Garou: Mark of the Wolves/Hotaru

From SuperCombo Wiki


Hotaru is the daughter of a family of martial artists, but is not very fond of violence. She never wants to hurt others, which is the probable reason why her father taught her the lighter side of Chinese kenpo; the Juu-kei style, which suits her easygoing personality. However, after her mother's death, both her father and her older brother were missing from her home. She enters the "King of Fighters: Maximum Mayhem" tournament based on rumors that her brother is there.


Hotaru's Main objective is something.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Very good hit & run play
  • Good air-to-air capabilities
  • Good meter build
  • Has an air throw
  • Poor damage and conversions off of lows
  • Normals are slightly stubby and have mediocre range
  • Lower defense and guard crush gauge than average
MOTW Hotaru Art.png

Character Colors


Move List

Frame Data Source: and

Data Help
Disclaimer: This is meant to teach basic terminology used when describing moves.
Hitbox: A predefined area (usually a rectangle or rectangles) that tells the game how any given attack can come in contact with a character. Hitboxes are invisible to the player when normally playing.
Hurtbox: A predefined area (usually a group of rectangles) that tell the game how your character is allowed to get hit by any incoming attack. Specifically, you'll get hit by (or block) an attack if that attack's hitbox ever overlaps your hurtbox.
Throw Box/Range: Active throw frames and range. Your opponent will be thrown in this field if not in block or hit stun.
Projectile Box: Hitbox on a projectile attack.
Guard/Counter Box: The Guard Box or Counter Box. This appears when blocking or using a counter move.
Push Box: Has no bearing on hit/hurt boxes. Just prevents characters to not pass through each other. (Also known as "Collision Box".)
Startup The number of frames before an attack can hit the opponent. Does not include the first active frame.
Guard The way this move must be blocked.

High or H or Overhead (especially when from the ground) -- must be blocked standing.
High-Low or HL or Mid -- can be blocked either standing or crouching.
Low or L -- must be blocked crouching.

Damage "Basic" damage -- Unmodified damage values

"Correct" damage -- Damage values accounting for damage scaling, TOP multiplier, and defense rate

Guard Crush Value Decreases the defender's guard durability gauge by this value.
+X Attacker has X number of advantage frames.
-X Attacker has X number of disadvantage frames.
KD Short for "knockdown", knocks down opponent on hit.
Cancelable on both hit and block.
Chain cancelable with the same button (renda cancel).
Cancelable on the first hit/part only.
《X》OR «X» OR <<X>> OR (X) X number of inactive frames between hits of multihit moves.
Only cancelable on block.
Only cancelable on hit.
× OR X Not cancelable.


  • Special/Super moves with "Guard" data in red text are impossible to just defend at 0-pixel health bar.

Close Standing Normals

Close 5A

Hotaru clA.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
4 Mid 3 3 7 13
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+5 +5 ◯ / ∞ ◯ / ∞ 4

Hotaru's fastest close normal, with good advantage on block.

Close 5B

Hotaru clB.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6 Mid 4 3 11 18
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+1 +1 4

Close 5C

Hotaru clC.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
9 Mid 7 1 21 29
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-1 -1 5

In case the Throw fails, a 'cl. C' will come out instead. On hit/guard it can combo (via Cancel). However clC doesn't have vertical hitbox, a neutral jump to escape the tick throw will leave Hotaru vulnerable.

Close 5D

Hotaru clD.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
9 Mid 6 1 28 35
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-8 -8 5

Hotaru's close D has a decent vertical hitbox, used as a frametrap it can prevent people from jumping out. Feint cancel it to avoid punishes.

Far Standing Normals

Far 5A

Hotaru sA.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
4 Mid 5 3 10 18
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+2 +2 ◯ / ∞ ◯ / ∞ 4

Unlike most characters, Hotaru's far A is quite weak, it extends her hurtbox a lot. Prefer far B to poke on the ground.

Far 5B

Hotaru sB.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
7 Mid 6 2 11 19
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+2 +2 4
  • Last 3F of attack's recovery has full-body invincibility.
  • Her best ground poke, with decent speed/distance/hitbox. If it whiffs be ready to anti-air. Cancel it into fireball for a frametrap. Or forward feint cancel it to start an offense once they respect the fireball frametrap.

Far 5C

Hotaru sC.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
12 Mid 9 1 19 29
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+1 +1 X 5

Far 5D

Hotaru sD.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
13 Mid 11 1 22 34
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-2 -2 X X 5

Hotaru's far D is too slow to be used efficiently in the neutral game. Since it has a good range, it can be used as a frametrap, for example with 2C xx 6AC(feint) > far D; but the risk/reward is not really worth it.

Crouching Normals


Hotaru crA.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
4 Mid 4 4 9 17
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+2 +2 ◯ / ∞ ◯ / ∞ 4

When used as meaty it prevents jumps as well as low profile attempts with 2AB.


Hotaru crB.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
5 Low 4 4 9 17
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+2 +2 X / ∞ X / ∞ 4

Hotaru is known for having no decent BNB starting with lows. Use this to remind your opponent that he has to block low, even if it doesn't deal much. Follow up with a frametrap for example. It can be combo'ed from if it hits meaty enough, with 2B(meaty)>2A xx reflect break fireball ... Keep in mind that, in MOTW, a meaty 2B can be escaped via wake-up jump.


Hotaru crC.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
9 Mid 5 1 25 31
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-5 -5 5

Amazing startup and range, allowing certain punishes from ranges other characters have trouble with.

far B xx 6AC > 2C is a frametrap that prevents jumping.


Hotaru crD.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
9 Low 7 3 32 42
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -14 X X 5

Jumping Normals


Hotaru jA.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6 High 4 8 - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - 4

Has long active frames, can target combo with jA>B or jA>C (whiff on crouchers).

Can beat out upper-body evasion attacks.


Hotaru jB.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6 High 3 5 - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - 4

Has the best horizontal reach out of all her air moves, however it doesn't stay active for long.

Hop B has a startup of 5F, and is active for 8F.


Hotaru jC.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
9 High 4 4 - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - 5

This is what comes out if you miss your air throw. It whiffs on crouching opponent.

Hop C has a startup of 6F, and is active for 6F.


Hotaru jD.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
8 High 5 6 - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - 5

When used deep enough, it can hit people trying to 2AB anti-air.

Can beat out upper-body evasion attacks.

Command Normals

Koushuu Da (j2B)

Koushuu Da (Needle Kick)
Hotaru j2B.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 High 5 - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - X X 9

Stays active for the full duration of the jump. A very annoying tool (unsafe but hard to punish).

Can beat out upper-body evasion attacks.

Once Hotaru "step" on her opponent, she jumps again, and she is allowed to perform another air attack (or spin with CD before attacking).

However she loses the ability to air JD, making her vulnerable to anti-airs.

Kuuchuu Furi Muki (jCD)

Kuuchuu Furi Muki
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - - -

The turn-around jump.

Universal Moves

Lower-body Evasion Attack (5AB)

Lower-body evasion attack
Hotaru AB.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 Overhead 23 4 16 43
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-1 +5 X X 6

Like about any other AB, way too slow to be efficient. It is +5 on guard so you can blockstring or frametrap for it.

Upper-body Evasion Attack (2AB)

Upper-body evasion attack
Hotaru 2AB.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 Mid 8 3 19 30
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-3 +3 X 6
  • 1~6F upper-body invincibility.
  • Not a very good 2AB, can be used to anti-air people landing not too close in front of you.

Can be used to low profile frametraps, or as a frametrap to fish for counterhits since it is positive on guard and cancellable on hit.

T.O.P. Attack (CD)

Senkai En (T.O.P. Attack)
C+D (T.O.P. Only)
Hotaru CD-1.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
16 (base damage) Mid 9 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -24 - - 25

Very unsafe on block, and leads into no combos from a guard crush. Can be used in counter hit juggle combos in the corner.


Ground Throw

Ten Raku Tou
Close 4/6C
Hotaru Grab.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
14 - 0 - - 9
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - - -

Hotaru's normal throw.

  • 6C side-switches you, unless the opponent is in the corner.
  • 4C lets you stay on the same side, unless you are in the corner and the back throw puts the opponent in the corner.

Air Throw

Han Ten Tou
Air Close 2C
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
14 - 0 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - - -

Hotaru's air throw.


Forward Feint (6AC)

Forward Feint
Hotaru ForwardTaunt.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - 10
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - - -

Mimics the start of Hakki Shou.

Down Feint (2AC)

Down Feint
Hotaru DownTaunt.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - 14
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - - -

Mimics the start of Soushou Shin.

Special Moves

Hakki Shou (236P)
Hakki Shou
Hotaru Projectile.jpg
A Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
14 Mid 10 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-5 -5 - - 7
C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
16 Mid 10 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-5 -5 - - 8

Hotaru has a good fireball game, startup and speed helps her compete.

Just don't throw them full-screen , that's a free JD.

Remember her forward feint that does the same motion as her fireball startup to mess with people's expectations.

The C version has more damage so use C for combos.

Soushou Shin (214P)
Soushou Shin
Hotaru qcbA-1.jpg
A Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
3×3, 4, 7 Mid 10 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -11 - - 1×5

Unsafe on block. If you combo into this you can probably combo into reflect>fireball for more damage; making this a pretty useless move.

C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
5×4, 7 Mid 18 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -1 - - 2×5

This one is -1 on block, so it is somewhat safe, since only punishable with 0F Supers if you try to block but there is a trick to escape this punish explained here

Being multi-hit, it can prevent random guard cancels on wakeup, but the startup is so slow that good players will react to it with a full JD + GC at the end.

Kobi Kyaku (214K)
Kobi Kyaku
Hotaru qcbB-1.jpg
B Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
15 Mid 13 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -19 - - 7
B Break Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
15 Mid 13 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD +12 - - 7

Hotaru's breakable move (always break it). Use the B version whenever you are doing a combo or need the hitbox, because the B version has a greater hitbox.

It gives a huge +12 frame advantage on block, allowing to reapply pressure after a blocked reflect.

8~13F projectile reflection.

D Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
15 Mid 13 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -19 - - 8
D Break Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
15 Mid 13 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD +12 - - 8

This D version is used to reflect fireballs; it has a shorter hitbox, but a greater reflect box. Great meter building tool, use the D version as it gives slightly more meter than the B version.

There is a bug with the reflected fireball, if you input a fireball motion it will lose its hurtbox and goes through the opponent (not a very useful bug).

8~17F projectile reflection.

Rengeki Shuu (j214K)

Rengeki Shuu
Hotaru AirTatsu.jpg
B Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
8, 8 Mid 10 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD >=-8 - - 3, 4
D Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
8, 8 Mid 13 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD >=-9 - - 4, 4

Almost always unsafe on block...

Can be used as a nige-tatsu (to run away) via jump CD (spin in the air) > divekick in the opposite direction.

Used in optimised corner combos, after reflect break.

You can use the tigerknee motion 2149B to perform a divekick low to the ground.

Tenshin Shou (623K)

Tenshin Shou
Hotaru DP-B-1.jpg
B Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
8, 6 Mid 2 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -12 - - 2, 2

Can be used as an anti-air but is risky against a full air Just Defend.

A much safer but harder version of this anti-air would be a 623 4 B/D motion, timed so that if they hit you will JD and guard cancel with your DP, but if they try to air JD, your DP will hits them at an height low enough where the JD won't proc.

1~4F full-body invincibility, so it can be used as a risky "get off me" tool.

D Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
12, 3×5 Mid 2 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -31 - - 3×5, 2

Similar to DP B with more hits and a better anti-air hitbox.

1~4F full-body invincibility, so it can be used as a risky "get off me" tool.

Shajou Tai (41236D)

Shajou Tai
Command Grab
Hotaru CommandGrab.jpg
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
8, 8, 8 - 9 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD - - - -

Doesn't lead to big damage, but it scores a hard knockdown, allowing for mix-ups.

Corner setup showcase :

Super Moves

Soushou Tenrenge (236236P)

Soushou Tenrenge
Hotaru Super2-1.jpg
A Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
3×16, 7 Mid 6 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -51 - - 1×17

Last hit is in the air.

1~8F full-body invincibility.

C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
3×8, 5×7, 20 Mid (Last hit is High) 6 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -14 - - 2×15, 5

1~10F full-body invincibility.

Tenshou Ranki (236236K)

Tenshou Ranki
Hotaru Super1-2.jpg
B Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6×3, 25 Mid 0 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -33 - - 3×3, 0

1~2F full-body invincibility.

D Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6×3, 3×8, 27 Mid 0 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -32 - - 5×4

1F full-body invincibility.

Game Navigation

Kim Dong Hwan
Khushnood Butt
Kevin Rian
B. Jenet
Kim Jae Hoon