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Marvel vs Capcom 2, like all fighting games has a series of basic commands you use to control your characters actions.  These vary from normal moves, through special moves, to team moves or even ones with their own special abilities. Some of these commands are free, however others come at a cost of one or even five stocks of your super meter.
This page will detail the basic system mechanics available to all characters in Marvel vs Capcom 2. Much of this information can also be found in Andor's video guide.
= Video Overview =


== Movement ==
On the ground, every character is able to walk in both directions. Characters are also able to dash by either double-tapping the desired direction (66 or 44), or pressing the desired direction alongside both punch buttons (6PP or 4PP). Dashing can be cancelled by almost any action, including any attack, jumping, crouching or even a dash of the opposite direction. The flexibility of dashes also allow for movement techniques such as '''wavedashing''' - watch [ this video by G Conceptz] to learn more.

= Movement =
Characters are also able to jump by tapping any upward direction, as well as super jump by pressing any downward direction before jumping. Normal jumps and superjumps have a number of different properties which are worth noting.
== Walking ==

Walking is the basic way of moving through out the screen in an old-fashion fighting game however, MvC2 is very different; people hardly ever walk to move around. Almost everyone has their own walking speed/rate. In some cases, it might be better to walk than to dash, although sometimes you don’t have a choice.  
'''Normal Jumps:'''
* Travel less overall vertical and horizontal distance compared to superjumps
* Only allow for one aerial action before landing
* Assists can be called while actionable and during air normals, but not specials or hypers
* Cannot be used to cancel out of attacks
* Impart more restrictive combo properties to attacks, ex: Normal Jump attacks cannot trigger Flying Screen, Normal Jump Special Moves cannot cancel into Hyper Combos, most characters have a per-air-time limit on air punches and kicks they're allowed to do before they're required to land to 'refresh' them.

== Dashing ==
'''By comparison, Super Jumps:'''
* Travel a greater overall vertical and horizontal distance than normal jumps, and also allow for further horizontal control via aerial drift (performed by holding 4 or 6 during a superjump)
* Allow for an unlimited number of aerial actions before landing, including repeatable special moves like fireballs for stalling
* Do not allow assist calls at all
* Can be used to cancel out of certain attacks
* Often allow for much greater combo possibilities, due to not having some of the restrictions as Normal Jump has listed above (attacks can trigger Flying Screen, air specials can be cancelled into hypers, and in most cases you can press air normals until you land)

These movement mechanics are also augmented by character-specific movement options, such as airdashes, flight modes, and Storm's float.

Dashing (F,F or PP) will move your character forward at a certain rate/distance. Almost every character has their own unique speed/rate (there are 56 characters, so for all I know one or two may have the same speed/rate). Dashing is a very interesting tool, since it allows you to move forward and block right away. This might sound simple, but there are some characters who have a full screen dash and can pretty much follow you through out the whole match unless you have a way of avoiding them. Another interesting thing about dashes is that some characters like Gambit and Dr. Doom ‘hop’ instead of staying on the floor for the whole time. This means that they can hop over people’s low attacks and proceed to throw them or hit them and start their own combos/resets/other. Those characters who are technically in the air during their jump can actually still block during it, and when they block they'll be on the ground. You can cancel your dash with a normal, a super, special, tag, jump, block, super jump, throw (if you’re close), tap down. Since there are a lot of ways to cancel your dash, it's usually safe. However, there are a few things that can hit someone while they are dashing. Since tapping down can stop your dash and you can dash the very next frame after tapping down, you can do them over and over to Wave-dash and get through the whole stage very quickly. Wave-dashing can be used to get to a point of the screen that is normally not accessible if you were to dash and walk, or dash and attempt a move. Even those characters who hop when they dash can wave-dash. For some reason, when they do this and there is an attack already put out on the floor, they can still hop over it even!
== Team Systems ==
In Marvel vs Capcom 2, players select teams of three characters to take into a match with them. A game ends when all three of a player's characters has been defeated, or when time runs out. If a game runs to time, the player with the largest overall remaining life total will win.

G Conceptz put together [ a helpful guide on wavedashing].

=== Recoverable Life ===
When a character takes damage, a portion of that damage will be left as recoverable life (referred to as "red life"). This red life will be recovered passively whenever the character is not in play. If a character has red life remaining when they are tagged in, either via raw tag or via Snapback, they will lose whatever red life they had at the time. Switching out characters via Delayed Hyper Combo will not have this effect.

== Jumping ==

=== Switching Characters (Tag) ===
It is possible to perform a Crossover Attack (also called a "raw tag" or "hard tag") while on the ground by pressing LP+LK to switch to the second character in the team order, or by pressing HP+HK to switch to the third character in the team order. Raw tag will cause the point character to briefly pose while gaining invincibility before jumping out, while the selected character jumps into the fight with one of their jumping normals, at which point they will also perform a short taunt after landing. These raw tag attacks will always track to wherever the opponent's point character was at the time the tag was input. 

Normal Jumping is just an average jump that all characters have, some can jump high and relatively fast, while others slow and low (or the worst: slow and high). If you are fighting against someone that can Guard Break you easily, you’re better off not jumping at all.
Raw tags see some situational use both offensively and defensively. They are treated as special moves for move cancelling purposes, so they can be cancelled into from normal attacks, and will also launch the opponent high into the air on hit (assuming the opponent isn't knocked down), all of which can make raw tag an occasional combo starter or extender. At the same time, the invincibility on startup allows raw tag to be used as a reversal option, though this can be very risky due to raw tags being very punishable on block and whiff thanks to the pose/taunt the incoming character performs.

Something you should Always keep in mind is that jumping has [ several restrictions] that limit your options in the air.:

- Most characters can only attempt to attack once during normal jump. This also means you can't link air normals, as a second attack isn't allowed. Attempting a link will either make you do a medium attack if you're too fast, or nothing if you're too slow.
=== Switching Characters at the Vs. Screen ===
The order in which the player picks their team can be altered during the "Vs." screen. By holding down A1, the player can swap the first and second characters shown during the loading screen. Holding down A2 results in swapping the first and third characters shown during the loading screen.  Holding down both assist buttons swaps the second and third characters.

- Depending on the character, their Magic Series chain gets shortened (compared to when they're Super Jumping).

- You can call assists during normal jumps, but not during super jumps.
==== Switch Glitch ====
Performing a switch at the vs screen allows for use of the switch glitch: holding a button to get a perfectly timed move. See [ Switch Glitch] for more.

- Flying Screen cannot be set.
== Assists ==
One of the defining features of Marvel vs Capcom 2, Variable Assists (referred to as simply 'Assists') are where most of the magic of the game happens. When selecting a character, players will also be prompted to select that character's assist type, which primarily determines what attack they will perform when called as an assist. In-game, assists are called by pressing either the A1 or A2 button. A1 will call the second character in the team order, while A2 will call the third character in the team order. Calling an assist will cause that character to jump into play, perform their move, and then strike a pose before jumping off-screen.

- Special Moves cannot be cancelled into Hyper Combos. Normal attacks can still be cancelled into specials.
Assists define almost everything about how neutral, offense and defense function in Marvel vs Capcom 2, so understanding how to use them and how they interact with everything around them is critical to success.

There are some cases (usually character-specific ones) [ where certain restrictions don't apply]. Ideally(?) that information will be on the appropriate character's pages when people get to them.

You can attack 2-3 frames after the jump (with normals, specials, supers, and throws*), but you can typically only do one (unless you use cancels or character-specific options). Afterwards, you'll be unable to act until you land. You can also use character-specific options while normal jumping, like double (or triple) jumps, wall jumps, air dashes, and flight. You can air dash, but not for about 7-8 frames after you've jumped (why 2-3 not just 2 or 3? It's complicated and will be covered in another section). Flight can be done at any time during normal jumps.
===Assist Types===
*Certain throws allow the character to act afterwards, while others don't.
Each character has 3 distinct Assist Types, listed in-game as α, β and γ. While the specific move indicated by any given assist is not noted in-game, character movelists will make note of which assist attacks each character has access to. In the game itself, however, each available assist option is signified by a broad "assist type" category. These categories are outlined below:

Different characters have different jump heights and fall speeds. For example, those with slower jumps: Anakaris, who takes a long time to land on the floor after jumping, which leaves him as an easy target to be guard broken (unless he's protected by an assist or he airdashes, although he can‘t block throughout the whole air dash...) Sentinel and Dhalsim have slower jumps, but also the ability to cancel into flight mode (and/or teleport, in Dhalsim's case) which help alleviate the longer travel time. Some of the other characters have a fast jump that don’t travel long distances, making their jump less useful generally. You have to find ways to effectively use their jumps in combos or other situations.
{| class="wikitable"
!Assist Type !! Description
=== Double/Triple Jumps, Wall Jumps, and Teleports ===
|Projectile|| Usually a horizontal shot or beam, like [[Ryu (MvC2)|Ryu]]'s Hadoken.
|Dash|| A quick, advancing attack where the character charges at the opponent, like [[Captain America (MvC2)|Captain America]]'s Charging Star.
|Ground|| Horizontal attack that covers an area of ground in front of you, like [[Felicia (MvC2)|Felicia]]'s Sand Splash.
|Anti-air|| An attack effective against airborne opponents, usually covering above and in front of you, like [[Psylocke (MvC2)|Psylocke]]'s Psy-Blade.
|Launcher|| A close-ranged attack that pops your opponent into the air for a combo for you. Usually visually identical to their universal launcher, but sometimes the properties (damage, launch height/angle) vary!
|Balance|| A combination of the character's other two assists. Either a copy of the character's first assist but with the second assist's Alpha Counter, or vice versa. Strangely, [[Amingo (MvC2)|Amingo]]'s Balance assist is actually a combination of his other assists' Alpha Counters.
|Expansion|| An attack that has hits in front of you with solid active frames, and can be used to 'expand' your combos with their hit properties, like [[Ken (MvC2)|Ken]]'s Tatsumaki Senpukyaku.
|Variety|| Unique attacks that may not fit the other labels, like [[Doctor Doom (MvC2)|Doctor Doom]]'s Photon Shot.
|Capture|| A ranged attack that immobilizes an opponent for a short duration, like [[Thanos (MvC2)|Thanos]]'s Death Sphere.
|Throw|| An attempt to grapple the opponent with an unblockable throw, like [[Rogue (MvC2)|Rogue]]'s Power Drain.
|Air Throw|| A jumping attempt to catch an airborne opponent with an unblockable throw. [[Zangief (MvC2)|Zangief]] is the only one with an Air Throw assist!
|Heal|| Creates a pickup that restores some of the point character's ''red health'' on contact if they have any. [[Amingo (MvC2)|Amingo]], [[Jill (MvC2)|Jill]], and [[SonSon (MvC2)|SonSon]] are the only ones with Heal assists!
|Enhance|| Creates a pickup that improves the point character's offense or defense for a short time. [[Ruby Heart (MvC2)|Ruby Heart]] and [[Amingo (MvC2)|Amingo]] are the only ones with Enhance assists!

=== Assist Restrictions ===
There are a number of rules and restrictions to when assists can be called:
* Assists can be called when your character is actionable (not in hitstun or blockstun) while grounded or when in the Normal Jump state.
* You can't call out an assist when in the Super Jump state.
* Assists can be called when attacking with grounded normals (or aerial normals, when in the Normal Jump state).
* You can't call out an assist during Special Moves nor Hyper Combos when grounded or airborne.
* You can't call an assist that has been snapped out until the red X over their life bar goes away.  Their life bar will briefly flash "ASSIST OK!" when they are enabled again.
* Once an assist hits during a combo, you may not call another assist again in that combo. However, you can also call the assist '''before''' the first hit of the combo, which can let [ the assist be called again to hit more than once in some combos].
** Vidness says that his "triple assist" combo exploits the glitch whereby an assist that is the same as the point character does not get counted as an assist.

they mess with or refresh the normal jump restrictions i'll get back to this i promise

== Super Jump ==
=== Punishing Assists ===
At all points during their animation (barring any invincibility granted by certain moves), assists maintain all their normal hurtboxes, leaving them able to be punished. Assists are often at a far greater risk than point characters are due to two key factors: one is that assists are incapable of flipping out of hitstun the way that point characters are, meaning that combos that would otherwise be impossible are possible to perform on assist characters; the other is that combos on assists are not subject to combo damage scaling like they would be on point characters - in other words, each hit of a combo on an assist character will deal its full damage, no matter what. This makes assist punishes especially deadly.

== Offensive Systems ==
=== Throws ===
Throws are performed by pressing 4/6HP (and/or 4/6HK, depending on the character) while close to the opponent. Throws universally impact on frame 1, but due to their low reward and inability to consistently beat meaty attacks, they don't see much use barring some exceptional characters.

Super Jumping is a much higher jump that has less variance across the cast in terms of height and fall speed. Super Jumping has [ different, looser restrictions] compared to the Normal Jump state. Compared to Normal Jumps, you can air dash after 5 or 6 frames but you can attack with a normal/special/super (for the most part, again, this is MvC2).
Throws can be broken or softened (referred to in-game as a "Tech Hit") by inputting a throw as or while the player character is being thrown. This will either free the character entirely, or reduce the throw's damage and often prevent it from knocking down and return the character to a normal jump state.

- You can attempt to attack infinitely until landing.

- You can do Magic Series chains infinitely until landing.
- You have access to your character's full aerial Magic Series chain.
- You *cannot* call assists.
- [Flying Screen] can be set.
- Special Moves can be cancelled into Hyper Combos.
- Attacks that connect on the way up will cut the upwards trajectory short.
===Super Jump Guard Cancel===
[ Super Jump Guard Cancelling] (SJGC), also known as [ Suki Cancelling] is the act of cancelling your Super Jump with entering the blocking state. For example, Dr. Doom's cr.HK can be Super Jump Cancelled (SJCd) before it finishes, without even hitting anything. If there is something on screen that causes him to block, he can do cr.HK > super jump up-backwards repeatedly (cancel the sweep with super jump, and cancel the super jump with pre-block and stay grounded) to get meter very quickly. It isn't particularly common, but it can [ come in clutch mid-match] or even [ allow some otherwise impossible combos]!
== Air Dash ==
Air Dashing is just what it sounds like. There are a ton of different properties, depending on the character, but some aspects are consistent. For instance; you can’t block for a few frames directly after you’ve air dashed, you’ll just air dash into whatever attack the person did. Depending on your jump, air dashing will either count as your last attack, although there are special exceptions (remember, this is MvC2!) or an ability that lets you do more attacks (it restarts your super jump) However, once you’ve air dashed, once you can’t do it again (unless you're Dhalsim, who can reset his super jump by teleporting during some point of his SJ) You only get one Air Dash per jump, this applies to both types of jumps.
=== Triangle Jump ===
Triangle Jumping, or Tri-jumping, is jumping and quickly using an air dash diagonally downwards to both cover space and reach the ground sooner. This is particularly useful when trying to rush someone down, allowing you for example to quickly attack your opponent with an overhead from the air. G Conceptz has a video [ on trijumping here].
== Offense ==
=== The Magic Series ===
=== The Magic Series ===
On the controls you have six buttons, four of which control your normal moves, being the first two columns.  The top two are your punches and the bottom two are your kicks.  The first column, the light attacks, act differently from the second column, the heavy attacks.  In previous Marvel/Versus titles you had six normal attacks, light punch, light kick, medium punch, medium kick, heavy punch and heavy kick.  However in Marvel vs Capcom 2 there are only four buttons.  What they've done this time around is combined the light and medium attacks into one button.  On one press of the button a light attack will come out, if you continue to press the button a second time a medium attack will come out.  It is not possible to draw a medium attack unless the light attack or previous medium attack has connected with an opponent.
Every character in Marvel vs Capcom 2 is capable of chaining normal attacks together in a sequence known as the "Magic Series". Magic series chains follow a basic order of allowing chains from any weaker normal to a higher-strength normal, as well as chaining from punch to kick normals of the same strength:
To make the Versus series more fast paced and combo dependent, they added a feature that is known as the magic series.  The magic series is a rule that allows you to cancel between normal moves to create large, multiple hit combos.  It has been in every Marvel/Versus game to date and has even been used in other Capcom titles.  The magic series rule is as follows:
{{ LP > LK > MP > MK > HP > HK }}
This is the full magic series.  The game allows you to chain all six attacks together in one combo leaving the opponent unable to do anything until they fall out.  Unfortunately not every character can do this full combo, but the rule still applies across the cast.  In the air it's not always possible to do ("heavy punch > heavy kick") this part of the series because heavy moves tend to have knock down properties.  What that means is if you do the move and it connects with the opponent, the character will be propelled away from you to the ground, causing the following attack, heavy kick in this case, to [[Glossary I-Z#Whiff|whiff]].  
{{ LP > MP > HP }}
{{ LK > MK > HK }}
{{ LP > LK > MP > HP}}
{{ LP > MP > MK > HK}}
As you can see, shown here are other examples of what you can do with the magic series.  All though it has to be in on order, it's lenient enough to allow you to skip out attacks in the series of six, so you can shorten it to five, four, three or even two attacks.  As long as it goes in the order of light punch, light kick, medium punch, medium kick, heavy punch, heavy kick and the character you've chosen can do all five/six hits, it will be allowed.
===Crossover Assists===
Not only do you have buttons to control your character's attacks, you also have two buttons that can control one of your other two partner's moves, the third column.  The top right button controls assist one, the second character in the list and the bottom right button controls assist two, the third character in the list.  Upon character selection as you should know you pick three characters as well as an assist type.  These assists types determine what attack your partners will do when you press their button.  These come in various shapes and forms but tend to be one of their special moves.  Only down side is their moves aren't instant as obviously they're not on the screen, so take into consideration the delay as they enter the screen.  Don't over use your assists either as although they're an easy attack to whip out, they're still vulnerable to attack from the opponent. 
There is an oddity with the assist buttons that prevents them from working on the press of a button.  What this means is your partners wont come out if you press and hold it down.  Always make sure that you release the button to ensure your assist comes out.
'''Assist types :'''
Each character has 3 distinct Assist Types, listed and color-marked as [[User:Waffles_ns/sandbox|α, β and γ]].
* Projectile : A ranged, usually horizontal shot or beam, like Ryu's Hadoken.
* Dash : Quick horizontal attack wherein the character himself charges at the opponent, like .
* Ground : Horizontal attack that covers an area of ground in front of you.
* Anti-air : An attack effective against airborne opponents, usually covering above and in front of you.
* Launcher : Close-ranged normal attack that pops your opponent into the air for a combo.
* Balance : A combination of the character's other two assists. Usually a copy of the character's first assist with the second assist's Variable Counter, or vice versa.
* Expansion : An attack that has a wide area of effect across the ground and can be used to 'expand' your combos with their additional hits.
* Variety : Mix of irregular attacks, unique from each character's moves.
* Capture : Ranged attempt to immobilize an opponent for a short duration.
* Throw : Attempt to grapple the opponent with an unblockable throw.
* Air throw : Jumping attempt to catch an airborne opponent with an unblockable throw.
* Heal : Support move that restores some of the point character's red health.
* Enhance : Support move that improves the active character's offense, defense or speed for a short time.
=== Snap Back ===

'''QCF+ A1 / A2'''
{{lp}} > {{lk}} > {{mp}} > {{mk}} > {{hp}} > {{hk}}

Your character will perform an animation that will cause the character hit to leave the screen and another to come in (depending on which button you used). The snap back makes whoever you snapped out unable to be called once the other character comes on screen. You cannot DHC into the snapped out character or counter into the snapped out All characters have snap backs. Some have very good reach and speed. Others might have speed but the range is very bad. For example Cammy and Doctor Doom's snap backs have very bad range. Venom and Amingo's snap backs have very good range.
While this is the basic framework for how normal chains function, this is not universal. Rather, every character will have access to one of three different types of Magic Series chain:

The motion for an Alpha Counter is QCF+A1 or A2 when your point character is in hit-stun, and requires and consumes one super meter level to execute.  This can only be done on the ground.  You can extend hit-stun by push-blocking.
*'''Hunter Chain:''' Allows a full six-normal chain ({{lp}} > {{lk}} > {{mp}} > {{mk}} > {{hp}} > {{hk}}).

When you Alpha Counter, the character associated with that assist button is brought in performing their Counter move as specified by their assist type.  This Alpha Counter can either be a normal move or a special move and can be cancelled as usual.  Thus a popular Alpha Counter is [[Cable (MvC2)|Cable]]'s Anti-Air Assist Alpha Counter, the Scimitar, which is then cancelled into his Air Hyper Viper Beam (AHVB).
*'''Marvel Chain:''' Allows chaining only from weak normals to strong normals ({{lp}} or {{lk}} > {{mp}} or {{mk}} > {{hp}} or {{hk}})

There is a bug that happens with assist 2 snap outs where if you counter with assist two while the 'x' is still on your name you will disappear and hop back (the animation of a counter) as if you were leaving but instead stay on screen in addition to that you become invisible and semi-invincible. A general rule for invisibility is that you have it as long as your character doesn’t come back to standing animation after doing a move. So say you were Doom and you were invisible and you did his S.LP after the move was finished he would go into standing animation and that is when he will be visible. Also, jumping requires you to go through standing animation so it will cause become visible. As for the semi-invincibility, some characters are safe from being hit low or high, and some characters, both. The characters that have immunity from high and low attacks can only be hit if they move and turn visible again or if the other character causes them to turn around.
*'''2-Hit Chain:''' Allows light normals to chain only to medium or heavy normals, but not in sequence ({{lp}} or {{lk}} > {{mp}}, {{mk}}, {{hp}}, or {{hk}}).
Snap backs can cause things to hit more than they should. For instance Cyclops does a LP Optic Blast and right before it hits the other character performs a snap back, if timed right the Optic Blast will hit more than it should. A snap back kills frames and this affects characters in strange ways some will lose the frames of when their move hits others will get extra hits for their moves.  

The A2 snap back causes strange effects for some characters:
The attack orders of the Hunter and Marvel chains are not strict. While they allow for full 6- and 3 hit chain sequences, middle step in their chain sequence can be skipped, so long as the basic order of the chain is followed. For example, characters with the Hunter chain can do {{lp}} > {{mp}} > {{mk}} > {{hp}}, and those with the Marvel chain can do {{lk}} > {{hp}}. Finding which buttons can be left out of ground and air Magic Series chains is a key way to optimize combo damage, so experiment! Lots of characters can skip mediums entirely by comboing a light straight into a heavy. However, depending on the character, their heavy attacks may not actually combo from their lights. [[Shuma-Gorath (MvC2)|Shuma]]'s grounded {{hp}}s can't combo off of his four grounded lights, but both of his {{hk}}s can.
*Gambit does A2 snap back and right after a Cajun Strike (make sure he goes to the left wall) and he’ll fly out of the screen.  
*Ruby Heart does a phantom and before it comes out does a snap back (a2) and if the phantom doesn’t hit anyone it will cause the other person to go into block animation even when there is nothing on screen.
*One particular glitch of interest is when you attempt to Alpha Counter into a character that you may not switch into as they were victim of a snap back.

=== Dizzy ===
Which Magic Series chain each character has (when grounded, and when in Normal Jump state) will be listed above their grounded and aerial {{lp}}s in their Normal Attacks sections.

As with other Capcom games, the opponent can get dizzied if they take enough hits over time. There is an internal counter for Dizzy that starts at 80.  Each time you land a hit, that meter decreases.   When it decreases to 0, there is a Spin-out animation. The opponent's timer resets itself to 80 after 60 frames of not being hit.
=== Air Combos ===
Air Combos (known in Japanese as "Aerial Raves") are the most common way for characters in Marvel vs Capcom 2 to structure their combos, alongside use of the Magic Series. Air Combos largely revolve around the use of superjumps - as noted in the Movement section, superjumps often allow for chains and cancels that would not be possible from a normal jump. Almost every character in the game has access to at least one move which will launch the opponent into the air - on hit, holding an upward direction will cancel the launcher into a superjump, allowing the use of an air combo.

The amount of Dizzy caused is random. However, Light attacks (LP/LK) cause the most stun, Mediums cause less, and Fierces cause the least.

Offensive-Crouch Launchers (Down+Forward+P/K), Specials and Supers do not add to the Dizzy Counter.
=== Flying Screen ===
Attacks that are flagged as air combo "enders", such as most heavy normals when in the Super Jump state, as well as some Hyper Combos, will trigger a state known as "Flying Screen," so called because it causes the defending character to "fly" through the air at high speed with a '''distinct whistle-y sound''', with the camera focused on them. Attacks that trigger Flying Screen are important to utilize, since knockdowns caused by Flying Screen disable the defender's ability to Tech Roll, which can create highly advantageous situations for the aggressor, including guaranteed mix, okizeme, and even combo extensions with the right setups. These combo extensions rely on the use of an exploit known as Flying Screen Deterioration (or "FSD"), which will be detailed on the [[Marvel vs Capcom 2/Esoterics|Esoterics]] page.

Off the Ground (OTG) attacks, Snapbacks, Throws and some capture attacks add to the Dizzy Counter, but cannot trigger the Spin-Out animation.  
== Defensive Systems ==
=== Blocking ===
Attacks in Marvel vs Capcom 2 are blocked by holding a directional input away from your opponent - 1, 4 and 7 are all valid inputs. Hold 4 to block all mid and high attacks; hold 1 to block all mid and low attacks. Most attacks can be blocked while airborne, which allows for '''chicken-blocking''' - holding 7 to jump and begin blocking airborne as soon as possible.

If the value is 0 during an OTG, Spin-Out will not be triggered.

Once the opponent is in another state while their value is 0, any attack will trigger the spinout until the timer resets itself.
==== Guard Breaks ====
In Marvel vs Capcom 2, it is only possible to perform one aerial action per aerial period during a normal jump. After this aerial action has been expended, the player character cannot perform any more aerial actions until landing, and will only regain their aerial actions upon jumping again. Blocking counts as an aerial action in this instance, so when in a normal jumping state, if the player enters and then exits blockstun, they will not be able to do anything else on the way down, including blocking a follow-up attack before touching the ground. This can be used to set up highly practical '''Guard Break''' situations that allow for guaranteed offense or even combos, and is particularly powerful when used against an incoming character, since the incoming character is put into the Normal Jump state.

If the value turns to 0 on a hit that Super Armor absorbs, the spin out will not happen. Instead, the value increases to 1.

The dizzy value is retained after a snapout, but calling the assist resets it. If the value turned to 0 as a result of the Snapback, it will
=== Pushblock ===
change to 1 when the character returns.
Pushblock (officially named "Advancing Guard") is a universal defensive system that can be used by pressing both punch buttons while in blockstun. It is possible to pushblock attacks both on the ground and in the air.  

=== Super Flash Glitch ===
A successful pushblock will trigger a unique sound and special effect around the front of your character, and will push the opponent a set distance away from you. Pushblocking will only create distance when blocking attacks from the opponent's point character; pushblocking an assist attack will not result in any extra pushback. Notably, the "pushing" effect of pushblock only affects the player whose attack was blocked, meaning that if the player pushblocks an attack from an opponent who is in the corner, the pushblock will (somewhat counter-intuitively) negate the pushback of any attack. Performing a pushblock in the air will hold the player character in the air for a period of time, allowing it to be used to delay the player's landing from an airborne situation.

During the super flash screen the game pauses characters for about four frames but projectiles advance.  This four frame kill most notably lets [ Magneto combo hyper grav into Magnetic Tempest].  Additionally, if the super flash starts on exactly the frame that an assist hits, [  that assist will hit twice]. ([ Further discussion on SRK.])
Pushblocking does not result in ordinary blockstun - triggering a pushblock effectively puts the player character into what is best thought of as a set pushblocking animation. This pushblocking animation lasts for 23 frames, and has a number of unique properties:

* Attacks will continue to be blocked throughout the animation, but attacks will not inflict standard blockstun for its duration
* The pushblock animation is capable of applying high and low guard status at the same time
* At the end of the pushblock animation, characters will become actionable if they do not re-enter their blocking animation

== Teams ==
These properties lead to two very important defensive techniques: '''Pushblock All-Guard''' and '''Pushblock Guard Cancel'''.
=== Character selection ===
In Marvel vs. Capcom 2 the player selects three different characters to form their team.  Each character has six different colors to choose from allowing players to color coordinate teams.

==== Switching Characters at the Vs. Screen ====
Additionally, the order in which the player picks their team can be altered during the "Vs." screen.  By holding down the assist 1 button, the player can swap the first and second characters shown during the loading screen. Holding down assist 2 results in swapping the first and third characters shown during the loading screen.  Holding down both assist buttons swaps the second and third characters.

==== The First Attack Glitch ====
===== Pushblock All-Guard =====
By swapping your starting character during the Vs. screen you activate a glitch.  Once activated it allows you to hold any of the four attack button and when the fight begins, if it's still held those attack buttons will automatically come out.  Bear in mind though it is said a perfectly timed attack is more accurate than using this glitch, so don't always expect to get away with it at high level play.
Pushblock All-Guard refers to the ability for the pushblocking animation to effectively block high and low at the same time. This allows for much safer defensive play than would otherwise be possible on the ground, effectively creating 23-frame windows where the defender does not have to choose to block high or low. To perform a Pushblock All-Guard, hold 2 while performing a standing pushblock or 4 while performing a crouching pushblock - changing the character's blocking stance during the pushblock animation will cause the character to take on the high and low blocking stances at the same time, making it a key tool for defending against the layered high-low mixup situations that many of the game's best characters are capable of enforcing.

Typically it is most advantageous to 'glitch' something very quick such as Magneto's 1-frame cLK, but you can also glitch a dash (2P - you can glitch either a forward or back dash), a switch-in (LP+LK or HP+HK), or a button-only special move such as Storm's Lightning Attack.

Note that this input glitch applies to all available inputs, so you can also [ glitch directional inputs] which lets you superjump almost immediately.
===== Pushblock Guard Cancel =====
Pushblock Guard Cancel refers to a technique which takes advantage of the fact that pushblocking returns the character to a neutral action state at the end of the pushblock animation, so long as the character does not re-enter their blocking animation. It is commonly used against otherwise completely guaranteed blockstrings, such as those used by Sentinel and Spiral, allowing players to effectively "override" the standard blockstun of key attacks, creating gaps that allow the defender to escape. To perform a Pushblock Guard Cancel, simply pushblock and then perform any action that does not involve inputting a backward direction (as this will trigger the character's pre-block animation, and probably blockstun as a result). This frequently requires very specific pushblock timing so as to not get hit when attempting to escape, but it is a powerful defensive tool that is often vital for navigating common matchups.

=== Assists ===
The Assist 1 (A1) and Assist 2 (A2) buttons can be used to call your assists one a time.  (Pressing both A1+A2 together will cause a THC.)  The corresponding character will then pop on screen and perform their assist type attack.  You can call them as often as they would like until they die.  They will take normal damage when hit while on-screen.  Red bar health recovery will stop until they are again off-screen.

==== Rules ====
=== Tech Roll ===
* Assists can only be called when your character is able to attack (not in hit or block stun.)
Most knockdowns in Marvel vs Capcom 2 are able to be escaped by performing a '''Tech Roll''' or "safe roll". To perform a tech roll, input 412K as the character hits the ground. This will cause them to roll a long distance forward along the ground, granting them full invincibility and often moving them out of the way of guaranteed offense. As noted in the section on Air Combos, attacks that trigger Flying Screen disable the defender's ability to tech roll. Tech Rolls exist as a defensive counter to Off The Ground hits (OTGs), and in most cases, OTG opportunities simply can be avoided by tech rolling.  
* You can't call out an assist in super jump mode.
* You may not call an assist that has been snapped out until the red X over their life bar goes away.  Their life bar will briefly flash "ASSIST OK!" when they are enabled again.
* Once an assist hits as part of a combo, you may not call another assist again in that combo.  Vidness says that his "triple assist" combo exploits the glitch whereby an assist that is the same as the point character does not get counted as an assist. You can also call the assist multiple times '''before''' the first hit of the combo, which can let [ the assist hit multiple times in some combos].

==== Vulnerability ====
'''However''', one important thing to note about Tech Rolls is that, ''even without Flying Screen'', some attack sequences are truly unrollable. These are called Juggles, and are ''Not'' to be confused with traditional 'OTGs'.
As you will notice if you play against MSP more than once, your assists cannot block. They will be called in, perform their move, pose briefly, and then leave.  At any point they can be hit (subject to their normal hit box) and will leave as soon as they recover and hit the ground.  If juggled, they can be hit infinitely until death.  Thus you will want to protect your assists or you will lose.

==== Assist Glitches ====
* Tron Bonne's "Y" Projectile assist should be her medium attack (5 pts per hit) but uses her fierce damage (15pts per hit).  This is true for all medium normal attack assists but is only particularly useful for Tron.
* Per Vidness, an assist that is the same character as the point character does not get counted as an assist hit.
=== Delayed Hyper Combo ===
A Delayed Hyper Combo (DHC) is when you cancel the super attack of your point character with a super from the next character.  The classic MvC2 example is hitting the opponent with Storm's Lightning Storm super and then DHC'ing (canceling) that late into Sentinel's Hyper Sentinel Force.  You can DHC up to twice in the same super sequence: the normal super screen background is blue, the first DHC screen background is green, and the second and final DHC screen background is red.  You cannot reuse the same character in a DHC sequence: to DHC twice you would need all three characters alive.
=== Team Hyper Combo ===
The Team Hyper Combo (THC) is an attack used by pressing the A1+A2 buttons at the same time when your character is on the ground.  It can be activated with a minimum of one super level, and can use as many super levels as you have characters left on your team.  For each super meter consumed, one character is activated. The activated characters then perform their Team Hyper Combo move.  Thus if you have five meters but one character left, only one super level will be consumed and your point character will do their THC.  If you have two meters but three characters, only your first two characters will do their THCs.
THCs are generally derided but are useful for:
* Accessing super moves the character can not perform normally.  Examples are [[Zangief (MvC2)|Zangief's]] Mega Lariat, [[Rogue (MvC2)|Rogue's]] Rushing Punches, [[Servbot (MvC2)|Kobun's]] Walking Forward Kobun, [[Spiral (MvC2)|Spiral's]] one-level Transforming Punches.
* Accessing a super for the other character without requiring a switchout.  This is commonly popular when [[Captain Commando (MvC2)|Captain Commando]] is on your team: you can use the THC to attempt to punish super-jumping characters who are not in block.
* Heavy damage.  This was popularized via "one hit kill" teams such as [[B.B.Hood (MvC2)|BB Hood]] / [[Juggernaut (MvC2)|Juggernaut]] / [[Captain Commando (MvC2)|Captain Commando]] : the tactic is to build three meters and get one clean shot on your opponent.
* Trickery.  Since it takes one hit per character to stop them from performing their part in the super barrage, if one character is going to eat the hit, the other characters will continue the THC and possibly deal out the damage you need.
As you should be able to see, the THC is not generally of great use, but can be an effective tactical addition to your game if your character/team has a good THC.  For [[Psylocke (MvC2)|Psylocke]] or [[Tron Bonne (MvC2)|Tron]] based teams you would likely never want to use your THC, but for Commando-based teams it's of high occasional value.  For low tier teams, it may be a critical gimmick for your team.
== Defense ==
Marvel vs Capcom 2 continues the defensive logic originated in Street Fighter 2 and evolved throughout the Vs series of games.
To prevent or minimize damage from an attack, you need to block it appropriate to that attack.  Attacks can be normal, high, low, or jumping.  Blocks can be low or standing (normal). A low attack must be blocked low.  A normal attack can be blocked either low or standing.  A high or jumping attack must be be blocked standing / normal.
====Chip Damage====
Certain moves will inflict damage even if you block: this is called chip damage.  Doom-B's rock assist and Iceman's beam attacks are notable examples of moves that cause chip damage.  Additionally, certain characters will cause chip damage even with their normal moves: these include Sentinel and Jin with Saotome Shine active.  Iceman uniquely avoids chip damage from most energy type moves that chip and only takes chip damage from physical type moves.
====Super Armor====
Certain characters, such as Juggernaut, Hulk, and Sentinel, have Super Armor.  This allows them to take up to one non-heavy attack without going into hit stun.  Heavy attacks and certain other attacks bypass this Super Armor.
====Hyper Armor====
Hyper Armor allows the character to take an unlimited number of hits of any type without entering hit stun.  Mech Zangief and Colossus with his super active have access to Hyper Armor.  Rogue can also gain access to it by copying it from someone with it active.  [ This video] shows two examples of hyper armor: the Mech Zangief assist continuing through attacks and Rogue (with Hyper Armor copied from Mech Zangief) continuing to attack regardless of taking hits.
===Base Defense===
Attack damage assigned to the defending character is scaled based upon that character's base defense.  For example Akuma takes much more damage from the same combo than Sentinel will.  The base scaling for each character is as shown:
{| class="wikitable"
!Damage % !! Characters
|75% || Sentinel
|81% || Colossus
|87% || Blackheart, Hulk, Juggernaut, Zangief
|93% || Captain America, Dr. Doom, Omega Red, Rogue*, Silver Samurai*, Thanos, Tron Bonne
|100% (normal) || Amingo, Cable, Captain Commando, Charlie, Cyclops, Gambit, Guile, Iron Man, Jin, M. Bison, Ruby Heart, Ryu, Sakura, Venom, War Machine
|106% || B.B. Hood, Chun-Li, Hayato, Jill, Ken, Magneto, Megaman, Sabretooth, Spiral, Storm
|112% || Cammy, Dan, Dhalsim, Felicia, Iceman, Psylocke, Shuma-Gorath
|118% || Marrow, Morrigan, Sonson
|125% || Anakaris, Spider-Man, Strider, Wolverine
|137% || Akuma, Roll, Servbot, Wolverine (Bone)

===Tech Rolling===
==== Juggle State & Juggles ====
Tech Rolling is when you hit the floor and roll away. This technique helps to get characters out of extended combos. However, some people can make their off the ground combos (abbreviated as OTG/’s) unrollable by inputting their attack before you land on the floor. To perform a tech roll you have to do a reverse fireball motion (B,DB,D + any punch or kick button). Characters are invincible when falling down after being SWEPT. The only character in the game that can be hit before he lands after being swept is ----- Dhalsim!
If a character is hit off the ground (OTG) out of a knockdown, they will enter the Juggle state, and then perform a '''Forced Tech Roll''' if they land during it. The Juggle state moves the defender up and backwards, and critically, they are fully vulnerable to attacks until landing. Since the defender is considered airborne, some attacks can appear to have different properties when hitting characters out of the Juggle state, like Spider-Man's 5HK which launches airborne opponents. This distinction can make the Juggle state extra useful for certain characters' setups or combos, if they have similar quirks to their moves.

Not every move that knocks you on your back will let you roll out of it – there are some moves that require you to mash if you want to get up quicker (ex. Gamma Crush). However, some moves are genuinely unrollable (ex. B.B. Hood’s Cruel Hunting super). Some supers that carry characters across the screen (ex. Magneto’s shockwave) are unrollable. Lastly, some moves require switching the way you input the roll command. Meaning that instead of rolling the way you’re supposed to (B,DB,D + any punch or kick button) you would have to do the opposite motion (F,DF,D + any punch or kick button).  
When a character enters the normal knockdown state from non-sweep attacks (like Psylocke's Psy-blade, there is a one-frame window ''before'' they can Tech Roll (so if they're hit on this frame, it's '''unrollable'''!) where they are actually still vulnerable, so a well timed attack or meaty hitbox can put the character into the Juggle state guaranteed. For example, for [ Magneto's slide infinite], he Juggles with a 2LK into 2HK, Super Jump Cancels the 2HK and airdashes down to land immediately to Juggle with another 2LK into 2HK. Each 2LK is hitting as a Juggle during that one frame of vulnerability, and Juggles don't count toward the OTG limit.

The person who is not tech rolling can choose which direction the tech roller is going to go by placing their character on a certain side. If he/she moves to
the right of the opponents character the opponents character will roll to the right. (Side note about rolling: OTGs do not cause stun so you cannot dizzy someone if all of your attacks are OTGs. One infinite that abuses this rule is Amingo’s QCF+LP (specials don’t cause stun) OTG with S.LK repeat: it can be done for 999+ hits.

Some properties about OTGs, rolls and wake-ups:
==== Off The Ground hits (OTGs) ====
* The person who is rolling is invincible till they get up.
After the one-frame window of vulnerability upon entering the knockdown state, the character can Tech Roll forwards and get out of the situation. If they ''don't'' Tech Roll, they're fully open to be hit Off The Ground (or 'OTGs'). Unlike in Marvel 3, OTG isn't a property moves have. Instead, any hitbox that can be placed low enough to hit someone in knockdown can hit OTG. If you enough time (ex: from an assist that knocks down like Psylocke's Anti-Air) you can OTG with air lights just as easily as you can OTG with sweeps. There is a built-in OTG limit of one per combo, but a few attacks (as well as Juggles) don't count towards it. Most knockdowns that occur after an OTG have less knockdown time, so the defender will recover sooner than normal.
* Everyone’s roll is the same, meaning they travel the same distance and at the same speed.  
* When a character is in their rising animation they are invincible. This means that attacks can go through them and they will not be hit until they are in their standing animation. This allows a character to be crossed up while they are getting up. For example, Magneto’s CR.HK can cross up characters. If Magneto’s sprite is RIGHT in the middle of the character that is getting up it will cause confusion regarding which side they should block, so it becomes a cross-up. This can also sometimes cause unblockables to occur. However, if the move the person is trying to do is a low attack the character getting up can jump straight out of the attack since there are some invincibility frames when jumping straight out of the rising animation. The only thing that can stop this is a move that would hit you from mid or high.
* Characters can control which direction their opponent will roll when tech rolling by standing or being above the opponent on a certain side. Some characters can perform this technique by simply holding their position after performing a sweep. For example, if you're Magneto or a character who moves forward during their sweep you would just sit there as the opponent rolls to the other side (forward).

=== Force-Rolls ===
==== Forced Tech Rolls ====
If a character in the Juggle state lands uninterrupted, they will perform a Forced Tech Roll. Forced Rolls are fully invincible like regular Tech Rolls, but the character rolls backwards instead of forwards, meaning you can obtain or keep the corner if they occur.

Force-Rolls are when the character hits you right before you hit the floor or when you’re already on the floor and he hits you with only one move.  That causes you to start rolling. However, this kind of roll is different than normal tech rolling. You can be hit during the first few frames of your Force-Roll. For instance: Psylocke does a CR.HK and OTG’s with a CR.LK (if she doesn’t do anything afterwards you’ll start to roll away from her but you’ll be in the air for some reason) if she waits and does a dashing CR.HP it will OTG you and won’t count as a move that produced stun. So, it’s possible to get two different kinds of OTG’s in a combo. On that example of Psylocke: she can do an infinite on Servbot by doing [CR.HP -> Psyblade -> OTG w/ CR.LK, pause for a little bit/let the CR.LK animation finish, -> dash] As you probably guessed, it can be done for 999+ hits. 

Another interesting thing about force rolls is that if you are hit with a CR.LP or CR.LK you will pop-up into the air in a strange way. And if you’re hit with a sweep (normally) you will fall down as if you were knocked on your back again. Theoretically that would be an infinite ([OTG, CR.HK]). Oh, and if you’re hit with a standing move usually a S.LK you will be knocked on your feet in a strange way. It will look like you bounced a little then landed on your feet.
=== Armor Types ===
Marvel vs Capcom 2 has two broad types of armor states: '''Super Armor''' and '''Hyper Armor'''. In both instances, armor is a passive ability applied to the character as a whole, rather than to specific moves.

=== Tech Hitting ===
Super Armor is used by Juggernaut, Hulk, and Sentinel, and allows these characters to ignore hitstun from one attack per combo/sequence. Certain heavy normal attacks and other high-damage attacks will "break" this armor, immediately placing these characters into hitstun.
Tech-Hitting can also be called Tech Throwing. Which means you get out of a throw before the character does his damage on you or after he does his damage on you but before you land on the floor. EX: You can tech hit Sentinel’s throw after he throws you into the corner before he can OTG you. Or you can Tech hit out of Juggernaut’s HP throw in the corner before he kills you in 5 hits. To do a tech hit you have to hold the joystick left or right and press HP or HK while doing so. You can do it at the start of the persons throws or at the end right before you land. Not all throws are techable, you can’t tech specials or supers. An important thing about tech throws is that you can’t tech roll if the person performs an unrollable OTG on you. EX: Juggernaut can hit you before you land making a tech throw on the floor impossible. Some people’s throws and follow-ups to those throws are so dangerous that you must tech hit before they actually do their damage/animation.

Another big important thing about tech hitting is that you are put into normal jump which means you lose unfly and you can be guard broken no matter how high up you on screen. Although it’s not as bad as it sounds since you can block once + call an assist.
Hyper Armor is used exclusively by Zangief and Colossus during their install Hypers. When Hyper Armor is active, it allows the character to ignore hitstun from an indefinite number of attacks, though they often take extra damage from common sequences due to combo damage scaling not being activated.

===Tech Hit/Tech Roll Buffering===
When you are thrown, do the motion for tech roll, then finish the motion when you hit the ground, (so if roll is half circle forward, you end on forward, when you hit the ground) and hit FP or FK.

That way, you've done the motion and button for the roll, but you also are trying to tech it, since you hit forward and fp when you hit the ground.
=== Stun ===
Stun (also referred to as "dizzy" or sometimes "undizzy") is Marvel vs Capcom 2's primary system for preventing infinite combos, repurposed from a more traditional stun mechanic. Each player character has an internal "stun" meter that begins at its maximum value of 80 points. Taking damage from normal attacks will lower this value, and when the stun value reaches 0, the player will be launched into the air in a "spin out" state. The spin out animation is similar to the animation that occurs when hit by a raw tag, but the player will be immune to further damage and recover at the top of the screen in a normal jumping state.

If you don't get the tech hit, you get the roll.
Stun damage is dealt primarily by normal attacks. Stun damage for attacks is semi-random, but stun damage ranges are inversely proportional to the strength of the normal attack - ie light normals deal more stun damage than medium normals, which deal more stun damage than heavy normals. Command launchers, special moves and supers do not deal stun damage. Attacks that hit knocked down opponents, as well as throws and Snapbacks will deal stun damage, but cannot trigger spin out. Additionally, attacks used against Super Armor that would reduce a character's stun value to 0 will instead force the stun value to 1.

===Guard Breaks===
The stun meter will reset after the player has not been hit by attacks for 60 frames. A character's current stun value will be retained if they are tagged in or out, but the stun value will also reset whenever they are called as an assist. If a Snapback would reduce a character's stun value to 0, it will instead be reduced to 1.

A character in normal jump mode can only perform one special action until they land. A character switching in to the game is in normal jump mode: thus if you can get that character to block once, you can hit them after they recover and start falling again.
== Hyper Meter ==
Both players have access to a '''Hyper Meter''' (usually simply called "meter") which holds a maximum of five stocks. The Hyper Meter is a critical resource that is spent on some of the game's most powerful options.

=== Push Block ===

Push Blocking is done by pressing the two punch buttons while you’re being hit or a short time after. Almost every character in the game has their own guard stiffness time which means that they will remain in guard stun for a period after there are no more attacks to block on screen. For instance Cable is in guard stiffness for 23 frames after making him very hard to throw after a whiffed move. Cyclops is in guard stiffness for about 4 frames! So Cyclops would have less time to push block something after it is gone than Cable. Push blocking works differently on the ground, in normal jump mode and in super jump mode.
=== Hyper Combo ===
Commonly referred to as "supers", '''Hyper Combos''' are frequently a character's most powerful attacks. They are performed with standard special move motions and either both punches or both kicks (depending on the character and move in question). Most supers can be cancelled into from special moves, and are frequently used as high-damage combo enders or even combo extenders. The vast majority of supers cost one bar of the meter to perform, but a select few have access to exceptionally powerful '''Level 3 Hyper Combos''', which require three stocks of the meter to perform.

==== Push-blocking states ====
On the ground – When you push block something on the ground and let go of block you will eventually be 100% free meaning you won’t have any guard stiffness after a while. You can use that to escape out of almost any trap on the ground since jumping is very fast (2-3 frames to be off the ground). However, there are moves that can stop your jump, for instance Strider’s trap can stop your jump because the orbs prevent you from being off the ground for too long so you’ll get hit before you fully escape high into the air. However if you continue to block instead of trying to do something you’ll just keep blocking and won’t be guard broken if you were being hit by a Proton Cannon or something. When you get out of block stun you can do anything, not just super jump, a funny thing to try is using instant supers and DHC’s to punish something while it’s still going.

In Normal-Jump mode – There are various times you can be in normal jump mode, not just after normal jumping up. For instance if you tech-hit or if you unfly and you don’t have unfly, if you’re Dhalsim and you perform a drill while in SJ mode, and many other things! Anyway, when you’re in normal jump mode you can be easily guard broken and sometimes push blocking helps. Even if push blocking is your first action when you jump into the air you’ll still be vulnerable when you finish your push block animation (well, its just one frame held for a second or two). So it’s easy to say that push blocking can be very dangerous unless you’re in a certain situation where the person can’t hit you or you can call an assist to protect you while you fall.  
==== Delayed Hyper Combo ====
'''Delayed Hyper Combo''' (often referred to as "DHC") is a system that allows for a character's Hyper Combo to be cancelled into another character's super, and is performed by simply inputting another super while a super is currently being performed.  Each DHC sequence allows for one super per character that is currently alive; for example, if the full team of Magneto/Storm/Sentinel is alive, then the DHC sequence of Magnetic Tempest > Hail Storm > Hyper Sentinel Force is able to be performed as long as the player has at least three bars of meter (one for each of the supers). Performing a DHC will immediately remove the point character from play, placing them into the third character slot and cycling in the second character. DHCs are extremely potent due to their ability to not only tag out characters with relative safety, but also due to their removal of otherwise standard startup frames from certain supers, making them much faster than they would be otherwise.

In Super-Jump mode – Usually push blocking in during your super jump just means that you will be able to throw the guy if he’s rushing you with attacks. However that’s not exactly true, you can be guard broken in super jump mode after a while and if you’re being bombarded with continuous attacks. For instance if you’re playing Magneto and he air dashes towards you and does his magic series and you push block it – he can go into a tempest for a little then into hail storm and you’ll be guard broken!

==== Guard Canceling ====
==== Team Hyper Combo ====
'''Team Hyper Combo''' (referred to as "THC") is a super attack that causes a player's entire remaining team to enter the screen, performing each character's super simultaneously. It is performed by pressing A1+A2, and will cost as many bars of meter as there are characters still alive on the player's team. The super a character performs during a THC is determined by their assist type - these will be noted on character pages. Note that THC can be performed without a full team or without three meters - performing a THC with only two characters remaining will simply perform a two-character THC, while performing a THC with less than three meters will bring in as many characters to perform the THC as there are meters to be spent on the supers. THCs are usually seen less than DHCs due to their utility being much more niche, but there are a number of specialist teams with notably strong THC synergy, especially thanks to the extremely simple input allowing for much easier on-demand usage than a standard super.

Consider a move such as the Hyper Sentinel Force super.  If you are blocking the first set of drones and let go of the stick, you will remain in block stun for the duration of the super.  However, if you push block you will cancel that block stun early after taking the currently blocked hit.  If you keep holding back, you will keep blocking.  If you instead put the stick in neutral, you will get hit by the next hit of the move unless you take actions to avoid it.  The most common example by advanced players is to push block and superjump out of Hyper Sentinel Force, avoiding most of the chip damage and positioning yourself better.  Slipgater made [ a tutorial video of this here] showing just jumping out, and NKI has [ a nice video of punishing HSF with AHVB].

=== Countering ===
=== Alpha Counter ===
Alpha Counter (officially referred to as "Variable Counter") is a guard cancel mechanic performed by inputting {{qcd}}+{{a1}}/{{a2}} while in blockstun, at the cost of one bar of meter. Variable Counters can only be performed while on the ground, and will immediately tag out the point character, bringing in the chosen character to perform a special move. The special move a character performs for their Variable Counter is determined by their assist type - these will be noted on character pages. Notably, since Variable Counters simply result in the chosen character performing their special move after entering play, it is possible to cancel Variable Counters into supers. The utility of this differs depending on the character, but for certain characters it can be an invaluable - if expensive - defensive option.

Countering in Marvel vs Capcom 2 originates from Street Fighter Alpha, and as such is often called an "Alpha Counter". It can also be called a Hyper or Variable Counter. The motion for an Alpha Counter is b,d/b,d + A1 / A2 when your point character is in hit-stun, and requires and consumes one super meter level to execute.  This can only be done on the ground.  You can extend hit-stun by Push Block.
=== Snapback ===
Performed by pressing 236A1/A2 at the cost of one bar of meter, '''Snapbacks''' are a unique offensive option that, upon hitting, will force the opponent to switch their point character with one of their assist characters. The character that gets "snapped in" by a Snapback is determined by the button used to perform it - 236A1 will snap in the opponent's second character, while 236A2 will snap in the opponent's third character. On top of the standard benefits of a Snapback, such as forcing specific in-game matchups and creating incoming pressure/mixup situations, Snapback will also briefly disable the character that was "snapped out", marked by their life bar being darkened and marked with a red X. During this lockout period, the character that was snapped out will be unable to be used as an assist, or in DHCs, THCs and Variable Counters. If a Snapback is performed on a character with no alive teammates, they will simply be knocked down.

When you Alpha Counter, the character associated with that assist button is brought in performing their Counter move as specified by their assist type.  This Alpha Counter can either be a normal move or a special move and can be cancelled as usual.  Thus a popular Alpha Counter is [[Cable (MvC2)|Cable's]] Anti-Air Assist Alpha Counter, the Scimitar, which is then cancelled into his Air Hyper Viper Beam (AHVB).

One particular glitch of interest is when you attempt to Alpha Counter into a character that you may not switch into as they were victim of a Snap Back.
==== Double Snap ====
Another extremely powerful benefit of Snapbacks is found in the '''Double Snap''' exploit. If a player and that player's assist are both hit by a Snapback, the point character will be snapped out as normal, but the assist character will remain on screen in a knocked down state. If, in this situation, the Snapback is performed using the button that corresponds to the slot that the assist occupies on the defender's team (ie hitting both the point character and the opponent's second character with 236A1), the game will fail to send in a character from the opponent's team, as the character targeted by the Snapback is still on screen and in hitstun. Coupled with the unique weaknesses assist characters face when being punished, a well-placed Double Snap is capable of creating situations where a player is able to effectively freely combo the opponent's assist character to death with no worry of interruption, making them an absolutely devastating tool when used effectively.

[[Category:Marvel Vs. Capcom 2]]
[[Category:Marvel Vs. Capcom 2]]

Latest revision as of 10:59, 5 February 2025

This page will detail the basic system mechanics available to all characters in Marvel vs Capcom 2. Much of this information can also be found in Andor's video guide.


On the ground, every character is able to walk in both directions. Characters are also able to dash by either double-tapping the desired direction (66 or 44), or pressing the desired direction alongside both punch buttons (6PP or 4PP). Dashing can be cancelled by almost any action, including any attack, jumping, crouching or even a dash of the opposite direction. The flexibility of dashes also allow for movement techniques such as wavedashing - watch this video by G Conceptz to learn more.

Characters are also able to jump by tapping any upward direction, as well as super jump by pressing any downward direction before jumping. Normal jumps and superjumps have a number of different properties which are worth noting.

Normal Jumps:

  • Travel less overall vertical and horizontal distance compared to superjumps
  • Only allow for one aerial action before landing
  • Assists can be called while actionable and during air normals, but not specials or hypers
  • Cannot be used to cancel out of attacks
  • Impart more restrictive combo properties to attacks, ex: Normal Jump attacks cannot trigger Flying Screen, Normal Jump Special Moves cannot cancel into Hyper Combos, most characters have a per-air-time limit on air punches and kicks they're allowed to do before they're required to land to 'refresh' them.

By comparison, Super Jumps:

  • Travel a greater overall vertical and horizontal distance than normal jumps, and also allow for further horizontal control via aerial drift (performed by holding 4 or 6 during a superjump)
  • Allow for an unlimited number of aerial actions before landing, including repeatable special moves like fireballs for stalling
  • Do not allow assist calls at all
  • Can be used to cancel out of certain attacks
  • Often allow for much greater combo possibilities, due to not having some of the restrictions as Normal Jump has listed above (attacks can trigger Flying Screen, air specials can be cancelled into hypers, and in most cases you can press air normals until you land)

These movement mechanics are also augmented by character-specific movement options, such as airdashes, flight modes, and Storm's float.

Team Systems

In Marvel vs Capcom 2, players select teams of three characters to take into a match with them. A game ends when all three of a player's characters has been defeated, or when time runs out. If a game runs to time, the player with the largest overall remaining life total will win.

Recoverable Life

When a character takes damage, a portion of that damage will be left as recoverable life (referred to as "red life"). This red life will be recovered passively whenever the character is not in play. If a character has red life remaining when they are tagged in, either via raw tag or via Snapback, they will lose whatever red life they had at the time. Switching out characters via Delayed Hyper Combo will not have this effect.

Switching Characters (Tag)

It is possible to perform a Crossover Attack (also called a "raw tag" or "hard tag") while on the ground by pressing LP+LK to switch to the second character in the team order, or by pressing HP+HK to switch to the third character in the team order. Raw tag will cause the point character to briefly pose while gaining invincibility before jumping out, while the selected character jumps into the fight with one of their jumping normals, at which point they will also perform a short taunt after landing. These raw tag attacks will always track to wherever the opponent's point character was at the time the tag was input.

Raw tags see some situational use both offensively and defensively. They are treated as special moves for move cancelling purposes, so they can be cancelled into from normal attacks, and will also launch the opponent high into the air on hit (assuming the opponent isn't knocked down), all of which can make raw tag an occasional combo starter or extender. At the same time, the invincibility on startup allows raw tag to be used as a reversal option, though this can be very risky due to raw tags being very punishable on block and whiff thanks to the pose/taunt the incoming character performs.

Switching Characters at the Vs. Screen

The order in which the player picks their team can be altered during the "Vs." screen. By holding down A1, the player can swap the first and second characters shown during the loading screen. Holding down A2 results in swapping the first and third characters shown during the loading screen. Holding down both assist buttons swaps the second and third characters.

Switch Glitch

Performing a switch at the vs screen allows for use of the switch glitch: holding a button to get a perfectly timed move. See Switch Glitch for more.


One of the defining features of Marvel vs Capcom 2, Variable Assists (referred to as simply 'Assists') are where most of the magic of the game happens. When selecting a character, players will also be prompted to select that character's assist type, which primarily determines what attack they will perform when called as an assist. In-game, assists are called by pressing either the A1 or A2 button. A1 will call the second character in the team order, while A2 will call the third character in the team order. Calling an assist will cause that character to jump into play, perform their move, and then strike a pose before jumping off-screen.

Assists define almost everything about how neutral, offense and defense function in Marvel vs Capcom 2, so understanding how to use them and how they interact with everything around them is critical to success.

Assist Types

Each character has 3 distinct Assist Types, listed in-game as α, β and γ. While the specific move indicated by any given assist is not noted in-game, character movelists will make note of which assist attacks each character has access to. In the game itself, however, each available assist option is signified by a broad "assist type" category. These categories are outlined below:

Assist Type Description
Projectile Usually a horizontal shot or beam, like Ryu's Hadoken.
Dash A quick, advancing attack where the character charges at the opponent, like Captain America's Charging Star.
Ground Horizontal attack that covers an area of ground in front of you, like Felicia's Sand Splash.
Anti-air An attack effective against airborne opponents, usually covering above and in front of you, like Psylocke's Psy-Blade.
Launcher A close-ranged attack that pops your opponent into the air for a combo for you. Usually visually identical to their universal launcher, but sometimes the properties (damage, launch height/angle) vary!
Balance A combination of the character's other two assists. Either a copy of the character's first assist but with the second assist's Alpha Counter, or vice versa. Strangely, Amingo's Balance assist is actually a combination of his other assists' Alpha Counters.
Expansion An attack that has hits in front of you with solid active frames, and can be used to 'expand' your combos with their hit properties, like Ken's Tatsumaki Senpukyaku.
Variety Unique attacks that may not fit the other labels, like Doctor Doom's Photon Shot.
Capture A ranged attack that immobilizes an opponent for a short duration, like Thanos's Death Sphere.
Throw An attempt to grapple the opponent with an unblockable throw, like Rogue's Power Drain.
Air Throw A jumping attempt to catch an airborne opponent with an unblockable throw. Zangief is the only one with an Air Throw assist!
Heal Creates a pickup that restores some of the point character's red health on contact if they have any. Amingo, Jill, and SonSon are the only ones with Heal assists!
Enhance Creates a pickup that improves the point character's offense or defense for a short time. Ruby Heart and Amingo are the only ones with Enhance assists!

Assist Restrictions

There are a number of rules and restrictions to when assists can be called:

  • Assists can be called when your character is actionable (not in hitstun or blockstun) while grounded or when in the Normal Jump state.
  • You can't call out an assist when in the Super Jump state.
  • Assists can be called when attacking with grounded normals (or aerial normals, when in the Normal Jump state).
  • You can't call out an assist during Special Moves nor Hyper Combos when grounded or airborne.
  • You can't call an assist that has been snapped out until the red X over their life bar goes away. Their life bar will briefly flash "ASSIST OK!" when they are enabled again.
  • Once an assist hits during a combo, you may not call another assist again in that combo. However, you can also call the assist before the first hit of the combo, which can let the assist be called again to hit more than once in some combos.
    • Vidness says that his "triple assist" combo exploits the glitch whereby an assist that is the same as the point character does not get counted as an assist.

Punishing Assists

At all points during their animation (barring any invincibility granted by certain moves), assists maintain all their normal hurtboxes, leaving them able to be punished. Assists are often at a far greater risk than point characters are due to two key factors: one is that assists are incapable of flipping out of hitstun the way that point characters are, meaning that combos that would otherwise be impossible are possible to perform on assist characters; the other is that combos on assists are not subject to combo damage scaling like they would be on point characters - in other words, each hit of a combo on an assist character will deal its full damage, no matter what. This makes assist punishes especially deadly.

Offensive Systems


Throws are performed by pressing 4/6HP (and/or 4/6HK, depending on the character) while close to the opponent. Throws universally impact on frame 1, but due to their low reward and inability to consistently beat meaty attacks, they don't see much use barring some exceptional characters.

Throws can be broken or softened (referred to in-game as a "Tech Hit") by inputting a throw as or while the player character is being thrown. This will either free the character entirely, or reduce the throw's damage and often prevent it from knocking down and return the character to a normal jump state.

The Magic Series

Every character in Marvel vs Capcom 2 is capable of chaining normal attacks together in a sequence known as the "Magic Series". Magic series chains follow a basic order of allowing chains from any weaker normal to a higher-strength normal, as well as chaining from punch to kick normals of the same strength:

Lp.png > Lk.png > Mp.png > Mk.png > Hp.png > Hk.png

While this is the basic framework for how normal chains function, this is not universal. Rather, every character will have access to one of three different types of Magic Series chain:

  • Hunter Chain: Allows a full six-normal chain (Lp.png > Lk.png > Mp.png > Mk.png > Hp.png > Hk.png).
  • Marvel Chain: Allows chaining only from weak normals to strong normals (Lp.png or Lk.png > Mp.png or Mk.png > Hp.png or Hk.png)
  • 2-Hit Chain: Allows light normals to chain only to medium or heavy normals, but not in sequence (Lp.png or Lk.png > Mp.png, Mk.png, Hp.png, or Hk.png).

The attack orders of the Hunter and Marvel chains are not strict. While they allow for full 6- and 3 hit chain sequences, middle step in their chain sequence can be skipped, so long as the basic order of the chain is followed. For example, characters with the Hunter chain can do Lp.png > Mp.png > Mk.png > Hp.png, and those with the Marvel chain can do Lk.png > Hp.png. Finding which buttons can be left out of ground and air Magic Series chains is a key way to optimize combo damage, so experiment! Lots of characters can skip mediums entirely by comboing a light straight into a heavy. However, depending on the character, their heavy attacks may not actually combo from their lights. Shuma's grounded Hp.pngs can't combo off of his four grounded lights, but both of his Hk.pngs can.

Which Magic Series chain each character has (when grounded, and when in Normal Jump state) will be listed above their grounded and aerial Lp.pngs in their Normal Attacks sections.

Air Combos

Air Combos (known in Japanese as "Aerial Raves") are the most common way for characters in Marvel vs Capcom 2 to structure their combos, alongside use of the Magic Series. Air Combos largely revolve around the use of superjumps - as noted in the Movement section, superjumps often allow for chains and cancels that would not be possible from a normal jump. Almost every character in the game has access to at least one move which will launch the opponent into the air - on hit, holding an upward direction will cancel the launcher into a superjump, allowing the use of an air combo.

Flying Screen

Attacks that are flagged as air combo "enders", such as most heavy normals when in the Super Jump state, as well as some Hyper Combos, will trigger a state known as "Flying Screen," so called because it causes the defending character to "fly" through the air at high speed with a distinct whistle-y sound, with the camera focused on them. Attacks that trigger Flying Screen are important to utilize, since knockdowns caused by Flying Screen disable the defender's ability to Tech Roll, which can create highly advantageous situations for the aggressor, including guaranteed mix, okizeme, and even combo extensions with the right setups. These combo extensions rely on the use of an exploit known as Flying Screen Deterioration (or "FSD"), which will be detailed on the Esoterics page.

Defensive Systems


Attacks in Marvel vs Capcom 2 are blocked by holding a directional input away from your opponent - 1, 4 and 7 are all valid inputs. Hold 4 to block all mid and high attacks; hold 1 to block all mid and low attacks. Most attacks can be blocked while airborne, which allows for chicken-blocking - holding 7 to jump and begin blocking airborne as soon as possible.

Guard Breaks

In Marvel vs Capcom 2, it is only possible to perform one aerial action per aerial period during a normal jump. After this aerial action has been expended, the player character cannot perform any more aerial actions until landing, and will only regain their aerial actions upon jumping again. Blocking counts as an aerial action in this instance, so when in a normal jumping state, if the player enters and then exits blockstun, they will not be able to do anything else on the way down, including blocking a follow-up attack before touching the ground. This can be used to set up highly practical Guard Break situations that allow for guaranteed offense or even combos, and is particularly powerful when used against an incoming character, since the incoming character is put into the Normal Jump state.


Pushblock (officially named "Advancing Guard") is a universal defensive system that can be used by pressing both punch buttons while in blockstun. It is possible to pushblock attacks both on the ground and in the air.

A successful pushblock will trigger a unique sound and special effect around the front of your character, and will push the opponent a set distance away from you. Pushblocking will only create distance when blocking attacks from the opponent's point character; pushblocking an assist attack will not result in any extra pushback. Notably, the "pushing" effect of pushblock only affects the player whose attack was blocked, meaning that if the player pushblocks an attack from an opponent who is in the corner, the pushblock will (somewhat counter-intuitively) negate the pushback of any attack. Performing a pushblock in the air will hold the player character in the air for a period of time, allowing it to be used to delay the player's landing from an airborne situation.

Pushblocking does not result in ordinary blockstun - triggering a pushblock effectively puts the player character into what is best thought of as a set pushblocking animation. This pushblocking animation lasts for 23 frames, and has a number of unique properties:

  • Attacks will continue to be blocked throughout the animation, but attacks will not inflict standard blockstun for its duration
  • The pushblock animation is capable of applying high and low guard status at the same time
  • At the end of the pushblock animation, characters will become actionable if they do not re-enter their blocking animation

These properties lead to two very important defensive techniques: Pushblock All-Guard and Pushblock Guard Cancel.

Pushblock All-Guard

Pushblock All-Guard refers to the ability for the pushblocking animation to effectively block high and low at the same time. This allows for much safer defensive play than would otherwise be possible on the ground, effectively creating 23-frame windows where the defender does not have to choose to block high or low. To perform a Pushblock All-Guard, hold 2 while performing a standing pushblock or 4 while performing a crouching pushblock - changing the character's blocking stance during the pushblock animation will cause the character to take on the high and low blocking stances at the same time, making it a key tool for defending against the layered high-low mixup situations that many of the game's best characters are capable of enforcing.

Pushblock Guard Cancel

Pushblock Guard Cancel refers to a technique which takes advantage of the fact that pushblocking returns the character to a neutral action state at the end of the pushblock animation, so long as the character does not re-enter their blocking animation. It is commonly used against otherwise completely guaranteed blockstrings, such as those used by Sentinel and Spiral, allowing players to effectively "override" the standard blockstun of key attacks, creating gaps that allow the defender to escape. To perform a Pushblock Guard Cancel, simply pushblock and then perform any action that does not involve inputting a backward direction (as this will trigger the character's pre-block animation, and probably blockstun as a result). This frequently requires very specific pushblock timing so as to not get hit when attempting to escape, but it is a powerful defensive tool that is often vital for navigating common matchups.

Tech Roll

Most knockdowns in Marvel vs Capcom 2 are able to be escaped by performing a Tech Roll or "safe roll". To perform a tech roll, input 412K as the character hits the ground. This will cause them to roll a long distance forward along the ground, granting them full invincibility and often moving them out of the way of guaranteed offense. As noted in the section on Air Combos, attacks that trigger Flying Screen disable the defender's ability to tech roll. Tech Rolls exist as a defensive counter to Off The Ground hits (OTGs), and in most cases, OTG opportunities simply can be avoided by tech rolling.

However, one important thing to note about Tech Rolls is that, even without Flying Screen, some attack sequences are truly unrollable. These are called Juggles, and are Not to be confused with traditional 'OTGs'.

Juggle State & Juggles

If a character is hit off the ground (OTG) out of a knockdown, they will enter the Juggle state, and then perform a Forced Tech Roll if they land during it. The Juggle state moves the defender up and backwards, and critically, they are fully vulnerable to attacks until landing. Since the defender is considered airborne, some attacks can appear to have different properties when hitting characters out of the Juggle state, like Spider-Man's 5HK which launches airborne opponents. This distinction can make the Juggle state extra useful for certain characters' setups or combos, if they have similar quirks to their moves.

When a character enters the normal knockdown state from non-sweep attacks (like Psylocke's Psy-blade, there is a one-frame window before they can Tech Roll (so if they're hit on this frame, it's unrollable!) where they are actually still vulnerable, so a well timed attack or meaty hitbox can put the character into the Juggle state guaranteed. For example, for Magneto's slide infinite, he Juggles with a 2LK into 2HK, Super Jump Cancels the 2HK and airdashes down to land immediately to Juggle with another 2LK into 2HK. Each 2LK is hitting as a Juggle during that one frame of vulnerability, and Juggles don't count toward the OTG limit.

Off The Ground hits (OTGs)

After the one-frame window of vulnerability upon entering the knockdown state, the character can Tech Roll forwards and get out of the situation. If they don't Tech Roll, they're fully open to be hit Off The Ground (or 'OTGs'). Unlike in Marvel 3, OTG isn't a property moves have. Instead, any hitbox that can be placed low enough to hit someone in knockdown can hit OTG. If you enough time (ex: from an assist that knocks down like Psylocke's Anti-Air) you can OTG with air lights just as easily as you can OTG with sweeps. There is a built-in OTG limit of one per combo, but a few attacks (as well as Juggles) don't count towards it. Most knockdowns that occur after an OTG have less knockdown time, so the defender will recover sooner than normal.

Forced Tech Rolls

If a character in the Juggle state lands uninterrupted, they will perform a Forced Tech Roll. Forced Rolls are fully invincible like regular Tech Rolls, but the character rolls backwards instead of forwards, meaning you can obtain or keep the corner if they occur.

Armor Types

Marvel vs Capcom 2 has two broad types of armor states: Super Armor and Hyper Armor. In both instances, armor is a passive ability applied to the character as a whole, rather than to specific moves.

Super Armor is used by Juggernaut, Hulk, and Sentinel, and allows these characters to ignore hitstun from one attack per combo/sequence. Certain heavy normal attacks and other high-damage attacks will "break" this armor, immediately placing these characters into hitstun.

Hyper Armor is used exclusively by Zangief and Colossus during their install Hypers. When Hyper Armor is active, it allows the character to ignore hitstun from an indefinite number of attacks, though they often take extra damage from common sequences due to combo damage scaling not being activated.


Stun (also referred to as "dizzy" or sometimes "undizzy") is Marvel vs Capcom 2's primary system for preventing infinite combos, repurposed from a more traditional stun mechanic. Each player character has an internal "stun" meter that begins at its maximum value of 80 points. Taking damage from normal attacks will lower this value, and when the stun value reaches 0, the player will be launched into the air in a "spin out" state. The spin out animation is similar to the animation that occurs when hit by a raw tag, but the player will be immune to further damage and recover at the top of the screen in a normal jumping state.

Stun damage is dealt primarily by normal attacks. Stun damage for attacks is semi-random, but stun damage ranges are inversely proportional to the strength of the normal attack - ie light normals deal more stun damage than medium normals, which deal more stun damage than heavy normals. Command launchers, special moves and supers do not deal stun damage. Attacks that hit knocked down opponents, as well as throws and Snapbacks will deal stun damage, but cannot trigger spin out. Additionally, attacks used against Super Armor that would reduce a character's stun value to 0 will instead force the stun value to 1.

The stun meter will reset after the player has not been hit by attacks for 60 frames. A character's current stun value will be retained if they are tagged in or out, but the stun value will also reset whenever they are called as an assist. If a Snapback would reduce a character's stun value to 0, it will instead be reduced to 1.

Hyper Meter

Both players have access to a Hyper Meter (usually simply called "meter") which holds a maximum of five stocks. The Hyper Meter is a critical resource that is spent on some of the game's most powerful options.

Hyper Combo

Commonly referred to as "supers", Hyper Combos are frequently a character's most powerful attacks. They are performed with standard special move motions and either both punches or both kicks (depending on the character and move in question). Most supers can be cancelled into from special moves, and are frequently used as high-damage combo enders or even combo extenders. The vast majority of supers cost one bar of the meter to perform, but a select few have access to exceptionally powerful Level 3 Hyper Combos, which require three stocks of the meter to perform.

Delayed Hyper Combo

Delayed Hyper Combo (often referred to as "DHC") is a system that allows for a character's Hyper Combo to be cancelled into another character's super, and is performed by simply inputting another super while a super is currently being performed. Each DHC sequence allows for one super per character that is currently alive; for example, if the full team of Magneto/Storm/Sentinel is alive, then the DHC sequence of Magnetic Tempest > Hail Storm > Hyper Sentinel Force is able to be performed as long as the player has at least three bars of meter (one for each of the supers). Performing a DHC will immediately remove the point character from play, placing them into the third character slot and cycling in the second character. DHCs are extremely potent due to their ability to not only tag out characters with relative safety, but also due to their removal of otherwise standard startup frames from certain supers, making them much faster than they would be otherwise.

Team Hyper Combo

Team Hyper Combo (referred to as "THC") is a super attack that causes a player's entire remaining team to enter the screen, performing each character's super simultaneously. It is performed by pressing A1+A2, and will cost as many bars of meter as there are characters still alive on the player's team. The super a character performs during a THC is determined by their assist type - these will be noted on character pages. Note that THC can be performed without a full team or without three meters - performing a THC with only two characters remaining will simply perform a two-character THC, while performing a THC with less than three meters will bring in as many characters to perform the THC as there are meters to be spent on the supers. THCs are usually seen less than DHCs due to their utility being much more niche, but there are a number of specialist teams with notably strong THC synergy, especially thanks to the extremely simple input allowing for much easier on-demand usage than a standard super.

Alpha Counter

Alpha Counter (officially referred to as "Variable Counter") is a guard cancel mechanic performed by inputting Qcd.png+A1.png/A2.png while in blockstun, at the cost of one bar of meter. Variable Counters can only be performed while on the ground, and will immediately tag out the point character, bringing in the chosen character to perform a special move. The special move a character performs for their Variable Counter is determined by their assist type - these will be noted on character pages. Notably, since Variable Counters simply result in the chosen character performing their special move after entering play, it is possible to cancel Variable Counters into supers. The utility of this differs depending on the character, but for certain characters it can be an invaluable - if expensive - defensive option.


Performed by pressing 236A1/A2 at the cost of one bar of meter, Snapbacks are a unique offensive option that, upon hitting, will force the opponent to switch their point character with one of their assist characters. The character that gets "snapped in" by a Snapback is determined by the button used to perform it - 236A1 will snap in the opponent's second character, while 236A2 will snap in the opponent's third character. On top of the standard benefits of a Snapback, such as forcing specific in-game matchups and creating incoming pressure/mixup situations, Snapback will also briefly disable the character that was "snapped out", marked by their life bar being darkened and marked with a red X. During this lockout period, the character that was snapped out will be unable to be used as an assist, or in DHCs, THCs and Variable Counters. If a Snapback is performed on a character with no alive teammates, they will simply be knocked down.

Double Snap

Another extremely powerful benefit of Snapbacks is found in the Double Snap exploit. If a player and that player's assist are both hit by a Snapback, the point character will be snapped out as normal, but the assist character will remain on screen in a knocked down state. If, in this situation, the Snapback is performed using the button that corresponds to the slot that the assist occupies on the defender's team (ie hitting both the point character and the opponent's second character with 236A1), the game will fail to send in a character from the opponent's team, as the character targeted by the Snapback is still on screen and in hitstun. Coupled with the unique weaknesses assist characters face when being punished, a well-placed Double Snap is capable of creating situations where a player is able to effectively freely combo the opponent's assist character to death with no worry of interruption, making them an absolutely devastating tool when used effectively.

Game Navigation

Characters (Marvel)
Doctor Doom
Iron Man
Omega Red
Silver Samurai
Wolverine - Claw
Characters (Capcom)
Captain Commando
Mega Man
Ruby Heart
Tron Bonne
Characters (Updating)
Characters (Old Pages)
Captain America
War Machine
Wolverine - Bone