Marvel vs Capcom 2/Ryu

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< Marvel vs Capcom 2(Redirected from Ryu (MvC2))


Ryu, the original world warrior, enters the ring in Marvel vs. Capcom 2 in search of new opponents to face. If you're here browsing this wiki, chances are he looks familiar. If he doesn't, that's okay too, because his simplicity makes him well suited to learning how to play the game. He's got a kit of normals that lack range, but make up for it by being quick and doing decent damage. His special moves are also quite good. First, Hadoken is a quick projectile which can be used on the ground or in the air. Shoryuken is the original dragon punch, a jumping uppercut that makes Ryu briefly invincible, at the cost of high ending lag. Lastly, he has the Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku, a spinning kick that moves him forward, extending combos and allowing him to dodge some attacks. He can also do it in the air, in which case it'll knock down opponents it hits hard. These three moves are also what he has available as assists, so he can also be used to support another character with decent results. All of this being said, he does have weaknesses which prevent him from being much better than a lower-mid tier. He does good damage, but he also has to invest meter for the best results with that insane level 3. Ken and Akuma play pretty similarly to him, but they can do comparable damage for less meter with both of their Hurricane Kicks. He also lacks air mobility. He can stall his descent with his Hadokens, but he doesn't have an air dash or a double jump to deal with some of the ridiculous stuff the top tiers can do. Finally, while he does a lot of things decently, he also gets outclassed by some of the more powerful characters in this game. Overall, while he's nowhere near the top of the tier list, he's also easy enough to use that he can work on just about any team if you wish.


Ryu is one of the OGs of the Street Fighter cast, and he's got some good to great moves at his disposal. While he's usable on almost any team due to his simplicity, he also is outclassed by many of the other characters in this game.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Great Beam super- Shinkuu Hadoken works on both ground and air. Hits both assist and point characters and is mashable as a bonus.
  • Invincible AAA - Shoryuken is one of the few fully invincible anti-air
  • Hadoken spam- big, fat hitbox. Ryu can fill the screen with them by putting multiple out with tiger knee fireballs
  • Normal defense- not really a pro but Ken, Dan, and Akuma all have worse defense.
  • Good wavedash- he's got very quick dashes which are easy to cancel with a crouch, so he can cover ground quickly
  • Big damage lvl 3- Shin Shoryuken looks cool if you can get the full version
  • Hadoken is no beam - a single hit fireball is going to lose to most zoning options
  • Damage is low on average - Ryu needs assists or meters to reliably get damage
  • Low range on his normals- they're shoto normals, so they're pretty stubby.
  • Mobility is subpar- he moves quickly on the ground, but he doesn't have any real aerial mobility options, which isn't a good thing in this game. He can stall in the air with any of his Hadokens, but that's really about it
  • He's an ordinary guy - he's playable, sure, but the other shotos offer more.
MVC2 Ryu art.png

Character Summary

Special Moves

Hadoken (Air OK)
  • Qcf.png+P.png
  • Dp.png+P.png
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Air OK)
  • Qcb.png+K.png
Hyper Combos

Shinkuu Hadoken (beam, Air OK, mashable)
  • Qcf.png+Lp.png+Hp.png
Shin Shoryuken (Dragon punch super)
  • Dp.png+Lp.png+Hp.png
Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (hurricane kick super)
  • Qcb.png+Lk.png+Hk.png
Assist Types

Type α - Anti-air Type
  • Assist: Hp.png Shoryuken
  • Counter: Hp.png Shoryuken
  • Combination: Shinkuu Hadoken
Type β - Projectile Type
  • Assist: Hp.png Fireball
  • Counter: Lp.png Fireball
  • Combination: Shinkuu Hadoken
Type γ - Expansion Type
  • Assist: Hk.png Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku
  • Counter: Lk.png Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku
  • Combination: Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku

Moves List

Normal Moves

Ground Normals

Light Punch
MVC2 Ryu 5LP 01.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 3 3 8 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Chain, Special, Super - - -

your standard light punch
pretty quick, nice move up close

Medium Punch
MVC2 Ryu 5MP 01.png
MVC2 Ryu 5MP 02.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
7 5 6 16 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Chain, Special, Super - - -

standard medium punch with a decent hitbox

Heavy Punch
MVC2 Ryu 5HP 01.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
13 8 3 16 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Special, Super - - -

Light Kick
MVC2 Ryu 5LK 01.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 3 2 12 -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Medium Kick
MVC2 Ryu 5MK 01.png
MVC2 Ryu 5MK 02.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
7 + 4 (11) 8 10 24 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Chain, Special, Super Jump, Super - - -

Heavy Kick
MVC2 Ryu 5HK 01.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
13 8 8 18 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Super Jump, Special, Super - - -

Crouching Light Punch
MVC2 Ryu 2LP 01.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 3 3 9 L
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Crouching Medium Punch
MVC2 Ryu 2MP 01.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
7 6 4 10 L
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Crouching Heavy Punch
MVC2 Ryu 2HP 01.png
MVC2 Ryu 2HP 02.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
11 9 5 21 L
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Crouching Light Kick
MVC2 Ryu 2LK 01.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 4 2 8 L
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Crouching Medium Kick
MVC2 Ryu 2MK 01.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
7 6 3 13 L
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Crouching Heavy Kick
MVC2 Ryu 2HK 01.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
13 9 4 33 L
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Air Normals

Air Light Punch
MVC2 Ryu j.LP 01.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 4 10 5 H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Air Medium Punch
MVC2 Ryu j.MP 01.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 9 11 0 -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Air Heavy Punch
MVC2 Ryu j.HP 01.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
13 5 8 2 -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Air Light Kick
MVC2 Ryu j.LK 01.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 7 10 0 -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Air Medium Kick
MVC2 Ryu j.MK 01.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
7 9 7 9 -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Air Heavy Kick
MVC2 Ryu j.HK 01.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
13 7 6 8 -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Command Normals

Collarbone Breaker (Sakotsu Wari)
F.png + Hp.png
MVC2 Ryu Sakotsu Wari 01.png
MVC2 Ryu Sakotsu Wari 02.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
6 + 6 (12) 19 - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- None - - -

Jumping 8MK
U.png + Mk.png
MVC2 Ryu j.8MK 01.png
MVC2 Ryu j.8MK 02.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- None - - -

Universal Mechanics

Universal Launcher (Punch)
MVC2 Ryu 2HP 02.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
13 9 - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Launcher (high) - - - -

Ryu's crouching Hp.png

Throw (Punch)
F.png or B.png+Hp.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Ryu throws the opponent straight down.

Throw (Kick)
F.png or B.png+Hk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Ryu rolls and kicks the opponent away.

Air Throw (Kick)
F.png or B.png+Hk.png Air.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Variable Attack (raw tag)
Lp.png+Lk.png // Hp.png+Hk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- 19 - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Qcf.png + A1 or A2
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- 19 - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Ryu's F.png+Hp.png

Special Moves

Qcf.png + P.png
MVC2 Ryu Hadoken 01.png
MVC2 Ryu Hadoken 04.png
ground version hitbox
MVC2 Ryu Hadoken 05.png
air version hitbox
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
14 (ground) / 15 (air) - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Projectile Super - - -

Ryu's signature move. A projectile which can be done on the ground or in the air, with slightly different hitboxes in each case. It does slightly more damage if you hit with the air version.
The strength of punch used controls the speed of the projectile, but under normal circumstances, you can only have one active on the screen at a time.
This limitation is removed if you do this move out of a super jump, so you can do it with a Tiger Knee input (that is, Tk.png + P.png) to throw as many as you can input in the air.
The air version also slows down Ryu's fall, so you can stall a bit with it if you do it out of a super jump.

Dp.png + P.png
MVC2 Ryu Shoryuken 01.png
MVC2 Ryu Shoryuken 02.png
MVC2 Ryu Shoryuken 03.png
MVC2 Ryu Shoryuken 04.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
20 (both versions) - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Ryu does a jumping uppercut. It's invincible at the start, meaning you can use it as a reversal.
The move leaves you open for a long time if you miss or it gets blocked, so be sure it'll hit before you use it.
Both the Lp.png and Hp.png versions of this move do the same damage, but differ in how high Ryu jumps when he does the move.
The Lp.png version of the move is slightly safer if the opponent is on the ground with you, but the Hp.png version can catch an airborne opponent.
Both versions are good for ending combos without spending meter.

Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku
Qcb.png + K.png
MVC2 Ryu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku 01.png
MVC2 Ryu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku 02.png
MVC2 Ryu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku 03.png
MVC2 Ryu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku 04.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
16 - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Hyper Combos

Shinku Hadoken
Qcf.png + Lp.png + Hp.png Airok.png
MVC2 Ryu Hadoken 01.png
MVC2 Ryu Shinku Hadoken 01.png
hitbox near his hands looks like this
MVC2 Ryu Shinku Hadoken 02.png
beam hitbox looks like this- sprites change, but hitbox doesn't
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Ryu's trademark beam cannon and his most reliable form of damage. You can tiger knee the motion for a low air version.

Shinku Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku
Qcb.png + Lk.png + Hk.png
MVC2 Ryu Shinku Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku 01.png
constant, giant hitbox that pulls them in
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Super version of the hurricane kick. Sucks opponent in, so you can do some interesting combo tricks with this near the corner.

Shin Shoryuken
Dp.png + Lp.png + Hp.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

3 meters is a lot, but this does a ton of damage if it hits clean. Range is very small.

Variable Assists

Anti-air Type
A1 // A2
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Hp.png Shoryuken. Variable Counter is same. Variable Combination super is Shinkuu Hadouken.

Assist has a lot of invincibility and is one hit, so it always gets full damage.

Projectile Type
A1 // A2
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Hp.png fireball. Variable Counter is Lp.png fireball. Variable Combination super is Shinkuu Hadouken.

Expansion Type
A1 // A2
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
- - - - -
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Hk.png Hurricane Kick. Variable Counter is Lk.png Hurricane Kick. Variable Combination super is Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.



First row: Lp.png, Hp.png, A1. Second row: Lk.png, Hk.png, A2.


Game Navigation

Characters (Marvel)
Doctor Doom
Iron Man
Omega Red
Silver Samurai
Wolverine - Claw
Characters (Capcom)
Captain Commando
Mega Man
Ruby Heart
Tron Bonne
Characters (Updating)
Characters (Old Pages)
Captain America
War Machine
Wolverine - Bone