He's got blonde hair and thus is clearly nothing like Ryu.
Midtier. His dragon punch and glitched hurrican kick make him playable.
First row: LP, HP, A1. Second row: LK, HK, A2.
Moves List
Normal Moves
Command normals
Mae Geri (aironly): u + mk
Senpuu Kyaku (aironly): u + hk
Inazuma Kakato Wari (overhead): f + hk
Special Moves

Super Moves

Assist Moves
The Basics
Beginner Overview
-Jump HK \/ d.c.LK > c.HP /\ qcb + HK
-Jump HP XX qcb + HK \/ d.s.LK > s.LK > s.HP XX qcb + KK
-Jump HP \/ d.s.LP > s.LK > c.HP XX qcf + KK
-Jump HP \/ d.s.LP > s.LK > s.HP XX qcf + HP XX qcb + KK
-Jump LP > LK > HP \/ d.s.LP > s.LK > s.LP > s.LK XX qcb + HK
-Jump LP > HP \/ d.c.LK > c.HP /\ sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.LP > sj.u + LK, f + HP
-Jump LP > HP \/ d.s.LP > s.LK > c.HP /\ sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.LP > sj.LK XX f,d,df + HP
-Jump HP \/ d.s.LP > s.LK > c.HP /\ sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.HP
-Jump HP \/ d.s.LP > s.LK > s.HP XX qcf + P XX qcf + PP
-Jump LP > LK > HP \/ d.s.LP > s.LK > s.LP > s.HP XX qcf + P XX qcf + PP \/ d.c.LK > c.HP /\ sj.LP > sj.LK > sj.LP > sj.LK XX f,d,df + HP
-Corner Jump LK > HK \/ d.c.LK > c.HK, qcf + KK \/ /\ Jump LP > LP > LK > HP > HK
-Corner Jump LP > LK > HP \/ d.s.LP > s.LK > s.LP > s.HP XX qcf + P XX qcf + PP \/ qcf + KK \/ /\ Jump LP > LP > LK > HP > HK
On most characters if they are at normal jump height: (Jump j.LP > j.MP > qcb + j.LK) repeat. Video: off Rogue throw assist, off Rogue throw by VDO, off Akuma-Y by EXProminence, off Spiral-Y by Kelm (also uses the 3 u.MK infinite), off Rogue throw starting midscreen by VDO. You can use either hurricane kick strength.
On most characters if they are at normal jump height: (Jump j.LP > j.MP > j.u.MK) repeat. Video: off Psylocke-A by Kelm
On Sentinel at normal jump height: (j.LK > j.MP > j.MK > j.HK) repeat. Video: off Akuma-Y by Khaos
The "Dodge Roll" can prove quite useful. This move can be used to roll behind your opponent and launch a surprise attack.
Advanced Strategy
There's more useful discussion of the practicalities and strengths of Ken in SRK's old The only ken thread you will EVER need.