Basic Strategy
Gameplay Overview
Rock is a fast and mobile character. However he has low vitality, being able to zone and defend well is the key to victory.
He has below average bnb damage output, therefore most of his damage will come from landing his kick Super (Shinning Knuckle); once charged Rock has many options to land it (confirm from ground normals, hops, command grab, unblockable air resets or as a punish). Shinning Knuckle is an amazing punish tool and should restrict your opponent's options once you have it available. He also has decent meter building ability (whiff low counter).
Since most of his damage come from his Super, he will have to be patient and build meter. Once he has meter, he has many ways to land damage.
Being your win condition, meter management is very important.
For example on the first round, if landing a super doesn't grant you life lead and the clock is running low, you should save it until using it will grant you victory.
It is very similar to the way Street Fighter V Ryu uses his meter.
Another example, if using your full P-power doesn't grant you victory, it is possible to use only 1 bar (S-power) to see if you can catch-up without throwing away your whole win condition.
Always try to take the enemy out of TOP if there is time left, as it puts you in a much better situation for the continuation of the round.
Rock has amazing punish ability with his B/D super, it is important for Rock players to have good knowledge of what is punishable (for example via framedata) and be ready to punish anything.
As a general rule, all sweeps are punishable with Super, most AB are punishable on hit (but not on guard, you have to take the damage on purpose), most fireballs can be guard-cancelled into Super for a punish.
Advanced Tactics
Rock has a special ability to combo after any type of arial hit connects. This video explains it in more detail: