not). (0.8x defense modifier)
Wake-up Recovery Frames
39F: Birdie
43F: Sodom Dictator
46F: Gen
47F: Charlie Dhalsim Rolento R.Mika
50F: Chunli
51F: Ryu Ken Sagat Adon Guy Rose Akuma Zangief Sakura Blanka Claw Cody Karin Boxer
55F: E.Honda
56F: Cammy Juni Juli
Pre-jump Frames
2F: Chunli Gen Claw
3F: Other Chars
5F: Birdie Sodom R.Mika
6F: Zangief
7F: Rolento(High Jump)
Activation Invincibility/Freeze Frames
Based on meter %
VC freeze and Invincible frame
VC Freeze frame:
72-79 6F
80-95 7F
96-111 8F
112-127 9F
128-144 10F
VC Invincible Frame:
72-79 12F
80-95 13F
96-111 14F
112-127 15F
128-143 16F
144 18F
Activation Start-up Frames
Sakura Chunli:3F
Other Char:5F
Characters With Full Invincibility Until Landing During Air Activation
Hitting a button before landing will negate the invincibility
Adon Guy Rose Akuma Dhalsim Sakura Cammy Juli Juni Charlie