Sakura | |
Health: | 144 |
Defensive Rating: | -2 |
Stun: | 40 |
Walk Speed Forward: | 300 |
Walk Speed Backward: | 250 |
Jump Backward: | 51f (3+48+0) |
Neutral Jump: | 50f (3+47+0) |
Jump Forward: | 49f (3+46+0) |
Wake-Up: | 51f |
Quick Rise: | 20f |
Throw Range: | 17 |
Sakura has an unusual interest in street fighting. Most high school girls don't walk down the street looking to pick a fight, but ever since her run-in with three college men, she has sought to take her revenge.
Sakura is very high in the tier list, and for a good reason, being right there with Gief in the high tier group, right under the big 4. She is very difficult to fight, and one knockdown can win her the round. While not extremely damaging, she has some great tools that give her the ability to win against a lot of characters. Her main goal should be to get close to her opponent and use her punch throw to set up her most damaging mixups. Her quick walk speed and good grounded normals give her some tools that can allow her to do just that with smart play.
Players to watch:
Hokuto, VickiViper
Strengths | Weaknesses |
Normal Moves
SFA2 Framedata Glossary | |
Damage |
Units of base damage inflicted by the move (100% life bar = 144 units of health). Most moves have a damage range; the number inside the square brackets indicates which Random Damage Table the move uses to look up any additional damage and the % chance of doing so. |
Stun |
Units of stun inflicted by the move. |
Startup |
The frame the move hits on (1st active frame). Super moves with a screen freeze will separate pre- and post-screen freeze startup frames by a '+' (Ex: 5+0). |
Active |
The portion of a move that can hit. How many frames a move remains active for. ()=Inactive frames in-between active frames. [xN]=Repeated sequences. |
Frame Adv |
The frame advantage values when the attack is blocked. (Add +1 frame to all OnBlockAdv values for the move's OnHitAdv value; Ex: +2oB/+3oH, -4oB/-3oH) |
Meter |
The units of meter gained on whiff/block/hit. (48, 96, and 144 units of meter are required for 1, 2, and 3 bars of meter respectively) |
Block |
Low attacks must be blocked crouching. High attacks must be blocked standing. Mid attacks can be blocked either way. |
Properties |
Frames |
All framedata collected with the game speed set to normal, where the game tickrate and framerate are the same(60fps). |
Speed |
All framedata collected with the game speed set to normal. |
Hitboxes |
All hitbox images have the character standing/jumping in the exact same position, so hitbox distances can be easily compared.
Credit | Damage, stun, framedata, meter, and updated hitboxes collected by Veri7as, July 2022 |
Neutral Jumping
Diagonal Jumping
Command Normals
Normal Throws
Damage | Stun | Startup | Active | Frame Adv | Meter | Block | Properties |
8[0]+1xN+3[0] = 11-17 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | -/-/3 | N/A |
- Mashable throw from both sides to add or reduce the number of hits. With a min of 3 and a max of 8 hits.
- Always switches sides.
- Deals 10 damage when opponent tech throws.
- Sakura has average throw range (Alpha2ThrowRanges).
The only throw you should be using. This throw does decent damage and allows for a perfect cross-up.
Damage | Stun | Startup | Active | Frame Adv | Meter | Block | Properties |
17[0] | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | -/-/3 | N/A |
- Deals 8 damage when opponent tech throws.
- Sakura has average throw range (Alpha2ThrowRanges).
Alpha Counters
Punch Alpha Counter
(while in blockstun)+
Kick Alpha Counter
(while in blockstun)+
Special Moves
Version | Damage | Stun | Startup | Active | Frame Adv | Meter | Block | Properties |
13[7], 9[6] | 8, 8 | 21 | 3(0)32 | -7 | 4/6/9 | |||
, | 15[8], 11[7] | 10, 10 | 33 | 3(0)20 | -7 | 5/7/10 | ||
, , | 17[11], 13[10] | 12, 12 | 45 | 3(0)12 | -7 | 6/8/11 |
- Punishable on hit.
- Punch strength has no impact on the fireball.
This move can be charged by pressing punch, which also builds more meter. Kara-cancel cr.hp into this for meter.
- [Hitboxes pictured 1st & 2nd]
- Speed: 450 pixels per 100 frames; 4th fastest fireball in the game (Alpha2Fireballs).
Very good zoning tool from afar. Release speed isnt great, recovery is good.
, - [Hitboxes pictured 3rd]
, , - [Hitboxes pictured 4th]
Best used as an anti air, normally in fireball fights. Has a huge hitbox, so if you expect them to jump, charge then release. At worst the hadoken will trade, and does good damage.
Dragon Punch, Uppercut
Not an anti-air despite its looks.
- [Hitboxes pictured]
- Hits 1 time max.
- Hits 4 times max.
- Hits 6 times max.
Her main combo move that sets up an ambiguous cross-up.
Hurricane Kick, Tatsu
- Hits 1 time max.
Different than the Shotos' Tatsu, she actually travels in a arc, going higher and farther the stronger the button pressed.
- [Hitboxes pictured]
- Punishable on hit when the first hit lands.
Goes over fireballs.
Super Moves
Startup Invulnerability Notes:
- At the end of a super screen freeze, projectiles will start moving before the opponent's character is unfrozen, giving the supers more projectile invul. frames than hit invul. frames.
Shinku Hadoken
Fireball Super
Pretty much worthless super. Not safe on block & weak damage. Yes it can anti-air, but that's meter you could have used for an anti-air custom combo.
- Damage decreases with distance.
- Cannot be air blocked.
Level 1
- 5 frames of startup hit invul.; 0 of which while active.
- 9 frames of startup projectile invul.
- Hits 3 times.
Level 2
- 5 frames of startup hit invul.; 0 of which while active.
- 9 frames of startup projectile invul.
- Hits 4 times.
Level 3
- 5 frames of startup hit invul.; 0 of which while active.
- 9 frames of startup projectile invul.
- Hits 5 times.
Midare Zakura
Dragon Punch Super
- The first two hits occur before the super screen freeze ends.
- A full 2 quarter-circles isn't required. Required inputs: +
Level 1 - [Hitboxes pictured]
- 5 frames of startup hit invul.; 1 of which while active.
- 12 frames of startup projectile invul.
- Hits 4 times.
Doesn't do much more damage than her BnB. May not be worth the meter.
Level 2
- 6 frames of startup hit invul.; 2 of which while active.
- 16 frames of startup projectile invul.
- Hits 6 times.
Level 3
- 10 frames of startup hit invul.; 1 of which while active.
- 20 frames of startup projectile invul.
- Hits 7 times.
Good damage, worth comboing into.
Instant low (need to be blocking before the super freeze) and puts opponent in blockstun after super is over, letting you continue the pressure. Can be comboed into, good damage.
- A full 2 quarter-circles isn't required. Required inputs: +
Level 1
- 3 frames of startup hit invul.; 0 of which while active.
- 11 frames of startup projectile invul.
- Hits 5 times.
Level 2
- 4 frames of startup hit invul.; 1 of which while active.
- 12 frames of startup projectile invul.
- Hits 6 times.
Level 3
- 4 frames of startup hit invul.; 1 of which while active.
- 13 frames of startup projectile invul.
- Hits 7 times.
The Basics
What does Sakura want?
The shoto-specialist, Sakura craves setplay.
Sakura has one of the SFA2's most infamous win conditions. On most knockdowns, Sakura can put the opponent in a looping 50/50 mixup. On a throw setup, there is no mix. Her crossup can be genuinely unblockable. Her incredible normals and devastating hit confirms are a means to this end; Sakura steals rounds constantly.
Knock down. Cross up. Combo. Repeat. Thats what it breaks down to, but you have a few options when you get up close and they are blocking. You want to try to keep close to land BnBs.
Starter, x2
If hit continue to BnB.
If blocked you can do a couple things:
walk up throw If successful, you have a free cross-up. If they blocked your cross up, start back at x2. Another thing to do is empty jump into BnB.
Escaping throw > jumping mk crossup:
Teleport, Roll
Adon DP
Birdie Jump (due to his wakeup speed)
Dictator Teleport, Walk Forward (due to his wakeup speed)
Charlie Nash
Chun-Li Upkicks
Dhalsim Yoga Teleport
Gen DP can trade with it or escape if it goes the wrong way, Crane (3K)
Guy Crouch
Rose Slide, but Sakura can punish it
Sagat Tiger Knee
Sodom Tengu Walk
Zangief Punch Lariat (Trades)
walk up, counter hit,
Do this to counter them trying to throw you. If blocked, walk up throw or go for cross up.
Cross-up If blocked go back to x2, or hesistate then throw, or f+mk into combo.
counter hit c.rh Do this if you think they are mashing then go for cross up, if blocked match is reset.
5.counter hit s.fp xx hadouken
This will push you back out.
Basically, try to stay on your opponent to land combos or grab. Her acs arent great but if hit they are non-rollable so, in some cases, a free cross up.
Advanced Strategy
Combos x3, xx hp dp
This is your main combos, easy to hit confirm, great stun, and damage. Anytime you land a, it shoud end in a xx hp dp. Best BnB in the game hands down. Learn it, love it, live or gtfo. More on this in general strat.
- s.hp xx hp dp (use to punish)
- x2, super
- s.hp xx hurricane kick (Hk vesion)
- f+mk, link xx hp dp
- f+mk, link xx qcb x2+k
-, link xx hp dp
-, link xx super
- Cr.LK x2,s.LK, HP SOK
F+MK,link cr.LK,HP SOK
Cr.HP,HP SOK or Lvl3 H.Ichiban
f+mk, link xx hurricane super
Custom Combos
Sakura doesn’t have the strongest customs, but still good damage and tool to have.
Lvl 1- c.rh xx hk hurricane, hp dp c.rh xxhp dp, hp dp
lvl 2- c.rh xx hp dp x3 c.rh xx hk hurricane, hp dp x2
lvl 3- c.rh xx hk hurricane, hp dp x3
Anti air CC-
s.lp or xx hp dps (for lvl 3 use mp dps, end with hp dp)
For her ground custom, getting all hp dps can be hard to time, you can make it easier by:
1. Replacing 1 hp dp with mp dp
2. Using mk hurricane instead on hk hurricane.
[CC]c.HK,HP SOKx2[/CC]
[CC]s.MP,HP SOKx3[/CC]
You pretty much just have to out play him. It’s not too horrible though because she’s real small so she can duck his s.fp and even his hurricane most of the time. So you’re both missing chunks of your offense. If you wanna beat him air to air use or, should work fine. Jump in with mainly j.fp or j.rh since you can’t really cross him up so no need for, except deep corner.
Just play basic mindgames:, throw, wait half a second,, xx DP overhead, xx DP Cross over empty jump, duck hurricane, combo. Etc.- Dreamfire
s.fp help alot in that match also cause it beast hurricane.- RSX
This is Sakura's worst matchup because Sagat can easily win in the fireball war due to Sakura's fireball not going fullscreen, and High Tiger Cannon can punish Sak on her fireball recovery. He's too tall to perform the ambigious crossup when he's standing. Not to mention Sagat's anti air options which he can completely shut you down with. In order to win, Sakura HAS to build meter, and HAS to take risks.
Once meter is built: there's two ways to go at this MU:
- If the player is defensive: Slowly inch your way towards Sagat by jumping in properly into CC activation, level 3 Shinkuu Hadou just to give you some real estate, or if you're really brave, walk forward and play solid footsies with Cr MK/St HK.
- If the player is offensive: Use your Alpha Counters, Cr HP as an anti-air, make it top priority to knock Sagat down so that you can take the offensive with your BnB combos, tick throws, etc.