Basic Controls
Joystick (Facing Left):
- Used for movement, jumping and blocking
- - Move forward
- - Move backwards; standing block
- - Crouch
- - Crouching Block
- OR OR - Jump (in respective direction)
- - Quarter circle forward (QCF)
- - Quarter circle backward (QCB)
- - Half circle forward (HCF)
- - Half circle backward (HCB)
- - Dragon punch (DP)
- - Reverse Dragon Punch Motion (RDP)
- - Full turn. Complete 360° rotation movement (360°)
- , - Double turn. Two complete rotations, resulting in a 720° motion (720°)
- - Light Punch / Jab
- - Medium Punch / Strong
- - Heavy Punch / Fierce
- - Light Kick / Short
- - Medium Kick / Forward
- - Heavy Kick / Roundhouse
Advanced Controls
- Input a Guard Break during a special move or super to perform a Cancel Break for one additional bar of meter