Street Fighter 6/Dee Jay/Combos

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Combo Notation Guide

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SF6 Combo Notation Guide
Notation Meaning
> Cancel the previous move to the following move.
e.g. Normal into Special (2MK > 236P) or Special into Super (623P > 236236K)
~ Chain/Cancel the previous move into a followup.
e.g. Luke's target combo (LP~MP~HP) or Rising Uppercut into Slam Dunk (623PP~PP)
, Link the previous move to the following move.
e.g. 5MP, 2MP (requires manual timing)
An example with Ken that uses all three "connecting" symbols:
2LP, 5MP~HP > 623P > 236236P
2LP links into 5MP; 5MP chains into HP Target Combo; HP cancels into Shoryuken which cancels into Lv.3 Super
j.X Jumping action; for Neutral Jump, use 8j.X
e.g. Kimberly j.2MP (Elbow Drop) or Ryu j.214K (Aerial Tatsumaki Senpukyaku)
P or K Any Punch or Any Kick (when button strength does not matter)
PP or KK represents any two punches/kicks.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move.
e.g. end a combo with 214K/623P
[X] Hold the button input
e.g. Luke 214[LP] = charged LP Flash Knuckle
dl.X Briefly delay the action
e.g. Ken 236HK~dl.6LK (Jinrai Loop starter)
AA Anti-air; hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
May cause a different juggle state compared to a grounded opponent.
Y xN
{Y} xN
Repeat 'Y' input 'N' number of times.
A sequence of multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".
e.g. 5LP x3 (5LP, 5LP, 5LP) or {2HP > Drive Rush} x3
Y > DR Button Y cancelled into Drive Rush (3-bar version)
e.g. 5HP > DR
DR~Y Drive Rush into Button Y (cancel the dash frames early into a followup attack)
This can be done from the 1-bar or 3-bar versions of Drive Rush
e.g. 236HP Launch, DR~5LP
An example for Ryu using both Drive Rush notations:
2MK > DR~5HP (cancel 2MK into Drive Rush, then immediately use 5HP during dash animation)

Day 1 Combos

Combo Position Damage Drive Super Difficulty Notes
5LP~2LP~2LP>236MK Anywhere 1510 0 0 Easy A simple light confirm. Sobat (236MK) gives meaty pressure afterwards, but is punishable on block if not spaced correctly.
5LP~2LP~2LP>[2]8HK Anywhere 1720 0 0 Easy Jackknife Maximum ([2]8HK), a.k.a "Up Kicks", whiffs on crouching opponents and is extremely unsafe if blocked; hit confirming required.
j.2K,2LK~2LP>236MK Anywhere 1440 0 0 Easy Simple combo starting with j.2LK jump-in
5MP~5HP~5HK Anywhere 1580 0 0 Very Easy Target Combo starting with Dee Jay's 5MP. The last hit can be canceled into level 1 Super.
5MP, 5LK>236MK/236HK Anywhere 1700/2020 0 0 Easy MK Sobat gives knockdown while HK Sobat does more damage, is +2 on hit, and leaves both players standing in throw range.
5MK,2MP>236HK Anywhere 2320 0 0 Medium
j.HP, 2HP, 2MP>[2]8HK/214LP Anywhere 2990/3235 0 0 Easy Basic jump-in combo. 2HP forces Stand on hit, ensuring HK Up Kicks combos.
j.HP, 2HP, 2MP>[2]8MK, [2]8HK Corner 3510 0 0 Medium Corner version only. MK Up Kicks allows HK Up Kicks to juggle afterwards.
Drive Impact, dl.5HP>214HP Anywhere 2860 1 0 Easy Make sure you're close enough to cancel the early active frames of 5HP.

Combo Theory

It's pretty simple for Dee Jay to string together short combos. His 2LP, 5LP, and 5LK can all combo into MK Rolling Sobat (236MK), giving him easy access to knockdown pressure. 5LK and 2MP can also combo into HK Rolling Sobat (236HK), which does not knockdown but leaves you at +2 and in throw range.

To get more out of your combos, look to hit them with Dee Jay's highest damage special move: Machine Gun Upper (214P).

  • 2MP can combo into 214LP
  • 5HP and the first hit of 4HK(1) can combo into 214MP
  • Drive Rush/Punish Counter 5HP and 4HK(1) can combo into 214HP and 214PP

Extending Combos

Besides using Drive Rush to extend combos on grounded opponents, Dee Jay has the option to use OD Jus Cool (214KK) and its follow-up Maximum Strike (214K~HK) to launch the opponent high into the air. All of his special-cancelable normals can combo into 214KK, but the move is a bit stubby and tends to whiff if you are not very close to your opponent.

Normals That Combo Into OD Jus Cool
Normal Tendency To Whiff Notes
5LP High You need to be in your opponent's face - chaining two 5LPs is enough to push you out of range.
2LP High You need to be in your opponent's face - chaining two 2LPs is enough to push you out of range.
5LK Medium Fairly reliable, but can whiff when 5LK connects at its farther ranges.
2MP Low Reliably combos into OD Jus Cool. Can still whiff when 2MP connects at tip ranges.
4HK Very Low Very reliable.
5HP (early hit) Medium Up close OD Jus Cool will never whiff, but 5HP is a very useful for whiff punishing which creates opportunities for Just Cool to drop.

Just find a way to land one of these normals at the correct range, like doing Drive Rush 5MP for exmaple, and you're good to go.

example using 2MP

Drive Rush~5MP,2MP>214KK~HK, ...

Ending Combos

Now that you've launched your opponent into the air, it's time to pick a Combo Ender. The main Combos Enders are either:

  • HK Rolling Sobat (236HK) - for wall carry
  • HP Machine Gun Upper (214HP) - for damage
Rolling Sobat

... 214KK~HK, 236HK

Rolling Sobat (236HK) gives better wall carry and doesn't require any additional Drive Gauge to combo into.

Machine Gun Upper

... 214KK~HK, Drive Rush 5HP/4HK>214HP>214214P

Machine Gun Upper (214HP) is Dee Jay's highest damage meterless Combo Ender, and can be canceled into his Level 2 or 3 Super for even more damage. Drive Rush is required after OD Jus Cool in order to land any version of Machine Gun Upper when not in the corner.

Links and Starters

Light Starters

Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes
2LK/5LP~2LP>236MK/[2]8HK Anywhere 1270/1510 Easy/Medium Standard Light BNB route. Sobat (236MK) gives meaty pressure afterwards, but is punishable on block if not spaced correctly. Jackknife Maximum ([2]8HK), a.k.a "Up Kicks", is more damaging but whiffs on crouching opponents and is extremely unsafe if blocked; Hit confirming required.
2LP~2LP~2LP>236236K Anywhere 2070 Easy An easy light confirm into level 1 Super.
2LK/5LP~2LP>236MK>214214P Anywhere 3670 Medium light confirm into level 3 Super.

Medium Starters

Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes
5MP~5LK>236MK/236HK Anywhere 1700/2020 Easy 236MK gives knockdown while 236HK does more damage, is +2 on hit, and leaves both players standing in throw range.
5MP~2LP>[2]8HK Anywhere 1940 Easy Don't forget that Jackknife Maximum ([2]8K) whiffs on crouching opponents.
5MK~2MP>[2]8HK Anywhere 2240 Easy 2MP comfortably links off of 5MK.
5MK~2MP>214KK~HK~236HK Anywhere 3140 Medium Good wall carry for a little meter investment.
2MP>[4]6PP~5LK>236MK/236HK Anywhere 2540/2820 Medium
5MP~5HP~5HK>236236K Anywhere 2840 Easy A simple Target Combo into level 1 Super.
6MK~2LP/5LK>236MK Anywhere 1800 Easy A simple confirm off of 6MK. If you're worried about 2LP linking you can opt for 5K which also gives the option to end in HK Sobat instead.
6MK~2LP>214KK~HK,236HK Anywhere 2940 Medium Another confirm off of 6MK. OD Jus Cool (214KK) will whiff if you're too far away even if the 2LP combos. Make sure to space properly.
6MK~2MP>214LP Anywhere 2620 Medium Meterless confirm off of Dee Jay's 6MK. Does not work on crouching opponents.
2MP>214KK~HK,[4]6PP,214K~HK,236MK/236HK/214214P Corner 3700(5700)/3900/5200 Medium High damage corner combo. 214MK can be canceled into level 3 Super.
2MP>214KK~HK,DR~4HK(2)>214K~HK,[4]6PP,214K~HK,236MK/236HK/214214P Corner 3892(5892)/3992/5642 Medium Same combo as the one above but with another 214K~HK added before the [4]6PP for even more damage.

Heavy Starters

Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes
5HP (early hit)>236MK/236HK/214MP Anywhere 1800/2200/2700 Easy 5HP is only cancelable during its initial active frames.
5HP (late hit),5LK>236MK/236HK Anywhere 1800/2100 Easy 5HP links into 5LP/2LP/5LK link after it connects towards the end of its active frames.
2HP,2MP>236MK/236HK/214LP/[2]8HK Anywhere 2200/2520/2720/2440 Medium 5HP links into 2MP.
2HP,2MP>[2]8MK,236HK Corner 3050 Medium
2HP,2MP>[4]6PP~5LK>236MK/236HK Anywhere 2540/2820 Medium
2HP,2MP>214KK~HK,[4]6PP,214K~HK,236MK/236HK/214214P Corner 3700(5700)/3900/5200 Medium High damage corner combo. 214MK can be canceled into level 3 Super.
2HP,2MP>214KK~HK,DR~4HK(2)>214K~HK,[4]6PP,214K~HK,236MK/236HK/214214P Corner 3892(5892)/3992/5642 Medium Same combo as the one above but with another 214K~HK added before the [4]6PP for even more damage.

Normal Hit

Sunrise Heel
Very Easy

6MK, 5LK, 214LP > 214214P
6MK, 5LK > 214KK~HK

Whiffs outside close range.

Counter Hit

CH Sunrise Heel
Very Easy

CH 6MK, 2MP, 214LP > 214214P
CH 6MK, 2MP > 214KK~HK, 236HK

Very Easy

CH 2MP, 2MP > 236HK
CH 2MP, 2MP > 236MK > 214214P

Very Easy

CH 5HP, 2MP, 214LP > 214214P
CH 5HP, 2MP > 214KK~HK

Whiffs at max range.

Very Easy

CH 2HP, 2MP, 214LP > 214214P
CH 2HP, 2MP > 214KK~HK
CH 2HP, 4HK(2) > 214LP
CH 2HP, 4HK(2) > 214KK~HK

Whiffs outside close range.

Punish Counter

Very Easy

PC 2HP, 5HP, 214MP > 214214P
PC 2HP, 5HP > 214KK~HK
PC Greatest Sobat
Very Easy

PC 236236K, 5HP, 214PP


OD Maximum Strike
Very Easy, Easy

dl.Headliner Sunrise Festival~HP/HK
Drive Rush > HP > 214HP > 214214HP
Drive Rush > 4HK(2) > 214MP, 236236K
Drive Rush > 4HK(2) > 214K~HK, [4]6PP, 214K~HK, 236HK/236MK > 214214HP

Save meter with Double Rolling Sobat, or cash out meter for big damage and swag.

Side Swap

(Any starter to 214KK)~[3]P, [2]8HK

For 2 drive bars, you can end almost any grounded combo with this sequence to swap sides. Doing 3P after 214KK will still get you the Juggling Dash.


Punish Counter

Very Easy, Medium

5LP > 214LP > 214214P
5LP > 214KK~HK
5LP, 2HP, 2MP > Headliner Sunrise Festival~HP/HK
5LP, 2HP, 2MP > 236MK/HK
5LP, [2]HP, [2]MP > 6KK
5LP, 2HP, 2MP > Drive Rush > 5HP > 214HP
5LP, 2HP, 2MP > Drive Rush > 2HP, 5HP > 214MP > 214214P
5LP, 2HP, 2MP > Drive Rush > 2HP, 5HP > 214KK~HK

Quick Rolling Sobat trades damage for okizeme.

Very Easy, Medium

5LK > 214LP > 214214P
5LK > 214KK~HK
2LP, 2HP, 2MP > Headliner Sunrise Festival~HP/HK
2LP, 2HP, 2MP > 236MK/HK
2LP, [2]HP, [2]MP > 6KK
2LP, 2HP, 2MP > Drive Rush > 5HP > 214HP
2LP, 2HP, 2MP > Drive Rush > 2HP, 5HP > 214MP > 214214P
2LP, 2HP, 2MP > Drive Rush > 2HP, 5HP > 214KK~HK

Quick Rolling Sobat trades damage for okizeme. Same routes as 4F punishes, but 5LK/2LP have better reach.

Very Easy, Medium

2MP > 214MP > 214214P
2MP > 214KK~HK
2MP, 2MP > Headliner Sunrise Festival~HP/HK
2MP, 2MP > Drive Rush > 5HP > 214HP
2MP, 2MP > Drive Rush > 2HP, 5HP > 214MP > 214214P
2MP, 2MP > Drive Rush > 2HP, 5HP > 214KK~HK

Substitute 2LP, 2HP, 2MP for 2MP, 2MP on longer combos affected by scaling.

Very Easy, Medium

2HP, 5HP > 214MP > 214214P
2HP, 5HP > 214KK~HK
2HP, 2HP, 2MP > Headliner Sunrise Festival~HP/HK
2HP, 2HP, 2MP > 236MK/HK
2HP, [2]HP, [2]MP > 6KK
2HP, 2HP, 2MP > Drive Rush > 5HP > 214HP
2HP, 2HP, 2MP > Drive Rush > 2HP, 5HP > 214MP > 214214P
2HP, 2HP, 2MP > Drive Rush > 2HP, 5HP > 214KK~HK

Quick Rolling Sobat trades damage for okizeme. Substitute 2MP, 2MP, for 2HP, 2HP, 2MP on Drive Rush combos.


Very Easy

Face Breaker
Very Easy


Can special cancel into Jus Cool or Double Air Slasher for pressure.

Jackknife Maximum
Very Easy

[2]8MK, [2]8HK

HK is air invincible. MK is riskier but has combo potential if properly spaced.


2HK, [2]8HK

Must hit as they are higher in their jump

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison