Garou: Mark of the Wolves/Hokutomaru

From SuperCombo Wiki





Strengths Weaknesses
  • Many target combos for hit confirming and pressuring
  • Good air-to-air capabilities
  • The only character with a double jump
  • Has an air throw
  • Normals are fairly stubby and have mediocre range
  • Somewhat poor damage and conversions off of lows
  • Struggles to build meter
  • Lower defense and guard crush gauge than average
MOTW Hokutomaru Art.png

Character Colors


Move List

Frame Data Source: and

Data Help
Disclaimer: This is meant to teach basic terminology used when describing moves.
Hitbox: A predefined area (usually a rectangle or rectangles) that tells the game how any given attack can come in contact with a character. Hitboxes are invisible to the player when normally playing.
Hurtbox: A predefined area (usually a group of rectangles) that tell the game how your character is allowed to get hit by any incoming attack. Specifically, you'll get hit by (or block) an attack if that attack's hitbox ever overlaps your hurtbox.
Throw Box/Range: Active throw frames and range. Your opponent will be thrown in this field if not in block or hit stun.
Projectile Box: Hitbox on a projectile attack.
Guard/Counter Box: The Guard Box or Counter Box. This appears when blocking or using a counter move.
Push Box: Has no bearing on hit/hurt boxes. Just prevents characters to not pass through each other. (Also known as "Collision Box".)
Startup The number of frames before an attack can hit the opponent. Does not include the first active frame.
Guard The way this move must be blocked.

High or H or Overhead (especially when from the ground) -- must be blocked standing.
High-Low or HL or Mid -- can be blocked either standing or crouching.
Low or L -- must be blocked crouching.

Damage "Basic" damage -- Unmodified damage values

"Correct" damage -- Damage values accounting for damage scaling, TOP multiplier, and defense rate

Guard Crush Value Decreases the defender's guard durability gauge by this value.
+X Attacker has X number of advantage frames.
-X Attacker has X number of disadvantage frames.
KD Short for "knockdown", knocks down opponent on hit.
Cancelable on both hit and block.
Chain cancelable with the same button (renda cancel).
Cancelable on the first hit/part only.
《X》OR «X» OR <<X>> OR (X) X number of inactive frames between hits of multihit moves.
Only cancelable on block.
Only cancelable on hit.
× OR X Not cancelable.


  • Guard crush values within ( ) are when the move is used as the next hit of a target combo.
  • From the 2nd hit and after of the target combo, the active frames and recovery frames will be the same as far moves and crouching moves
  • Jump D, Jump A, and Jump B (Jump A and Jump B are usually diagonal jumps only) can beat out upper-body evasive attacks.
  • Special/Super moves with "Guard" data in red text are impossible to just defend at 0-pixel health bar.
Standing/Taunting Crouching Running Jumping
Garou Hokutomaru Stand.png Garou Hokutomaru Crouch.png Garou Hokutomaru Run.png Garou Hokutomaru Jump.png
Can low profile certain moves. 36F (35F for backward jump). Can double jump.

Close Standing Normals

Close 5A

Garou Hokutomaru c5A.png
c5A Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
4 Mid 4 4 5 13
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+6 +6 ◯ / ∞ ◯ / ∞ 4

Standing jab.

c5A>B Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- Mid - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+1 +1 4, 3

Target combo from c5A.

c5A>C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- Mid - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-10 -10 4, 3

Target combo from c5A.

c5A>C>C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-2 -2 - - 4, 3, 0

Target combo from c5A. Ends in a cancel.

Close 5B

Garou Hokutomaru c5B.png
c5B Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6 Mid 4 3 9 16
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+3 +3 4
c5B>D Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- Mid - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-3 -3 4, 3

Target combo from c5B.

c5B>D>C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-1 -1 - - 4, 3, 0

Target combo from c5B. Ends in a cancel.

Close 5C

Garou Hokutomaru c5C.png
Garou Hokutomaru c5C 1.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6, 6 Mid 5 2, 《5》, 3 16 31
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+2 +2 3, 3

Close 5D

Garou Hokutomaru c5D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
9 Mid 3 3 19 25
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-1 -1 5

Hokutomaru's fastest normal on the ground, easily combos into specials, has incredible frame advantage when feint cancelled letting it link into itself and can't be JD'd low despite being a mid. An incredible normal.

Far Standing Normals

Far 5A

Garou Hokutomaru f5A.png
f5A Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
5 Mid 4 3 7 14
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+5 +5 ◯ / ∞ ◯ / ∞ 4
f5A>B Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- Mid - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+1 +1 4, 3

Target combo from f5A.

f5A>C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- Mid - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-10 -10 4, 3

Target combo from f5A.

f5A>C>C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-2 -2 - - 4, 3, 0

Target combo from f5A. Ends in a cancel.

Far 5B

Garou Hokutomaru f5B.png
f5B Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
7 Mid 6 3 11 20
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+1 +1 4(3)
f5B>D Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- Mid - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-3 -3 4, 3

Target combo from f5B.

f5B>D>C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-1 -1 - - 4, 3, 0

Target combo from f5B. Ends in a cancel.

Far 5C

Garou Hokutomaru f5C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
12 Mid 11 1 30 42
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-10 -10 X X 5(3)

Slow, can't be cancelled and is punishable on hit... not great traits to have.

Far 5D

Garou Hokutomaru f5D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
12 Mid 11 3 21 35
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-3 -3 X X 5(3)

Crouching Normals


Garou Hokutomaru 2A.png
Garou Hokutomaru 2A 1.png
Invincible Recovery Frames
2A Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
4 Mid 4 4 5 13
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+6 +6 ◯ / ∞ ◯ / ∞ 4

2A's last 3F of recovery has full-body invincibility.

  • Chains into 2A, 2B, and 2C.
  • You can confirm into 236236P by doing 2A 36 2B+C/B+D 3 then confirming if it hit or not.
2A>B Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- Mid, Low - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+4 +4 4, 3

Target combo from 2A.

2A>C>C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- Mid, Mid - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-1 -1 - - 4, 3, 0

Target combo from 2A. Ends in a cancel.


Garou Hokutomaru 2B.png
2B Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
5 Low 5 4 7 16
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+4 +4 ◯ / ∞ ◯ / ∞ 4(3)
  • Your go-to low poke and confirm. You can confirm 236236P by doing 2B 36 2B+C/B+D 3 then confirming if it hit or not.
  • Without meter, chain into 2D then do the C feint to recover faster.
2B>C>C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- Low, Mid - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-1 -1 - - 4, 3, 0

Target combo from 2B. Ends in a cancel.

2B>D>C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- Low, Low - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-1 -1 - - 4, 5, 0

Target combo from f.5B. Ends in the same cancel.

You can kara cancel the 2D with the follow-up C cancel.


Garou Hokutomaru 2C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
9 Mid 6 4 16 26
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+1 +1 X X 5(3)
  • A quick poke that reaches far and recovers quickly. It's +1 too, making it very useful to just throw out in neutral since you aren't risking much.

Garou Hokutomaru 2D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
9 Low 10 5 19 34
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -3 X X 5(5)
  • Sweep. Can be used as an anti-air by low profiling some moves and hitting the landing frames.

Jumping Normals


Garou Hokutomaru jA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6 High 6 12 - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - 4

Jump A (usually diagonal jump only) can beat out upper-body evasion attacks.


Garou Hokutomaru jB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6 High 3 10 - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - 4

Jump B (usually diagonal jump only) can beat out upper-body evasion attacks.


Garou Hokutomaru jC.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
8 High 6 5 - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - 5


Garou Hokutomaru jD.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
8 High 7 7 - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - 5

Jump D can beat out upper-body evasion attacks.

Command Normals

Sliding (3B)

Garou Hokutomaru 3B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 Low 7 13 22 42
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -13 X X 9

A sliding sweep that is excellent at catching landing frames, making this one of Hokutomaru's better anti-airs. Some characters are completely incapable of hitting Hokutomaru during the low profile.
On hit/block, unless hit on the last active frame, 1 active frame of recovery is removed. (e.g., hitting on the first frame has 20F blockstun - (11 remaining active frames + 22F recovery) = -13 adv. Max advantage is -2.

Kuuten Kyaku (3D)

Kuuten Kyaku
Garou Hokutomaru 3D.png
Garou Hokutomaru 3D 1.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6, 6 Mid 8 4, 4 30 46
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -13 X , ◯ X , ◯ 9, 9

Block adv on 1st hit only = -17

Apart from kara canceling during the attack's startup, after the 2nd hit it's possible to special cancel anytime in the air, on hit or on whiff.

Double Jump

Double Jump
Garou Hokutomaru Jump.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
/ / - / / /
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
/ / / / /

Hokutomaru is the only character who can double jump (without the help of a wall) which opens up many options for him in the air.

  • The double jump must be input near the peak of Hokutomaru's jump, and it cannot be cancelled into from a jumping normal.
  • Hokutomaru cannot Just Defend after double jumping!

Universal Moves

Lower-body Evasion Attack (5AB)

Lower-body evasion attack
Garou Hokutomaru 5AB.png
Garou Hokutomaru 5AB 1.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6, 6 Overhead 18 3, 《4》, 3 17 45
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-1 +5 X X 3, 3

The fastest universal overhead in the game. Unfortunately is split up into 2 hits which prevents Hokutomaru from comboing after a counterhit and can leave him punishable if the second hit whiffs. 18F hitstun and 24F blockstun.
If the second hit whiffs it is -8 on hit, -2 on block.

Upper-body Evasion Attack (2AB)

Upper-body evasion attack
Garou Hokutomaru 2AB.png
2AB Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 Mid 10 2 16 28
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+1 +7 X 6

1~5F upper-body invincibility.

18F hitstun and 24F blockstun.

2AB~BC Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - 30
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-12 -6 - - 6, 0

Follow-up to 2AB where Hokutomaru jumps forward with no collision, meaning he can pass through the opponent. Can be used to reposition after a knockdown.

Lower-body invincibility for 12F while in the air. Although he disappears briefly, Hokutomaru is NOT invincible at any point in this move.

T.O.P. Attack (CD)

Ninpou Bakuho (T.O.P. Attack)
C+D (T.O.P. only)
Garou Hokutomaru CD.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
17 (base damage) Mid 14 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -31 - - 25

A slow, 45 degree angled, single hit anti-air. Pretty bad, if this gets blocked you're done for.

12~14F full-body invincibility.


Ground Throw

Close 4/6C
Garou Hokutomaru Grab.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
4, 4, 4, 4 - 0 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+59 - - - -

A typical grab except for the oddly varying frame advantage. Frame advantage varies depending on the height of the opponent as Hokutomaru needs to jump off of them and land before he can act.

Air Throw

Noumen Tsukuri
Noh mask making
Air Close 4/2/6C
Garou Hokutomaru Air Grab.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
13 - 0 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - - -


Forward Feint (6AC)

Forward Feint
Garou Hokutomaru 6AC.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - 10
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - - -

Mimics the end recovery animation of Karakusa Giri.

Down Feint (2AC)

Down Feint
Garou Hokutomaru 2AC.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - 8
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - - -

Mimics the start of Shuriken.

  • The faster of the two feints. Always use this one.

Special Moves

Shuriken (236P)

Garou Hokutomaru 236A.png
Garou Hokutomaru 236C.png
Garou Hokutomaru j236P.png
A Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 Mid 12 / 35 47
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-2 ~ +32 -2 ~ +32 X X 7

Single shuriken. Unlike all other projectiles, the shurikens can be destroyed by the opponent's melee attacks (without absorbing it, the same attack can still hit Hokutomaru) which makes them not as effective for deterring divekicks or... most things actually. This particular version is unlikely to be used as the air version is faster when TK'd or done from a backdash.

C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6, 6, 6 Mid 18, 22, 27 / 40 58
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-2 ~ +37 -2 ~ +37 X X 5, 5, 5

A triple shuriken. MUCH harder for people to JD or swat away, so one of the least risky projectiles at full range.

jA/C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
12 Mid 18 / 6 + falling + 10 Minimum 38
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
Up to +32 Up to +32 X X /

Slows your descent as opposed to a normal empty hop or air normal. Decent option to try and stuff someone who's gonna jump.

Rakkazan (214K)

Garou Hokutomaru 214B.png
Garou Hokutomaru 214D.png
Kyo (Void)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
/ / / / 43 43
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
/ / X X /

Fake-out. Hokutomaru is counterhit punishable.
7~12F full-body invincibility.

Jitsu (Real)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
20 High 28 3 31(hit/whiff) / 46(block) 62(hit/whiff) / 77(block)
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -22 X X 8

Cheesy homing teleport overhead that carries enormous risk in exchange for just decent reward.
Hokutomaru appears at a fixed height every time so if the opponent is in the air you will teleport directly into a jump normal, and the hitbox is a lot smaller than it seems (the opposite can be said about the hurtbox).
When counterhitting a grounded opponent they will get spun instead of knocked down, leaving Hokutomaru only +1.
If they block this it's a free punish
On the bright side, this move is useful in combos, can be used after a double jump or air target combo (very slow triple overhead), and is able to punish predictable fireballs. Still gimmicky though.
7~8F full-body invincibility.

Karakusa Giri (214P)

Karakusa Giri
Garou Hokutomaru 214A.png
Garou Hokutomaru 214C 1.png
C second hit
A Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
20 Mid 19 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -10 - - 7

Used in meterless combos. Can GC into this to punish a fireball at footsies range.

A (Hold) Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
/ / / / 33 33
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
/ / / / /

Hold the button input to stop/cancel the attack. Trying to make use of this after a blocked normal still leaves Hokutomaru very minus, but it can be useful to approach a downed opponent while building a bit of meter.

C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
14, 16 Mid 30 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -18 - - 4, 4

Far too slow to be comboed into practically and is extremely unsafe.

C (Hold) Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
/ / / / 40 40
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
/ / / / /

Hold the button input to stop/cancel the attack.

Kuuha Dan (236K)

Kuuha Dan
236B/D (Brake OK)
Garou Hokutomaru 236B.png
B Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6, 6, 6 Mid 11 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -12 X X 3, 3, 3

Andy Bogard's signature multihit arcing kick that is very unsafe and unrewarding.

B Break Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6 Mid 11 2~4 18~20 31~35
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD +5 - - 3

When braked, this move becomes a plus on block launcher which is very nice, although this version has little range which restricts its use in combos/pressure.
Hokutomaru's fastest meterless guard cancel and this brake is his fastest way to build meter.

D Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
7, 7, 7, 7 Mid 16 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -9 X X 3, 3, 3, 3

Travels in a larger arc than the B version and hits an additional time. Each individual hit also does slightly more damage.

D Break Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
7 Mid 16 2~4 18~21 36~41
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD +5 - - 3

While slower than the B version, this brake has more damage and range, so it's better for combos when available.

Super Moves

Chou Hissatsu Shuriken / Chou Bakuen Kunai (236236A/C)

Chou Hissatsu Shuriken / Chou Bakuen Kunai
236236A/C (S/P Power, Brake OK)
Garou Hokutomaru 236236A.png
Garou Hokutomaru 236236A 1.png
Garou Hokutomaru 236236C.png
Garou Hokutomaru 236236C 1.png
A Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
7, 7, 7, (7,) 15 Mid 9 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
HKD (+37 ~ +49) -34 - - 2×4, 5

Midscreen combo ender.

  • 1~6F full-body invincibility.
  • When far away from the opponent, this move will only hit 4 times (lose 7 damage).
A Break Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- -34 - - -

Pressing A+B will throw the large shuriken earlier. This can be useful to make it hit OTG after an aerial counterhit.

C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
7, 7, 7, 7, 32 Mid 9 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
HKD (+37 ~ +49) -34 - - 3×5
  • 1~9F full-body invincibility.
C Break Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- -34 - - -

Pressing A+B will throw the large kunai earlier.

Ougi • Chou Hissatsu Tatsumaki / Kyuukyoku Ougi • Chou Bakuen Tatsumaki (236236B/D)

Ougi • Chou Hissatsu Tatsumaki / Kyuukyoku Ougi • Chou Bakuen Tatsumaki
236236B/D (S/P Power)
Garou Hokutomaru 236236B.png
Garou Hokutomaru 236236D.png
B Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
5×9 Mid 1 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
HKD (+38) -60 - - 2×9

Corner combo ender and Hokutomaru's only invincible reversal. Due to the hitbox being modest, the short length of the invincibility and the damage being spread between many weak hits, when used outside of combos it will often miss many hits and even trade/lose to attacks, limiting its use as a raw reversal or anti-air. It is pretty reliable as a GC, though you may still lose damage.
As it is 1F startup, Hokutomaru can juggle into this super when the opponent is meant to be invincible (air reset). This is difficult to time and does not apply to the P-Power version which is 0F startup.

  • 1~2F full-body invincibility.
D Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
7×10 Mid 0 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -54 - - 3×10
  • Full-body invincibility on frame 1 only.
  • Causes Soft Knockdown, unlike 236236B. For some reason.

Game Navigation

Kim Dong Hwan
Khushnood Butt
Kevin Rian
B. Jenet
Kim Jae Hoon