1: The life bar. When it is depleted you lose the round by KO.
2: Timer. Starts at 99. If the timer runs out whoever has the most life remaining wins that round.
3: Super meter. Can stock up to three bars of super meter. Super Moves, Excel, Guard Break, and Cancel Break all cost one bar of super meter, Meteor Supers cost all three bars of super meter. A green bar means you have no super meter available, a blue super bar means you have one super bar available, a yellow super bar means you have two super bars available, and a red bar means you have all three super bars available.
4: Round indicator. Shows what rounds have been taken, a different symbol shows up depending on how the round was finished (similar to Alpha 2). A V symbol means the round was taken with a normal attack, S symbol means the round was taken with a special move, S symbol with a blue border means the round was taken with a super move, H symbol means the round was taken with a throw, E symbol means the round was taken while Excel was active, M symbol means the round was taken with a meteor super (level 3 super), a half eaten apple symbol means the round was taken with chip damage, and a clock symbol means the round was taken by a timeout.