Marvel vs Capcom 2/Silver Samurai

From SuperCombo Wiki


Kenuichio Harada, better known as Silver Samurai, is a mutant with the ability to create tachyon fields and focus them onto anything. Generally he puts this on his sword, allowing it to cut through almost anything. He is a sometimes foe-sometimes friend of the X-Men, Wolverine in particular.

In Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Silver Samurai is a very flexible character with a great projectile, good mixup, an instant overhead, and one of the best supers in the entire game. With just one meter you can hard punish any bad assist call, and the super is 100% safe on block. Generally, Silver Samurai fits with any team. He loves having meter and has two decent assists, though generally he needs an assist to do anything special. He also has the most supers of any character in the game with 8 different supers, but most of them are not that useful.


Silver Samurai is a flexible fighter who can do a lot with very little. Even having just one bar is enough to get your opponent to rethink calling assists. He also has good health and great chip damage.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Good Mixup: Between lows and his instant overhead j.HK, Silver Samurai has a pretty decent mixup game.
  • Good Vortex: As j.HP sends opponents directly downward, it's easy to abuse the knockdown from it to go into another low-high mixup.
  • Assist Destroyer: With one bar, Silver Samurai can deal over half health or more to some assists.
  • Great Damage: With just one assist like T.Bonne projectile or one bar with Raimeiken, Silver Samurai can do half health or more in one combo.
  • Very Good Chip Damage: Turtling is not a great option for an opponent, as Shuriken and Cho-Shuriken do great chip damage.
  • Health: Silver Samurai takes 93% damage instead of the normal 100%, allowing him to live slightly longer.
  • One of the Game's Best Supers: Raimeiken is one of the best supers in the entire game, being fast, high damage, and safe on block.
  • Lack of Movement Options: Probably the single biggest weakness of Silver Samurai. Outside of dashing and jumping, he has little to no movement options.
  • Meter Reliant: Needs meter to really do anything effective, as Raimeiken costs bar.
  • Poor Hitboxes: Seriously. The hitboxes on almost every single normal do not match the animation at all.
  • Inconsistent Combos: Simple two button chains can drop at long range, and Raimeiken is not 100% consistent.
  • Assist Reliant: Needs an assist to really get a combo off his instant overhead, and without one it's not very threatening.

Character Summary

Special Moves

Shuriken (Air OK)
  • Qcf.png + Lp.png or Hp.png (Aim with Up or Down)
  • Mash Lp.png or Hp.png OR Dp.png + Lp.png or Hp.png
Running Hyakuretsutou
  • Tap F.png, F.png during Hyakuretsutou
Super Moves

Cho-Shuriken (Air OK in Lightning Mode Only)
  • Qcf.png + Lp.pngHp.png
  • Qcf.png + Lk.pngHk.png (Mashable, Normal or Lightning Mode)
  • Qcf.png + Lk.pngHk.png (Ice Mode)
  • Qcf.png + Lk.pngHk.png (Fire Mode)
Toki-Rai (Lightning)
  • Qcb.png + P.png
Toki-Hyo (Ice)
  • Qcb.png + Lk.png
Toki-En (Fire)
  • Qcb.png + Hk.png
Hyper Hyakuretsutou
  • A1 + A2 with Assist α
Assist Moves

Type α - Ground Type
  • Assist: Hp.png Hyakuretsutou
  • Counter: Hp.png Hyakuretsutou
  • Combination: Hyper Hyakuretsutou
Type β - Projectile Type
  • Assist: Hp.png Shuriken
  • Counter: Hp.png Shuriken
  • Combination: Cho-Shuriken
Type γ - Launcher Type
  • Assist: D.png + Hp.png
  • Counter: D.png + Hp.png
  • Combination: Raimeiken
MVC2 samurai art.png


First Row: LP, HP, A1. Second Row: LK, HK, A2.


Moves List

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

Light Punch
5LP // Lp.png
MVC2 Samurai 5LP 01.png
MVC2 Samurai 5LP 02.png
A quick slash.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 5 3 20 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Chain, Special, Super - - -

Very long recovery for a light attack. On the last active frame, the hitbox changes to the one in the second image, this takes 2 frames.
(Note the thin, tiny hitboxes - this is a running theme with this character.)

Light Punch
5LP (delay), LP // Lp.png (delay) Lp.png
MVC2 Samurai 5LP2 01.png
MVC2 Samurai 5LP2 02.png
Another quick slash.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 2 4 18 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Chain, Special, Super - - -

Very long recovery for a light attack. This attack does not come out on hit by mashing, you must intentionally delay your input. This will come out by pressing LP twice, even if the first hit whiffs. On the last active frame, the hitbox changes to the one in the second image, this takes 3 frames.

Medium Punch
5MP // Lp.pngLp.png
MVC2 Samurai 5MP 01.png
MVC2 Samurai 5MP 02.png
One slash.
MVC2 Samurai 5MP 03.png
MVC2 Samurai 5MP 04.png
Two slashes.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
5, 3 8 2, 2 34 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Special, Super - - -

Mainly used as a move with more hitstun to confirm into his specials or supers.

Heavy Punch
5HP // Hp.png
MVC2 Samurai 5HP 01.png
MVC2 Samurai 5HP 02.png
A big slash.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
10 11 2 45* HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Special, Super - - -

A swing of his sword upward. The asterisk in the recovery field denotes that this move has a special property, it can be crouch cancelled to shorten the recovery to just 12 frames. On the last active frame, the hitbox changes to the one in the second image, this takes 1 frame.

Additionally, this attack has the unique property of being crouch cancelable. This enables Silver Samurai to link lights afterwards to continue a combo, as well as leading to an infinite in the corner (5HP, crouch cancel -> PP dash, 5LK 5HP, repeat). His crouch cancel 5HP is also excellent for building meter.

Heavy Punch
5HP, 5HP// Hp.png, Hp.png
MVC2 Samurai 5HP2 01.png
A followup slash that knocks down.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
10 9 4 40 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Special, Super - - -

A swing of his sword at the opponents feet. This knocks down on hit, but even though it looks like it hits low, it does not. Cannot be crouch cancelled, so recovery is static.

Light Kick
5LK // Lk.png
MVC2 Samurai 5LK 01.png
MVC2 Samurai 5LK 02.png
A quick poke forward.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 4 4 16 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Chain, Special, Super - - -

Very long recovery for a light attack. On the last active frame, the hitbox changes to the one in the second image, this takes 3 frames. Tied for your fastest grounded attack.

Medium Kick
5MK // Lk.png, Lk.png
MVC2 Samurai 5MK 01.png
MVC2 Samurai 5MK 02.png
Another quick poke forward.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
7 9 5 22 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Special, Super - - -

Another quick stab, mainly used as combo filler. On the last active frame, the hitbox changes to the one in the second image, this takes 4 frames.

Heavy Kick
5HK // Hk.png
MVC2 Samurai 5HK 01.png
A leaping stab.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
13 15 1 31 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Special, Super - - -

One of the more bizarre moves in Silver Samurai's movekit, he leaps forward and attacks overhead with a stab (though it can be blocked low or high). This does put him airborne, but it can still be special and super cancelled, including before when the hitbox comes out.

Crouching Normals

Crouching Light Punch
2LP // D.png + Lp.png
MVC2 Samurai 2LP 01.png
MVC2 Samurai 2LP 02.png
A swing toward the legs.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 4 3 13 L
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Chain, Special, Super - - -

A quick slice toward the legs. One of the few crouching punches in the game that hits low. On the last active frame, the hitbox changes to the one in the second image, this takes 2 frames. Tied for your fastest grounded attack.

Crouching Medium Punch
2MP // D.png + Lp.png, Lp.png
MVC2 Samurai 2MP 01.png
MVC2 Samurai 2MP 02.png
Another swing toward the legs.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
7 11 3 24 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Special, Super - - -

A swing over Silver Samurai's head and toward the opponent's legs. Does not hit low. On the last active frame, the hitbox changes to the one in the second image, this takes 2 frames.

Crouching Heavy Punch
2HP // D.png + Hp.png
MVC2 Samurai 2HP 01.png
MVC2 Samurai 2HP 02.png
A swing upward.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
13 11 2 37 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Special, Super - - -

Silver Samurai swings his blade upward, launching the opponent on hit. On the last active frame, the hitbox changes to the one in the second image, this takes 1 frame.

Crouching Light Kick
2LK // D.png + Lk.png
MVC2 Samurai 2LK 01.png
MVC2 Samurai 2LK 02.png
A crouching stab forward.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 5 3 12 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Chain, Special, Super - - -

Silver Samurai crouches and stabs his blade forward. On the last active frame, the hitbox changes to the one in the second image, this takes 2 frames.

Crouching Medium Kick
2MK // D.png + Lk.png, Lk.png
MVC2 Samurai 2MK 01.png
A stab upward.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
7 8 2 22 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Special, Super - - -

Silver Samurai stabs his blade upward, popping the opponent up slightly on hit. Not a launcher.

Crouching Heavy Kick
2HP // D.png + Hk.png
MVC2 Samurai 2HK 01.png
MVC2 Samurai 2HK 02.png
A low hitting sweep.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
13 11 3 34 L
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Special, Super - - -

Silver Samurai lunges forward and swipes his blade along the ground, knocking the opponent down on hit. On the last active frame, the hitbox changes to the one in the second image, this takes 2 frames.

Jumping Normals

Jumping Light Punch
Jump + Lp.png
MVC2 Samurai j.LP 01.png
Wow, a move that doesn't have completely weird hitboxes or frame data!
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 6 10 16 H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Chain, Special, Super - - -

Stabs his blade forward, and lets it linger. Mainly an air combo starter.

Jumping Medium Punch
Jump + Lp.png, Lp.png
MVC2 Samurai j.MP 01.png
MVC2 Samurai j.MP 02.png
An upward aerial swing.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
7 6 9 12 H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Chain, Special, Super - - -

Swings his blade upward in the air. Mainly just combo filler. Takes 6 frames to switch to the next hitbox image.

Jumping Heavy Punch
Jump + Hp.png
MVC2 Samurai j.HP 01.png
MVC2 Samurai j.HP 02.png
A downward aerial swing.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
13 10 2 Until landing H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Special, Super - - -

Swings his blade downward. Sends the opponent straight down after connecting in the air, allowing for a much easier mixup after an air combo. Technically has 239 frames of recovery, but you'll never see all of them. Takes 1 frame to switch to the next hitbox image.

Jumping Light Kick
Jump + Lk.png
MVC2 Samurai j.LK 01.png
MVC2 Samurai j.LK 02.png
A downward kick.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 5 18 4 H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Chain, Special, Super - - -

A downward kick with a TON of active frames. Can usually hit a jumping medium before landing on crouching opponents. Takes 4 frames to switch to the next hitbox image.

Jumping Medium Kick
Jump + Lk.png, Lk.png
MVC2 Samurai j.MK 01.png
An upward aerial stab.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
7 6 2 14 H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Chain, Special, Super - - -

An upward stab. Mainly used as air combo filler.

Jumping Heavy Kick
Jump + Hk.png
MVC2 Samurai j.HK 01.png
Let the mix begin.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
13 9 1 Until landing H
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Special, Super - - -

This is it. One of Silver Samurai's best moves for opening opponents up. This hits a crouching opponent as an instant overhead on nearly everyone on the cast. Combine this with a good assist like Tron projectile or Cyclops anti-air, and you can land a half health combo, j.HP ender, rinse and repeat until the opponent is dead. Technically has 268 frames of recovery, but you'll never see all of them.

Universal Mechanics

3HP // Df.png + Hp.png
MVC2 Samurai 2HP 01.png
MVC2 Samurai 2HP 02.png
Crouching heavy punch, but a bit better.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
14 9 4 40 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Special, Super - - -

Raw launcher. Slightly faster and does 1 more damage than crouching heavy punch, but cannot be chained into.

Throw (Punch)
4/6HP // B.png or F.png+Hp.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
16 - - - N/A
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Throw None - - -

Silver Samurai grabs his opponent, puts them on the end of his blade, leaps into the air, and slams his blade into the ground, stabbing the opponent. Press back to throw them the other way.

Throw (Kick)
4/6HK // B.png or F.png+Hk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
16 - - - N/A
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Throw None - - -

Silver Samurai grabs his opponent, lays on the ground, and kicks them behind him, like Ryu's kick throw. Press back to throw them the other way.

Special Moves

QCF+LP or HP // Qcf.png + Lp.png or Hp.png (Air OK)
MVC2 Samurai QCF P 01.png
MVC2 Samurai QCF P 03.png
Air version hurtboxes.
MVC2 Samurai QCF P 02.png
Colors are not correct, hitbox is.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
8, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 (18 total) Normal Mode, Lightning Mode, Fire Mode: 12
Ice Mode: 21
- Normal Mode, Lightning Mode, Fire Mode: 42
Ice Mode: 10
Air Shuriken, All Modes: 34
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Projectile Super - - -

Silver Samurai throws a multi-hitting shuriken at his opponent. You can guide the projectile by pressing up or down on the joystick. HP travels faster than LP. Every hit does chip damage, making this a good projectile on block too. The last 5 hits will always do 2 damage, no matter the current scaling of the combo. This move is modified by his sword element power-ups in the following ways:

Fire: 6-hits. Travels faster and deals slightly more damage while setting the opponent on fire.

Ice: 3-hits. More start-up, but significantly less recovery. So much so that Silver Samurai can combo from it.

Lightning 1-hit. As fast as Fire, but very little damage and enormous recovery. Enough for Silver Samurai to be punished on hit. Never use this.

Mash LP or HP OR DP + LP or HP // Mash Lp.png or Hp.png OR Dp.png + Lp.png or Hp.png
MVC2 Samurai DP P 01.png
MVC2 Samurai DP P 02.png
MVC2 Samurai DP P 03.png
MVC2 Samurai DP P 04.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 per hit Normal Mode, Lightning Mode: 9 (LP), 16 (HP)
Ice Mode: 6 (LP), 9 (HP)
Fire Mode: 16 (LP), 30 (HP)
4 per Hit (LP), 2 per Hit (HP) Normal Mode, Lightning Mode, Ice Mode: 22
Fire Mode: 8
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Super - - -

Silver Samurai swings rapidly in front of him, cutting his opponent with his blade. HP swings faster and does more damage overall, while LP has faster startup. This is modified by his elemental power-ups in the following ways:

Fire: Far greater startup, enough so to not combo. However, the slashes are faster and deal more damage. HP version is preferred as it deals more damage and won't drop the combo when performing the dashing followup.

Ice: Comes out quickly but individual slashes are slower. Frequently drops the last hit of the dashing follow-up.

Lightning: Largely acts the same as the base version, but with less damage.

Running Hyakuretsutou
F, F, during Hyakuretsutou// F.png, F.png during Hyakuretsutou
MVC2 Samurai FF DP P 01.png
MVC2 Samurai FF DP P 02.png
MVC2 Samurai FF DP P 03.png
MVC2 Samurai FF DP P 04.png
MVC2 Samurai FF DP P 05.png
MVC2 Samurai FF DP P 06.png
MVC2 Samurai FF DP P 07.png
More slashes!
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4 per hit 0 4 per hit 66 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- Super - - -

Silver Samurai swings rapidly in front of him, now while running. This is MASSIVELY unsafe on block, so be sure that the slashes before this move hit, otherwise you'll be eating the biggest combo the opponent has to offer.


A1 // A2
MVC2 Samurai DP P 01.png
MVC2 Samurai DP P 02.png
MVC2 Samurai DP P 03.png
MVC2 Samurai DP P 04.png
Assist α
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
4, 4, 4, 4 (16 Total) - - - HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

One of his two good assists. Very good for lockdown and extending pressure, as he's out swinging for a while. A "ghetto version" of Spiral's γ assist.

A1 // A2
MVC2 Samurai QCF P 01.png
MVC2 Samurai QCF P 02.png
Assist β
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
8, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 (18 Total) - - - HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Projectile - - - -

Silver Samurai throws a multi-hitting shuriken at his opponent. Good for zoning and does decent chip.

Crouching Heavy Punch
A1 // A2
MVC2 Samurai 2HP 01.png
MVC2 Samurai 2HP 02.png
Assist γ
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
13 - - - HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

This is just crouching heavy punch... The only good thing going for this assist is that the team super is Raimeiken, but that's just a waste. Don't bother picking this assist.

Hyper Combos

QCF+PP // Qcf.png+Lp.pngHp.png (Air OK in Lightning Mode)
MVC2 Samurai QCF P 01.png
MVC2 Samurai QCF P 02.png
Throws three of these shurikens.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
45 11 (10 pre-freeze, 1 post-freeze) - - HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Projectile - - - -

Silver Samurai throws three shurikens at once. Does very good chip damage, as every single one of the 18 hits does 1 point of chip.

QCF+KK in Normal or Lightning Mode // Qcf.png+Lk.pngHk.png in Normal or Lightning mode
MVC2 Samurai QCF N KK 01.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
3 damage per hit, total damage varies based on distance, mashing, and current combo amount. 11 (9 pre-freeze, 2 post-freeze) 93 (no mashing, can last longer by mashing, up to about 120 frames) 15 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Projectile - - - -

One of the best supers in the entire game. Blows up bad assist calls, does massive damage, can be heavily mashed, and covers the entire screen. It's also completely safe on block as well. Sometimes this super has small gaps where the opponent can fall out of the lightning, and you can potentially be punished for it, but overall, a fantastic super.

QCF+KK, in fire mode // Qcf.png+Lk.pngHk.png, in fire mode
MVC2 Samurai QCF N KK 01.png
The pillar of fire!
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
2 damage per hit 9 (9 pre-freeze, 0 post freeze) 95 15 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Projectile - - - -

A somewhat ok super, though you have to be in fire mode to access this super, and because of that, you barely ever see it. Unblockable post freeze, but it's also unsafe on block, and due to fire mode's penalties, Silver Samurai will get massively blown up if you do this at the wrong time.

QCF+KK, in ice mode // Qcf.png+Lk.pngHk.png, in ice mode
MVC2 Samurai QCF I KK 01.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
20 (level 1), 30 (level 2), 40 (level 3) 17 (15 pre-freeze, 2 post freeze) - 48 L
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
Projectile - - - -

Silver Samurai leaps to the middle of the screen, then slams his blade into the ground, sending up a row of ice spikes on either side of him. These spikes must be blocked low and freeze the opponent on hit. It does significant chip damage as well. While he is vulnerable as he hops to the middle of the screen, he loses his collision box, which means that he can crossup the opponent.

Toki-Rai (Lightning)
QCB+P // Qcb.png+P.png
MVC2 Samurai QCF N KK 01.png
All powerups have the same hitboxes.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
0 15 - 16 N/A
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Silver Samurai powers up with lightning. His moves become slightly faster, but he takes more damage (117% compared to his normal 93%) and deals 50% less damage. He can also do a full magic series while in this mode, instead of just a 2 hit chain on the ground. Alters his shurikens to be a single hit projectile. Also grants access to Air Cho-Shuriken. Decent powerup. All powerups can stack up to 3 times, and if this happens for lightning, his stamina returns to 93%.

1. The timer for the power-up super pauses during any of any attack that Silver Samurai connects with, as well as when he is hit or blocks.

2. If he has greater than 50% time left on the power-up and he performs it again, no time is added. But if he is below 50% duration, then it will reset to 50%.

3. If he swaps from one element to another (Fire to Ice for example), the power-up timer resets, but so will the power level (e.g. if you have level 3 Electricity and swap to Fire, you will be at Fire level 1).

4. These power-ups supers cannot be delayed-hyper comboed to nor from any other super.

5. The power-up effects are lost on tag-out.

Toki-Hyo (Ice)
QCB+LK // Qcb.png+Lk.png
MVC2 Samurai QCF N KK 01.png
All powerups have the same hitboxes.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
0 15 - 16 N/A
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Silver Samurai powers up with ice. While his moves do 50% less damage, he also takes significantly less damage (46% compared to 93%), as well as having super armor. Modifies the frame data of Shuriken and Hyakuretsutou, as well as altering his shurikens to be a 3-hit projectile with quick enough recovery to combo from. Changes Raimeiken to Hyougaken. Probably the best powerup. All powerups can stack up to 3 times, and if this happens for ice, Silver Samurai gains Hyper Armor as well as returning his damage to normal.

1. The timer for the power-up super pauses during any of any attack that Silver Samurai connects with, as well as when he is hit or blocks.

2. If he has greater than 50% time left on the power-up and he performs it again, no time is added. But if he is below 50% duration, then it will reset to 50%.

3. If he swaps from one element to another (Fire to Ice for example), the power-up timer resets, but so will the power level (e.g. if you have level 3 Electricity and swap to Fire, you will be at Fire level 1).

4. These power-ups supers cannot be delayed-hyper comboed to nor from any other super.

5. The power-up effects are lost on tag-out.

Toki-En (Fire)
QCB+HK // Qcb.png+Hk.png
MVC2 Samurai QCF N KK 01.png
All powerups have the same hitboxes.
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
0 15 - 16 N/A
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Silver Samurai powers up with fire. His moves do a bit more damage, but he also takes significantly more damage (140% compared to 93% at level 1). All normals now do chip damage. Modifies the frame data of Hyakuretsutou. Cho-Shuriken now knocks down. Changes Raimeiken to Homuraken. The worst of the three powerups. All powerups can stack up to 3 times. At level 2, stamina goes to 117%, and at level 3, his stamina returns to his usual 93%.

Special notes about any of his power-up supers:

1. The timer for the power-up super pauses during any of any attack that Silver Samurai connects with, as well as when he is hit or blocks.

2. If he has greater than 50% time left on the power-up and he performs it again, no time is added. But if he is below 50% duration, then it will reset to 50%.

3. If he swaps from one element to another (Fire to Ice for example), the power-up timer resets, but so will the power level (e.g. if you have level 3 Electricity and swap to Fire, you will be at Fire level 1).

4. These power-ups supers cannot be delayed-hyper comboed to nor from any other super.

5. The power-up effects are lost on tag-out.

Hyper Hyakuretsutou
A1+A2, while picking assist α
MVC2 Samurai FF DP P 01.png
MVC2 Samurai FF DP P 02.png
MVC2 Samurai FF DP P 03.png
MVC2 Samurai FF DP P 04.png
MVC2 Samurai FF DP P 05.png
MVC2 Samurai FF DP P 06.png
MVC2 Samurai FF DP P 07.png
Running slashes, but this time there's more of them!
Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard
45 6 (6 pre-freeze, 0 post-freeze) 4 per hit 56 HL
Special Property Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard Adv. Pushblock
- - - - -

Silver Samurai runs forward, rapidly slashing like his Running Hyakuretsutou. This super can only be accessed by a Team Hyper Combo (THC). Not bad as a combo tool, as it's pretty fast. Unblockable post freeze at point blank range.

Beginner Overview

General Gameplan

Generally, you're going to want to poke and build meter. Throw out shurikens to chip them down, if you can. Raimeiken is your biggest threat, learn when to use it and how to combo into it. Your main combo is off of c.HP, as it's a slightly better link than s.HP.

Sword powerups are generally a way to get yourself killed. It is usually a good idea to switch out if you accidentally activate his Toki-En/Fire powerup. If you get a lot of levels and want to show off, use Toki-Hyo/Ice. Ice can also be useful in 1v1 scenarios, where he's your last character.

As stated before, using the same sword powerup decreases the applied nerfs, giving you just the benefits at 3x. 3x Lightning gives faster attacks and slightly better chains with no decrease in health. 3x Fire gives all normals chip damage and more damage on all attacks with no decrease in health. 3x Ice gives you Hyper Armor. Using a different sword powerup cancels all previous effects and uses the new effects.

Be wary of accidentally activating sword powerups: smart players will be floating over your head trying to cross you up.

Odd fact: Silver Samurai cannot be thrown while he is crouching. He's also somewhat hard to unblockable.

Game Navigation

Characters (Marvel)
Doctor Doom
Iron Man
Omega Red
Silver Samurai
Wolverine - Claw
Characters (Capcom)
Captain Commando
Mega Man
Ruby Heart
Tron Bonne
Characters (Updating)
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Captain America
War Machine
Wolverine - Bone