Howard Arena Basic Combos
Basic combos.
Advanced Tactics
In-depth video lecture on Hokutomaru. Please use the timestamps to navigate the topics.
See this section about the following video on comboing into Hokutomaru's 1F super.
Low air shuriken combos and follow-ups.
Meaty Tatsumaki "【English subtitles】持続竜巻"
Setplay around the ability to convert into Tatsumaki super D off of the last active frame of 2D, with English sub (by Aaru)
"【餓狼MOW】投げ後のめくり【北斗丸】" Setplay around potential ambiguous cross-up after throw (by Aaru)
"【餓狼MOW】強唐草を使ってみよう【北斗丸】" Using Strong Karakusa Giri 214C (by Aaru)
"【餓狼MOW】空対空落下斬【北斗丸】" Air to air Rakkazan with air 214D (by Aaru)