Released in late 1992, Street Fighter 2 Hyper Fighting (known as Street Fighter 2 Turbo in Japan) is Capcom's final Street Fighter release on the CPS1 arcade hardware, and a response to bootleg versions of Street Fighter 2' Champion Edition which often had faster gameplay and allowed special moves to be performed in the air.
Hyper Fighting introduced an overall game sped up, fixed SF2CE bugs (But not all of them!) and balanced the characters in various ways, including additional moves for several of them and even nerfing some top tiers. Examples of this are:
• Air hurricane kicks with Ken and Ryu
• Chun-li Fireball
• Blanka Vertical Ball ("Upball")
• E. Honda Sumo Splash
• No more infinite combos for M.Bison (Dictator)
• And tons more...
Ryu | E.Honda | Blanka | Guile | Balrog | Vega |
Ken | Chun-Li | Zangief | Dhalsim | Sagat | M.Bison |