Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2/Patrick

From SuperCombo Wiki


This silly sea star is SpongeBob's bestest friend.


Patrick, much like the first game, is a fairly traditional grappler. Except now he has a table!

Patrick's gameplan is fairly simple and easy to understand. He wants to get in, grab you, and take your stock. That doesn't mean he's useless from far away though: he has been granted a projectile in Aerial Up Light and can reflect projectiles (and even his opponent) with his lariat Neutral Special. He also retains his hugdriver attack, now being his Side Special, and also has a counter in Down Special. While he is most definitely not the fastest character in the game, Patrick has several ways to get in and do damage easily.

If you like playing up close and personal, or taking it slow, Patrick is your man!


Patrick is ranked 23rd out of 29 on the current tier list, in the B tier. This is a sizeable improvement over his 24th out of 25 placement in the first Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl.

Patrick possesses a high risk, high reward gameplan with his grab game that allows him to be a threatening character onstage. He also is one of the heavier characters in the game, making him difficult to knock out. Finally, Patrick possesses a very high damage output, which makes him very imposing when he gets in on his opponent.

However, Patrick's not without his flaws. His slow speed and limited recovery make him have to be very patient in order to close the gap against his opponent, and he is fairly limited relative to most of the cast in terms of options in neutral. This makes Patrick struggle against zoner characters and characters that can generally outspeed him.

In spite of this, Patrick has achieved solid tournament representation, and continues to be a viable pick in competitive play.

NASB2 PatrickStock.png Patrick

NASB2 Patrick Costume00.png

SpongeBob Squarepants



Fall Speed




Run Speed


Air Speed


Strengths Weaknesses
  • Damage output: Patrick is a destructive force up close. He can deal insane amounts of damage in little time.
  • Small heavy: Patrick is fairly short for his weight class, which means he might be a little more difficult to kill than someone like Plankton or Reptar.
  • Dash attack: Patrick's dash attack is huge, fast, and can be comboed off of. You are likely going to use this move a lot in neutral.
  • Table: Patrick's Aerial Up Light lets him throw a table. This move is essential to his gameplan and works amazing as a combo tool, projectile, and edgeguarding tool.
  • Easy kill move: Aerial Up Strong kills fairly early on all stages. Very good tool to confirm off of a grab.
  • Bad recovery: Patrick's Up Special is slow and very committal. It doesn't have much horizontal distance, and, while he can grab out of it, he is most definitely getting spiked if he is not careful. Using the EX version or using Aerial Up Strong in between may help, but you're still at a disadvantage offstage otherwise.
  • Slow: Patrick is slow, not unlike most grapplers. This means he has to work his way into getting to his opponent.
  • Limited answers to projectiles: While lariat and table are effective and do help, Patrick doesn't have much in the way of dealing with zoners who can fire projectiles at him better and faster than he can. This means he might struggle to close the gap in some matchups.


Ground Light Attacks

Wumbo Combo
NASB2 Patrick LightNeutral.png
He definitely ain't Falco.
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
3% 2 3-5 0 -0

Patrick spins his body, hitting opponents with little knockback.

  • Press the LIGHT BUTTON again during the spin to make Patrick spin again. Each spin triggered by this will only deal 1% DAMAGE with no knockback, but can done indefinitely.
  • If Patrick spins more than once, he'll throw a jab at the end of the spin when you stop pressing the LIGHT BUTTON.
    • This jab deals 5% DAMAGE with decent knockback and a low angle.

Belly Bump
NASB2 Patrick LightForward-BellyBump.png
In the mood for destroying robots?
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
15% 9 10-18 32 -0

Patrick lunges forward using his belly, bumping opponents away with it.

  • At frame 15, the hitbox turns sour, reducing the move's knockback and deals 13% DAMAGE instead.

3 AM!
NASB2 Patrick LightUp-3AM.png
Who eats a Krabby Patty at 3 in the morning? This guy.
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
12% 7 8-19 27 -0

Patrick takes out a Krabby Patty, lifting it up above his head to eat it.

  • At frame 12, the hitbox turns sour, reducing the move's knockback and deals 10% DAMAGE instead.

Toot Laser
NASB2 Patrick LightDown-TootLaser.png
"This looks like a job for Patrick Star LaserPants!"
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
12% 6 7-10 26 -0

Patrick shoots a laser from his behind.

  • Has a lot of hit-stun.
  • Useful as a niche ledge poke.

Star Wheel
Light (Running)
NASB2 Patrick DashAttack-StarWheel.png
Spin the wheel of fate!
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
13% 8 9-24 35 -0

Patrick dashes forward doing a cart wheel.

  • At frame 20 the hitbox turns sour, reducing the move's knockback and deals 11% DAMAGE instead.
  • Amazing tech-chasing tool.

Air Light Attacks

Free Form Jazz
Light (Airborne)
NASB2 Patrick LightNeutralAir-FreeFormJazz.png
It's an acquired taste.
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
14% 5 6-34 42 -0

Patrick slams his belly while in the air.

  • The hitbox gets progressively smaller as active frames go by.
  • At frame 8 the hitbox turns sour, reducing the move's knockback and deals 12% DAMAGE instead.

Side Kick
Forward+Light (Airborne)
NASB2 Patrick LightForwardAir-SideKick.png
"Kicking? I wanna do some kicking!"
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
18% 17 18-31 43 -0

Patrick charges up a powerful dropkick while airborne.

  • At frame 20 the hitbox at the feet turns sour, reducing the move's knockback and deals 8% DAMAGE instead.

Back+Light (Airborne)
NASB2 Patrick LightBackAir-Tantrum.png
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
14% 8 9-16 34 -0

Patrick throws a tantrum in the air.

  • Patrick has 2 set of hitboxes, one in front of him and another on his legs.
    • The hitbox in front of him is the sour spot, deals 3% DAMAGE with weak knockback.
    • The hitbox on his legs is the sweet spot, deals 14% DAMAGE with kill potential.

Table Flip
Up+Light (Airborne)
NASB2 Patrick LightUpAir-TableFlip.png
Ha! I see you now, shapeshifter!
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
14% 12 13-14 38 -0

Patrick flips a table upwards.

  • At frame 13, Patrick creates a table projectile that travels in an arch trajectory.
    • Opponents hit by the projectile take 7% DAMAGE.
  • During the active frames, there's a sweet spot above his head that deals 14% DAMAGE with decent knockback.

I Wanna Do Some Kicking
Down+Light (Airborne)
NASB2 Patrick LightDownAir-IWannaDoSomeKicking.png
Whoever's the owner of the white Sedan, you left your lights on.
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
12% 10 11-26 41 -0

Patrick throws a low-kick on the air.

  • This move spikes opponents.
  • At frame 15 the hitbox turns sour, making the move send opponents hit upwards and deals 8% DAMAGE instead.

Ground Strong Attacks

No This Is Patrick!
NASB2 Patrick ChargeForward-NoThisIsPatrick.png
"I'm not a Krusty Krab..."
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
22% 0 0-0 0 -0

Patrick reminds you that this is, in fact, Patrick.

  • This move is situational, but can kill earlier than expected near the ledge.

Gimmie That Hat!
NASB2 Patrick ChargeUp-GimmieThatHat.png
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
20% 0 0-0 0 -0

Patrick shakes a coat rack upward.

  • This is a rather devastating kill move at times, but the range on it isn't great.

Steel Buns
NASB2 Patrick ChargeDown-SteelBuns.png
Those Iron Bun workout videos are really paying off.
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
21% 0 0-0 0 -0

Patrick jumps up in the air and crashes down with the Iron Butt.

  • Patrick does a short hop and then does a very devastating ground pound.
  • If he's under a platform while doing the move, the descent will be cut short.

Air Strong Attacks

I'm Gonna Starve
Strong (Airborne)
NASB2 Patrick ChargeForwardAir-ImGonnaStarve.png
"You took my only food!"
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
16% 0 0-0 0 -0

Patrick does a leaping forward bite.

  • Patrick hops slightly forward during this move, which gives it great momentum when canceled from Up Special.

Star Spin
Up+Strong (Airborne)
NASB2 Patrick ChargeUpAir-StarSpin.png
"No! Please! Have mercy!"
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
21% 0 0-0 0 -0

Wowowowowoo! Patrick does a multi-hit spin attack in the air.

  • This is his usual kill move, but it can also be used to rack up damage if you opt to not use the final hit.

Single Scoop Strawberry Cone
Down+Strong (Airborne)
NASB2 Patrick ChargeDownAir-SingleScoopStrawberryCone.png
"Just look at that concentration!"
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
22% 0 0-0 0 -0

Patrick performs the single scoop strawberry cone with a chocolate dip, flipping around and descending downwards.

  • Snaps to ledge very well, making edgeguards very potent.

Special Attacks

Double Lariat
NASB2 Patrick SpecialNeutral-DoubleLariat.png
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
12% 0 0-0 0 -0

Patrick becomes buffed and does a spin, dealing damage around him.

  • The EX version is larger and does 15% instead of 12%.

NASB2 Patrick SpecialForward-Hugdriver.png
"Patrick needs love too!"
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
24% 0 0-0 0 -0

Patrick hugs his opponent, jumps, and then smashes them against the ground.

  • Tip: Use this to KO yourself with your opponent.
  • The EX version causes him to do a double somersault in the air before descending, dealing a whopping 36%. It also looks very funny.

Counter Star Slam
NASB2 Patrick SpecialDown-CounterStarSlam.png
"SpongeBob's my best friend! Mine!"
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
00% 0 0-0 0 -0

Patrick gets ready for a counter attack.

  • When hit while in this stance, he grabs his opponent and slams them to the ground three times.
  • If Patrick counters a projectile, Patrick will move forward depending on his momentum.

I'm Already A Star
NASB2 Patrick SpecialUp-ImAlreadyAStar.png
"It's time to start... Livin' like Larry!"
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
16% 0 0-0 0 -0

Patrick propels himself diagonally into the air. Moving the stick during startup changes his direction. If he collides with an opponent while airborne, he grabs and damages them.

  • The Slime version of this move gains more distance, allowing for an easier time recovering.
  • Can lead to follow-ups on the ground such as a forward light or a grab.


NASB2 Patrick Grab.png
Awww, come here.
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
00% 0 0-0 0 -0

Patrick captures his opponent in a hold.

  • If you're in this situation, pray.

Dash Grab
Grab (Running)
NASB2 Patrick DashGrab.png
"Gotcha now!"
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
00% 0 0-0 0 -0

Patrick's dash grab.

  • Has a particularly interesting use as the animation is somewhat similar to Side Special, meaning it can be used for mix-up potential.

Grab Pummel
Light (Grabbing)
NASB2 Patrick Pummel.png
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
2% 0 0-0 0 -0

Up Throw
Up (Grabbing)
NASB2 Patrick UpThrow.png
Things are gonna get crazy.
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
15% 0 0-0 0 -0

The opponent slips out of Patrick's grasp.

  • This allows for follow-ups into Light Up Air and can even follow up into his kill moves, such as Side Special and Strong Up Air.

Forward Throw
Forward (Grabbing)
NASB2 Patrick ForwardThrow.png
Slam dunk, two handed reverse.
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
16% 0 0-0 0 -0

Patrick chucks the opponent forward, keeping them away from him.

  • Mainly done for positioning but can sometimes kill.

Down Throw
Down (Grabbing)
NASB2 Patrick DownThrow.png
The Iron Buns putting in work.
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
15% 0 0-0 0 -0

Patrick ground pounds his opponent.

  • Can lead into his Up Air projectile or a Charge Up Air

Back Throw
Back (Grabbing)
NASB2 Patrick BackThrow.png
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
18% 0 0-0 0 -0

Patrick suplexes his opponent.

  • This is a great kill move near the ledge.


NASB2 Patrick Super.png
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
40% 0 0-0 0 -0

Patrick pulls out his rock home and starts slamming it down on his opponent, a reference to the SpongeBob SquarePants episode, "Home Sweet Pineapple".


NASB2 Patrick TauntNeutral.png
"I play a mean belly!"
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
00% 0 0-0 0 -0
  • Patrick uses his belly like a drum, in reference to the SpongeBob SquarePants episode, "Krabby Road".

Down Taunt
NASB2 Patrick TauntDown.png
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
00% 0 0-0 0 -0
  • Patrick shouts his iconic line from the SpongeBob SquarePants episode, "Shanghaied".

Up Taunt
NASB2 Patrick TauntUp.png
"I got you now, SpongeBob!"
Damage Startup Active Frames Total Frames Safety
00% 0 0-0 0 -0
  • Patrick hypes himself up.








0 NASB2 Sponge Icon.png NASB2 Patrick Icon.png NASB2 Squidward Icon.png NASB2 Plankton Icon.png NASB2 ElTigre Icon.png NASB2 Rocko Icon.png NASB2 Jimmy Icon.png NASB2 Lucy Icon.png NASB2 Beavers-Daggett Icon.png NASB2 Beavers-Norbert Icon.png NASB2 Garfield Icon.png NASB2 Aang Icon.png NASB2 Korra Icon.png NASB2 Azula Icon.png NASB2 Raphael Icon.png NASB2 Donatello Icon.png NASB2 April Icon.png NASB2 Danny Icon.png NASB2 Ember Icon.png NASB2 Gertie Icon.png NASB2 Gerald Icon.png NASB2 Nigel Icon.png NASB2 Zim Icon.png NASB2 Jenny Icon.png NASB2 Reptar Icon.png NASB2 RenStimpy Icon.png NASB2 Krabs Icon.png NASB2 Zuko Icon.png NASB2 Rocksteady Icon.png

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