What is this?
This is the Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 project page we use for wiki editors.
Project: Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2
Here are links to commonly used wiki pages (uploads, files, new editor guide, etc), game information resources, some frequently asked questions like the NASB file naming convention, best practices, how to upload multiple files with categories, etc. Basically any question about the wiki will be answered here so there is no need to dig through pins and chats.
Useful Wiki editing links
Where to upload and find files
File Naming Convention
NickBrawl2 characterfirst movename.png NickBrawl2 characterfirst art.png NickBrawl2 characterfirst portrait.png
The most important part is that the files all begin with NASB and are consistently named in their category.
When uploading files, check all the files and then add the tag
[[Category:Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2]]
How to bulk rename files
Bulk Rename Utility is the best Windows application for renaming files quickly and en-masse. https://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/Download.php
How to bulk resize images
ImageResizer, also a part of PowerToys, allows for fast and easy image resizing all in Windows Explorer. https://www.bricelam.net/ImageResizer/
Useful Nick Brawl Resources
Code Blocks
MUST BE ON EVERY PAGE AT THE BOTTOM. EVEN THIS ONE HAS IT. It's so important, it's written down TWICE.
{{Navbox-NickBrawl2}} [[Category:Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2]]
Wiki Roadmap
25% complete | ||
In Progress / Completed | To-do |