Capcom vs SNK 2/Morrigan

From SuperCombo Wiki


CVS2 Morrigan Data.png


Morrigan Aensland is a succubus, and one of the two protagonists of the Darkstalkers series, acting as an anti-hero. She is the daughter of Belial Aensland, and heir to Makai, the realm of darkness where the Darkstalkers live. She grew into a powerful succubus, but was sadly born into a time of political turmoil for Makai, as many foresaw its doom soon. Sadly, a succubus ruling Makai was considered unacceptable. Alongside all of this, Morrigan's power was enormous even for a Darkstalker. While this sounds like a great benefit in the harsh climate of the time, her power was so large that it threatened to destroy her. Knowing this, her father Belial split her soul into three equal parts, leaving her with only 1/3rd of her original power. He took one of the thirds, and another was sent to a pocket dimension. Morrigan is bored throughout her childhood, and frequently escapes to the human world. However, during one of her trips, her father died. Not only did this mean she was set to inherit the Aensland throne, it also meant she regained a third of her power. She is to be the true ruler of Makai, but only learns what that means when Jedah pulls her and the rest of Makai into his dimension. She meets Lilith there, the last 3rd of her power that Jedah gave life, and fuses with her to become once again the most powerful Darkstalker. She defeats Jedah, and assumedly lives life ruling over Makai to this day


Morrigan is a very unique character in CvS2. While on the surface she resembles the standard shoto character, with a fireball, DP, and decent pokes, she's actually an incredibly powerful mixup vortex character. Morrigan has a few main unique factors, but the most immediate one is her hoverdash. In dash Grooves, this is a standard dash and is a fairly weak one. However, the moment you put her in a run Groove, it becomes a very versatile mobility tool. She can end it very quickly, hold forward to hoverdash for a very long time, and even switch to holding up to angle her hoverdash upwards. From hoverdash, she can go into any aerial. This allows her to create incredibly ambiguous high/low/crossup mixups on wakeup. Mix that with her command grab, and you have a powerful vortex that can be hard to escape.

Her other main unique factor is her chainable normals. Her normals can cancel into eachother, akin to more modern anime fighting games, and a direct steal from the mechanics of Darkstalkers. She can chain punches into kicks, and standing attacks into low attacks. This gives her a more freeform combo and pressure structure, and also makes her combos notably easier, though also lower damage. This is alright, as she can combo into her Darkness Illusion super for much higher damage. Her neutral game is nothing to scoff at either, with a useful fireball and good DP, and solid mobility overall. If you don't mind her much lower health, and the lack of meterless damage, Morrigan is a great mixup focused character to play.

Groove Selection

Best - K/N: Both of these grooves do wonders for Morrigan and they fit her very well. K-Morrigan can get access to several chances to use her DI for massive damage and the damage buff makes each wrong guess hurt a lot more than it already did. JDs help her a lot as she has some long range normals for punishes, and the nature of her gameplay means that it's easy to tell when an opponent will strike and you can JD accordingly. N-Morrigan is more of the same, replacing JDs for rolls. Her RCs aren't incredible but still very useful. RC fireball and RC command grab are always going to help more than they can hurt and in particular the RC command grab can make Morrigan's oki hard to reversal against when she goes for that option. Her roll is pretty average, but it's still a roll that can check some laggy pokes. Though the damage buff gained from pop is much less than that of K, and while you won't have access to it as often, it's still dangerous and must be respected.

Useful - S: S-Morrigan is more so a gimped N/K Morrigan. Though she gets the run and shorthop, she doesn't have any of the mechanics N or K have to really put it all together. Although, once she gets to low health, she has 2 decent fireball supers to spam whenever she pleases while building a lvl.3. Her DP super is also a decent anti air that she can use freely. Her dodge attacks are pretty mediocre. Overall an alright S-Groove character.

Worst - C/P/A: These Grooves all have one thing in common: not having a run. This pretty much makes these versions of Morrigan very hard to use and overall just bad. C-Morrigan is the best dash Morrigan Groove. Instead of a powerful mixup character, she plays like your average shoto, just chucking fireballs and then anti airing with DP. Stored level 3 is nice, but when you lack the main tool that allows you to confirm into it, you actually land it far less than the run grooves. Her level 2s are also lackluster, offering minimal cancels for rather poor damage if combo'd into. She has an alright dash which can corpse hop, so you can still get a crossup on oki, but it's just a bad consolation prize. P-Morrigan gets very consistent punishes from a parry, and a shorthop which brings her mixup game back a little bit, though you would still rather have hoverdash. Parry into DI is a nice thing to have, although it is quite difficult. A-Morrigan is the worst groove for her. Though CC is gonna be powerful regardless of character, no DI is just not the way to go. It does not help her actual synergy with CC is pretty bad. Should only be used as a point character.

Morrigan is a mixup machine, with nearly unreactable high/low/crossup/throw mix from her powerful hoverdash. She has powerful okizeme, simple combo structure, and unique but powerful neutral. She pays for it with very low health and low damage output without a level 3 DI. Morrigan is best in K-Groove.

Difficulty: Pretty Hard
Tier: B
Pros Cons
  • Mixup: Hoverdashing over an opponent puts them in a situation where Morrigan can fall down with a j.HP, fall with nothing and land with 2LK, land and command grab them, or dash further and cross them up. Reacting to all of these is nearly impossible, and they all lead back into this same situation, putting the opponent into a deadly guessing game
  • Chain Normals: Morrigans normals cancel into eachother, punches into kicks, standing into crouching. This allows her to make her pressure a lot more freeform, and easily score knockdowns by comboing into 2HK, leading into her potent mixups
  • Neutral: Even with her powerful mixup potential, she retains a good fireball for zoning and a good DP for anti-air, alongside multiple good pokes
  • Darkness Illusion: Darkness Illusion, usually abreviatted to DI, is a powerful high damage level 3 combo ender that turns Morrigan with Rage/full meter into a very scary character to fight
  • Mobility: While not necessarily a weakness, her mobility is unique, and hoverdash forces her to use different options to quickly move forward or rely on walking and blocking to get in
  • Health: Morrigan has very low health and is in the low tier for stun, meaning it only takes a few good hits to kill her
  • Low Damage: Without DI behind her, Morrigan's combos often end in a simple 2HK, doing very little overall damage
  • Guessing Game: Her vortex can quickly close out a round, but if the opponent guesses right, she usually eats a big damage super and is sent flying away. The risk/reward is never exactly in her favor in this sense, as one good guess from the opponent hurts a lot more than 5 good guesses from Morrigan
  • Dash: If you are trying to play Morrigan in C, A or P-Groove, you'll quickly realize just how much she needs her unique run. Instead of mixing the opponent to death you have to play a more defensive Morrigan. The lack of run is simply too much to ignore and she's a pretty bad character without it, a low tier I would argue.

Players to Watch

Name Country Groove Accounts Notes
Wadatsumi Japan C-Groove Twitter: @wadatsunami The only Morrigan player to not use her in a run groove. Gets around her crippling lack of movement options by using fundamentals and her good dash.
Sample Match
Tsugunosuke Japan N-Groove Twitter: N/A A mainstay on his team, Tsugunosuke plays a much safer Morrigan than one would expect, and only gets into his bag of mixups when the space has been closed.
Sample Match
Buktooth USA N-Groove Discord: buktooth#8799 Oldschool player who used Morrigan with aggression, but played very calculated as well.
Sample Match
Sakomoto Japan K-Groove Twitter: @sakomotee Super aggressive with Morrigan and lands level 3 combos with ease, making him an extreme threat from most ranges.
Sample Match

Normal Moves

Far Normals


Far Jab
Far Light Punch
5LP / Far LP
CVS2 Morrigan 5LP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Lp.png 200 2 RF/SP/SU Mid High 3 3 7 12 +5 +5 -



Far Strong
Far Medium Punch
5MP / Far MP
CVS2 Morrigan 5MP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Mp.png 600 6 SP/SU Mid High 3 10 10 23 +3 +3 -



Far Fierce
Far Heavy Punch
5HP / Far HP
CVS2 Morrigan 5HP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Hp.png 900 9 None Mid High 8 4 26 38 -6 -6 -



Far Short
Far Light Kick
5LK / Far LK
CVS2 Morrigan 5LK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Lk.png 300 3 RF/SP/SU Mid High 4 3 7 14 +5 +5 -



Far Forward
Far Medium Kick
5MK / Far MK
CVS2 Morrigan 5MK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Mk.png 700 7 SU Mid High 6 11 8 25 +4 +4 -



Far Roundhouse
Far Heavy Kick
5HK / Far HK
CVS2 Morrigan 5HK 2.png
Second Hitbox
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Hk.png 1100, 700 11, 7 None, None Mid High 10 9 22 41 +2 +2 -


Close Standing Normals


Close Jab
Close Light Punch
CVS2 Morrigan clLP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Lp.png 300 3 RF/SP/SU Mid High 2 3 7 12 +5 +5 -



Close Strong
Close Medium Punch
CVS2 Morrigan clMP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Mp.png 600 6 SP/SU Mid High 4 12 14 30 -6 -6 -



Close Fierce
Close Heavy Punch
CVS2 Morrigan clHP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Hp.png 800, 800 8, 8 SP, None Mid High 5 6 22 33 +2 +2 -



Close Roundhouse
Close Heavy Kick
CVS2 Morrigan clHK.png
First Hitbox
CVS2 Morrigan clHK 2.png
Second Hitbox
CVS2 Morrigan clHK 3.png
Third Hitbox
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Hk.png 1300 13 N/A Mid High 7 3+3+3+3 27 46 -6 -6 -


Crouching Normals


Crouch Jab
Crouching Light Punch
2LP / cr.LP
CVS2 Morrigan 2LP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Lp.png 200+100 2+1 SU,SU Mid Low 3 3+3 6 15 +6 +6 -



Crouch Strong
Crouching Medium Punch
2MP / cr.MP
CVS2 Morrigan 2MP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Mp.png 600 6 SP/SU Mid Low 4 15 6 25 +2 +2 -



Crouch Fierce
Crouching Heavy Punch
2HP / cr.HP
CVS2 Morrigan 2HP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Hp.png 800 8 None Mid Low 8 3 24 35 -3 -3 -



Crouch Short
Crouching Light Kick
2LK / cr.LK
CVS2 Morrigan 2LK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Lk.png 200 2 SP/SU Low Low 3 3 7 13 +5 +5 -



Crouch Forward
Crouching Medium Kick
2MK / cr.MK
CVS2 Morrigan 2MK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Mk.png 500 5 SP/SU Low Low 4 11 8 23 +4 +4 -



Crouch Roundhouse
Crouching Heavy Kick
2HK / cr.HK
CVS2 Morrigan 2HK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Hk.png 900 9 None Low Low 7 4 25 36 KND -5 -

Jumping Normals


Jump Jab
Jumping Light Punch
CVS2 Morrigan jLP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Lp.png 500 5 SP/SU High High 4 22 - 26 - - -



Jump Strong
Jumping Medium Punch
CVS2 Morrigan jMP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Mp.png 700 7 SU High High 5 10 - 15 - - -



Jump Fierce
Jumping Heavy Punch
CVS2 Morrigan jHP.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Hp.png 1200 12 None High High 10 10 - 20 - - -



Jump Short
Jumping Light Kick
CVS2 Morrigan jLK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Lk.png 500 5 SP/SU High High 2 22 - 22 - - -



Jump Forward
Jumping Medium Kick
CVS2 Morrigan jMK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Mk.png 700 7 SU High High 5 9 - 14 - - -



Jump Roundhouse
Jumping Heavy Kick
CVS2 Morrigan jHK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/U.png/Uf.png+Hk.png 1100 11 SU High High 6 7 - 13 - - -


Command Normals

Shell Kick

Shell Kick
CVS2 Morrigan j2MK.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Hk.png 300x3 3 None Mid High 7 Active until Contact (Up to 3 Hits) 7 Varies +7 +16 -




Generic Throw Name
Punch Throw
Near Opponent, 4/6HP
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close B.png/F.png+Hp.png 1700 - - - - 3 1 13 17 KND - -

52 Pixels of range.


Generic Throw Name
Kick Throw
Near Opponent, 4/6HK
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close B.png/F.png+Hk.png 1900 - - - - 5 1 13 19 KND - -

52 Pixels of range.


Generic Throw Name
Air Throw
Near Aerial Opponent, 4/6HP
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close B.png/F.png+Hk.png 2000 - - - - 0 1 - 1 KND - -

24 Pixels of range.

Special Moves

Soul Fist
Soul Fist
236+P / QCF+P
Qcf.png + P.png
CVS2 Morrigan 236P.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Qcf.png + Lp.png
700 7 None Mid Mid 18 - 38 56 -4 -5 -
Qcf.png + Mp.png
800 8 None Mid Mid 18 - 38 56 -4 -5 -
Qcf.png + Hp.png
900 9 None Mid Mid 18 - 38 56 -4 -5 -


Air Soul Fist
Air Soul Fist
j.236+P / j.QCF+P
Qcf.png + P.png
CVS2 Morrigan j236P.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
In Air, Qcf.png + Lp.png
700 7 None Mid Mid 18 Traveling Till Landing +4 22+ -10 -10 -
In Air, Qcf.png + Mp.png
800 8 None Mid Mid 18 Traveling Till Landing +4 22+ -10 -10 -
In Air, Qcf.png + Hp.png
900 9 None Mid Mid 18 Traveling Till Landing +4 22+ -10 -10 -


Shadow Blade
Shadow Blade
623+P / DP+P
Dp.png + P.png
CVS2 Morrigan 623P1.png
Initial Box
CVS2 Morrigan 623P2.png
Rising Box
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Dp.png + Lp.png
1500, 800 15, 8 None Mid Mid 4 16 28 48 KND -29 4 (Full), 3 (Lower)
Dp.png + Mp.png
1600, 800 16, 8 None Mid Mid 4 21 32 57 KND -38 7 (Full), 3 (Lower)
Dp.png + Hp.png
1700, 800 17, 8 None Mid Mid 4 24 36 64 KND -45 7 (Full), 3 (Lower)


Shadow Blade
Vector Drain
63214+P / HCB+P
Hcb.png + P.png
CVS2 Morrigan 63214P.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Hcb.png + P.png 2000 - None - - 6 1 23 30 KND - -

42 pixels of range.

Super Moves

Soul Phoenix
Soul Phoenix
232366+P / QCFx2+P
Qcf.pngQcf.png + P.png
CVS2 Morrigan 236236P.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Qcf.pngQcf.png + Lp.png
2100 - None Mid Mid 10 - 41 51 HKND -2 7 (Full)
Qcf.pngQcf.png + Mp.png
3200 - None Mid Mid 10 - 41 51 HKND +1 12 (Full)
Qcf.pngQcf.png + Hp.png
4700 - None Mid Mid 10 - 41 51 HKND +4 19 (Full)


Air Soul Pheonix
Air Soul Pheonix
j.236236+P / j.QCFx2+P
In Air, Qcf.pngQcf.png + P.png
CVS2 Morrigan j236236P.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
In Air, Qcf.pngQcf.png + Lp.png
1900 - None Mid Mid 18 Traveling Till Landing +7 25+ HKND -11 7 (Full)
In Air, Qcf.pngQcf.png + Mp.png
2900 - None Mid Mid 18 Traveling Till Landing +7 25+ HKND -8 12 (Full)
In Air, Qcf.pngQcf.png + Hp.png
4400 - None Mid Mid 18 Traveling Till Landing +7 25+ HKND -5 19 (Full)


Cardinal Blade
Cardinal Blade
236236+K / QCFx2+K
Qcf.pngQcf.png + K.png
CVS2 Morrigan 236236K.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Qcf.pngQcf.png + Lk.png
3000 - None Mid Mid 8 3+3+2+(4x5) 32 98 HKND -37 8 (Full)
Qcf.pngQcf.png + Mk.png
4500 - None Mid Mid 8 3+3+2+(4x5) 32 98 HKND -37 14 (Full)
Qcf.pngQcf.png + Hk.png
5900 - None Mid Mid 8 3+3+2+(4x5) 32 98 HKND -37 22 (Full)


Valkyrie Turn
Valkyrie Turn
63214+K / HCB+K
Hcb.png + K.png (Air OK)
CVS2 Morrigan 63214K.png
CVS2 Morrigan 63214K2.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Hcb.png + Lk.png
2800 - None Mid Mid 96 Travelling Till Landing +3 99+ +11 +11 -
Hcb.png + Mk.png
3400 - None Mid Mid 96 Travelling Till Landing +3 99+ +11 +11 -
Hcb.png + Hk.png
4800 - None Mid Mid 96 Travelling Till Landing +3 99+ +11 +11 -

Note: During the time Morrigan disappears off screen, press Kick again to "activate" the attack. If you don't she does nothing and is hittable througnout the duration. You can also determine if she starts in the middle, bottom, or top of the screen. Hold down for bottom, nothing for middle, and up for top.

A pretty garbage super all things considered. It's a gimmick and nothing more. A savvy opponent is just going to run to the other side of the screen and hit you, since there's no way to mix up which side of the screen you end up on. It's far better to spend meter on the other supers.

Darkness Illusion
Darkness Illusion
Raging Demon
Lp.pngLp.pngF.pngLk.pngHp.png (Air OK)
CVS2 Morrigan Demon.png
Ground Version
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ground 6000 - None Mid Mid 9 44 13 56 HKND -27 22 (Full)
Air 5600 - None Mid Mid 5 48 Till Landing +4 57+ HKND -29 22 (Full)

Your go-to source of metered damage. Morrigan does have uses for her other supers, but this one is easily her best. It can be combo'd into pretty easily from her chain combos, but can also be used raw for punishes and big reads. This is considered as your win condition super. If you have a level 3 stored and you get a hit, confirm into this super immediately.


Morrigan CvS2 colors.png

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