Dan | |
![]() | |
Health: | 144 |
Defensive Rating: | 0 |
Stun: | 40 |
Walk Speed Forward: | 300 |
Walk Speed Backward: | 200 |
Jump Backward: | 51f (3+48+0) |
Neutral Jump: | 50f (3+47+0) |
Jump Forward: | 49f (3+46+0) |
Wake-Up: | 44f |
Quick Rise: | 20f |
Throw Range: | 20 |
Ten years ago, Dan was merely a student training under his father, the well-known Gou Hibiki, however Sagat showed up at his dojo one day and fought Gou, and while he had his eye gouged out, he had killed Gou in a fit of rage. Dan has trained vigorously to avenge his father's death. Filled with incredible power, he unloads his most potent attack on those who stand in his way, and hopes to ensure his vengeance.
Normal Moves
SFA2 Framedata Glossary | |
Damage |
Units of base damage inflicted by the move (100% life bar = 144 units of health). Most moves have a damage range; the number inside the square brackets indicates which Random Damage Table the move uses to look up any additional damage and the % chance of doing so. |
Stun |
Units of stun inflicted by the move. |
Startup |
The frame the move hits on (1st active frame). Super moves with a screen freeze will separate pre- and post-screen freeze startup frames by a '+' (Ex: 5+0). |
Active |
The portion of a move that can hit. How many frames a move remains active for. ()=Inactive frames in-between active frames. [xN]=Repeated sequences. |
Frame Adv |
The frame advantage values when the attack is blocked. (Add +1 frame to all OnBlockAdv values for the move's OnHitAdv value; Ex: +2oB/+3oH, -4oB/-3oH) |
Meter |
The units of meter gained on whiff/block/hit. (48, 96, and 144 units of meter are required for 1, 2, and 3 bars of meter respectively) |
Block |
Low attacks must be blocked crouching. High attacks must be blocked standing. Mid attacks can be blocked either way. |
Properties |
Frames |
All framedata collected with the game speed set to normal, where the game tickrate and framerate are the same(60fps). |
Speed |
All framedata collected with the game speed set to normal. |
Hitboxes |
All hitbox images have the character standing/jumping in the exact same position, so hitbox distances can be easily compared.
Credit | Damage, stun, framedata, meter, and updated hitboxes collected by ![]() |
Neutral Jumping
Diagonal Jumping
Normal Throws
Damage | Stun | Startup | Active | Frame Adv | Meter | Block | Properties |
17[0] | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | -/-/3 | N/A | ![]() ![]() |
- Deals 8 damage when opponent tech throws.
- Dan has the 2nd best throw range in the game (Alpha2ThrowRanges).
Alpha Counters
Punch Alpha Counter
(while in blockstun)+
Kick Alpha Counter
(while in blockstun)+
Special Moves
Dragon Punch, Uppercut +
- Hits 1 time max.
- Unscaled damage in CC.
Invincible Startup
Dan will flash white during the start up of his Koryuken and gain invul on start up. This occurs with a random chance of 1/8 or after every 21 moves are done by the player.
- 9 frames of startup invul; 5 of which while active.
- Can't be air-blocked until frame 16.
- [Hitboxes pictured]
- Can't be air-blocked until frame 16.
- Can't be air-blocked until frame 16.
Super Moves
Startup Invulnerability Notes:
- At the end of a super screen freeze, projectiles will start moving before the opponent's character is unfrozen, giving the supers more projectile invul. frames than hit invul. frames.
Shinku Gadoken
Fireball Super +
The level will determine how far it travels on the screen before it disappears. It's mostly useful if you know it's gonna chip kill somebody.
- Cannot be air blocked.
Level 1
- 5 frames of startup hit invul.; 0 of which while active.
- 9 frames of startup projectile invul.
- Hits 3 times.
Level 2
- 5 frames of startup hit invul.; 0 of which while active.
- 9 frames of startup projectile invul.
- Hits 4 times.
Level 3
- 5 frames of startup hit invul.; 0 of which while active.
- 9 frames of startup projectile invul.
- Hits 5 times.
Koryu Rekka
Dragon Punch Super +
- A full 2 quarter-circles isn't required. Required inputs:
Level 1
- 5 frames of startup hit invul.; 0 of which while active.
- 8 frames of startup projectile invul.
- Hits 4 times.
Level 2
- 5 frames of startup hit invul.; 1 of which while active.
- 9 frames of startup projectile invul.
- Hits 5 times.
Can be combo'd after throw in the corner.
Level 3
- 6 frames of startup hit invul.; 2 of which while active.
- 10 frames of startup projectile invul.
- Hits 6 times.
Can be combo'd after throw in the corner.
- A full 2 quarter-circles isn't required. Required inputs:
Level 1
- 4 frames of startup hit invul.; 0 of which while active.
- 12 frames of startup projectile invul.
- Hits 5 times max.
Level 2
- 4 frames of startup hit invul.; 0 of which while active.
- 7 frames of startup projectile invul.
- Hits 7 times max.
Level 3
- 4 frames of startup hit invul.; 0 of which while active.
- 10 frames of startup projectile invul.
- Hits 11 times.
Damage | Stun | Startup | Active | Frame Adv | Meter | Block | Properties |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 4/-/- | N/A | - |
Dan is the only character in the game that can taunt more than once per round.
Shagami Chohatsu
(crouch) Taunt+ (Start)
Damage | Stun | Startup | Active | Frame Adv | Meter | Block | Properties |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 3/-/- | N/A | - |
Kuchu Chohatsu
(air) Taunt
(in air)(Start)
Damage | Stun | Startup | Active | Frame Adv | Meter | Block | Properties |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 0/-/- | N/A | - |
Zenten Chohatsu
(forward roll) Taunt+ (Start)
Damage | Stun | Startup | Active | Frame Adv | Meter | Block | Properties |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 5/-/- | N/A | - |
Koten Chohatsu
(backward roll) Taunt+ (Start)
Damage | Stun | Startup | Active | Frame Adv | Meter | Block | Properties |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 5/-/- | N/A | - |
Chohatsu Densetsu
(super) Taunt+ (Start)
Damage | Stun | Startup | Active | Frame Adv | Meter | Block | Properties |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 0/-/- | N/A | ![]() |
- Receives 125% damage when counter hit. Only after landing from jump.
The legendary super taunt. Spend a whole meter to do absolutely nothing.
The Basics
Considering Dan's status as a joke character, he basically loses to everyone in the game except himself. For the sake of not having redundancy, minus the mirror match, all of his matchups are 3-7 at best, 1-9 at worst. Three decent normals, decent CC damage, and an okayish KAC. Good luck!
he has shotoesque normals, so pokes should be familiar:
s.LK close, c.LP/MP/LK/MK -> they all combo into Gadouken
s.MK far (works as anti-air too)
don’t use s.HK ever! if you find any use for it… let me know. it resembles Guy’s s.HK, but it sucks even more
s.HP is not very reliable, use it from a safe distance (or after a j.HK because it’ll combo) s.MP is your friend up close (can combo into Gadouken)
anti air:
c.HP = shotoesque godliness
s.MK is good too, more against big characters air-to-air:
j.LK is pretty good, but don’t use it for upwards attacks or against incoming angled air attacks (like Chun’s j.LK)
j.MP is a standard shoto normal and has very good priority
j.MK is very good, i’d use this mostly air-to-ground:
j.LK recovers fast and you can do some sweeps, ground mixups. Can be used as a fast overhead upclose by jumping back and instantly hitting LK
j.MP / j.MK can combo into various things: j.MP / j.MK + s.MP + Gadouken j.MP / j.MK + c.MK + Gadouken j.MP + c.HP + Gadouken j.HK can combo into: sweep, c.MK + Gadouken, c.HP + Gadouken
don’t ever use j.HP, ever… worst normal in the game!
Dan has a very good throw game: block & throw / tick & throw (need to be expanded)
Gadouken: a half-arsed hadouken, still very useful up close… can be combo’d from a lot of ground normals.
it’s NOT RECOMMENDED comboing into gadouken against characters with meter… no matter if it hits or if it gets blocked you’re gonna eat a CC since the recovery time sucks
dragon punch: don’t rely too much on it… kinda sucks because it doesn’t travel forward. use mostly the LP version or the “invincible” white flash versions that occur randomly.
also dp can be combo’d from a number of normals (s.lk/mk/lp/mp, c.lp/mp/lk/mk). since the move is a standing dp you might wiff it, so combo into it from almost point blank to lessen the risk
Dankuukyaku (hurricane kick thing): has silly priority, don’t use it from a big distance… use LK/MK versions for mixups, to get close or for chip damage
crossup: j.MK for crossup is too good, can combo like this j.MK + 2x or 3x c. LP (or c.LK c.LP c.LK) + Gadouken (or hit confirm into Super Gadouken) j.MK + c.HP + HK hurricane thingie (very hard to do) j.MK + c.LK/LP + shinryuken super
super Gadouken: can be hit confirmed from tons of ground normals, even from sweep!! level 3 travels like 3/4 of the screen.
shinryuken-like: pretty good anti-air, can be hit confirmed from c. LK.
i’d recommend to do so for lvl 2 & 3 (when the super travels toward the opponent), not worth for lvl1 damage wise
HISSHO MURAI KEN (CERTAIN VICTORY RELYING ON NOBODY BUT MYSELF FIST <- WTF?): it’s good only point blank and 100% unreliable anywhere else since a lot of the hits from the super sequence will wiff & ends into a DP… your opponent will recover to punish you while you just wasted meter… use it for stylepoints
super taunt: forget about it… unless you dizzy your opponent and want to create some LULZ
alpha counters:
punch AC sucks because of low range and can wiff a lot. use it only for jumpins attempts kick AC is a decent sweep. use it for ground attacks damage is garbage for both
Advanced Strategy
-Jumping MK, Crouch LP x2, LP Koryuken
-Jumping MK, Crouch LP x2, Gadoken
-Jumping MK, Crouch MK, Gadoken
-Jumping MK, Crouch MP, HK Danku Kyaku
Custom Combos
Dan:This is where it gets tricky… his custom combo has unreliable damage (at least for my execution). i don’t know exactly what to recommend. (maybe someone can help me out here)
lvl1: c.HK + LP dp x n (damage kinda sucks ~20%, but it’s good to escape from a lot of crap like throw setups in the corner)
lvl2 & 3: c.HK + LP dp x n + end with HP dp (sometimes does 70% damage… sometimes 50% or a little more) c. HK + HK hurricane x 2 + HP dp (or something)
anti-air CC: start those from above with c.HP
Activate, c.hk, qcb+hk x n, qcf+p, qcf+hp