Capcom vs SNK 2/Guile

From SuperCombo Wiki


CVS2 Guile Data.png


Guile was a United States Air Force lieutenant, and one of the original World Warriors. One day, his best friend and commanding officer Charlie Nash went missing after going on a secret solo mission to destroy Shadaloo and M. Bison/Dictator. Guile was ordered to locate Charlie, and on his quest he finds and befriends Chun-Li. Chun-Li tells him of Shadaloo, and warns Guile that it would be very dangerous. Guile continues on regardless, and the two go to Thailand, where they find Charlie and the Shadaloo base. Guile and Charlie fight M. Bison as Chun-Li sets explosives inside of Shadaloo's base. Charlie gets shot by a Psycho Shot, and M. Bison almost hits Guile with a Psycho Crusher but Charlie saves him. The explosives detonate, and Guile and Chun-Li make it to safety. Guile mourns the death of Charlie. M. Bison survives, and later on Guile fights him again to get revenge. Guile wins, and is ready to kill him, but suddenly his wife and child appear. They tell him not to kill M. Bison, and Guile listens, going home to be a family man.


Guile is the classic charge character, and one of the most popular fighting game characters in history. He's very simple to learn, having only two special moves and a suite of command normals to make up for it. His two specials, Sonic Boom and Flash Kick, are very obvious in usage and give Guile an easy gameplan. Booms are amazing projectiles that can be hard to fight against, and Flash Kicks are amazing anti-airs that will snipe anyone trying to jump over a Boom. Combining usage of these two specials and properly utilizing his extensive list of normals is key to mastering Guile.

Guile doesn't come without weaknesses however. Likely his biggest weakness is something intrinsic to his character: all of his specials require charge. This means that, unlike a fireball, Guile has to pre-emptively start charging for his fireball. By charging, Guile has to give up approaching, making it so he has to play a very patient and turtle-style game. You have to actively choose between approaching or keeping your powerful fireball and anti-air stored, you can't have both without taking massive risks like whiffing his forward moving normals or jumping. The player has to learn to keep or give up charge depending on the situation. This also hurts his combo game quite a bit, as he doesn't always have access to a consistent knockdown or even really consistent damage.

All in all, Guile is a patient zoner-style character who uses his extensive list of useful normals, powerful fireballs, and strong anti-airs to control the pace of the match. He has amazing neutral and defense, but his offense is limited and requires smart charge management, with very little mixup possibility.

Groove Selection

Best - C: C-Groove is the most popular for Guile, and for good reason. Easy access to plenty of meter means Guile can more easily end in super, and he can have his powerful level 3 super more often. Air blocking allows him to jump forward while maintaining charge and remain relatively safe. Alpha Counters give him a good defensive option, and his level 2 combo is actually quite good. Plus, roll gives him RC Sonic Booms, which is one of the best and probably most annoying Roll Cancels in the game. Rolls are also a useful, if gimmicky, way to approach while keeping charge. C-Guile has everything he needs to succeed, where other Grooves make him sacrifice something.

Useful - N/K: N-Groove and K-Groove are right behind C-Groove in terms of viability. N-Groove is the most versatile Groove, making N-Guile a great fit. He keeps the roll like in C-Groove but gains a run and shorthop, which legitimizes his pressure and mobility a lot more. Easy access to level 1 supers lets him end in knockdowns more, plus he has guard cancel rolls and safe fall. N-Guile has a bit of everything. The main weakness is that Guile can't easily access his level 3, which is an amazing super, and doesn't have his great level 2 combo. K-Guile gets access to Rage and JD, both very powerful mechanics, and gets roll and hop just like N-Guile. Rage makes Guile's poke and projectile gameplan a lot more damaging, and JD is a very solid defensive tool that benefits Guile who can easily start charging after a JD. The lack of rolls and loss of level 1 supers hurts however.

Worst - A/S/P: A-Guile is questionable. His CC isn't great, and Guile would rather use the meter for a level 3, which you would never pick over a CC in A-Groove. He isn't useless, as A-Groove is simply powerful on a base level, but it's definitely weak for him. S-Groove is even worse for him, as charging meter leaves him wide open. He basically doesn't benefit at all from infinite level 1s, as the power of his level 1s is that they give him a consistent knockdown, and he only gets his level 3 when at low health. P-Groove is likely the worst one, as Guile has to give up charging to parry, and even then his punishes aren't strong without full meter. Having only level 3s means Guile rarely has a super in the first place, and can basically never parry into a knockdown.

Guile is a strong zoner with the best fireball in the game and a plethora of anti-airs, but a reliance on charge and a lack of good mixups hold back his aggressive potential. Guile is best in C-Groove.

Difficulty: Pretty Hard
Tier: A-
Pros Cons
  • Neutral: Great normals and likely the best fireball in the game
  • Anti-Airs: Multiple powerful anti-airs to keep people out
  • Sonic Hurricane: A fast, high damage level 3 that's great for punishing or chipping
  • Versatile Toolkit: Plenty of command normals and throws for a variety of situations
  • Simple: Easy to understand basic gameplan
  • Charge: Charge management makes him finicky, as you have to actively decide between charge or approach
  • Punishment: Punishes without charge are weak, and he's often forced to spend meter on level 1s or not get knockdowns when he needs them
  • Mixups: Weak mixups, and his offense in general is weaker as he needs charge for Booms in order to maintain pressure

Players to Watch

Name Country Groove Accounts Notes
John Choi USA C-Groove Discord: ChoiBoy#8363 A dominant player overall, uses Guile's RC Booms perfectly as both an offensive and defensive tool, and can play many different playstyles if need be.
Sample Match
GAO Japan C-Groove N/A Plays far more defensively with Guile, but deals serious damage once he has his opponent cornered with waves of RC Booms and cr.MKs.
Sample Match
Nakanishi Japan C-Groove N/A A strong Guile player, mostly fundamentals based and keeping the match in neutral where he can safely dominate his preferred range.
Sample Match

Normal Moves

Far Normals


Far Jab
Far Light Punch
5LP / Far LP
CVS2 Guile 5LP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Lp.png 200 2 RF/SP/SU Mid High 3 4 6 13 +5 +5 None

A very standard jab. Good as a last minute anti-air and as a check, but outshined mostly by 2LP.


Far Strong
Far Medium Punch
5MP / Far MP
CVS2 Guile 5MP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Mp.png 800/600 8/6 SP/SU Mid High 4 5 18 27 +2 +2 None

A fast uppercut, and the first of Guile's many anti-airs. Has decent range and speed, and while it is mostly a functional anti-air it isn't a bad tool for cancels either. Won't special cancel on anti-air connect and does less damage as well.


Far Fierce
Far Heavy Punch
5HP / Far HP
CVS2 Guile 5HP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Hp.png 1200 12 SU Mid High 6 6 18 30 +4 +4 None

A beefy straight punch with good range. Useful for punishing whiffs or blocked specials, and cancels into super for some big damage. Faster than you might expect and leaves him plus on block, very nice normal overall.


Far Short
Far Light Kick
5LK / Far LK
CVS2 Guile 5LK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Lk.png 300 3 RF/SP/SU Mid Mid 4 4 7 14 +4 +4 None

A shin kick. Not a low despite looks. Useful for checking approaches or buttons, as it's pretty fast, and can be cancelled into Booms for some extended pressure and plus frames.


Far Forward
Far Medium Kick
5MK / Far MK
CVS2 Guile 5MK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Mk.png 700 7 None Mid High 11 5 14 20 +1 +1 Lower Body

A sobat done in place. Very very slight forward movement. This is useful for hopping over lower moves like crouching normals or ground fireballs. Also a solid poke in it's own right, but isn't cancellable at all so very low reward.


Far Roundhouse
Far Heavy Kick
5HK / Far HK
CVS2 Guile 5HK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Far Hk.png 1100 11 None Mid High 15 6 14 35 +4 +4 None

A fast forward-moving stepkick. At first glance, this is a solid normal for resetting pressure and approaching since Guile is left safe on block, though it's low reward. While these are still true, this move has a great use in being a way for Guile to move forward while still holding back charge for a Boom.

Close Normals


Close Jab
Close Light Punch
cl.LP / cl5LP
CVS2 Guile 5LP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Lp.png 200 2 RF/SP/SU Mid High 3 4 6 13 +5 +5 None

Identical to far jab. Basically the same usage.


Close Strong
Close Medium Punch
cl.MP / cl5MP
CVS2 Guile clMP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Mp.png 700 7 SP/SU Mid High 3 3 16 22 +2 +2 None

A quick hook punch. Useful for fast punishes and not much else, though even if you misinput this you'll still get 5MP which is fine. If they're this close and -3 you would probably rather use throw to punish for the knockdown rather than a cl.MP > Boom.


Close Fierce
Close Heavy Punch
cl.HP / cl5HP
CVS2 Guile clHP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Hp.png 1100 11 SP/SU Mid High 4 3 30 37 -9 -9 None

A fast uppercut at a higher angle than 5MP. Useful as an anti-air, but is mainly used as your highest damage cancel normal.


Close Short
Close Light Kick
cl.LK / cl5LK
CVS2 Guile 5LK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Lk.png 300 3 RF/SP/SU Mid Mid 4 4 7 14 +4 +4 None

Identical to the far version.


Close Forward
Close Medium Kick
cl.MK / cl5MK
CVS2 Guile clMK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Mk.png 800 8 SP/SU Mid High 4 6 14 24 0 0 None

A big upwards kick. Higher damage medium normal when compared to cl.MP, but has less use since you can't do this while holding Boom charge. The command normal Sobats will come out instead, making it very hard to use this in combos and not really worth it.


Close Roundhouse
Close Heavy Kick
cl.HK / cl5HK
CVS2 Guile clHK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close Hk.png 1300 13 None Mid High 8 8 16 28 0 0 None

A high angled kick. Likely one of your least useful normals, as while it does have a decent angle for anti-air, it has short activation range and is slower than all your other anti-airs. Technically your highest damage normal but a cancel into Boom will always beat it.

Crouching Normals


Crouch Jab
Crouching Light Punch
2LP / cr.LP
CVS2 Guile 2LP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Lp.png 200 2 RF/SP/SU Mid Mid 3 4 5 12 +5 +5 None

A quick 2LP. Useful for mashing, confirms, and pressure. You can mash these to build charge in a combo, but usually you'll get pushed too far out, so you'll generally use them after you already have charge built to do a knockdown punish like 2LP > 2LP > Flash Kick.


Crouch Strong
Crouching Medium Punch
2MP / cr.MP
CVS2 Guile 2MP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Mp.png 700 7 SP/SU Mid Mid 4 5 10 19 +5 +5 None

One of your most used normals. A fast, far reaching punch that cancels and is very plus. Useful as a poke, pressure tool, for cancelling into Booms, punishing into Flash Kick, etc.


Crouch Fierce
Crouching Heavy Punch
2HP / cr.HP
CVS2 Guile 2HP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Hp.png 1200/700 12/7 SU Mid High 5 16 11 32 -3 -3 None

An uppercut reminiscent of the shoto crouch fierce. Very useful anti-air with tons of active frames, usually if you don't have a Flash Kick charged this is your go-to anti-air move. Doesn't have much use otherwise, though it is a higher damage super cancel than cl.HP.


Crouch Short
Crouching Light Kick
2LK / cr.LK
CVS2 Guile 2LK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Lk.png 300 3 RF/SU Low Low 6 4 9 19 +2 +2 None

A short low kick. Guile's main low mixup, but not exactly a good one. As far as low shorts go, this falls flat in a lot of categories. It isn't special cancellable, it's slower than a lot of other 2LKs, and it has no link options afterwards. The animation is also very deceptive, the hitbox is very small. You can basically hit with all of Guile's boot and still whiff this.


Crouch Forward
Crouching Medium Kick
2MK / cr.MK
CVS2 Guile 2MK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Mk.png 700 7 SU Low Low 7 5 9 31 +6 +6 None

A fairly useful ranged low poke. Not much reward, but not much risk either, and this is actually your most plus normal too. With a level 3 stored you can hitconfirm this into a level 3 at any range for great damage.


Crouch Roundhouse
Crouching Heavy Kick
2HK / cr.HK
CVS2 Guile 2HK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
D.png+Hk.png 1300,1200 13,12 SU Low Low 7 5(28)5 11 48 -DWN +8 None

A unique two-hit sweep. This normal is one of highs and lows, as while it's a consistent chargeless knockdown from range, it's also a massive risk. If they block the first hit, they can usually punish you before the second hit comes out. However if they block the 2nd hit you are actually very plus.

Jumping Normals


Jump Jab
Jumping Light Punch
j.LP / 8LP
CVS2 Guile jLP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png,U.png,Uf.png+Lp.png 500 5 None High High 8 22 0 30 Varies Varies None

A very basic j.LP. High active frame count makes it alright for aerial interrupts but unusually high startup frames makes it not as consistent at this as others.


Jump Strong
Jumping Medium Punch
j.MP / 8MP
CVS2 Guile jLP.PNG
Neutral Jump
CVS2 Guile jMP.PNG
Diagonal Jump
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png,U.png,Uf.png+Mp.png 700 7 None High High 8 16 0 24 Varies Varies None

A jumping strong punch. Despite having a different animation for neutral jump, both versions are functionally the same with minor hitbox differences. Not much use for this generally, can be a niche air-to-air because of the large active period but you usually want to anti-air from the ground with Guile.


Jump Fierce
Jumping Heavy Punch
j.HP / 8HP
CVS2 Guile jLP.PNG
Neutral Jump
CVS2 Guile jMP.PNG
Diagonal Jump
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png,U.png,Uf.png+Hp.png 1200 12 None High High 8 8 0 16 Varies Varies None

A good jump-in with identical animations to j.MP. Just like j.MP, there is functionally no difference between the two versions besides minor hitbox changes. These act as your high damage jump-ins, though Guile in general won't be jumping much. Use them to start a combo if you get a stun.


Jump Short
Jumping Light Kick
j.LK / 8LK
CVS2 Guile njLK.PNG
Neutral Jump
CVS2 Guile jLK.PNG
Diagonal Jump
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
U.png+Lk.png 500 5 None High High 8 22 0 30 Varies Varies None
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/Uf.png+Lk.png 400 4 None High High 8 22 0 30 Varies Varies None

Jump LK is Guile's main crossup jump-in, making it very useful as it's one of the few real mixups he has. Since it's a light, it has to hit fairly deep for him to be able to combo from it. Neutral j.LK is a kick hitbox right above Guile, but is essentially worthless in comparison to Guile's grounded anti-airs.


Jump Forward
Jumping Medium Kick
j.MK / 8MK
CVS2 Guile njMK.PNG
Neutral Jump
CVS2 Guile jMK.PNG
Diagonal Jump
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
U.png+Mk.png 800 8 None High High 9 5 0 14 Varies Varies None
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png/Uf.png+Mk.png 700 7 None High High 8 16 0 24 Varies Varies None

Guile sticks his foot out and lets it linger for a while. Both jump versions are mostly used as air-to-airs, with the neutral jump version used for reach and the diagonal jump version for active frames. While they do well at this, you would still rather just do a grounded anti-air. Diagonal j.MK does make an alright jump-in, but it's outclassed by both of Guile's heavy jump normals.


Jump Roundhouse
Jumping Heavy Kick
j.HK / 8HK
CVS2 Guile jHK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Ub.png,U.png,Uf.png+Hk.png 1200/1100 12/11 None High High 7 5 0 12 Varies Varies None

Guile kicks his foot out in front of him. Does more damage and stun on a neutral jump, but it's tied with j.HP so that has little use. This is generally your preferred jump normal for range and damage, and it combos easily into sweep for a knockdown.

Command Normals

Spinning Back Knuckle

Spinning Back Knuckle
Backhand Fist
CVS2 Guile 6HP.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
F.png+Hp.png 1300 13 None Mid High 8 5 19 32 0 0 None

A very fast backhanded punch. Has the farthest reach of Guile's normals by a wide margin, making it one of his most used whiff punishes and pokes. It also is a good combo ender, as it can be linked after a Boom very reliably. Overall very useful normal.

Bazooka Knee

Bazooka Knee
CVS2 Guile 46LK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
B.png/F.png+Lk.png 600 6 None Mid High 6 5 20 31 -12 -5 Throw (Airborne)

A forward moving knee. When done with 6 you move slightly farther forward. This has two main uses: resetting pressure on block and moving forward with charge. Since this is relatively safe to whiff, you can use 4LK to move forward without sacrificing your Boom charge. As a pressure reset, these can be sorta risky. You can space them out a bit to be relatively safe, but if they hit you're always unsafe.

Rolling Sobat

Rolling Sobat
Sobat Kicks
CVS2 Guile 5MK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
B.png/F.png+Mk.png 700 7 None Mid High 11 5 14 20 +1 +1 Lower Body

A 5MK Sobat kick, but you leap forwards or backwards depending on whether you pressed 4 or 6. Useful normals for neutral and pressure. 4MK acts as a safe disengage and a way to beat out low pokes and slides, while 6MK allows you to reset pressure while beating out low mashes or throws. Both versions are +1, making them unpunishable, and act as useful pokes.

Reverse Spin Kick

Reverse Spin Kick
Upside Down Kick
Near Opponent, 4/6HK
CVS2 Guile 46HK.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close B.png/F.png+Hk.png 1300 13 None Mid High 15 6 17 38 +1 +1 Throw (Airborne)

A very strange command normal. You may notice that this has a direct overlap with your kick throw. This means you have to do this normal in situations where the opponent can't be thrown, namely as a meaty. Mostly, this is just to beat wakeup throws/techs, as it has very little use otherwise.


Judo Throw

Judo Throw
Punch Throw
Near Opponent, 4/6HP
CVS2 Guile punchthrow.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close B.png/F.png+Hp.png 1700 0 - Grab - 3 1 13 17 - - None

Standard punch throw with slightly below average damage. Guile has lots of good places to tick throw and not much other mix, so you'll probably be using it a lot. Midscreen, you can dash in to get oki or throw a boom for zoning.

Dragon Suplex

Dragon Suplex
Kick Throw
Near Opponent, 4/6HK
CVS2 Guile kickthrow.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Close B.png/F.png+Hk.png 1900 0 - Grab - 5 1 13 19 - - None

Kick throw that also does 100 less damage than average. This throw is slower and has worse oki than Guiles punch throw, so you probably won't use it much outside the corner. On whiff, it will come out as Reverse Spin Kick which can be useful in certain occasions.

Flying Mare

Flying Mare
Air Punch Throw
In Air Near Opponent, 4/6HP
CVS2 Guile airpunchthrow.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Air Close B.png/F.png+Hp.png 1800 0 - Grab - 0 1 0 1 - - None

Air throw is mostly useful to anti air grooves that can easily bait flash kicks (C groove airblock, P groove parry, K groove just defend). It's especially useful for C Guile, who can cover the startup with airblock and the whiff with an air button. One interesting quirk of air punch throw specifically is that Guile will continue to move on his jump arc after the grab, while the opponents trajectory is constant. A forward jump into a forward air throw will leave Guile very close, but a forward jump into a back throw will leave Guile almost fullscreen. This version is the one you'll usually use if you want to start zoning afterward.

Flying Buster Drop

Flying Buster Drop
Air Kick Throw
In Air Near Opponent, 4/6HK
CVS2 Guile airkickthrow.png
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Air Close B.png/F.png+Hk.png 2000 0 - Grab - 0 1 0 1 - - None

Does higher damage than air punch throw and will always leave Guile pretty close to his opponent. This is the one you'll use if you want to go for oki afterwards.

Special Moves

Sonic Boom

Sonic Boom
CVS2 Guile 46P.PNG
The reason you play him
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Charge B.png,F.png+Lp.png 600 6 None Mid High 13 Traveling 33 46 +5 0 None
Charge B.png,F.png+Mp.png 700 7 None Mid High 13 Traveling 30 43 +5 0 None
Charge B.png,F.png+Hp.png 700 7 None Mid High 13 Traveling 30 43 +5 0 None

Guile's signature fireball, the Sonic Boom. Likely the best projectile in the game. It recovers very fast, leaves Guile plus at point blank and plus enough to link after from farther out, and each version has a wildly different travel time. These are incredible general utility tools for zoning, pressure, poking, and they make for a VERY annoying roll cancel. If the opponent jumps a little late, you usually recover in time to still anti-air them with 2HP, making it so opponents will want to do something pre-emptive to beat Booms. Whether that's jumping, using a roll cancel special, or going underneath them all depends on the matchup, and Guile has tools to deal with each of those options. The only weakness of this move is that it's a charge input. You have to hold backwards for almost a full second, meaning you can't use these on command like other characters can with their fireballs. Smart thinking and patience are what make Booms strong.

Somersault Kick

Somersault Kick
Flash Kicks
CVS2 Guile 28K.PNG
Wait, they aren't actually called Flash Kicks?
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Charge D.png,U.png+Lk.png 1500/800 15/8 None Mid High 6 7 44 55 -DWN -26 11 (Full)
Charge D.png,U.png+Mk.png 1700/800 17/8 None Mid High 6 6 52 64 -DWN -33 9 (Full)
Charge D.png,U.png+Hk.png 1800/800 18/8 None Mid High 6 5 59 70 -DWN -39 8 (Full)

The peanut butter to Sonic Boom's jelly. Flash Kicks are powerful anti-airs, reversals, and combo enders. They're incredibly consistent as anti-airs, beating crossups and most normal jumps easily, though they're a lot slower than most DPs making them mediocre reversals. A very core part of Guile's strategy is holding downback or 1, which allows him to charge both for a Sonic Boom and a Flash Kick without giving up any ground. These are also your preferred combo enders for knockdowns, but are sadly much more difficult to combo into than Booms, making Guile's meterless combos very weak.


Total Wipeout

Total Wipeout
Combo Super
CVS2 Guile 4646K.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Charge B.png,F.pngB.pngF.png+Lk.png 2200 0 None Mid High 4:4 2(14)3(16)7 21 71 -DWN -4 8 (Full)
Charge B.png,F.pngB.pngF.png+Mk.png 3500 0 SP/SU Mid High 4:4 2(8)6(11)3(16)7 19 80 -DWN -2 14 (Full)
Charge B.png,F.pngB.pngF.png+Hk.png 5200 0 None Mid High 4:4 2(8)6(6)3(14)3(16)5 19 90 -DWN 0 22 (Full)

Guile hits the opponent with a bunch of his normals in a row. Useful supers for combos and punishes, and the level 3 version is an unpunishable reversal. These also have relatively fast startup, allowing you to punish some things up close. Generally only used in combos however.

Somersault Justice

Somersault Justice
Flash Kick Super
CVS2 Guile 1319K.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Charge Db.png,Df.pngDb.pngUf.png+Lk.png 2700 0 None Mid High 5:4 6(17)11 32 65 -DWN -16 9 (Full)
Charge Db.png,Df.pngDb.pngUf.png+Mk.png 4000 0 SP/SU Mid High 5:4 8(17)11 32 77 -DWN -16 15 (Full)
Charge Db.png,Df.pngDb.pngUf.png+Hk.png 5800 0 None Mid High 5:4 8(11)11(14)11 32 96 -DWN -16 23 (Full)

Flash Kick supers. Not much use, can be sorta useful as anti-air supers but you would rather just use Flash Kick if you have the charge. Not as useful as reversal supers either, you basically just use these to end C/A-Groove combos.

Sonic Hurricane

Sonic Hurricane
Sonic Boom Super, Level 3 Super
CVS2 Guile 4646P.PNG
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Charge B.png,F.pngB.pngF.png+P.png 5400 0 None Mid High 5:4 1~93 93 102 -DWN -4 23 (Full)

An amazing super. Very fast with massive reach, you can punish a ridiculous amount of things with this. Because of the range this is also a very consistent combo ender. It's also a safe reversal that does a TON of chip and has a bunch of hits so parrying/JDing the full thing is difficult. You'll generally save meter with Guile for this, if you spend it at all.


Guile CvS2 colors.png

CvS2 Wiki Navigation

Roll Cancel
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Capcom Characters
Akuma (Gouki)
Balrog (Boxer)
M. Bison (Dictator)
Vega (Claw)
SNK Characters
Boss Characters
Shin Akuma
Ultimate Rugal
Evil Ryu
Orochi Iori